Truths Untold

By ItsJustSammi

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When Jung Hoseok joined BTS, he left behind his home life. Everyone and everything that had been going on the... More

Chapter 1: Auditions
Chapter 3: Know Each Other
Chapter 4: Work Issues
Chapter 5: Hard Work
Chapter 6: Hidden Weak Moments
Chapter 7: Oops?
Chapter 8: Unexpected Visit
Chapter 9: Good News and Setbacks
Chapter 10: Kind Explanations
Chapter 11: Lunch Struggles
Chapter 12: Hard News
Chapter 13: Birthday Mornings
Chapter 14: Convince Me
Chapter 15: You Told Her What?!
Chapter 16: Going Home
Chapter 17: Debut
Chapter 18: Pull it Together
Chapter 19: Happy Together
Chapter 20: Do You Have To?
Chapter 21: Bitch, What?
Chapter 22: Painfully Reunited
Chapter 23: Own Up
Chapter 24: Just Please Stop
Chapter 25: Give It Up Already
Chapter 26: What Have I Done?
Chapter 27: Happy Birthday

Chapter 2: Move In

2.1K 52 2
By ItsJustSammi

"I have good news for SORRY." Manager Nim informs me once I've taken a seat across from him on the other side of his desk. I nod in response.

"We've been able to purchase a new house. However, due to being tight on money, you'll be required to share this house with one other hand. There will be eight rooms in total, you will get four and the other band will get the other four. Obviously, you'll all be required to share rooms, but it'll be much less cramped then it had been in your previous dorms." He explains. I smile, nodding my head.

"That's wonderful news. The girls will be thrilled to know." I respond, causing him to give me a small smile.

"Come. Go get the girls and update them on the news, then meet me in practice room A where you'll meet the band that you'll be sharing the house with." He instructs. I nod once more before we both stand and exit his office.

Going over to the girls, I can't help but smile. I know they're going to be thrilled to find out about this.

"What was that all about?" Chae asks curiously when I reach them in one of the writing rooms.

"We're getting a new place to stay. We'll be sharing it with another band, but we'll have four rooms for the eight of us rather than the one. Now come on. Manager Nim wants us to go meet him and the other band in the practice room." I explain with a smile before motioning with my head for them to follow.

They all squeal in excitement, jumping up instantly and rushing to catch up with me. Their excited chatter brings a smile to my face as I lead them down the halls to where we're meant to go. Opening the door and seeing who's on the other side though, the smile that was on my face falls instantly.

Staying silent and keeping my eyes on him, I lead the girls inside and line us up properly as Manger Nim finishes explaining to them the situation.

"Girls, this is BTS, the band you'll be sharing the house with. Boys, this is SORRY, the band you're sharing it with. You'll all have the day off tomorrow to move in and get comfortable with living together. Have a good evening." He informs us before leaving.

"Have you forgotten that it's rude to stare?" He speaks up as soon as Manager Nim is gone. I glare at him.

"We should probably introduce ourselves." I say, ignoring his comment. The girls around me nod and I count us off.

"1,2,3, Hello we are SORRY." We say in unison. They look over at me with a small smile, having been one of the few times we managed to be perfectly together.

"This Chaemin, or Chae. Next to her is Minjee, or Jee. Then we have Ara, Solbi, and Mina. After that is Sowon, or Won, and at the end is Hyejin." I run through all of their names, not caring that I neglected to say my own name.

The boys then run through their introductions before we all break from the formations we'd been in for Manager Nim.

"Alright. I have work to do. I'll see you girls back at the dorm." I tell them, turning on my heel and beginning to walk towards the door.

"So, you're just going to completely act like you don't know me and like I mean nothing to you, Minsae?" I hear him say from behind me. Stopping in my tracks, I clench my hands into fists.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize I meant anything to you or even existed in your little world anymore, Hoseok." I snap coldly before continuing towards the door.

"Have you forgotten your manners already? That's no way to be talking with respect to your older brother." He shoots back. Dropping my head, I pinch the bridge of my nose in attempt to calm myself down.

"Are you going to be back for dinner, Minnie?" Jee cuts in. I nod my head in response as I reach the door.

"Yes, I'll be home to make dinner. Just give me an hour or two. In the meantime, you should all get packing. Call me if you need anything." I answer before leaving the room.

Chaemin POV

"You know, for someone who's looking for respect from her, you could've been a bit more respectful yourself." I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest.

Other than Hoseok and myself, everyone in the room is looking between him, me, and where Minnie was just standing in pure confusion.

"Wait. She's your sister?" Jimin manages to speak up. He sighs, rolling his eyes at me.

"Yes, Jiminie. She's my sister. And, she should've been more respectful from the start. She was glaring at me the moment she walked in and acted like I was nothing but a stranger to her." He argues.

I give him a look. I'm sure the rest of the girls would be speaking up on her behalf as well if they knew the situation, but I'm the only one who does.

"That should sound familiar to you, Hoseok. I'm sorry, but weren't you the first one to leave and act like she didn't exist to you, let alone mean anything to you?" I fire back.

"Woah woah woah. Okay, we get that there's some tension between Jhope and his sister. Let's not make it an argument amongst everyone though, okay? If the two of them have a problem with each other then it's the two of them that need to handle it. Nothing will get settled if they aren't the ones settling it themselves." Namjoon cuts in.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair and nodding in response. Looking over at the other girls, they just give me small supportive smiles to which I return.

"Fair enough. You're right. Besides, we all have to live together at this point. It'll only be easiest if we all try to get along and be friends with each other." I respond after a minute, trying to do and say what Minnie would. Namjoon gives me a smile, nodding his head.

"Alright, well we have nothing left to do for the rest of the day. Right?" Jin speaks up, looking over at Namjoon for the answer, to which he nods.

"Then we should all get heading home so that we can pack. Not a single one of us are quick at packing and we've all got a decent amount of shit to pack. It'll take us all the rest of the night to try and finish up packing everything." Yoongi tells them.

"Let's get going then." Jimin says with a small smile.

"We should be going as well, Girls. You heard Minnie." I speak up as well. They all nod and soon enough, we're all heading out and back home.

Minsae POV

Running a hand through my hair, I sling my bag over my shoulder as I lead the girls up to the new house the next morning. They've all been fairly giddy about getting to move in here since we found out yesterday and it's probably been the one thing saving my mood.

As we walk inside, the boys are already staring down a hall with their own bags at their feet. They turn and look over at us when they hear the door open, giving us smiles when they find it's just us.

"Alright so there's eight bedrooms. Four for you guys and four for us. I imagine the easiest way to split the rooms up is going to be that you guys take one side of the hall and we take the other?" I say as we reach where they're stood.

"Sounds like the easiest idea. Mind if we take the left side?" Namjoon replies. I just shrug it off.

"That's fine. We can take the right." I nod in response.

"How're we divvying the rooms up between us though?" Jin brings up. The eight of us girls just stay quiet as we let them sort things out. Though, it's probably more so just because they're waiting for instruction themselves.

"Jin and Yoongi together. Hobi and I can room together. Jiminie and Tae together. Kookie, you can take the last room for yourself." Namjoon splits it up. They all nod while the youngest looks at him in surprise.

"I get to have the room to myself?" He asks, still surprised. The older boy smiles at him, nodding his head.

"There's no reason for you not to. I just split it up by ages is all. I doubt we have to worry about you destroying the place or anything." Namjoon explains with a smile. Jungkook just grins, nodding his head in response while the rest of the boys grab their bags and head off to their rooms. Turning to the girls next, they look at me curiously.

"Pair up as you girls want. I've got no concerns on any of you being together." I tell them with a knowing smile. They grin at me, already beginning to grab each other while Sowon looks down and bites her lip.

"Sowon, you can have the last room to yourself. You don't have to room with anyone." I say gently, still holding a small smile. Her head snaps up at me with wide eyes, my words seeming to have caught everyone's attention that's still out here as they look at me in surprise.

"What? No, that wouldn't work out right. If I had a room to myself then either one room would have to hold three or someone would be without a room. There's eight of us and four rooms." She tried to explain with a small frown. I shake my head though.

"Won, I know how hard it was on you having to share that space in the dorm with everyone. It's going to be better for you overall just to take your own room. I don't need one anyways." I reason with her. She looks at me worriedly though.

"Yeah but you were already on the couch back in the old dorm. It wouldn't be fair to you for you to have to take the couch again here when there's clearly enough room. I can make due." She tries to persuade me. I smile at her though, placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"Won, I've been around you for how long now? I know each one of you how well by now? Trust me. It's okay. Take your own room and your own bed. Life's not fair, it's just something we work past. I have absolutely no problems taking the couch again. You remember how well things went last time we put someone with you in bed, don't you?" I remind her. She sighs, nodding her head in defeat.

Having come from a background of being bullied, being shy, and having to have absolutely everything in order at all times as part of her OCD, it's in her best interest to keep her in her own room. She likes her privacy and being able to have the chance at alone time when it's needed. Allowing this for her enables her to be able to keep as much energy as possible to put towards being social during the day and handling her responsibilities which is what's important.

"Thank you, Minnie." She says softly with a small smile before heading down the hall with her things like most of the others have.

"Minnie, no. You're not sleeping on the couch again. You can room with us." Chae tries. I shake my head though.

"Why do you think I always end up packing the lightest out of all of us? Besides, the beds are only going to be big enough to comfortably fit two people. You and Jee take your room. Don't worry about me." I wave her off. She frowns as well as Jee who's stood beside her.

"I've got my own space as well. You could share with me if you want, that way you don't have to take the couch?" Jungkook offers next as the last two girls shake their head at me and head down the hall. I give him a small smile but shake my head.

"It's your space, Jungkook. I'll be fine on the couch." I tell him as I walk over to it and slide my bag underneath. He frowns though.

"You shouldn't be sleeping on the couch though. I won't try anything if that's what your worried about." He tries again. Turning back to him, I give him a smile and shake my head.

"I'm not worried, Jungkook. Really, I'm fine on the couch. Go unpack your things in your room." I say with a small smile. He sighs in response.

"If you change your mind, just let me know. I really don't mind sharing." He says with a small unhappy smile.

I just nod my head with a smile before he heads down the hall. Once he's turned into his room, I walk off to the kitchen to begin prepping lunch for the boys. Thankfully, Manager Nim had already stocked the fridge up for us before we got here.

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