Wrong Place, Right Time..

By MountainMomma95

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Braven VanWright felt stuck in her miserable life. Orphaned.. broke.. abused.. ashamed at the shell of a pers... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

457 16 1
By MountainMomma95

I was working the late shift again. "Barney's" wasn't the shittiest place I had ever worked but it was up there on the list.

As I looked into the dirty mirror of the restroom I made sure I had covered the bruises beginning to show on my face. It didn't even hurt anymore, it was like my body had become numb to the regular beatings my "boyfriend" felt I deserved.

I was staring into the pair of shit brown eyes infront of me, wondering how the blank lifelessness I saw inside could possibly have become me when I was jolted back to reality by a pounding on the door.

"I don't pay you to stand in that god damned bathroom VanWright!!" Barney yelled in his usually pissy tone. I honestly don't think that man knew how to speak without yelling.

"Just finishing up!" I yelled back through the door before releasing a heavy sigh.

"Nobody here gives a fuck what you look like, get your ass out here and serve my customers!"

"Here we go.. another night in paradise." I said sarcastically to myself before reaching to unlock the door and walk out.


My night had got off to a great start. It was only 7 and I had already gotten yelled at by Barney, groped by some sleeze bag, and managed to spill a whole tray of drinks on myself.

I needed a break before I completely lost my mind; so I walked through the kitchen and out the back door into the alley to sit down and breathe for a minute.

I could hear the beat of club music from the bar next door. I had been toning out the noise until I realized that now I heard a set of voices down the alley a ways. One of the voices seemed to be begging for something. And then I heard a voice with an accent.

"You've had 3 months to pay the boss back and you keep comin up short you lowsy pipsqueek!"

"I've always liked ya a little but we gotta make an example out of you now ya see?"

"That's enough Vinny, my patience has grown short. I'm also growing sick of the garbage smell around this dump, get it over with already so we can get the hell outta here before someone happens upon us." Said a deep voice with a similar accent to it.

"You got it boss."

I had been intently listening and becoming a little worried about what was going on down there. I couldn't see anything because of the dumpster between here and there so I wasn't sure what was happening. All I knew was that it didn't sound good and I didn't know wether I should try to help the guy or get the hell out of there.

I had slowly stood up, being sure not to make any noise when I heard a loud "BANG! BANG!"
I instantly froze not knowing what to do. Stupidly, I made the decision to peek around the side of the dumpster.

There laying in a pool of blood was a mans body and 3 tough looking men in suits were standing around him like it was a normal thursday night occurence.

At the sight of this my traitorous lips parted letting out a frightened shreik. Instantly all three men turned toward me with murderous glares.

"Boss we've been made!" Said the first voice I had heard.

"So we have." Said the deep voiced man calmly. "Get her."

As soon as he said those words I knew I had to run for my life or die right here in this trash filled alley and probably have my body dumped somewhere I'd never be found. Not that I expected anyone to miss me much but that wasn't the point. I had to go..

Alright so this is the first chapter that I have ever written and I'm pretty excited. I really hope someone will read and enjoy it! If you do please vote and comment so I know if I'm any good. Lol. Sorry if there are any mistakes or anything. I try to proof read but doubt I'll catch everything!
Thanks again! Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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