Just Tell Me That You'll Stay...

By _JerryDevonne

5.9K 207 16

{Nick Jonas & Demi Lovato} [Sequel to "Dear Diary.."] Years after their summer romance, Nick is back in Tenne... More

Changes In Town..
Almost Is Never Enough..
The Truth Comes Out!
Why Me?!
The One
A Key?!
Goodbye Town..
I Do.. (The End)

Give Up?

546 22 1
By _JerryDevonne

{June 13th}

I walked out of my house and knocked on Ariana's.. Selena told me that Alyson was now living with Marissa and Sterling with Ariana..

I waited for her to open the door and just as the others, she had the same shocked reaction

- Nick?

- Hey huh.. can I borrow Sterling for a little bit please?

Ariana putted her hand in my shoulder and nodded - I'm here for you too.. dude - she said trying to cheer me up.. She probably could see how sad I was by the look on my face..

I gave her a small smile and she yelled at Sterling for him to come down

- Hey dude! Long time no see!

- Yeah.. can we just.. take a walk?

He smiled and got his house keys - I'll be back before lunch

We started walking and talking at the same time

- I guess that things changed here.. - I murmured looking to the fields

- Yeah.. you went to Demi's?

I nodded and we continued walking in silence

- I wish things could've ended.. different

Sterling chuckled sarcastically while he played with his keys on his hands

- I actually got here to take her with me.. to be with her! She was the only thing in my mind these two years.. but..

- But..

- But I guess that.. she already found someone.. someone better.. someone who won't walk away on her birthday...

Sterling took a breath - It wasn't your fault.. it wasn't your choice..

- Yeah but.. We never even started anything with that whole Miley thing..

- Oh yeah! How is she?

- We broke up.. she cheated..

- Sorry..

I looked at my right and saw Demi's house.. - She's happy with him?

I stopped making him stop too - I don't know.. But you should never give up on hope..

- Hope for what? She's taken!

- Nick.. Tell me what you love about her..

I turned away from him - It's a long list..

- Uh.. well.. where will we go now?

- I wanted to visit the cemetery.. at least show some respect for her sisters..

- Yeah.. the whole town was in shock..

We started walking and passed by Marissa to buy flowers.. On the entry of the cemetery, Sterling refused to enter saying it was too painful..

I walked to their grave and laid a small part of the bouquet in each one.. I stopped at Maddie remembering a conversation we had some days before I left..


- You know.. you should tell her you like her..

I looked down - What?

- Come on!! It's obvious that you care more about Demi than about Miley!!

- Maddie I--

- You should let it all out.. it's kinda consuming you..

I looked back at the TV.. this mini girl is a genious!

*End of Flashback*

I sat next to Maddie's grave and laid my back against the rock

- You were so young Madison.. You shouldn't have died.. you had your whole life in front of you..

I picked up a rock and threw it far away

- You said that I should let it all out so.. here it goes! - I stood a bit in silence - I really do love her.. or at least, I think it's love.. I thought about her every single day since we've been apart and if this continues like this, I don't know what I'll do! I'll go insane!

As I talked, I started to rip off grass.. I didn't had a reason to do it.. I just did it! Maybe because I was nervous with something

- I love her with all my heart.. I love her smile, her laugh.. her eyes, how they shine in the night.. her hair, her lips.. her body.. her personality! How she can make me laugh.. How she makes me feel comfortable.. How she sings and plays the guitar.. I still remember every detail about her!

I shook my head and let some tears fall - But there's one thing I hate in her.. - I chuckled with no humor

- I hate her because she makes me love her so badly till the point where it hurts! My knees are weak around her.. My heart skips a bit when she talks.. I start to sweat when she looks at me..

The wind blew stronger but it calmed down right away

- You died so young and you didn't had the opportunity to live but you know what?! You inspired me to live like it's the only day I have! I won't give up on her! I can't give up!

I stood up and patted my legs to take the dirt out

I kissed two fingers and putted them on her grave - Thank you..

As I walked back to Sterling, Demi appeared walking towards the graves.. she looked down and I ran to her

- Can I talk to you for a second?

She looked to her left - Yeah.. I guess..

I shook her arms a bit trying to make her look at me.. she finally gave up and looked forward to my smile

- Are you okay?

- What? - she asked confused

- I asked if you are okay!

- Yeah.. I guess.. - she answered a bit curious

- So there's nothing that could make your day better?

She lifted a brow - Have you been drinking?

- Just answer the question

She looked to her side giving it a serious thought.. I saw her smiling a bit and that was when my hope came back on

- There are lots of stuff that could make it better.. some of them are not even possible anymore.. - she said turning to me - some of them are forbidden and others are just stupid

- Forbidden?

She looked down - Yeah.. Lik--

i leaned quickly and kissed her lips. at first, we were both afraid to move but moments later, I gain courage and started.. she slowly started kissing back and nothing changed.. I still felt the same way about her.. I knew I would!

She putted her hands with the bouquet on my chest and I hugged her by the elbows.. she kept her body close to mine and I was glad she did 'cause I missed it..

I missed her touch..

She pulled back and opened her eyes slowly

- Like this?

She started to let her tears fall - This isn't right Nick.. I'm sorry..

- You didn't felt any--

- No Nick.. I'm sorry but my heart belongs to Wilmer now.. - she said walking away

I staid there looking at nothing.. - I'm not giving up just yet!

Demi POV.

I ran crying to my family's grave and sat there sobbing

- I still love him.. what do I do know?

The kiss felt right! It felt like we were made for each other.. but what about Wilmer? I loved him too and I couldn't just dump him after all he did to me!

I was in serious trouble but right now, all I wanted was Nick..

I didn't know why but I missed him..

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