A Future From Hell

By Shinedownlover560

57K 1.3K 263

When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. Six months later, the Androids... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty *Bonus Chapter!!!*
Chapter Thirty-One
Back From the Future

Chapter Eighteen

1.5K 38 18
By Shinedownlover560

Sighing, I put a red "x" over today's date. It's the fifty-second on the calendar, representing the fifty-second day that Trunks hasn't come back.

Though it sounds like I've given up hope, it's actually the very opposite. Bulma, Chi-Chi and I have been searching night and day for materials to build another Time Machine. So I can go back and hopefully help him.

"Rosamoona, don't just stand there! Come help me!" Bulma yelled.

Placing the marker down, I glared in her direction. My tail flicked angrily. She's been getting on my nerves lately. She glared right back.

"What!?" She asked me.

I didn't answer her. Instead, I walked outside, taking off. I would just use Instant Transmission, but I didn't want to show up at Chi-Chi's door step to pissed. She has been doing her best to keep peace between Bulma and I.

As I flew, I couldn't help but shed a few tears. I missed Trunks so much, and I hated fighting with Bulma. She was a second mother to me.

Suddenly, explosions ripped through the quiet evening air. I instantly stopped flying, turning to face the source. I was over a city, one that hadn't been attacked by the Androids yet. Well, up until a few seconds ago, that is. Without hesitation, I went Super, flying towards the destruction and chaos.

As I flew over the city, I could hear the screams of the terrified and injured. My blood boiled. Speeding up, I quickly made it to where the Androids where currently blowing buildings up. This was my first encounter with them since 17 broke my spine. I hope that injury was enough to make me stronger.

"17, stop taking all the Humans. I want some two you know." 18 told her brother as I landed. Before they knew I was there, I sent a Ki blast at them both, hoping to distract them so survivors could get away.

Unfazed, 17 and 18 slowly turned around, facing me. 17 scowled when he saw who I was.

"Well, how the hell did you survive?" He asked. I smirked.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

 17's scowl deepened and 18 laughed at him.

"Don't worry, 17. We'll kill her this time."

17 smirked. "18, I like the way you think." 18 smiled at her brother before launching at me. I expertly dodged her attack, but 17 was ready for this.

Appearing beside me, he landed a punch on my cheek, causing my head to snap to the left. I stumbled a few steps, quickly recovering. Before either of them could move, I charged them both. Catching the Androids off guard, I was able to deliver a series of rapid punches to each, before 17 caught my arm, throwing me over his shoulder.

Using this as leverage, I kicked 18 in the head, sending her flying backwards. 17 growled, letting my arm go. I caught myself as 18 pulled herself out of a pile of rubble. I quickly reached out with my Ki, feeling for any survivors. 

Shit. I thought. There were still people around here. As I was about to go find them, 18 appeared in front of me.

"Where's your friend, Ginger? Or did he actually die, unlike you?" 18 could tell she hit a nerve, and it amused her.

"BITCH! GO DIE!" I yelled at her, sending an onslaught of punches at her. She dodged them, though some hit home. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my foot. I looked down in time to see 17 smirking at me. Then two things happened at once.

First, 18 punched me hard in the gut, leaving me winded. Two, 17 threw me to the ground. I crashed through a building, hitting my head hard when I finally stopped. Something that sounded like a cough mixed with a groan escaped my lips. The Androids had been holding out on Gohan, Trunks and I this entire time. Who know's how strong they actually are.

Struggling a little, I was able to free myself from the concrete. Quickly healing myself, I looked around  for the Androids. I didn't see them.

"Shit." I mumbled, slowly flying out of the building. I was surprised when a sun set met me. I didn't realize it was this late already.

"Well, your a stubborn little cockroach." 17 growled from behind me. Whipping around to face him, I drew my arms back, letting it come forward with all my might. 17, who wasn't expecting this, took the full blow of my punch. I smirked. But that quickly changed to shock. 17 was smiling. Actually smiling!

Backing up, I ran into 18. Grabbing both my arms, she flew us both to the ground. Growling, I swept my leg behind me, hoping to knock her off  hers. Quickly jumping into the air, she let go of my hands so she could properly dodge my attack. I cupped my hands and bringing them back to my side. Let's see her dodge this.

"Ka-Me, Ha-Me..." The orange energy ball grew in my hands, twice as powerful as it had been months ago.

"HA!" I yelled, thrusting my hands forward. The blast left me and flew right at 18, engulfing her in light. Without waiting to see the result, I brought my hands up to my forehead, closing my eyes.

"SOLAR FLARE!" I heard the Androids gasp and grunt. Smiling, I entered the Energy world so I could see.

Both Androids were covering their eyes, trying to recover fast. Flying up to them, I kicked 18 in the chest and grabbed 17's arm, throwing him after his sister. Quickly forming another Kamehameha wave, I transported to where the Androids where about to land. Without second thought, I quickly made it stronger throwing it at the Androids.

When the smoke cleared, I came out of the Energy World, exhausted. I was stronger, but two Kamehameha Waves, one half strength, and the other full, really took it out of me.

Landing, I looked up at 17 and 18. Both seemed unharmed. The only thing different was their torn clothing and pissed expressions.

"God dammit." I mumbled.

"Well, 18, that was rather annoying. I say we stop playing around and finish her off."


Appearing in front of me, 17 punched me in the jaw, knocking me flat on my back. As I picked myself up, 18 pinned my arms behind me.

"Now you won't go any where." She told me. I growled at her and struggled, but it was useless. 17 smirked.

"Don't worry. This will be fun. At least for us it will be."

"Go fuck yourself." I spat at him. His smirk changed into a smile as he punched me in the gut. That was quickly followed by a kick to the face, breaking my nose. 

As I coughed, 17 and 18 laughed at me. My blood boiled, and I started to see red. I'm not gonna sit here and let them push me around like this! I'm a Saiyan for god's sake! Yelling, I used 18 for support as I brought my legs up and kicked 17 hard in the chest.

"17!' 18 called. "You're gonna pay for that, brat!"

I smiled, blood running from my nose. Flipping the rest of the way over, I freed my arms from 18. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer, but that didn't matter. Bringing my hand up to my nose, I snapped the bone back into place and healed it. Then I kicked 18 from behind. 

17 walked up beside her as she picked herself up. As they both faced me, I could see the moon behind them. It was full, and very bright. I couldn't look away from it, even as the Androids started to pulverize me. Though I should have felt immense pain, I felt nothing. I stood, rooted in place.

That's another thing. Shouldn't I be flying backwards by now? Why couldn't I feel anything? Why couldn't I move? These questions and more flooded through my brain, demanding an answer, but none came. Suddenly, I felt a tingle in my hands and feet. I tried to look down, but I couldn't tear my gaze away from the moon. I heard the sound of clothes ripping. But still, I couldn't look away.

What the hell was going on?


The Androids watched in shock and confusion and Rosamoona began to grow fur. Her eyes had turned red, neither of the colors they had seen them as before. Suddenly, she started to grow. Her hands and feet grew claws as they took the shape like those of a gorilla.

"17, that the hell is she doing?!" 18 yelled at her brother.

"How should I know?!" He yelled back, just as confused as she was. "None of this is in our data bank!"

Suddenly, a growl emanated from Rosamoona. Looking back over at her, both Androids backed up, fear clearly showing on their faces. The Saiyan had transformed into a giant ape. Her fur was red, the same color her hair had been.

Pounding on her chest, she let out another fierce growl that shook the ground beneath their feet. Looking down at them, 17 and 18 could see the hatred filling her eyes. Swinging a fist the size of a tour bus, Rosamoona nearly hit her target: The Androids.

Jumping out of the way just in time, 17 and 18 each went to a different side of Rosamoona, firing Ki blasts at her. The only thing it succeeded in was making her mad and singeing her fur. Stomping her feet, she let out an irritated howl, causing the Androids to cover their ears.

"What now?" 18 asked her brother, appearing next to him.

17 let a low growl escape his lips. "We kill it." He spat, flying directly in front of Rosamoona. He formed a powerful Ki blast in his hands. "Hey! Ugly! I've got a gift for you!" He yelled at her, releasing the blast. It hit Rosamoona square in he chest, exploding on contact. 17 smirked. "See 18! It was easy!"

As he spoke these words, a fist shot out of the smoke, encircling him. Rosamoona pulled him closer to her face, slowly crushing him. Delight was written on her face as 17 struggled to free himself. One by one, his ribs broke. He had stopped struggling for his arms were useless now.

18 quickly came to her brother's aid. Forming a Destructo Disk, she threw it at Rosamoona's hand. When it hit her, she intantly dropped 17, a cry of pain escaping her lips. The bloody gash quickly healed itself though, leaving a scar.

Picking 17 up carefully, 18 said, "Hell with this. We're getting out of here."

"N-no." 17 sputtered. But, despite his protests, 18 jumped into the air. Before she flew both of them away, she fired one more Destructo Disk at Rosamoona, aiming widely.

Catching her tail, it easily sliced right through it. Once more, Rosamoona howled in pain as she started to turn back to normal.

"That's it 18! Her tail! It has something to do with the transformation!" 17 told his sister, wincing from his broken ribs. Then he turned back to Rosamoona, who was now laying, unconscious, on the broken road. "This isn't over! Not by a long shot!"

18 rolled her eyes and quickly flew both herself and 17 out of the city. They would be back. After 17's injuries healed, they would be back with a vengeance.


So, what did y'all think? Didn't see that coming, did ya? XD Anyway, I apologize for taking so long to update. I don't really have an excuse either so....

Okay, so I know that when Kakarrot and Gohan turn into Oozaru, neither of them can control themselves, but the only reason why Rosamoona was able was because her hatred for the Androids was so strong, that when the animal instinct took over, the only thing that came to her mind was "kill".

Also, this is your last chance to get your votes in! Do you want me to do a section in Baby Rosamoona's point of view? Please leave a comment telling me!!!

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