Never Cry Wolf

By SuzanneK17

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Seven years ago, Devyn Fredericks mother went missing, her older brother ran away, her dad stopped talking, a... More

All Rights Reserved
Devyn Part 1
Devyn Part 2
Author's Note
Devyn Part 2
Devyn Part 3
Devyn Part 4
Devyn Part 5


33 0 0
By SuzanneK17

I'm exhausted! Soccer practice just ended and I'm not looking forward to walking around the mall for the next couple of hours. But I guess this is where the phrase "a girlfriend has to do what a girlfriend has to do" comes from.

As I walk up the hill towards the school, Lucius pulls up. Just my luck. I don't even get to shower.

"I don't have time to-"

"No." Max snaps from the backseat. I raise my eyebrows but I can't stop the smile that spreads across my face.

"Well then." Max is never this impatient. I narrow my eyes, suspicious of why he's in a hurry. "Okay, but it's not my fault if I smell ripe." Mikhail gets out of the front seat and jumps in the back before I've even finished my sentence. "You didn't have to move."

Mikhail looks at Lucius and then back to me. "Yes, I really do." I look at Lucius, a smirk playing on his lips. I roll my eyes as I get into the car. Once I close the door Lucius starts driving and I roll down the window. I hear Nik groan. "What? I told you I didn't smell good?" I laugh to myself knowing they have a heightened sense of smell. Sucks to be them!

We arrive at the mall twenty minutes later and it takes everything I have not to huff in defeat. I don't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing shopping bothers me.

"Okay, what are you looking for?" They stare at me expressionless. Clearly that was a dumb question to ask. "Seriously?" I roll my eyes. "What do you like?" I ask no one in particular. The last thing I expect is for all of them to shrug. I throw my arms up and walk past them. "I didn't realize this was going to be so hard," I mumble, knowing they can still hear me. I look behind me and see Nik and Max roll their eyes. I stop and point at them. "Listen here boys, if you want help then you're going to have to be just slightly more forthcoming about what you like and don't like so we aren't walking around the mall like we have sticks up our asses for the next four hours." Nik and Max stare at me with wide eyes as Lucius and Mikhail snicker behind me. I spin around to them. "That goes for you two too." They pinch their lips shut, trying not to laugh. I shake my head as a smile forms on my lips. "Let's go."

"These are your choices: Express Men, Abercrombie, Hollister, H & M, Hot Topic, or Pacsun. I'm sure there are a couple other stores, but those are the ones I can think of right now," I say as we enter the mall. I look at each of them and they shrug again. I narrow my eyes. Nik lets out a huff before walking off and into Hollister. Max following him in. Lucius and Mikhail decide on the store next door, Express Men. Deciding I can't be in two places at once, I stand outside the stores next to the railing.

Figuring out I'm not with them, they all come running out of the stores. I lift my eyebrows as they look around panicked. I clear my throat and they all look at me, glaring. 

"We need your guidance woman," Nik practically yells. 

"I'm really hoping you didn't learn that at school, bro." He smiles, but looks away embarrassed. "I can't be in two places at once, so..." I trail off as I motion to the two stores. "How about you text me when to come look?" They nod their heads in agreement, pulling out their phones. One by one they send me a text message stating their name, so I can save them in my phone.

* * *

I've been running around looking like a complete idiot for over an hour now. I know this for a fact because the people I pass have started cheering me on. Seriously, get a life people! You don't need to watch me run from store to store.

"Devyn!" Nik screeches. I lift my hands, covering my ears.

"That was soooo attractive." I hear him huff in the dressing room before opening the door and walking out. I quickly lift my hands and cover my eyes.

"Oh my gosh, take those off." He's wearing the tightest skinny jeans I've ever seen. How did he even get those on?

"Why?" Nik asks, sounding hurt. I uncover my eyes, trying to rephrase my sentence to something nicer when I see his face. He's smirking. I pick up the pair of pants next to me and throw them at him. "I think I look sexy af." I raise my eyebrows and laugh as he strikes three poses in quick succession. I shake my head ready to push him back into the dressing room when I hear whispers behind me. I turn around and see a group of girls staring at Nik.

"Looks like you've attracted an audience," I say turning back to Nik. His cheeks light up as he runs back into the dressing room. "And I'm using one of my veto's. You are not getting those jeans." I start picking through the clothes on the chair. "You know what? I'm vetoing all of these pants."

"Is that his girlfriend," I hear one of the girls whisper. I block them out as I re-fold the jeans and stack them to the side. Nik comes out of the dressing room, walking over to me.

"What about the shirts?" He asks, pulling his jacket back on. I pull out one t-shirt and put it with the jeans before handing him a pile of five shirts.

"These I like." Nik smiles, grabbing the shirts from me.

"Has to be his girlfriend," another girl whispers. Nik and I look at each other a smile forming on our lips.

"Thank you for you help today babe." Nik wraps his arm around my waist pulling me to his chest.

"Anything for you," I whisper as he leans down, planting a kiss on my forehead. Jesus this is weird. The girls storm off disappointed as we make our way to the check out line. Nik keeps his arm around me until we hear a growl behind us. We fly apart as we meet Lucius' gaze.

"Well shit," Nik mumbles. I reach over and grab his arm.

"Don't worry, I'll save you." He rolls his eyes as the lady behind the counter calls him up. Lucius glares at Nik's back as I walk over to him. "It's not what you think." He finally breaks eye contact with Nik's back and turns his glare on me. I take a cautious step forward and when Lucius doesn't move, I wrap my arms around him. After what seems like forever, Lucius relaxes and wraps his arm around me.

"She's with both of them? What a slut," one of the girl's say. I can't even call that a whisper, the whole store could hear it. Lucius stiffens in my arms. I hold onto him, hoping he'll let it go when I hear Nik yell, "hey!" I turn around shocked he'd yell at a girl when I see him storming over to Lucius and I, glaring. My eyes involuntarily widen.

"What the hell?" He grabs my arm, ripping me out of Lucius' grasp and pulling me into his. "She's mine," he growls. I stare at Lucius, eyes wide, wondering what he'll do when a smirk plays on his lips.

"Not my fault she prefers a real man." Holy shit. It takes everything I have to not let my mouth fall open. Lucius takes a step towards me. "It's not my fault she prefers my touch to yours." He puts one hand on my cheek as the other wraps around my waist. Lucius looks challengingly at Nik. "It's not my fault she prefers your older brother." There's a collective grasp from the group of girls to our side. Of course! Nik is putting on a show for them. I look at Nik as he stares between Lucius and I. Finally he shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay," he says as he walks back to the counter and grabs his bag. I pin my lips shut, trying my hardest not to laugh as all the girls' mouths drop open. Once we're out of the store I can't hold it in anymore.

"I can't believe you two." I hit both their arms as I continue to laugh.

"How could you do that to him?!" I turn around to find one of the girls from Hollister glaring at me. I lift my eyebrows, a smile playing on my lips.

"Hunny, I didn't do anything to him."  She huffs, her hand twitching at her side. Don't even think about it. I raise my eyebrow challengingly. After a minute she turns to Nik.

"Hi, my name's Melanie." She holds out her hand and Nik cautiously shakes it. She grasps it tight, taking him by surprise and pulling him closer to her. "I can make you forget about her." I burst out laughing before I can control myself.

"Not likely," I say. She turns, glaring at me.

"She's right," Nik says, detangling himself from her. Her mouth falls open as he walks over to me and wraps his arm over my shoulders. "She's my sister." Her eyes widen as her cheeks turn red. Without another word she turns around and walks back into Hollister, disappearing from view. I push Nik away, tears falling down my face, I'm laughing so hard. Lucius shakes his head and grabs my hand.

"Now, Mikhail and Max need your help love." My stomach flips. I don't trust my words so I nod.

"And you don't?" Nik asks, rolling his eyes.

"She already helped me." He looks down at me and winks. It took Lucius all of five seconds to grab some clothes and run into the dressing room. It took me awhile to realize he was gauging my taste while he tried clothes on for me to realize he only bought the clothes I said yes to.

* * *

Two hours later and I'm convinced the boys will be just fine without me. I only have an hour to find a dress now. Stupid birthday, stupid party and you know what? Stupid boyfriend. I glare my way all the way to FT Casuals. Jess told me it's the best place to find a dress, so I grab the first twelve that catch my eye and head into the dressing room.

I've only tried on three dresses when the boys come in looking for me, trying to hurry me along.

"Let's see, Devyn."

"Not going to happen Max. This is your brother's fault, so you're all going to have to wait." They all groan. "Now get out so I can pick my dress in peace." I look at myself in the mirror.  I'm going to feel really stupid when he hates it.

* * *

We've been home for only twenty minutes and I still can't stop stressing about the dress. What if I looked ridiculous? Just because it was the best out of the twelve doesn't mean he'll like it.

"Stop freaking out." I look over at Lucius, my face defeated. He keeps trying to convince me that I'll look fine, but I can't take his word for it until he sees it.

"Why do I need a fancy dress?"

"Because it's your birthday." I lean back in his desk chair.

"So?" I probably look like a sad unfortunate girl, but at this moment I don't care. I sigh, leaning forward and putting my head in my hands.

"Devyn?" I shake my head. "Devyn," he says more forcefully. I finally look up. "Come here." He pats the side of the bed as he moves his books off his lap. I slowly walk over to him, slumping down onto the bed. I put my head on his chest before looking up at him. He lifts his hand and places it on my cheek. "You have no idea how beautiful you are." I close my eyes as his thumb traces a path of heat across my lips. "You look amazing in sweats with messy hair, so I can't even imagine what you'll look like all dressed up."

"All of you are crazy," I whisper. I shake my head as he laughs. I remove myself from his chest and sit across from him. I stare at him until he stops laughing. 

"Oh come on. Lighten up." He playfully pushes me and I decide to go for the really dramatic and let my mouth fall open. I grab my arm, tears welling up in my eyes. His face is instantly serious as he reaches out for me freaking out. "Devyn I'm so sorry, I-" I start laughing. Ugh, Devyn! Way to blow it early! He stares at me as his eyes slowly narrow. Oh shit! I stop laughing and bolt off his bed, his movements mimicking mine. We stand there staring at each other until I book it towards the door. Before I can grab the door handle his arms wrap around my waist as he throws me over he shoulder. He walks towards his bed and drops me. I can't stop laughing as Lucius crawls on top of me. "You really shouldn't have done that," he whispers, his face inches from mine. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head as he stares down at me, my breathing ragged. Why does my heart race every time he looks at me?

"You don't scare me," I whisper. He smirks as he slowly leans down, his breath fanning my face.

"Not when I do this?" He kisses my neck.

"No," I breathe.

"Or this?" His nose trails up my jaw to my mouth and then back towards my ear. Slowly he bites my earlobe and pulls it in between his teeth.

"No," I barely whispered but I know he can hear me. I feel him smile against my neck.

"How about this?" In one movement he has us both sitting up, me straddling him. My hair no doubt looks crazy, but I can't take my eyes off him. He's gorgeous in every way possible. He's kind and gentle no matter how angry he gets. He slowly leans in, his lips about to brush mine when I push him away. His eyesbrows crease together in confusion as a smirk forms on my lips. I slide my hands up his chest and slowly push him down until his back is against his bed. His eyes darken and his breathing accelerates. Very slowly I move my hands across his chest, his eyes closing. I follow the  contours of his muscles up to his shoulders and down his arms, before stopping over his heart. After a minute he opens his eyes, meeting my gaze.

"You have one of the kindest hearts I've ever come to know." I slowly bend my elbows until I'm hovering above him. "You don't know how beautiful you are either." He lets out a sigh, closing his eyes. One moment I'm staring down at him and the next, he's above me. He doesn't say a word, crushing his mouth against mine. This isn't our usual type of slow kisses. This is pure hunger. My heart wildly beats in my chest as he kisses down my neck, his hands sliding up my stomach. He pulls back, my hands sliding their way around his body. I can't help the smile that forms on my lips as Lucius looks down at me, his eyes dark with lust.

"Devyn, Lucius, dinner!" Lucius sighs, pulling me up with him.

"Another time," I whisper. For once, I'm not worried about what tomorrow will bring, what my father would have said, or even what I'll look like in the dress.

All I know is I think I'm falling in love with Lucius.

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