Regal : Majestic (Book #1) Th...

By Sarah24SM

261K 13.9K 2K

Richie Russo, a business man who needs financial support agrees to marry the daughter of a mafia with nothing... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 39

6.9K 343 66
By Sarah24SM

Four years later...

Ricardo puts the back down on before he lies on the couch with a groan as all his muscles ache.

"Mom, I think Rick is dead" Ryman's shout makes the woman drop the bowl as she rushes to check on her son.

"Fuck off" Ricardo groans as he raises his head to stare at his brother.

"Ryman" Alana shouts at her son before she touches Ricardo's forehead.

"But he does look like shit" Ryman points out.

"What happened?" Alana worries only to gasps.

"Incoming" Rustic shouts as he runs and jump on top of his brother making Ricardo groan in pain as he gets in a fetal position.

"Oh, now he is dead" Ryman chuckles.

"What?" Rustic asks worried as he stares at his mother with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, call your father" Alana worries as she pulls Rustic off his brother while Ryman just grins and stands.

"Now, Ry" Alana scolds the boy who slowly walks back.

"I swear" Ricardo warns his brother as he glares which makes Ryman laugh and shout for his father.

"Are you okay?" Alana tries to check on his bruises.

"How many times have I told you I am not a fucking swimming pool" Ricardo scolds his brother who jumps to hide behind his mother.

"Mom look at his clothes" Rustic whispers at his mother pointing at his brother's clothes.

"Ricardo, your clothes"

"I am fucking tired and exhausted mom, so"

"Ricardo" Richie's voice makes the boy shut as he sighs.

"The training was rough today" he mumbles as he slowly gets up from the couch.


"Ow" Ricardo hisses as his father cleans his wounds.

"Where did they take you for training?" Richie asks as he checks the wounds.

"He was with the dogs" Richard speaks from the doorway making Ricardo narrow his eyes at his brother.

"Rick" Richie asks for an explanation.

"Rocky got a bit too excited" he mumbles with a sigh before grabbing the t-shirt Richard throws his way.

"I need you to come and see me at the library, we have few things to discuss" Richie states as he puts the kit away.

"Can I join?" Richard asks.

"No" both Richie and Ricardo shouts at once making the boy sigh.

"Rich, come let's play ball" Rustic jumps off the bed and holds his brother's hand.

"I will cut your ears if you eavesdrop" Ricardo warns Ryman who whistles as he slowly walks out of the room.

"Come on angry young man" Richie sighs patting on his son's arm to make him move.


"And it goes from here to here" Rustic states as he draws the line.

"You are stupid" Ryman teases as he pulls the drawing book away from Rustic hand and starts to draw.

"Hey, that's mine" Rustic shouts as he tries to pull the book out of Ryman's hand but fails.

"Give it back" the boy demands.

"No" Ryman shakes his head before he runs around the house with the book while Rustic screams and shouts.

"Ryman drop it" Alana shouts from the kitchen but the boy just keeps running around.

"Ry, I am not going to repeat and if I have to come and pull you two apart you know what will happen" she warns again but the boy does not listen.

"Mom" Rustic cries stomping his legs as he goes to his mother.

"Ry" Alana shouts once again before the boy walks in to kitchen rubbing his head as he hands the book to his brother and Rustic shouts his tongue to his brother before rushing away.

"Richard hit me" Ryman pouts making his mother sigh.

"Good, now go be a good boy like Richard and no more bullying your brother" she warns before continuing cooking.

"I am going out" Ricardo informs as he walks out of the room and grabs the jacket on the couch.

"Can I join?" Ryman gets up to join but one glare from Ricardo stops the boy.

"Where are you going? The dinner is going to be ready" Alana asks but he just walks out of the house.

"Let him be" Richie sighs as he joins his family.

"What happened?" she asks not knowing why he son looked pissed.

"I am sending him away"

"What?" Alana stares at her husband in confusion.

"Can I go with him?" Ryman asks but no one answers him.

"We will talk about it later" Richie assures as he touches her arm before he turns to join his sons.

"What are you guys doing?" he smiles, and Rustic perks up at once.


"No this goes here" Richie speaks to his son as he puts the puzzle in its place.

Rustic nods his head with a big smile as he puts his head on his father's chest and starts to do the puzzle.

"How's school?" He asks Richard who looks at him.


"No more detentions?" he chuckles as he glances at his wife who pretends not hearing anything.

"Cannot promise" the boy replies making Richie smile.

"Don't you think if you stopped getting in troubles it will be easier for your mom as she has been making lots of visits in your school?" he asks the boy who folds his arms and sit.

"No one asked her to do it"


"Whatever dad, if none of you want you don't have to"

"I have never raised a hand on you Richard so don't make me" Richie warns seeing his attitude and he stares back at the TV.

"Dad, who will come if I get into detention?" Ryman asks his father as he sits beside him.

"Your naked ass and my belt" Richie states making the boy gasp.

"One of your making troubles is enough" he warns ruffling Ryman's hair who pouts before moving the puzzles around.

"Ry, you ass" Rustic shouts as he stares at his game being ruined.

"What?" Ry acts innocent before smiling at his father who sighs at his mischief.

"Move" Richard orders Ry who narrows his eyes at Richard before he is pushed off the couch.

"Richard" Richie goes to grab Ryman, but Richard holds his hand and sits beside his father with his arm around him and lays his head on his side.

"You put this piece here" Richard mumbles to Rustic who sniffs before smiling as his game was back on track.

"Asshole" Ryman grumbles before he sits on his father's lap and puts his arms around his father.

"You all need to stop cursing" Richie chuckles as he holds all three of his sons.

"Like father like son" Alana smiles as she stares at the image in front of her.

"Can you call Rick and ask him to be back home?" he sighs as he watches her walking towards them and putting a plate of chips.

"What makes you think he will receive my calls?" Alana asks even if she pulls her phone out to dial.

"Because while these three are mine, he is yours" he replies just as Alana speaks on the phone.


"Did you know?" Ricardo asks as he stares at his mother pausing to eat.

"Know what?" Alana asks as she stares from him to Richie.

"Can we discuss this after dinner?" Richie asks but the boy puts his spoon down and stares at his father stubbornly.

"Ooh, he is angry" Ryman speaks but shut as Ricardo stares at him.

"Sooner or later you will have to deal with this" Richie starts.

"I don't want to"

"I don't care Rick your attitude and anger is getting out of hand" Richie sighs as he puts his fork down.

"So, you think training me like your dogs can help?" he raises a brow.

"It's for a peace treaty"

"Selling me off?" he asks.

"I am not selling you off, just that you will be completing the final year of your high school away from here that's it and maybe in that short time you will learn how to control your emotions and anger" he states.

"Are you going to send all of us away?" Richard asks making his father sigh.

"If the situation calls then yes, each of you will have to grow up and take on your responsibility as time comes and if I have to train your like dogs I will"

"I am not going" Ricardo grumbles.

"I am not asking"

"Well then fuck you" Ricardo shouts as he throws the plate and gets up at once pushing the chair on the ground while Alana covers her mouth in shock.

"Pick up the chair" Richie asks his son calmly.

"Richie" Alana whispers scared.

"Pick up the chair, Rick. I will not repeat again" Richie warns making him breath harshly before he picks it up and puts it back on place with making a loud bang before he walks out of the house once again.


Alana covers Rustic with a thin blanket as she drops a kiss on top of her head before slowly walking out of the room and locking it. Making her way towards Ryman's room she knocks softly and smiles hearing the boy hurrying to sleep.

"You can play games when you wake up tomorrow, now just sleep and rest" she speaks walking in and kissing on his forehead.

"Don't tell dad" he smiles hugging her.

"Goodnight" she whispers as she walks out of the room before pausing as she finds the light of the Richard's room on.

She walks towards his room before stopping and standing in the doorway hearing his soft murmurs and she smiles when she hears her husband's voice before he walks out closing the light and softly closes the door.

"Hey" Richie whispers as he turns to face her, and she smiles back.

"Are they asleep?" Richie asks as he nods towards his two sons and she nods her head before they walk towards the living room.

"Did you get in touch with Rick?" he questions making her sigh.

"He left without taking his phone" she replies, and he rubs his face tiredly.

"Does he really have to go?" Alana asks as they both sits at the living room waiting on their son.

"It's for his own good"


"Sooner or later he will have to take over my position Alana and we both know it's inevitable, no matter how much I try to put him under my control I know he will snap one day...

Maybe if he stays away from home and see things around it will be better"

"There must be a way to..."

"Ricardo's temper is as bad as Richard the only difference is the people Ricardo beats do not come front and say his name"

"Where will he stay, and will he be safe?" she worries holding his hand.

"I have made all the arrangements and I would never send him away if I did not know he was safe so relax"

"Even if you have left the family, you still are faithful towards them" Alana points out making him sigh.

"They are one of the reasons for who I am today, Alana. Also, the mistakes we made I do not want the same thing happening to our kids...

Ricardo needs to start handling things on his own, make his own mistakes and path" he speaks.

"Can I go with him?" she asks making him sigh.

"No, the boys need you here" he refuses.


"Maybe on weekends but I don't think he needs you there" he states.


"I am going to miss you" Rustic sniffs as he hugs his brother.

"Miss me or miss jumping on me"

"Both" the boy hugs his brother tightly.

"Who am I going to follow around now?" Ryman grumbles as he stares at Ricardo who rolls his eyes before ruffling his brother's hair.

"Stay out of trouble" Ricardo warns Richard as he bumps their fist.

"You too" Richard smiles before hugging him.

"Will you bring girls when you come back to visit?" Ryman asks and Richie grabs his shoulder.

"Okay, he is getting late" Richie speaks before he pulls out a card out of his pocket.

"You are going to stay in someone else territory so don not do anything that will get you in trouble"

"Then don't send me" he mumbles.

"I will miss you" Richie smiles as he hugs his sons and pats on his back.

"Mom" Ricardo calls before he wraps his arms around her.

"I will come and visit on weekends" he promises, and she nods her head caressing his face.

"If you feel homesick just know we are a call away and no doing drugs" she warns, and he nods his head kissing on her forehead.

"I love you" he whispers before he puts his bag in the car and waves at his family.


Three months later....

"Mom, hurry" Ryman whisper shouts as he runs to stand in front of the door excited to see his brother.

"Ssh, you will ruin the surprise" Richard grumbles as he grabs Rustic's hand.

"Come on" Ryman whines as he turns the door handle.

"Ryman" Richie sighs shaking his head at the boy's impatience.

"Surprise" Ryman shouts at once as he opens the door before staring at the sight in front of him wide-eyed.

"What the..." Ricardo curses as he faces his family.

"Arghhhh" the girl screams as she wraps the towel around her.

"Um" Alana stares blankly as her son was half naked with a naked girl on the couch.

"Get out" Ricardo shouts as he hides the girl behind him, and Richie pushes them out.

"Why is there a naked girl in Rick's place?" Rustic asks as they wait outside.

"He has a girl" Ryman grins as he stares at the door.

"We should have called" Richie sighs rubbing his face before chuckling while Alana glares at him.

"This is not funny" she snaps making him laugh aloud.

"Of course, not" he chuckles shaking his head before the door is opened.

"Get in" Ricardo mumbles as opens the door wide for them.


"So, umm" Alana clears her throat before she puts the food, she brought for them to enjoy on the table.

"Rick" Rustic grins as he runs to hug his brother.

"You have grown" he comments as he holds his brother in his arms.

"You too" Richard comments and Ricardo sighs rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, who is she?"

"Is she not too young for you?" Alana asks with narrowed eyes.

"Precious" Ricardo calls and Alana looks at her husband who tries to stop from laughing loudly.

"Can I not meet them?" she replies from the room.

"Come on" he requests making his way towards the room.

"No" Gabriella protests as she holds on to the door tightly.


"No" she cries as she slams the door making him put his brother down before he looks at his family and pushes the door off.

"You asshole" Gabby screams before he grabs and pulls her out of the room.

"That's Ricardo's shirt" Ryman speaks aloud.

"Of course, you asshole" Gabby snaps at the boy before she glares at Ricardo.

"Mom dad, she is Precious, Precious my parents" Ricardo introduces.

"How old is she?" Alana asks her son un disbelief.

"Well I am going to turn fourteen soon" Gabby puts her chin up proudly.

"Gabriella Price, it's really nice to meet you. I am Richie, Ricardo's father and this is my wife Alana, my sons...

Richard, Ryman and Rustic" Richie smiles as he goes to shake her hand.

"You know my name, see I am popular" she grins shaking his hand before poking her tongue out to Ricardo.

"I am familiar with your family"

"In that case, I like you" she grins jerking his hand and hugging the man.

"Are you here to visit him?" she asks pointing at Ricardo.

"Yes, um we did not know..."

"She is underage" Alana hisses as she pulls her husband towards her.

"What's in age? I am sure the rain did not think oh because she s underage let's pour on her more" Gabby states folding her arms.

"Excuse me" Alana asks raising her brow at the girl.

"No, you are not excused. You should have knocked before entering the room, you could have seen my virgin skin"

"Oh my" Alana gasps as she pulls Rustic towards her before covering his ears.

"Mom, Precious" Ricardo sighs before he pulls the girl and makes her sit on the couch.

"It was raining so" Ricardo tries to explain.

"So? Could she not have changed her clothes in the bathroom?" Alana asks tapping her feet on the floor.

"I was but I tripped and we both fell on the couch"

"Without clothes?"

"Well, I forgot to take dry clothes to the bathroom, so I came back to ask him"

"And you could not have asked him to bring it to you instead of walking out naked, he is older than you"

"Mom" Ricardo groans.

"Just so you know I had a towel on, covering the parts only my husband is allowed to see"

"Oh yeah and yet here you are alone with my son"

"Oh my god, you are such a pervert. Ewe, Rare is my best friend"

"He is a man"

"Mom knock it off" Ricardo shouts as he pulls Precious back on the couch.

"I don't like this" Alana grumbles as she glares at the girl.

"And I don't like you" she wiggles and points a finger towards Alana.


"Do not laugh" Alana scolds her husband as they make their way towards their room.

"What did I do?"

"That's the problem you did nothing but just laugh, have you seen the attitude of that girl?" she demands making Richie raise his hand in defense.

"Relax, she was harmless"

"Harmless? She is thirteen and already staying alone and naked with a guy"

"Are you worried for the girl or our son?" he asks amused.

"Richie, you know what I mean"

"She is a good girl"

"And you know how?"

"Because she is a price"

"That explains nothing"

"Did you see how Ricardo tried to calm her?"

"No, because I was worried for my son like a normal mother"

"Obviously, but you did not see what I see"

"Please enlighten me" she scoffs as she pulls off her shoes.

"He looked less agitated and actually made sure she had enough on her plate"

"You are crazy" she groans.

"He cares for the girl"

"I don't care" she throws her hands up in the air before walking towards the bathroom.

"And she is the one who made him loose his interest on ice-cream" Richie shouts before laughing as he hears her scream from inside of the bathroom.

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