Rebirth: Part Of The Dead Ear...

By nerdfighterwriter

645 18 49

I've seen a lot, I've been through a lot, I've trained a lot, I've learned a lot... But nothing prepares me f... More

The plans
Walter's secret
Welcoming new guests
Like sisters
time with mom
Family problems
Losing control
Before salvation
Heading out
Partners in Crime
The great escape
The Ending
Among Us
Sneak Peek to Elimination Jess' P.O.V

Rescue mission

16 1 3
By nerdfighterwriter

It's been two weeks here at Divites, I'm trapped in a lab at their jail all day except during the time in which they send us to the prisoners cafeteria and we get to eat our meals. So far Divites hasn't been able to touch me much unless they get their tranquilizer and shoot me with a liquid that doesn't knock me out but makes my whole body go numb without having to affect my blood, but that's rare because they need to hit one of my nerves before I can produce a wave of the powerful green mist to knock them down. No matter if they cover my eyes with a thick metal piece in the shape of glasses that is so close to my skin I barely get any air against my eyes, with a strong see through metal so that I can see, or if they chain my arms and legs together, strap me to a metal wall from another chain connected to the metal half sphere that held my arms together so that I don't figure out a way to escape, I will always find a way to use my powers. 

Sometimes I feel like my powers are working stronger than ever was because recently I've used them to harm people, and do bad, exactly what the mark on my back means. I heard a small creak in the left side of the wall, and I immediately knew what was going to happen. Another creak but from the right side of the wall, SNAP! The chains connected to the metal around my hands unlatched and I fell forward, then my leg chains unlatched,  two guards entered the room and grabbed me from under my arms to carry me out, as soon as my legs exited the room a claw would come up from the ground to take off the chains wrapped around both legs and another would snap on a bracelet that would electrocute me if I stepped out of the building with it on. They never took off the metal around my hands, even for lunch. They had a flying circular robot that would feed me, William always complained about how I couldn't even eat by myself. 

When we got to the cafeteria William and my father always rushed to my side and led me to the table at which they sat. Like always. The whole team was sitting at the table and Jess sat at the end of the table, no mater how tough any of the other prisoners were none of them dared to sit at my table, of course their vision of my kind automatically referred to me too. The story of the fight always got more and more violent. I melted the soldiers eyeballs through the helmet. I snapped his neck and grabbed his whip and continued to whip his bare back. I completely incinerated one soldier to ashes while the other I tortured.

"Nice outfit." William snickered, I looked down realizing I had never seen what they dressed me in, I wore a grey long sleeve shirt and pants that were both one size too big, and stripes going across.

"Thanks, as you can see it's the highest in fashion trend around." I motioned the whole room with my head.

"Why do you have to wear those stupid glasses?" William whined.

"I don't know maybe because I have alien powers that I can use from my eyes too." 

"But it's so stupid, I can't even see your eyes anymore." 

"Maybe that's a good thing, they're full of sorrow, hate and pain." I was starring at Jess, he seemed uncomfortable, I didn't't understand why. 

"Towards who?" William questioned.

"Not who, but what. The fact that we ended up here, that girl died without being able to defend herself, pain from everything I've done constantly harming and endangering people around me, hate at the fact were stuck here and we won't ever get out, the world will just have to do without The Key, figure out a way of saving the earth themselves." William put his hand over mine and gave me a weary smile.

"We're getting out of here, I promise. Your dad has another plan-"

"Does this one actually seem effective or will it end up showing it's failure upon my face again?" I asked with a hint of anger in my tone. Last time we tried to escape I was the only one with real weapons that were working, William didn't;'t want to risk revealing who or what he actually was. As we tried escaping my powers got weaker since I was helping people escape, my powers usually worked for destruction and not so much for good, that's when they would weaken. My shield fell and a soldiers armor must've notified him so he ran out of a room and hit me across the face with the end of his gun, ever since then I've had a scar on the corner of my lower lip, it seemed like one sixth of the size of the one my father had. 

"It seems pretty solid, but we wont be able to discuss it here, we're going to have to speak in a sort of code, maybe our race's language. Biloxan and Esthercal are pretty similar, actually they're the same thing but we wont say that because well you know the story."

"I don't get it, why are we so similar yet so different?"

"It's sort of a long story but seeing as you deny to eat lunch every day and there's one hour left to kill I'll tell it. Long ago before the Cosmos were ever born one race existed, Pazaequalex. The leaders of the Pazaequalex; Zafark, and Quelxa had two children. Estherclex and Biloxi. Biloxi was a calm and gentle girl with Red eyes much like her fathers, she spread peace and helped her parents create everything that ever existed, the big bang as they called it. Estherclex was the oldest by mere minutes, destined to rule as soon as his father passed away, he was the complete opposite of Biloxi, he destroyed things and caused wars or fights where ever his presence was felt with red eyes like his mother. His father demanded he was executed, their race was a calm and peaceful race and he didn't't want it to be tainted by his foulness. His mother believed she saw good in him and so they banished him to live on a planet of his own, a woman who had been deeply in love with him proposed he shouldn't live by himself, have some company, others who Estherclex managed to convince to do evil were also vanished there, Estherclex demanded the planet be named after him, Esther. After his parents passed he tried to regain his rightful place as the leader along with his wife, the woman who was in love with him. Biloxi and him began their first war, and of course good overthrew evil, Biloxi claimed the leadership and wanted to verify that in no way was her race equal or connected to Esthercals as she began calling them, the name stuck and she named her race Biloxans, both of their races were rivals from there on. Biloxi created a planet for her kind, naming it after her parents; Quexlafark. Of course some of the Esthercals can be born without the evil of their kind but their parents force them into their evil ways and it's not so hard considering they did originate from some horrible parents, but if an Esthercal can't be changed into any evil ways they are thrown into jail, executed, banished or made into a type of lab rat." 

"Like my mother?" I questioned. William nodded, he continued by telling that some Biloxans were born evil and of course we have punishments for that too, one is execution if they have done evil far beyond the one's for which you are banished. It seemed like a reasonable story, but it also seemed unfair. Why couldn't two siblings get along? Why had a father been so cruel, maybe that's where Estherclex got it from. Why couldn't they just deal with all the bad people the way we did? What would it have felt like if me and Alice were the ones going against each other, how could two siblings be so heartless to each other? 

A loud siren rang, the signal for lunch to be done, everyone stood up and returned to their cells, William gave me a kiss on the cheek before he left but pulled away immediately. His lips were red and my cheek had been burned, the skin was hotter than any of the other times this happened. Before he was able to apologize two guards came over with my regular feet chains, they gripped my arms and took me back to my room, it took about two minutes for them to chain me up and seal the room, I was bored 90% of the time, the other 10% I was asleep, it's such a short percentage for sleep because of all my dreams, I try not to fall asleep. Again I began to wander into my own thoughts, lost to a different world. My thoughts never left the topic of my sister, I wondered how she'd been holding up. 

Bianca! Oh my god I thought you were dead! I'm okay how are you? and where are you? Alice's voice broke through my thoughts, I must've been communicating with her on accident.

I'm alright I guess, Team one has been captured by Divites and well we're all in jail. Everyone is, I'm in a lab but they haven't been able to touch me at all so far.

What? We need to get you out of there! Team two went on with the plan and is back with their info they switched the info you guys and them are after so you need to go to the lab, Mom says that she's going to help.

How does she even know how to break us out, where is she? Make sure she doesn't leave base and do anything stupid!

Sorry Bia, she's already on her way over there. She's been gone for one week, so she might be there by tomorrow.

I'm going to kill her when she gets here, my mother doesn't have it in her to take on a complete Divites army. The day will soon be over and so I'm hoping she's smart enough to wait the night. Talking to Alice took all my energy out but I tried not to show it, if I did then they were going to try and experiment on me which they would succeed because I would be too weak to protect myself. Since they couldn't see my eyes and they usually stopped the experiments after lunch because they believed it would affect tomorrow's data I took a nap, trying not to dream. At first all I saw was dark, wasn't asleep I was still wide awake but I only had my eyes closed, trying to force myself to sleep. I tried counting to one hundred over and over again, hoping it would make me tired. Before I knew it I was asleep, lost in a dream.

I was lying on the ground, my eyes closed like I was knocked out, I opened them slowly but easily, no drag like there always is when I wake. I sit up and realize I'm in a battlefield. I know this dream all too well, I stand up and immediately start running over to William. Before I can reach him I hit what seems to be glass, I bang on the glass trying to break it. I want to scream his name but my throat feels dry and my lips feel sewn together. Like always, something I can't see holds me back from getting to him. Silent tears stream down my face, thankfully I could never hear it, I count down. 1...2...3...4...and now I should probably close my eyes. This time I did hear something, but it wasn't from my dream. It was a loud but faint noise from behind the doors, I'm awake now, in between reality and my dreams, my favorite place as a child.

I would get up to prepare for the mandatory training, sometimes I'd drift off into a dream as I was getting ready. Every sound I heard in reality applied in my dream, I would still be getting ready and always at some point I would see my father, this of course was after he disappeared. I had to force myself to wake and when I did I was crying, wanted to curl into a little ball, go back to that dream, never wake up. Now all I wanted was to wake up, I couldn't risk being asleep this long. The faint noise continued, not like a timed rhythm but like a baby first exploring the drum. Thud...Crash, Thud......Crash, Crash, Thud..Bang! At the last sound I woke up, my eyes searched the room for anyone. Nothing, at first I tried convincing myself that it was in the dream...but I know it wasn't. Something was different about the room, it was empty as always. But there was a colder feeling to it than usual. The lights were off. Pretty sure you think I'm stupid for not being able to identify if lights are on or off but just to remind you, I'm wearing some stupid eye-cuff glasses Divites made specially for me in which I can barely see colors, William's been helping me identify the colors according to the new dark versions of them. 

The door of the lab opened and I immediately projected a shield around me. Something went wrong, it didn't seem to work. The only moment that my powers didn't work were when someone used their powers against me or on me. For a moment I thought it was Alice or William, when my eyes focused I was shocked to see who stood before me. 

"Mom?" I whispered, I wondered if I was still in a dream.

"We need to go now if we're going to make it out of here before the guards can come and we could make it to their lab." She went straight to the point, not even a 'oh my god you're okay' but I could understand why she wouldn't be expecting a half alive Bianca. She's more aware of my power than I am.  Where was everyone else? Had she rescued them or was she planning to leave them behind. As if reading my mind she added; "I already freed William, Jess and everyone else, the only one we're missing is you."

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room for a while, lock the door, stay as far away from this room as possible." My mother was about to question my orders but she must've noticed the seriousness in my voice and decided otherwise, also because I screamed repeating what I said except in a less polite way. Once I felt her distance I prepared myself for what I was about to do. I thought of Divites hurting or torturing Alice, my father begging Divites for help or some mercy but they simply deny him, I thought of Divites experimenting on my mother like if she was just a rat. With every thought I could feel the continuous rage building up inside of me, my body felt like I was on fire, heat swirling all around me, surrounding me, enclosing me with a thick blanket of flames. Each time the layers of the flames grow thicker, hotter and hotter every time. 

I had kept my eyes closed the whole time, almost like a natural instinct inside of me. I had no idea how I was doing this or what I was doing but as soon as I opened my eyes I felt a weight I had carried on my shoulder be lifted. The flames stopped swirling me and they exploded across the room, a swirling circle of flamed waves, the intense heat melted the chains that had been holding me, and the cuffs on my feet and hands, I collapsed to the ground, my eyes again steaming uncontrollably, the flames bright mixed shades of greens .

I was weak, so close to fainting but I pushed myself to get up, get out of here and get back home to finish off what we started. Once I caught my breath I turned myself over so that I lay on my stomach, the first step to getting out, I started to crawl towards the door, it was hard with all the heat produced fog on the glasses, I reached up and melted the controls on the glasses, it burned a piece of my hair which I later realized just turned black, the glasses unlocked and fell on the ground, I was blinded by light against my eyes for the first time in days. My mother rushed out of the doors and helped me walk, once outside of my cell's doors I met up with the rest of the team, everyone was here except Jess. William carried me bridal style in his arms, we all rushed to get to the doors, get out of here as soon as we could.

"W-wait,...Wil-William..." I stammered, too weak to even talk. We were right next to the door, nothing could've stopped us, we were going to make it out of here. But I stopped him, why I did what I was about to do? No clue.

"What's wrong?" 

"We need to go ba-back..." William waited a while as if wondering what was going through my mind, but he knew me well enough to know I wasn't leaving without Jess. 

"We'll meet you guys over there, I know where the lab is, me and Bianca are gonna do something first and then we can all leave, get the info we need first."

Everyone seemed to agree except one person.

"Hold on, you are not going anywhere with just you two, especially with Bianca like that. You can go, Bianca is coming with us." Edgar argued.

"Just shut up Edgar, you keep trying to prove you know what's best for Bianca and that you know her better than anyone but you don't, you guys broke up get over it. Bianca is stronger than you think and she wants to go on with this, guess you don't know her as well as you though you did." William sassed.

Edgar was silent and William took that opportunity to walk away. Half conscious I managed to convince William to put me down so he wouldn't have to carry me and we could speed things up. When we finally managed to find Jess' cell he was fast asleep, I knocked on the door. I was feeling stronger already considering the damage I'd just done, Jess woke up lazily but when he saw me his natural instincts kicked in.

"What do you want? I should call the guards and tell them you've escaped yet again, you'll sure get a good beating cause of that."

"As if they could even touch me, and by the way it's not just me who's escaped. It's everyone, they wanted to leave you behind, or maybe they just forgot about you-"

"You're expecting me to believe you came back for me? HA, as if." Jess tried to laugh at this like any cold hearted lunatic would but he couldn't mask the grateful relief and confusion in his voice.

"You might want to be careful." I put my hand over the locks for his cell and tried once again to do what I had done twice already, tried concentrating the heat, anger, rage all in my hand. For the first time I actually got to see what was happening, the view of my hand was hard to see behind the thick, blurry heat waves deriving from my hand, the waves of heat producing a sort of greenish color along with them. The complete lock melted off like ice sliding down the side of an over heated stove, Jess didn't seem the slightest bit surprised at what I did but he did seem surprised at the fact William was with me. In sinc we all started sprinting down the halls, jumping over rails, trying to get out of here fast.

"Wait." Jess said coming to a halt in front of a cell, "Open it." I didn't question him I just did. Inside was a guy I've seen before, a man who beat Jess up constantly, the most recent time was in lunch as always. The man walked over to the table and pulled Jess by his hair which got longer, he threw him on the ground and muttered threats at him, then he kicked him, in the face, stomach, and back. He even punched him across the face multiple times, leaving Jess a bloody, bruised mess, but he never stopped there, he picked him up by the shirt and made him stand up his back to the wall and he would continue punching him in the stomach, across the face and abusing him but obviously the guards never cared. In the end Jess was left with concussions, broken ribs, horrible stomach pains and never did that guy stop, every time he left Jess a bloody mess, blood streaking down his face, on his clothes and with broken noses, or black eyes. Jess walked in and I couldn't help sneak a quick look, the guy was cowering at a corner of the cell, staring at me and Jess in fear, my eyes were probably glowing completely green. Before he could speak Jess stood over him and started kicking and punching him harder than I'd ever thought he could, almost ten minutes passed before he was done with him. The guy was left worse than Jess ever was

"That's a little preview from hell, sincerely the devil's son himself." Jess snickered obviously in pleasure of the mess this guy was, he and William continued on like nothing happened, I stood behind watching the guy crawl on the floor, occasionally coughing up blood trying to get to his bed. I felt pitty for him although I know he deserved to suffer, but despite me being Esthercal I did have a bit of humanity inside of me. I raised my arm and felt a surge of heat in the palm of my hand, growing into a complete ball of swirling heat and flames born straight from within my powers, I shot the powerful, mist, flame type ball straight at him, the next moment he was but a corpse. 

William and Jess had waited for me and now that we were ready, we set straight for the doors, no stop. Run, run until you can't run no more and even then just keep going. Cause if you stop, you give up, and when you give up, you surrender, they get you. If you stop running you're might as well be better off dead, cause right now, you are the most dangerous and wanted thing on this planet.

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