Pokemon Rangers: Frozen Fury

By _RayTheWriter_

39.7K 1.5K 257

Grace Glacenia is about to enter a new world of Pokemon. She is about to be a Pokemon Ranger, with a purpose... More

Chapter 1 : Pokemon
Chapter 2 : Fire and Ice
Chapter 3 : Bright Future
Chapter 5 : First Day
Chapter 6 : Pledge
Chapter 7 : Friends and Classes
Chapter 8 : Unfamiliar
Chapter 9 : Test of Courage
Chapter 10 : Saving Snivy
Chapter 11 : Peultown
Chapter 12 : Lies
Chapter 13 : Manipulation
Chapter 14 : Gray
Chapter 15 : Secrets
Chapter 16 : Who's that Pokemon?
Chapter 17 : Justice Served
Chapter 18 : White Christmas
Chapter 19 : Peultown Ice Age
Chapter 20 : Stopping the Storm
Chapter 21 : The Missing Teacher
Chapter 22 : Out of Nowhere
Chapter 23 : Farewell
Chapter 24 : Investigation of the Dying Coal
Chapter 25 : The Red Gem
Chapter 26 : Boundaries
Chapter 27 : Snowed in
Chapter 28 : Snowed Out
Chapter 29 : Thin Ice
Chapter 30: Taken
Chapter 31: Visions of Hope
Chapter 32: Over the Ice Lake
Chapter 33: The Story of Before Almia
Chapter 34: Restless
Chapter 35: Listen
Chapter 36: Watch Out
Chapter 37: Ravine Spirit
Chapter 38: Tunnels
Chapter 39: Free Fall
Chapter 40: Caught
Chapter 41: Winded
Chapter 42: Reunion
Chapter 43: Punishment
Chapter 44: Hope in the Past
Chapter 45: Lost in the Future
Chapter 46: Death over Decision
Chapter 47: Take to the Sky
Chapter 48: Help Needed
Chapter 49: The Land He Loves
Chapter 50: Long Live Almia

Chapter 4 : Almia Air

1.8K 48 15
By _RayTheWriter_

Let's just say, the interval between that fiery day and my birthday was pretty painful, but when that day came around, when I was fourteen and now able to storm around Sandgem with Pichu proudly (and legally) perched on my shoulder, I was overjoyed.

The day seemed to be long, my family's attention on me, my dad surprising me with an envelope specially mailed from Almia, from the academy itself, with a  letter attached, all addressed from Vientown.

 Allison Bentley, Kenneth Flare, Garfield Roww, Fiona Ford

Vientown Ranger Base, Almia

 Hi, Grace! Happy Birthday! Its me Allison, writing in favor of all of us here, me, Kenny, Gary, and Fiona, our mechanic, and oh, Lillian Hart, our operator. Oh! And not to forget our partners who are excited to meet you, my Vulpix, Kenny's Aipom, Garfield's Makuhita, and Fiona's Cubone.

 We have been thinking of you (Ken especially) and how much you mean to us even though we've known you for only a total of three hours, not including our night's sleep. For a present, we decided to talk to Headmaster Lamont of the Almia Pokemon Academy, personally as some of his favorite pupils. We told him about you, well Ken did, and how you have a good heart, and how you deserve to be a ranger more than any other kid. He believed us, and guess what! You get a scholarship! 

 Usually the most talented (richie rich) kids get to make it in, with tests and applications, but you stand out, and you are talented all your own. The Principal has made you a more personal and shorter application, of course you'll need one for health and physical needs, but anyways, you're special! We know you are! 

 We know that one day, you'll be a Top Ranger, the toppest top ranger ever! Can't wait to see you!

 Alli, Kenny, Gary, Fio, and all our Poke pals!

I smiled, holding the hand written, and close to perfect letter close, the application being looked over by my father now. He would go ahead and fill out the personal details, but the personal pre-student orientation was mine to tackle. I'd do it later anyhow.

"Grace! Open my present next!" I giggled and lifted my little sister onto my lap, though she was getting too old to do this to. She held a small package, probably the sole item she went shopping for with our mom when they took a trip to Veilstone the other day. 

I kissed her forehead and carefully tore it open, Rosie deep in suspense. Pichu hopped from shoulder to shoulder as well, wanting me to hurry. I took off the preciously dotted wrapping paper, to reveal a little box. I held it up, wanting to just pop it open already. 

"Cool! Open it." Mom nudged me, winking obviously to Rosie, who gave an exagerrated giggle in return. I opened it to reveal a bracelet with a silver chain, two wooden charms the treasure, personally whittled. One was a mini girl, me, and the other was a Pichu with oversized ears, one with an extra three spikes on the end. 

Pichu gasped and cried out, touching her figure. "Chu! Pi!" She jumped onto Rosie's head, nudging her roughly. "We love it!" I put it on, twisting my wrist to admire the work. 

"We found an old man who was a whittler, and Rosie had the mind to speak out and ask for a 'charm bracelet for her sister's spiky eared Pichu and herself.'" Mom tapped Rosie's nose, sneering at her in a loving fashion. "I... It's so amazing!" I loved it so much! 

"You can add more charms too." Rosie shyly added and looked down, a wide smile glued to her face. 

In the end, I had amazing bracelet and new clothes, and an amazing application to my dream school. I was so grateful! The rest of the day, we spent time together, and just basked in the fact that I was fourteen! By the end of the day, I was so enthralled that I could barely fall asleep, until Pichu's breathing lulled me into a peaceful unconsciousness.

So I worked on that application, asking me to write down experiences with Pokemon, my goal in life, and why I wanted to study so badly at this Academy. I answered, taking time to write on the precious form. When I got it all filled out, the papers were mailed, and I had time to hang out with Pichu. 

We went to the Lake, sat around. For a while this is how it went (I barely had those crazy dreams to top it all off) and Pichu and I got to know each other even more. In a week, I even got a reply from the Academy.

Almia, Pokemon Ranger Academy

Headmaster Lamont

 Dear Grace,

Thank you for your time to fill out the forms. I, Lamont Splendidocious, is extremely excited by your well thought responses, and is truly amazed at the story from the Lake's affair. You were brave and strong, and connected with that Blastoise like no other, and saved the day!

 I will be open with welcome arms now, to ensure that you are welcome to our Academy to study and become an official area ranger. The school is anticipating your arrival in August.

 Regards, Lamont Splendidocious

I almost screamed, racing outside with Pichu by my side. "Soon, Pichu! We will get there! Stopping bad guys, saving Pokemon!"

"Chu! Pi! Pi!"

So the months passed, peaceful yet anticipating. Pichu and I got a bond going unlike any other, so when that day came, where I was to take a plane to Peultown, I was very jittery.

"Alrighty! Lucky you got me, eh?" I tossed my duffel bags on the wagon of our neighbor, Henry, willing to take us to Jubilife. "Rapidash! Raaa!" His horse Pokemon whinnied.

"Thanks for the ride to Jubilife." I smiled, glad my father and I didn't have to tote all this to the airport. "No problem at all!" We piled in, off on the road. Cars weren't allowed around here, so it was a peaceful wagon ride.

"Chu! Pi!" Pichu jumped around, as bubbly as I was.

Long story short, we got to the city, boarded the cargo plane headed to Peultown (luckily on this day, the day before the School started)

It was early, and I gave a teary good bye to my father, still raw from the night before when I had said goodbye to my later rising mother and sister. It was four in the morning, yet I wasn't tired!

"See you, Grace. Write often, will you?" I nodded and wiped my face before getting in the passenger spots of the plane.

"Bye!" I yelled and took a seat. The captain was nice, telling me it'd be a pretty short flight. I sighed deeply and nodded. Time to go.

It was short, over Mount Coronet, and into the borders of Almia at last. "Chu!" Pichu laughed, jumping around the seats.

"Okay passengers, buckle up, we are landing soon!" Peeking out the window as we made the smooth dip, I could see our destination.

Peultown was beautiful. A port city, the streets neatly paved with stone, people and Pokemon inhabiting the streets.

We landed in a little air strip to the west of town. "ALMIAAAA!" Overjoyed, I practically flew to the exit of the plane. Stretching in the Almia air, I could make out Ken approaching, on a Doduo, followed by two more.

"Grace!" He cried out, waving. My heart gave a leap and I made my way down the stairs, and onto the pavement of the landing strip. My first step onto Almia.

"HEY!!! ALMIA REGION!" Pichu and I jumped around, laughing and drunk with excitement. "Alright, alright. Come on you two." Ken rolled his eyes. "Air! Pom!" On his shoulder was the cutest little Aipom.

"Chu! Pi!" Pichu greeted him, tapping tails and running around.

"So you've met Aipom." Ken laughed, tying  my duffel bags to a Doduo. "He's cute!" I chided, allowing the little monkey to climb onto my shoulder.

"These guys are our transportation." Ken stated, noticing me staring at the twin

headed bird Pokemon, after Aipom flipped onto one.

"I just hop on?" I patted the Pokemon, who chirped in response.

"Yep! Now come on, Grace!" Ken began to leave, Pichu and I in his tracks. The Doduo trembled, wanting to follow, but waiting for me. "Okay." I got on Doduo, Pichu on my shoulder. "Erh. Okay, Doduo, go!" Doduo took off like a jet, long legs stretching out to grab at the dirt, heads bobbing.

"Chuuuuu!" We must have looked so strange, a ranger being followed by a kid wearing shorts and a crimson T-shirt, totally out of place. Nonetheless, folks waved to me, as if they knew me.

We went through the lower parts of the town, sadly, we didn't tour the place, but went through a long path through a forest and out of the city. We went up a hill, and were up on a cliff in no time, overlooking Peultown and the ocean. We stopped, looking out.

"So pretty!" I gasped. Almia was so different from Sinnoh! "It is." Ken agreed, absentmindedly stroking Aipom's ears.

After a few minutes of admiration of the city and beyond, we went on a little more, stopping at a wagon that smelled of delicious bread.

"Ho! Ranger! Girl! Fancy some bread on this morning?" A man waved to us, his Pansage waving a spoon.

"Want some?" Ken asked me, stopping again to purchase lofts of soft bread. "Yes, please!"

Sharing with the Pokemon and scarfing the good food down, we went off on the road. It was a nice path, and dragged on until we entered a forest.

"Vien Forest." Ken told me. I scanned the area. "Cool!" We entered the forest, which reminded me of the forest in my dream so long ago. I expected to see a shrine appear any moment, as Ken skillfully wove through the trees and paths. "Chu! Pi! Pi!" Pichu suddenly pointed to a break in the trees. Inclined to trust my friend, yet stupidly breaking away from Ken, we slowly appeared at a small creek, tall green grass slowly waving in the breeze."What's up Pichu?" I scanned this clearing, unsure of what was so important.

"Chu! Pi! Pichu!" Then I saw it, a small green Pokemon flying around. She was too far to fully make out her features, but the name popped into my mind. Celebi.

"Grace! What in Arceus name are you doing?" Ken had back tracked, cutting into the clearing. Just like that, Celebi was gone. Maybe it was an illusion, but an illusion both Pichu and I shared?

"Sorry." I muttered under my breath, getting back on the track. Ken didn't say another word, just leading the way.

After more riding through this lush forest, we finally broke out to see a little town.


I first saw a picket fence, Miltank walking around and chewing on grass. To the right of the forest exit, was the cylinder shaped Ranger base, with a domed top, covered decoratively in leaves. Outside it, the area rangers were waiting.

"Grace!" Allison screamed, running to me with her arms wide open. "Chu! Pi! Chu!" Pichu was caught in the center of our embrace, getting crushed. "CHU!" She had no choice but to let loose electricity, lighting up the morning.

"WEEEYYEEH! That woke me up." Allison groaned. "Vulpix, Vul, Vul." Her Pokemon appeared then, sort of laughing at her. "Yeah. Vulpix meet Pichu. She's very... Shocking."

I shook my head and laughed. "Chu!" Pichu hopped on Allison's shoulder, sort of apologizing.

"Grace!" Garfield was next, enveloping me in a bear hug. "Long time, no see." He clasped my shoulder and introduced me to Makuhita, his power packing pal. Next up to meet, was Fiona, the Mechanic that wore a jacket and shorts similar to a ranger, but you could've easily tell that she was a girl who liked to fix things up, especially judging by the fanny pack on her belt and bandana over her spiky orange hair.

I held a hand out. "Nice ta meet'cha." She took my hand in hers, shaking it roughly, and boy was she tough.

"Hi! I'm Grace." She probably knew me, thkugh. 'Fiona Ford is me, and that's Cubone." She pointed to a little brown and cream Pokemon with a skull on his head, hiding behind her legs. "Pichu! Pi! Chu Pi!" Pichu greeted him, only to be tapped on the back with its bone. Pichu nervously laughed and cane back to me.

"Cubone had a rough past." Fiona whispered.

I didn't press the subject, and we went inside, where I put my stuff in the girl's room. I'd stay the night, and early the next morning would be the first day. The plane's schedule had been today anyhow, but this was fine. More time to hang out with the rangers! More time to be here, in Almia, while tomorrow would be a brand new chapter in my life.

Almost there! Graceissoontobeastudent! What does theschoolhaveinstore for ayoung, ambitiousgirl?


Thisisboringhuh? I'msorryforthischapter, but 'tomorrow wouldbeabrandnew chapter' ! ortoday. I'vebeenwastingmydayswritingthis, itsfun! Ihopeyouallbearwithme! Thankyou!!!

Thedescriptivechapters will endsoonmebe.!

Text copyright © _RaytheWriter_™ 2014-

Allrights reserved


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