She's Mine (Hwang Hyunjin FF)...


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This is one of those texts-stories. Your name is Syung Maemi. As you go through your follow recommendations o... More

Uh oh!¡
Friends? No. Same school? Maybe...
I totally saw him.
I know you now!
Unknowingly crossing paths.
Awkward take over😣😣😣
Some competition.
New Friends.
A play?
My first love~ My first heartbreak---
Relationship status?
You're toxic.
The Audition to end All Auditions
20 Questions
Some Jealousy...
Welp. I'm over him.
The yearbook exposed me.
The camping trip (1/3) *NO INTERNET*
The camping trip (2/3) *NO INTERNET*
The camping trip (3/3)*NO INTERNET*
And that's how we got together!
Junior Year SCS [Side Character Stories] (1/5)
Senior Year SCS (2/5)
College SCS (3/5)
Marriage SCS (4/5)
Whatever SCS (5/5)
Thank you/감사해요/Merci/谢谢

The truth is revealed. ENTIRELY!

10.1K 239 1K


The next thing you knew, you and Hyunjin were walking around town, looking at different cafes and shops. You looked around for things you wanted. Hyunjin was quiet behind you while you yelled in excitement about the little things around you. You caught a couple of his glances towards your way. While walking, you tripped on a crack in the sidewalk. Usually when you did this, you would walk it off as if it didn't happen. However, once you did, Hyunjin strangely held on to you in panic. You looked up at him with confusion. You both locked eye contact. He was the first to speak up. "Are you okay?" he asked. You coughed. Instead of saying anything, you just nodded quickly while awkwardly shaking him off. You sped up your pace in front of him. It stayed awkward during the walk.


Why did I do that? She must think I'm some type of pervy creep. You continued walking behind Maemi across town. Then she suddenly stopped. You almost bumped into to her. She was looking at something through the window of a small shop. You looked over to what she was looking at. She was staring at a stuffed toy sitting on display.

It didn't seem like much to you, but when you looked back down at her, she was still staring at it. Her eyes looked empty. You got your hand and waved it in front of her a few times. You hesitantly got her attention. "Do you... want that?" you asked, nodding towards the stuffed animal. She quickly nodded. "Aish, you're just like a child. What teen wants a stuffed animal as a present?" you said.

"Don't judge me. And this ain't no present. You owe me this." she stuck her tongue out at you. You scoffed. Little did she know, this was a gift from you to her. You had already won the bet, but you wanted her to be happy for the day. You both entered the shop. Maemi ran straight towards the stuffed animals section, looking for the one on display. You quickly caught up and started scanning the aisle with her. But it wasn't there. You could see the panic on her face. She grabbed your arm and ran both of you to one of the employees. "Excuse me, Ma'am, are there anymore of the Brilliant Goblin stuffed animals left?"

"Sorry, Miss, we just sold out. The one on display is our last one. And we're not looking to sell it." the employee replied.

"Can we please get it? We'll pay double for it." Maemi stated.

"We'll what?" you said, looking at her.

"That would be fine." the employee said, getting the animal off display. Maemi looked at you and started pouting.

"What are you doing?" you panicked. She started whining and squeezing your arm. "You can't be serious. Why are you acting like a child?"

"Hyunjinnie~, please buy it for me!" she pouted even more. You froze up. She never called you Hyunjinnie, despite that she's supposed to. All of your friends called you Jinnie, but it felt different when she said it. Dammit, she knew how to get to you. You sighed loudly.

"Fine. I'll buy it." you mumbled. Maemi smiled widely. You ended up paying the cashier double the original price for the stuffed animal. For Maemi.


"Thank you." you sang as you hugged your present from Hyunjin tightly.

"Of all things, why did you want that thing?" he asked, annoyed.

"Hey, are you upset?" you asked.

"What do you think?" he asked. What confused you is that he smiled after saying that.

"I've always wanted one of these. Both of my younger siblings have one."

"If that's the case, why don't you just take one of theirs and let them fight it off for the last one?"

"Of course I won't do that, dumbass."


"Their Dad gave them those before he passed. I'd definitely feel like a shitty person if I took it. Besides, since my father never got me one, I forced you to get it."

"Fine, I'll let it pass then." he said after sighing. "You're so nice."

"Aw, a compliment."

"But, doesn't this mean..."

"Mean what?"

"I'm your replacement Daddy." he said smirking. You made a bitter face. "Okay, I'll stop."

"Please do so." Suddenly, your phone started ringing. You gave Hyunjin the stuffed animal in order to answer the call. Once you did, a loud voice came through the phone. You and Hyunjin both covered a part of your ears.

"Maemi! Where are you! We're supposed to be watching your cousin Taecyeon perform today!"

"Ma? Ow my ears. And oh, my bad, I forgot. I'm in town right now."

"Irresponsible." Hyunjin said behind you. You hit him in the stomach. He winced loudly, almost dropping your animal.

"Watch it, don't drop that." you warned. He ended up laying on your shoulder, still in pain.

"Who are you talking to? Are you with someone?! Who is it?!" your mother said, still on the line.

"I'm just with a friend. Nothing serious."

"Turn on that video thing!"

"It's a video call, Ma."

"It's whatever the hell I call it." You sighed before turning on the video chat. When she answered, you noticed that on your end of the call, Hyunjin was comfortably laying on your shoulder at the crook of your neck. You blushed a bit. "OH. MY. BO. AH! Maemi! I thought you didn't have a boyfriend!" she exclaimed.

"I-I don't Ma. I'm not close to him like that."

"You look pretty damn close to me." With that, you pushed Hyunjin's face off of your shoulder. "Anyways, I changed my mind. You can stay out. Come back by 9:45."

"What? You just said I had to come back. For the comeback."

"I said I changed my mind. Spend good time on your date with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boy—" She hung up on you. You scoffed. "So damn embarrassing."

"That's your mom?!" Hyunjin asked with shocked eyes. You looked at him. "Man, she's hot."

"Bitch," you said, hitting him lightly this time, "duh that's my mom. She looks like me, weirdo."

"That's the point."


"Nothing, let's keep moving." he said walking ahead of you. You quickly followed behind him

The next day, you woke up in the middle of the night. It was a school night, so you decided to to stay up until it was time to leave. To kill off time, you texted Hyunjin. You honestly didn't care if he was sleeping.


He responded quicker than you thought.

Why are you up so early?

Why are U up so early??

I asked you first.

I can't sleep

Me neither

Im soo boreddd

Listen to some kpoop and read some smut

Nothing is good these dayz.


But I'm so happy now

Why? Is it because you're talking to me?

No. I don't have to take my time out to try and hide from you anymore. HA!

I mean, you were so bad at it before. You were obvious at the camp. Covering your face with that hoodie. You didn't even make an effort to it when we were all sitting around the camp fire.

Does that mean you already knew???

No comment?


OML, does that mean I actually lost??? WHY DID YOU LIE!!!!! My pride is so hurt now.

I'm sorry!!!!! I didn't want you to lose.


Because I'm not sure what I want from you.

I can't deny the fact that you won the bet, though. A deal is a deal.


I know what I want now.

You just said that you didn't know what you wanted.

I changed my mind.


What is up with people doing that??!!!

Meet me behind the school.

Tomorrow? Are you kidnapping me?

Yes, tomorrow. And no, Im not kidnapping you.



Alright, c u tmrw

Hours later, you found yourself staring at Hyunjin's table again. This time, you weren't trying to hide it. Even though you should have. He caught you staring a couple of times, and every time he did so, your face got redder. "Maemi, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!" Naein screamed in your hear.

"What the hell! For what?!" you said.

"For hooking me up with Jeongin. He was so polite. While you ignored my texts the other day, he took me out on a date."

"I was with Hyunjin."

"You were? That's perfect! Since you and Hyunjin are a thing now, we can both go over to their table."

"Bring me, too." Jemsong said, getting up.

"Me, too." Anko added.

"What? N-no, we're not together. He just, um, even though I lost, he got me something for the bet." you said.

"Why would he be willing to buy you a present if you lost? It means he wanted to get you something. Because he likes you?" Naein said.

"Don't speak such nonsense." you denied.

"If you say so." Naein said. "If you don't want to go with us, then you can just sit here."

"Okay, I'll sit here." you replied. The girls then got up and went to Hyunjin's table. You watched as the boys were greeting them. Hyunjin looked as if he was looking for you. You quickly looked away. Suddenly, Tako zoomed over to your table.

"Hey Maemi." he said in his f*ckboy voice.

"What is it Tako?" you said as you fist-bumped him.

"Damn, you just concluded that I was in the friendzone with that." he said. You stuck out your tongue. "Anyways, can't a guy say hi to one of his fellow peers?"

"I guess you can. Where's Renjun?"

"He ditched me for Channel the Dolphin and Pwark Jisung."

"So Chenle and Jisung. Shows how entertaining you are."

"Whatever. Are you gonna eat that?" he said, pointing at your food.

"Go for it." you said. He, without hesitation, took and ate it.

It was after school, and you were kind of nervous. You were in the school parking lot, heading for the back of the school. You started to fix yourself up. You thought that you should maybe look your best for Hyunjin. Ew, it sounded better and innocent in your head. You stood in front of a random car. You looked at your reflection in the driver's side of the window. You fixed your hair and put on some lip balm. You regretted this. As you pushed your lips together to spread the balm, the window of the car rolled down. Someone was in the car. You eyes widened when you saw the person in the car. "Maemi. I didn't think I'd talk to you again. Who are you prettying yourself up for?" he asked. You covered you face and turned away. "What are you doing Maemi?"

"Fuck you, Chani." you said. He ended up opening the door and getting out the car. You started walking away, but he grasped your wrist.

"Don't leave yet." he said.

"Let go of me." you said. He didn't let go. "Don't make me do it." you warned.

"Maemi, calm down, I—"


"Maemi, stop, you're gonna make them think I'm—"


"Would you stop screaming of I let you go?" You nodded and pouted. He finally let you go. "Damn, you're so childish."

"Whatever. I don't want to talk to you."

"I know you don't. And you don't have to. Just hear me out."

"Hell no, I have to meet up with someone."

"Wait, are you seeing someone?"

"Why the hell would I tell you?"

"So you're not. Makes sense."


"Look. I just wanted to apologize for what happened in the past. I realized what I did to you was wrong. And I'm an ass for it. But," he started to reach for your hand, "maybe we can give what we had a second chance?" Before he could reach your hand, you were pulled back. Someone held you close by the shoulder. Your head hit their chest lightly. You looked up to see Hyunjin glaring at a shocked Chani.

"Maemi," he said, looking down at you, "let's leave."

"Ummm." you stood there awkwardly.

"Who's this?" Chani said, still looking at Hyunjin.

"Uuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." you still stood there.

"It's none of your business. You should respect her wishes. If she doesn't want to speak to you, you shouldn't force her to stay." Hyunjin said, still glaring at him.


"You're with him, Maemi?" Chani asked you.


"And what to it?" Hyunjin says as he holds onto you more firmly. "It's none of your business at the moment."

"And what if I wanted to make it my business?" Chani challenged. Hyunjin scowled at him. The tension was building. But before he made any moves, Hyunjin looked at you for any signals of permission.

"Chani. Respectfully. Leave me the fuck alone. If I wanted any more business with you, I wouldn't have ignored you for two years. Whatever you want to do now is quite worthless to me." You turned to Hyunjin, but the message still applied to both of them. "You'd be wasting your time."

"She's right." Hyunjin agreed.

"Fine." Chani said before leaving. He left you and Hyunjin blushing from how close you were. He ended up taking his arm off your shoulder and you both stood there quietly.

"Thanks," you said, clearing up the awkwardness, "but I had that in the bag."

"Tsk, yeah right." he snickered. He cleared his throat. "So, the reason I, um, asked you here..."

"Yeah, the bet," you replied. "What is it that you want? Food? A ticket to Disneyland? A debut?"

"Ha ha, very funny."

"I'm serious, what is it. I already feel dumb for not realizing that you won in the first place."

"Don't feel bad. You're just gonna have to make it up to me."

"How so?"

"What I want from you..."



"Uh huh?"

"For you..."


"To go out with me." You paused. Is he serious? you thought.

"W-what?" you mumbled.

He lowered his head to your level, his face closer to yours. "Date me." he stated.

*Can you comment any captions with the following pictures?

When you watch too much shane dawson and you end up using these type of memes.

Say raeng hey yo

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