Danny Phantom Oneshots

By LastToLove

3.8K 75 7

Just fanfiction. I don't own Danny Phantom or the characters, or the picture just the plots of the oneshots... More



391 7 1
By LastToLove


So I might have been distracted. I might not have seen the warning signs. But Skulker had pissed me off so I wasn't paying close enough attention to my suroundings. Just as I caught him in the thermos I was blasted down. "Freeze Phantom!" I hear and look up to see dumb and dumber of the GIW. "Can't you two bother someone else for a change." I say and get up to leave. "Fine have it the hard way." I spin towards them just as they begin shooting me. I gasp and fly back crying out in pain. Ectoranium, of course. I stand and glare. "Why can't you people leave me alone!" I go to fly off and hear a whirring noise before something hits my side and I stumble before shooting away. I fly in between the buildings to keep out of sight but have to stop eventually.

I feel my hand away from the wound and see red mixed in and become confused until I see little red whisps. "They mixed ectoranium with blood blossom." I stumble down the ally but feel dizzy and colaps.



I was walking home from the park and passed an ally but stop when I see glowing green stuff on the wall. Curious and thinking its a ghost I walk into the ally and follow the trail, of what almost looks like green blood. The puddles get slightly bigger before coming upon a body laying on the ground. "Phantom?" I say but he doesnt move. He's got a large wound on his side and my eyes wifen when I realize it WAS blood. I walk forward and pick him up. "Don't worry, it's my turn to help you now."

I lay my jacket over him so others don't notice him and carry him back to my house. When we get there I lay him in an old blanket on the floor and look at his side. There are small shards of something in the wound as well as little red specs. I run in my bathroom and grab my tweezers a bowl of water and a rag, and alcohol and come back.

I carefully pull out the shards and toss them in the trash before dipping the rag in the water and wincing as I rub the wound. He groans and I bite my lip. "I'm sorry Phantom but I have to clean it." Once I don't see anymore red I push the bowl closer and then pour some alcohol on the wound, flinching when he cries out.

"Okay, okay, just let me get some gauze." I go back in my bathroom and grab the gauze and wrapping tape I use for football. I then place the gauze on the wound and wrap his side with the tape. Once done I set him on the bed and sigh. "I hope that makes you feel better Phantom." Just as I finish I see a ring of light appear around his torso. It splits and one travels up while the other goes down.

My eyes widen as Phantom turns into Fenton before me. Not possible, there's no way my idol is really Fenton...the would mean I... everytime I hit or bullied him comes back and I want to kick myself. I've been pummeling my hero for years and didn't know. But why didn't he say anything or fight back? I groan and pick everything up before sitting down on the bed and turning on the television.

After a while I hear a groan ad look over at Danny. "Your awake." I say in relief. "What happened?" He asks and I shrug. "I found you bleeding out and brought you back here. Once the shards and red specks were out it started healing itself so I just poured some alcohol on it and taped it up. It's a cool trick by the way. The two rings changing you back." I say the last part just to see his reaction and sure enough he panics.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." He stutters and I laugh. "Relax Danny, I won't tell anyone. I mean there's no way I could admit to other's I beat up on my hero so...sorry about that by the way. It was shitty and I know it I just can't help it sometimes, ma says I get my anger from my dad."


I want to panic at the though of Dash knowing but stop and think. He...saved my life...

Okay maybe he's not so bad. "Did you get rid of what you got out of my wound? I don't know how but theyve managed to mix a concotion of ectoranium and blood blossom, both of which are dangerous to me in my ghost form." He nod and smiles. "I cleaned you wound and patched you up. I have a lot of auestions though. First who shot you, how are you not dead, and what happened that you became Phantom?" I hesitate but just laugh. "The Guy's In White or GIW are normally incompetent fools but they actually did something right for once...which is bad for me. I'm technically half dead since I can go ghost, and remember that accident I had a few years ago?" He nods and I continue "well my patents were trying to build a portal into a ghost zone but it didn't work, mostly because the on button was put on the inside. Anyways Sam and Tuck convinced me to go inside and check it out but my clumsiness, which I must get from my dad, caused me to trip and I hit the on button. I was hit with roughly 13 million or so volts of electricity as well as ectoplasm and came out looking like my other self. It was horrible and I don't like thinking about it but I've accepted who I am and what I do."

He stares at me wide eyed. "So how come you let me beat up on you all those years?" He ask and I let out a real laugh. "Trust me all you did was hurt my bruises a little. I fight ghost Dash, you don't bother me. Plus I had to keep up appearances. What would people think if I suddenly got mega strong right after Phantom showed up, especially with my scrawny self." I continue to chuckle and soon we're both laughing loudly.

"Well I reay am sorry about all that, I just want to seem like to normal jock type you know?" I nod and say "well now your in this you have to give a blood oath to the king of the ghost zone, that being myself." I smile evily and he pales and gulps. "Dude, I'm joking, your face was pricless."

I burst into laughs again and he tackles me to the floor. "Your a dick, you know that?" He says and I smile. "I'm your hero dick though, haha your idol. Don't worry I'll make sure to show you my dicky ways." We fall into a fit of laughter again and finally I sit up. I need to get home, we have school in the morning and Sam and Tuck will be wondering where I am." He nods and stands.

"Hey Fenton, try not to get shot again, I'd hate to have to save your dick ass again." I flip him off smiling as I just out the window and change before flying off. The rest of my high school might not be so bad.

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