f r i e n d s

By TamiaLeath

401K 12.6K 15.4K

friends just sleep in another bed
And friends don't treat me like you do More

o n e
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
s i x
s e v e n
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n i n e
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t h i r t y
t h i r t y o n e
t h i r t y t w o

f i v e

13.4K 522 903
By TamiaLeath

A few weeks later

Lucas and I hang out almost every day now. All of our friends joke around and say that we're dating but we still haven't made it official yet. Typically Lucas will come to my job, wait for my tutoring lessons to end and then walk me home. Leaving me with a kiss goodnight.

Although we haven't made it official, he makes me so happy even if it's just his presence.

I know that Mark and Raven have been hanging out a lot more recently too but I haven't gotten to talk to Mark a lot these days.

Tonight is our last party before we all leave for winter break. Johnny is throwing it, and he knows everyone so the party is bound to be even bigger than last year.

Earlier Raven texted me and asked if I could come over. I decided to throw on some sweats and I walk over to Raven's dorm to help her pick out an outfit for tonight.

"Mel! Thank God you're finally here! I'm losing my mind over what to wear!!!"

I laughed at how overdramatic Raven was being, usually I'm the one like this not her.

"Are you okay? Why do you keep panicking, everything is going to be fine. We're all going to be in the dark anyway" I said with chuckle earning a lengthy glare from Raven.

"I'm going to ask Mark to be my boyfriend tonight." Raven said confidently almost as if she was announcing it to herself.

"Really? It's only been a month or two since the double date." I was confused, granted I haven't spoken to Mark in a while. It was a little weird considering the fact that I don't remember him being that into her. But times change, right?

Raven looked upset at my question, "Not everyone moves slow like you and Lucas"

"You know I move slow due to my past," I was beginning to get pissed. Raven never use to be this blunt and I don't understand where it's coming from. "All I'm saying is that Mark and I usually road trip back home to Canada for winter break. I can talk to him to see where his heads at before you take that step." I tried to say this endearingly that way she knew I was coming from a good place.

"No thanks, I just need your help with my outfit not my love life."

I felt myself grow angrier, I slid off of her bed and grabbed my bag. I have no idea what's gotten into Raven, but she better figure it the hell out.


As soon as I got back to my dorm I took a long hot shower and began to get ready for the party. I sent a text to Mark but it didn't even say delivered which is weird because I know his phone is always on. I continued to do my makeup when Lucas knocked on my door.

"Hey babe!" He nearly yelled as he pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my cheek.

"You're going to suffocate me!!" I laughed

"That's the point.." he said as he looked into my eyes and planting a kiss on my lips, softly but intoxicating.


Once Lucas and I arrived at the party we were immediately greeted by a tipsy Johnny.

"I'm so happy that the love birds could bless us with their presence!" We all began to laugh. Johnny began to whisper something into Lucas' ear while handing him a cup of alcohol.

"I'll be right back babe, try to find Jungwoo or Haechan to keep you company!" Lucas said as he was pulled off into the distance.

Although I know it was probably something important I was still disappointed being left alone. I began to push myself through the packed apartment. I saw Haechan trying to talk a girl, although I wanted to go cockblock just to make him upset I decided to look for Mark instead. I finally found Jungwoo sitting quietly in a corner and decided to join him.

"Hey snoopy!! why are you all alone?" I asked as I reached for some of his popcorn. "Lucas said I should come out instead of spending the night in my dorm" Jungwoo said softly.

"I feel your pain", I whispered making both of us laugh.

As the night progressed I sat and conversed with Jaehyun and Jungwoo. While Lucas and Raven were off taking shots with Johnny and Ten. By midnight I grew more and more tired and I walked over to Lucas.

"Hey babe, are you ready to go? I'm getting tired" I whispered into Lucas' ear. He continued to laugh with the boys and completely ignored me. I felt myself grow even more uneasy, although I was surrounded by my friends I felt alone.

The music began blasting so loud I couldn't even hear my own thoughts. The apartment grew hotter and hotter, while the red lighting began to blur my vision. I felt myself grow light headed, until I felt a hand guide me outside of the apartment.

It was Mark.

"I saw that you looked sick, have you been drinking?" He asked seeming really concerned. "Just a few" I was able to mutter out.

"Don't scared me like that loser," he said while ruffling my hair, "do you want to get out of here for a little bit?"

I nodded yes and grabbed my coat. We began to walk a few streets until we reached a familiar building. It was his studio. We both settled into his rolling chairs, and he began playing with the buttons.

"I got into a argument with Raven earlier." Mark said lowly almost so quiet I couldn't make out what he said.

"That makes two of us," I said giggling, "but why?"

He took a deep sigh, "She said she didn't feel comfortable with us taking the road trip home this year. I also found out that she blocked your number on my phone that's why you haven't gotten any of my texts."

I was shocked I couldn't even form the words to explain how upset I was. I can't believe that someone who claimed to be one of his my best friends actually did something like that.

Mark continued, "I told her I didn't want to hang out anymore or do anything with her as soon as we got to the party. I think that's why she was getting wasted."

"What a bitch!" I said with pure anger in my voice. Mark began to smile, "I don't want you to stress out before break, we have a long road trip ahead of us tomorrow."

I began to smile back, as Mark continued "I've been working on this new song, do you want to hear?"

I began to smile and nod eagerly.

"Baby, is it me or are you
Doing something to me?"

"I like it when we get closer,
When it gets risky"

"When I'm with you,
Danger seems like a good thing"

"You decide for me girl"

"My baby don't like it
When you come around"


Sorry for the slow updates, but I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!

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