They Call Him the Gentle Giant

By MakoTachibanana

5.8K 240 29

Iwatobi is on lock down for the time being... No one knows why.... There were suspicious phenomena during the... More

Day 1
Full Moon
Meet the Science Club
Finding Makoto
Day 2
Trapped With You

Midnight Mishaps

583 26 3
By MakoTachibanana

"Haru! Haru! Haru~~!" Makoto came running out from the school building within seconds, waking up a few students who were peacefully dozing off in their tents. He was in panic mode, and nothing could stop him. The sweat dripping from his face indicated that he was in some sort of business inside, but who knew? He looked a bit distraught when facing Haru and the siblings. He panted heavily, trying to gasp for more air. Rin sat up from his spot and rubbed the side of his head a little, getting his fingers tangled in his hair. Haru crawled out from his tent and watched in great shock of what was going on with Makoto.

It was 12:30am...

"Makoto...! What happened?" Haru felt a bit of a rush going through his veins as he tried to get Makoto to calm down for just a few minutes. Gou and Chigusa were still asleep...

"Nagisa..." Makoto panted. "He... He just.."

"What, what, what happened to Nagisa?" said Haru. 

"Makoto, calm down for a sec and tell us what happened to Nagisa." Rin ordered Makoto. By that, the boy cooled his jets and exhaled. He was back to himself again thanks to Rin. The gentle giant that he is and always will be. Makoto looked at the two of them, still distraught and uneasy, and said, "Nagisa's been attacked." He still panted a little, but kept calm and still so that he wouldn't cause any trouble for the other students. Haru and Rin were in shock after hearing those terrifying words come straight out of Makoto's mouth. Rin cursed under his breath and looked away from a moment before he could say something. Something wasn't right here, Haru thought. He looked at Makoto, but he couldn't spot anything devilish with him at all. He was purely innocent, but he still felt a bit off that day. Rin turned back to Makoto and Haru and declared, "We're gonna have to go find them ourselves."

"Rin...." Haru said in a soft tone.


The students inside had no clue of what was going on between Nagisa and Rei. They were happily roaming about inside in small groups. Rin led Makoto and Haru inside and checked the place for any unusal signs. Nothing so far. Haru looked to his right and saw Nene and Maki hanging out together. He felt a bit curious and wanted to go see them. His eyes showed a small mix of boredom and fear, but he was able to hold it in. The look on Makoto's face seemed questionable; he was showing a small smile on his face for some reason. Was he happy to  see the other students wandering around in peace, or was he just naturally smiling? The haunting atmosphere continued to grow around the three boys as time flew by.

"I'm gonna go talk to Maki and Nene for a while." 

"Haru, don't get lost," Rin sighed. 

"I know." Haru ran off to be with Nene and Maki of the science club, and Rin was left with Makoto for the time being.

"Makoto... At least tell me more about what happened to Nagisa..."

"Oh... Well... The lights went out in English class and Nagisa kinda scared me and a few others so much that I panicked. Then, the lights went back on, and he was on the ground with... with blood on his face..." Makoto began to shiver as he thought about the horrific incident with Nagisa. Rin felt a bit shocked by this and told Makoto that he'll be back in a few.

Something's odd, Rin thought. He ran down the hallways, frantically looking for the classroom where Nagisa and Makoto were in earlier.


"Nagisa's been attacked? Oh my god." Nene panicked. Hearing the news about her fellow classmate killed her so much inside. Maki had to hold her for suppport. Haru constantly looked behind him to see if Makoto and Rin were still around. They weren't.

"Haruka, I'm sorry to hear what happened to Nagisa."


"Go look for Nagisa while I take care of Nene. She seems very distraught about this whole thing."

".... Okay... What about Rei?"

"No news about him yet, I'm sorry..." Maki sighed. He looked at Nene and smiled. "I'm gonna go find Ryou. Have a safe night."

"Yeah." The three parted ways for the night....

It was now 12:55am...


Rin, after minutes upon minutes of looking for the class, finally found it. He slid the door right open and forced himself inside. There were no signs of foul play, so Rin assumed that he was completely safe for now, until...

He found Nagisa lying on his stomach, slowly losing consciousness and blood. His face was partially battered up and his hands were a bit damaged. Rin ran over to Nagisa's side and flipped on him his back to get a better look at him. Nagisa's eyes were barely open, but luckily he was still onscious, for now. Rin didn't want to shake him awake, knowing that it'd cause more pain to the little swimmer. That being thought of, Rin tried to have him rest on his lap for a while. He looked around the room to make sure no one tried to sneak in and attack them. He drew in a small breath and exhaled. He carefully watched Nagisa  in case of an emergency. His red eyes focused on the blonde, reflecting every little thing it could capture of him.


"!!" Rin's eyes grew a bit bigger when he heard Nagisa's little voice calling out to him.

"Are you... really Rin...chan...?"

"Of course, it's me. What happened to you?"

"Ah.. haha.. Well, there was a little mishap, you see..." Nagisa began, slowly sitting up. "Mako-chan and I were looking for Rei-chan when all of a sudden the lights in the classroom went off... I let out a slightly huge scream and scared basically everyone. Then, I got attacked by someone in the room... As far as I know, that's all what happened until I was knocked out. Oh! Mako-chan freaked out the most and he panicked... Where's Haru-chan? Mako-chan?"

"Haru went to see some kids and I'm not sure about Makoto--"

"Rin? Nagisa?" Makoto was standing outside the classroom, leaning against the wall. 


"What the hell was that for, Makoto? A magic trick?" Makoto laughed at Rin and proceeded inside the classroom.

"Sorry for making you worry, guys. This lock down is pretty weird, huh?"

"You look a little off, Makoto." said Rin.


"I don't like your tone. Something's up. What are you hiding?" Rin got up in Makoto's face for a few seconds. Nagisa, on the other hand, sat back and watched the two "duke" it out for a short time.

"I'm not hiding anything, Rin! Besides, we still need to find Rei."

"We can do that after we sleep. I'm tired as hell, and I want to get some exercise first thing in the morning. Nagisa." Rin turned to Nagisa and made him jump a little because of his demanding appearance and tone of voice.

"Y-Yes, Rin-chan?"

"Can you walk?"

"I think I can... Whoa!" Nagisa tripped a little on his legs, but managed to regain his balance.

"Are you okay?" asked Makoto.

"Haha... I'm fine, don't worry about me, guys."

"Let's go, Nagisa.." Rin lent his hand out to Nagisa to keep him balanced, doubting that he's in good shape after what happened. Nagisa held onto in's hand and walked out the room with him, with just Makoto left all by himself once again.

It was dead silent in the classroom with only a few people wandering just past it. Makoto was a bit worried about the little incident with Nagisa, but felt glad that he was okay. He gave out the little smile and murmured, "I'm glad."

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