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Dislocations, sprains, etc..

Ordinary treatment.

- To avoid the swelling is necessary, as soon as

it happens the accident, put the injured part in cold water,

water in the previously are poured one ounce of extract of


Compresses applied after camphorated brandy. If this fails

to prevent swelling, the battle with emollients, such as

linseed meal poultices or of marshmallow root.

It is essential to the rest of the ill and also require diet and

drinks refreshments.

SPECIAL TREATMENT. In all cases pains, sprains,

dislocations, it is highly recommended the use of fat

marmot, called Miraculous.

This medicine on account of his name makes laugh not

have used it ever occurs wonderful results.

Chilblains, cracks, CRACK Take a clump of celery, whole,

please to boil for an hour, soon, in three liters of water.

Wash in the morning and afternoon, with the cooking, the

diseased part.

Healing in 6 or 8 days.

- OTHER REMEDY. - In a liter of milk please cook for ten

minutes to a handful of Keep warm, avoid moisture.

Understandable in a pharmacy or herbal 25 grams of root

bark of simarruba (tree of Guiana) and agree to

bake in a liter of wine until reduced by half.

Drink a glass in the morning and afternoon, fasting. Healing

at 24 hours.

In some cases it leads to vomiting tea.

So it is when it comes to viscous would disagree or bilious,

so common in warm climates. Then the cure is still


Against all kinds of dysentery, here two new and infallible


For older people. - Mix the contents of a glass of water and

two cups of vinegar strong, boil until reduced by half;

cold drink in the morning before breakfast, two times,

twenty-minute intervals.

For children. - A diluted egg sugar water, during the day,

cook them of rice.

When in consequence of dysentery they be too strong

stomach pains, please A poultice of chamomile oil (see



Ordinary treatment. -There is a portion pain, localized in

different regions, such as are the lumbago (pain in the

kidney) pain in the knee, shoulder, etc.., which are cured

with leaves cabbage boiled in milk until the milk and

cabbage formed as a jam.

Extend it in or a flannel cloth and applied hot to the

part where you have pain. At 10 hours away the plaster and

already the pain is gone.

Diarrhea, dysentery Frequency and abundance of manure,

more usually liquid, viscous, painful and sometimes bloody.

Belly pain, cramps and nausea.

Treatment. - Mild purgative; careful diet; strip of flannel or

'poultices Hot in the womb. After stimulating drinks

gives good grass or lemon balm, tea and a drop "of rum.

Externally, an ointment friction with antiherpetic

appropriate to the case or levied with a decoction

of sage.


Ordinary treatment. - A remedy highly simple and yet gives

good results is to boil for ten minutes in a pint of red wine or

white, good handful of climbing ivy (for lack of Ivy, 4 or 5

heads of poppy) and add a good pinch of table salt; strain

cloth and rinse your mouth, on the side where

there pain, with a spoonful of this elixir, spitting

in a few minutes. This elixir can Store in a jar.

CRUP and Angina Characterize the presence of Croup

skins,false membranes, which develop in the throat and


It the disease develops very quickly, for this advise you not

to neglect the disease never throat and you call the doctor

as soon as possible.

Symptoms of croup are the following: at first pain

throat accompanied by fever, swelling of the tonsils

that are covered with white spots, these spots to arrive at

deep in the throat, the voice becomes hoarse.

Later ensuing attacks of suffocation, breathing is

wheezing, the patient throws pieces of membrane, retains

all knowledge.

The first care in these circumstances involve the use of

emetics that, if necessary,may be repeat. After the emetic, if

is neither a doctor, rub diseased surfaces with a brush

dipped in lemon juice or in carbol water or in a concentrated

solution of chloride or potash alum.


When it comes to serious cuts or wounds that require

medical intervention, the only thing to do is following: let

bleed a little, without forcing,wash with water warm where

you throw a few tablespoons of boric acid water; wiping dry,

tighten the lips of the wound and stay together by strips of

adhesive tape, boric cotton wool covering, then hold on to a

sells yarn and occasionally moisten with water boricada.

Curvature (stiffness) Painful sensation as if broken bones,

lassitude which is sometimes extreme harbinger of

disease more or less severe.

Except in this case that requires medical intervention, cure

this disease especially with the rest, large bathrooms warm,

sudorific drinks (Linden tea and borage), friction and



They are very dangerous the limazas large that they are

easi ly seen and can be destroyed. However, there is a way

of not having to worry about this Hunt: Just to put it with

plantings around a strip of sawdust. Limaza No, not even

the most daring, dare to wade through this mess of sawdust,

however small.

To destroy earthworms, in fields and orchards back heavily

salted water or better with a decoction of walnut leaves. In

the latter case all the worms and maggots out at ground and


If I want to keep, no more to put them in fresh water.


Here is a simple way links that always goes

well. Take a cylindrical vessel of earthenware, it

échense 100 grams of acid sulfuric and 50 water, add 300

grams of sodium sulphate in dust.

Stand in the middle of this mixture in another

vessel smaller where is the water you want to freeze. Cover

the pot small and move around gently. A few minutes

that water becomes ice. With the same mixture is cooling

other water can do and even may work for a third operation.


Take a piece of camphor the size of a walnut, and

evapóresele placing a metal plate in the flame

of a lamp. Be careful not to burn camphor. Vapors

will filling the room and not returning flee mitge although

leave open the window.


a method for preserving lemons for three or four months and

that is simply stuck them in water ordinary.

This procedure has finger satisfaction. For those that are

provided in large, we recommend that even buy lemons

when not too ripe.


The decoction of walnut leaves is a condom against flies, in

the summer, when they constitute a torment the animals.

Just to put to flight the flies horses washed with water

saturated with caustic and fragrant juice walnut.

It is a medium that is widely used with great success in



For flies and horseflies martiricen not to the horses:

Boil for five minutes a handful of bay leaves in a kilogram

of lard. Wet a cloth in this mixture and rub it, hair to the body

of the horse or the ox, when leaving home for work.

Cool drink without ice There is nothing better in the summer

drinks fresh, on condition of not abusing them.

However, I am not party to put ice on the table, the ice

appears to be a great microbes vehicle and there is such

variety of these which should take some precautions to save

your visit.

It is very easy to cool the water and wine without using ice

which on the other hand, it is easy to take the field.

Put simply, in a cube, 100 grams of sodium sulfate and

45 of nitric acid, fill up the bucket of water and this water

métanse capped bottles.

Soon it will cool their content.

Means of preserving fresh chestnuts for more than a year

To preserve the freshness of the chestnuts simply put, for

the months of November or December and put

in closed vessels then these vessels on dry land and sandy.

Science práclica indicates otherwise: fill yourself a bucket of

cold water will be throwing big * in them chestnuts as it is

collected. At 15 or 20 hours are removed water chestnuts

and dried in the shade. Then they are are placed either

wiped dry sand layers. In this so you have fresh chestnuts

round. Means of preserving fresh bouquets There is nothing

more beautiful than the flowers *, but it is a shame that

placed as soon withered.

If you want to keep these flowers or return your freshness to

the musty, wet-stems in boiling water and when freshness

reappears cut the ends of the stems that have been

standing in the water and replace the bouquet in fresh


Procedure to clarify the water

When unfiltered water any difficulty getting healthy and

pure, you can use the following procedure: to10grams of

alum (aluminum sulfate) in a bucket

of water, this amount sufficient to clarify the unhealthy

waters the impurities precipitate at the bottom of the

container and the liquid becomes crystalline.


This preparation, also called water of

powders gas is obtained as follows: In 40 liters of water

Dissolve 2 k. 500 of potash, is filtered through

a fine cloth, add 725 grams of magnesia of Germany, 1

kilogram of salt.

This water loses its qualities over time, so that

no must prepare a lot of time not to have to keep

it for throughout space.


Put in half a handful of cooking salt in the

middle glass of water, let dissolve. Guando is again

clear the water, pour in a quart of water one cup of

ammonia, add rubbing alcohol in an amount of a quarter of

a glass of liquor.

Shake la.botella And cover. Cast then the medium glass of

salt water, moved again and just filled with water ordinary.


Entirely composed of plants, the most

powerful tonic, antibilious slightly laxative. It is also an

essential warm.

The beautiful plants that make up the Elixir of a hundred

herbs have a wonderful action on the blood, to purify and

transform it in a few days.

We strongly recommend against any interest that vomiting

Elixir, col ic, stomach cramps, acidities, gas, indigestion,

influence, ailments of all kinds.

It is the indispensable remedy in diseases of the

liver, spleen,heart.

Strong people, of sanguine temperament, or who are

prone to congestion, should make use of the Elixir of


How to use it. - A half glass of liquor hour before each meal,

for adults, one teaspoon Coffee for children (pure or in a

little water).


Ionic lozenges. - The taste is very nice, not tired or irritated


Its use is recommended in all disease states, particularly in

chlorosis or pale colors of the girls in the time of formation,

anemia, irrespective of the cause, inadequate food, poor

living hygiene, extreme work, intellectual fatigue, etc.. , The

general weakness which accompanies

convalescence of long-term illnesses, flu, etc.., and in

general, always you want to strengthen the blood.

One or two tablets a few minutes before half meals

day and evening, enough to replace a large glass of tea.

Condensed into a tiny and delicious tablet juice of more than

100 grams of various plants is the last confidentiality of

medical science.

-Vegetable preparations

Whenever we have been able to present in tea plants we


But not always possible to enter a small volume infusion and

all the plants necessary for the which to cure this disease.

For this we prepare a vegetable product category,

presenting in the form of powder plants, ground and

pulverized, or in pills, tablets, dragees,chocolates, wine,

elixirs, ointments, etc.. and so on. All this is simply the result

of illusions concentrated in certain plants, enabling us to

give in very small volume, the value of a large mass

of plants.

So the patient is ready preparations that require

care special and an experienced hand, all at the

same price that would cost the herbs used for the

case and presented so that the medicine is taken with


As shown, the work that we have imposed is considerable,

but was essential to ensure the success of our method and

facilitate our relationships with countless customers

worldwide a whole.


(Vacciniáceas, L.) Vaccinium myrtillus.

It grows in dry, arid, in the hills and heather.

When your fruit reaches full maturity are succulent, of tangy

sweet and very nice. Cure dysentery and chronic diarrhea,

and for this fresh eating enough and large amount.


(Rosaceae, L.) Potentilla argentea.

Used the leaves and flowers in infusion, 20 to 30 grams to a

liter of water, diarrhea.

The root of Argentina is a good remedy for strengthens teeth

and gums: just chew a piece of time to time.

Can also be used as a tonic in chronic diarrhea.

and the juice of the leaves, applied in the front, stops

bleeding of the nose.

Argentina has recommended against jaundice,

scurvy and dropsy.


(Composite, L.) Arnica montana.

Very common plant in the mountains

use: Use with caution (15 grams of flowers or leaves

infused in a liter of water) when the wounded man in a state

of torpor longoccurs in small cups, and this only until colors

the face and is strong pulse. Very useful in congestion.

In large doses, produces violent pain headache, delirium,

convulsions and even death.



From spills of blood, cuts and lacerations, but objects are

made of impregnated or irritants dirty, it produces good

results applying wet cloths in a strong decoction of arnica.

In some regions, especially in the Vosges, the Savoy and

the Alps, arnica leaves smoke and snuff. Needless

to say, Maryland this snuff is not first class.


(Composite, L.) Artemisia vulgaris.

Very common on the edge of ditches, streams and places


Properties: infusion (15 to 20 grams for one liter of water)

against lightheadedness, fainting the. Resets when

menstruation has stopped for a cause debilitating either.

Guando stopping rules in consequence of an emotion or

cooling, it is to restore, to the parties the steam from a large

container filled with a very strong infusion hot sagebrush.

Oceans a large handful of the plant in two or three quarts of

boiling water, the patient sitting up, the longer the better.

used against neuralgia, nervous vomiting.

and mugwort root, used in powder properties Antiepileptic

very energetic.

a decoction of mugwort leaves in a liter of water gives

excellent results in hysterical cases.


(Family of the Labiatae, L.) offici-NALIS betony.

The smell of betony is strong, and during the great heat

emanation greatly influence people Nerve.

Its taste is acrid and bitter, their leaves well dried and

crushed do even more than sneezing snuff.

Long considered the Greeks the betony as a panacea, as a


Experience has shown that this view is quite exaggerated.

However, at the conditions of the mucous and colds is true

that great service. For this is to bake a bunch of it in a liter of

water for five minutes, breathing in the steam until the tea is


It can be heated and repeated the operation three or four



(Polygons, L.) Polygonium aviculare.

Vulnerary and astringent plant, its seeds,

purgative to man, are eagerly sought by birds.

The most intractable diarrhea disappear quickly taking a

strong decoction of this plant.

In such a concept is excellent. Used at the rate

of 60 grams per liter of water in cooking.

Shepherd's purse (Crucifera, V.) Capsella bursa pastoris.

when menstruation is excessive or, conversely, little

abundant, or when pain occurs very vivid

cook 50 This plant grams and 50 grams of sage in a

quart of water; simmer five minutes, cuélese a large glass

and drink all such soon as the pains start, and one hour

after the second glass.

Take the same way two glasses of tea daily is for four days.

(See also our article Losses and Flowers white )

We ask our dear readers, do not forget that these recipes

will provide great services.

People heal in wet blood little time drinking a glass of baking

this plant a few minutes before your main meals, i three

glasses a day.


(Borragíneas, T.) Borago officinalis.

Decreases irritation, makes you sweat,

activates secretion of urine. Using contralateral

usually colds, fluxions pectoris, dartrosas diseases, fevers

eruptive (measles, scarlet fever, smallpox). Dose: 40 to 50

grams for one liter of water in cooking.

The sweet cooking facilitates expectoration and calm the

heat of urine.

Borage is also used in hot and bilious fevers.


Their flowers the bees abundant supply honey.

In the south of France, employs some Sometimes the way

to Heather hops for flavoring the beer. In the North it is used

for tanning hides.

With heather brooms are made. It is also used for stables.

Infusion of flowering spikes (60 grams per

liter of water) is diuretic. In the past they used to prescribe

against calculation of the bladder.

Bathing in a decoction of heather to relieve the paralyzed,

gout and rheumatism.


(Cucurbitaceae L.) Bryonia dioica.

This plant, also called a nut, is poison violent and their use

has major drawbacks.

For this reason we advise our readers not to use it ever.

For all the diseases that were previously used apply

different plants today offer no danger, as we shall see on.

However, you can use for bryony external use. Its root

grated and applied a poultice on the painful drop in attacks,

remove pain quickly. Also be used successfully in joint pain.


(Grasses, L.) Hordeum vulgare.

As food: Barley is the basis

feeding of the poor in many countries. Bread made with

Barley flour is heavier and coarse than that of wheat flour;

also less food. In the North of France is used barley for


As Medicine: The barley is cooked a refreshing tea and

some food if you let it boil over time.

Against inflammation of the throat go forth Cabada tisane

gargles with a little honey.


(Liliaceae, L.) Allium cepa.

The onion is not suitable for temperaments

delicate, bilious, irritable, overly : Not for people who suffer

from skin diseases.

It same with the garlic.

The food cooked onion is so nice as beneficial in dropsy,

urine retention, respiratory diseases.

Cooked in embers and applied to felons, boils, cold

abscesses, suppuration active: twice Renew a day.


(Gentian, L.) Erythrcea Centaurium.

Febrifuge (see article on fever), vermifuge, tonic, stomachic,

and so on.

Young pale color and delicate nursing should before each

meal take a small glass of wine glass small knapweed,

Centaurea 60 grams in a liter of wine; Note tightly closed

and al fresco. Prepare as wormwood wine.

recipe used centaurea as febrifuge par excellence, mix, say,

a handful at 16 grams of quinine and gets infused over 24

hours in a liter of white wine.

This remedy takes away the fever that had no

quinine uprooted by itself.


(Convolvulus L.) Convolvulus sepium.

All parts of this plant are laxatives and provide an excellent

purgative, very soft.

The easiest way to administer this medicine is to boil 8 to 10

grams of knotweed roots or leaves in a pint of water:

allow to cool, a glass and drink all strain ordinary fasting


(Umbelliferae, L.) Conium maculatum.

Small or large , is a poison hemlock violentísimo

and the more dangerous because many people's

confused with the parsley or chervil.

Here is a simple way to avoid mistakes in any case: muss

finger leaves three four suspicious plant, the parsley and

chervil an odor very nice, the hemlock a foul smell and



(Equisetáceas, L.) Equisetum arvensis.

Plant astringent and vulnerary. It is used success in

bleeding, diarrhea and vomiting blood. The cooking is done

with the whole plant, at 30 to 50 grams per liter of water.

Outside cooking is used to wash wounds bitter, ulcers, etc..

it is said that this plant is a universal panacea, capable of

altered by simple sinks, and cancerous lesions caries

of bones. Also recommended to purify the stomach,

a cup from time to time.


(Borragíneas, T.) Symphitum officinalis.

The fresh root of comfrey large, grated

applied over a wound frelieves pain instantaneously.

Similarly employed in the cracks of the breasts, the cure

also in a few days.

nurses are advised that if they had cracks in the nipple

made with comfrey root a sort of thimble and placed

in the nipple, holding office for twenty four hours.

Also to ease the pain of gout: have boiled the

root of comfrey poultice and apply on top of the

painful as hot as possible.

can be prepared with a comfrey root syrup of gum arabic.

This syrup and juice a lemon are infallible according to him,

against spitting blood of the elderly and frail.


(Hypericin, L.) Hypericum perforatum.

It is one of the most useful plants. It is alsoknown With the

names of hyper-and hypericum.

Internal use: (The flowers and leaves in infusion : 30 grams

per liter of boiling water). A large glass of wort, a few

minutes before meals, clean the stomach of all

impurities, revives the appetite, aids digestion, ends with

vomiting, acidities, nausea, and so on.

This tea is very useful in chronic coughs, colds and lung

conditions, and also useful in colds the bladder.

External use: Put to soak in alcohol sweetheart flowers and

then use bridging wounds scratches, cuts, bruises, etc.. ,

Relieve pain and facilitate healing.

chopped with advantage infusionon sweet heart tips

respiratory diseases.

Advisable to mix this with equal parts of

ground land and elecampane.


(Convolvulus L.) convolvulus arvensis.

It has the same properties as the centidonia.


(Composite, Jus.) Taraxacum Dens Leonis.

See dandelion.


(Eserofulariadas, L.) Digitalis purpurea.

It is used against heart palpitations and against dropsy, but

it is a poison so violent and aggressive we advise our

readers do not use it but never according to the advice of an

experienced physician, and even better not ever make use

of this plant.


(Solanaceae, L.) Solanum dulcamara.

Highly recommended in the past against rashes and

eczema. Today we must do without it because it is proven to

contain poisonous principles.

Hellebore BLACK

(Ranunculaceae, L.) Helleborus niger.

Is violent poison. It is therefore necessary refrain from this

plant, although some authors recommend as an emetic and



(Juniperáceas, L.) Juniperus communis.

It makes a nice drink with the cooking the berries of this

plant. By distilled alcoholic liquor yields a highly

esteemed in the North and known as gin. We should not

abuse this liquor.

When there is great laxity in the nervous system, in the

viscera and stomach, juniper berries are used as stimulant,

a handful per liter of water infusion, a glass Ordinarily, three

times a day, fasting.

To wash and get your healing ulcers wash with a decoction

of juniper: 50 grams per liter of water.

also the infusion of juniper berries, crushed in milk

boiled goat, taken for some days, feels very good to the sick

of gravel, then rids without irritating the kidneys, urine

carries small stones along with lots of sand.

ASPARAGUS officinalis

(Esparragíneas, L.) Asparagus officinalis.

The asparagus is grown and in-everywhere.

They are a healthy, light, digestion easy, very convenient for

people convalescing weak.

Imparts to the urine a very unpleasant odor; to clear the

smell just put in the glass overnight in a handful of table salt

powder The asparagus makes urine recipes in


disease, infarction of the spleen, sore kidneys, dropsy,

hictericia, etc., and soon.

Put 50 grams of roots in a liter of water, cuezanse. Three

glasses Bébanse day, fasting, against all the diseases


We experienced this in countless tea of people suffering

from heart palpitations, all have curing.

In the nervous, cause agitation and asparagus insomnia.


(Labiatae, L.) Lavandula spica.

The lavender is very aromatic. From it is obtained an oil

is widely used in perfumery and in medicine and is qualified

essence when is top quality.

To conclude all kinds of parasites in body, half mix for

lavender oil and alcohol apply in place where required; all

parasites disappear. Do not touch this liquid wounds or


The infusion of lavender (10 grams of flowers liter of water)

is very useful against headaches, migraine, indigestion,

reset the rules when they are missing by reasons of general

weakness. In these cases, drink the infusion for 3 or 4 days

straight, when they should rules appear.

Fumigation against swelling: échense in a few pinches of

heater lavender and rosemary;

tuck your heater between the sheets of thebed gives

smoke. Lie the patient and sweat profusely.

Repeat remedy twice a day until complete healing. inflamed

and stomach to relieve the pain flour must be very fresh, if

dry as sawdust, is dangerous.


Lilium candidum.

Avoid having lilies or irises

white rooms. sleep and to leave open Windows facing the

gardens where there are many lilies, or else acquired so

severe headaches, dizziness and even syncope.

For wounds: use bridging lilies, previously

soaked in brandy for six hours at less, heal just as the tears

and bruises.

The root roasted like a potato in the ashes and applied in a

callus and in general any street, produces rapid maturity,

taking care to renew the root of time time. It is also

recommended for abscesses, felons, boils, boils, etc..


(Lichen, L.) lichen Cetraria islandicus or


Its decoction (30 grams per liter of water) is

said to be very effective against diseases of the bronchial

tubes, soothes coughs, and chronic diarrhea in weaned


Ordinarily it is prepared with milk and sweetened with

honey. It can take at their discretion, but it i s preferable to

take a good bowl hot bed and the other to rise.


(Hives, L.) Humulus lupulus.

The main properties of the dust residing lúpulu yellow, called

lupulin, which is in the middle of scales of the female

flowers, forming a cone. So that should not be shake the


The hops go into the manufacture of beer.

Counterfeiters use instead of hops, gentian, knapweed,

wormwood, box, etc..


(Composite, L.) Anthemis nobilis, Anthemis


Originally from Levante is now cultivated


France and is one of our most precious plants. Only the

flowers are used: for the languor stomach, difficult digestion,

especially when accompanied by heaviness or emptiness of

the stomach, or of bloating, when the intestines are in some

way, paralyzed;

in all cases of weakness, pale colors, ETC. take the patient,

after each meal, a good cup of chamomile flowers. Infusion

of four or five flowers to a glass Larger water, as a tea.

To cut the attacks of fever, is higher than the sulfate quinine.

In fact flowers are crushed to powder very fine and given

three or four grams of this powder, with honey or water,

three or four times in the range of attacks.

These flowers of chamomile replace the machine.

To relieve rheumatic pain, gout and colic, fricciónese sharply

with chamomile oil.

here this oil as prepared:

Dried flowers, 20 grams of olive oil, 100 grams, heat on

water bath for about two hours, then cuélese strong

pressure filter with fine cloth.

Add about 10 grams of camphor. powders are

recommended chamomile flowers against intermittent


attributed the same properties to this plant.

Chamomile is superior to quinine as a booster. also

chamomile enemas recommended against spasms

nervous, hysterical, and so on.

how to use herbs, fruits, roots to make recipes the benefit of

our health.


(Rosaceae, L.) Pyrus malus.

The apples and the juice extracted from them (cider), have

properties highly food, tempering, refreshing, emollient

and slightly laxative.

When it comes to inflammation, especially of the lungs or

intestines, is good to drink apple tea, are split into four

pieces, and cooked two or three in one liter of water with a

little Licorice, for ten minutes.

The cider can be substituted for wine in many preparations,

for example for wine of wormwood, the gentian, and so on.

Cider is a drink very nice and very healthy as can be seen

by the strength of Normans and Bretons in France, the

Basques and residents of the Northwest of Spain, ETC.

commonly drinking cider.

The bark of apple, decoction (80 grams per liter of water)

can be replaced, in fevers, quinine sulfate. It was observed

that preserves natural cider diseases of urinary calculi

(stone, gravel, etc.).


The apple is excellent for the welcome, because

contains more phosphoric acid than other fruits and much

more digestible. Excites the functions liver, seeks sleep and

disinfects mouth completely. In addition, the block prevents

indigestion and known properties diseases of the throat.

It's good to eat apples at bedtime. They do damage, even to

the most sensitive to provided, of course, that are mature

and are juicy.


(Labiatae, L.) Marubium vulgare.

This plant is very similar to the large nettle.

To one liter of water, 30 grams of leaves and flowers;

let yourself be infused over 10 minutes.

This decoction taken on an empty stomach, at the rate of 3

or 4 glasses per day, strengthens the stomach, increases

secretion of urine, perspiration activated, facilitates

expectoration, promotes menstruation and excites

the nervous system. Used successfully in diseases

heart and liver.

However, it must be used sparingly it thins dramatically.

Horehound is advised in heart attacks the liver, lack of

menses and in general when needed tonic.

infusion using the recipe, from all rheumatic diseases.

and administered in decoction for jaundice.

The infusion of this plant in wine or beer gives good results

against losses gastralgia and white.

Using infusion of horehound for wash the sores.


(Labiatae, L.) Melissa officinalis.

The leaves and flowering tips of this plant prepared by

infusion, 25 grams for one liter of water.

Successfully used against headache, weakness stomach,

spasms, convulsions, headaches, headache, indigestion,

born, palpitations, etc..

Is more active and more pleasant taste prepared as follows:

Formula, Melisa water (called the Carmelites).

Take a pan or pot large mouth, and please: Spirit of wine 3


Leaves and flowers of lemon balm 500gramos. Angelic dried

root bark of lemon 16 Cover and let marinate nine days

moving the vessel, every day.

After filtering through a fine cloth, squeezing.

It gets to put the liquid in the pan or pot and further:

Culantrillo 200 grams.

Nutmeg, ground 40

Fine cinnamon, ground 4

Cloves. 2

Replace lid and allow to soak eight days by moving the pot

every day with filter pressure and add Spring water 1 / 2


Allow to stand for twenty-four hours, filter bottles and please

cover your right.

This water is used in glasses balm for internal use, in all the

cases cited, but also is used as vulnerary abroad for

Cuts, wounds and bruises.

used the infusion of lemon balm against heart palpitations.

used to combat the blues.

Men are advised to study overworked and suffering from

head and nerves, which take white horehound infusion

a little milk.

shows that, like all plants exciting, lemon balm is

harmful when it is hot, thirsty, or irritation.


(Leguminosae, T.) Trifolium melitotus.

At one time this plant was used against a portion of disease.

Today is demonstrated serves only in two cases:

Against inflammation of the eyes: 30 grams leaves and

flowers for a quart of boiling water, ten minutes of infusion;

cuélese. To wash the eyes, As Article Eyes. Add to an

infusion little honey.

For the 2nd domestic rabbit has to taste rabbit field. It kills

you, you take the guts and instead he gets a strong pinch of

ojas and melitoto flowers. Wrap it with a cloth, and allow to

stand two hours.


(Euphorbiaceae, T.) Mercurial.

It uses the mercurial purgative: 25 to 30 grams per liter of

water infusion.

When dry loses much of its properties And, therefore, is to

be used fresh.

Mainly given enemas: from 40 to 60 grams in decoction, two

liters of water.

Applied to the head of children, crusts removed formed in

the period of lactation.


(Composite, L.) Achillea millefolium.

Most of the healing properties

attributed to this plant are unfounded: is now fully

established that applied to the wounds merely delay healing.

The unique properties of this plant are useful be the tonic,

stimulant, antispasmodic and emmenagogue.

When you disappear for a cause temporary rules, par

example the cold, a fright, and so on. -When, after the

delivery, suddenly suppressed lochia, they easily become if


yarrow tincture form or in juice form squeezed.

Soothes hemorrhoids and nervous diseases. Infusion: 30 g

of whole plant, per liter of water.


(Cruciferae, L.) Sinapis nigra, Sinapis alba.

The black and white mustard have the same property and

provide many services.

The seed, 'made flour (flour, mustard) served for foot baths,

poultices, etc.. To be used for This warm water, never hot

water or vinegar. A sinapism flaxseed meal should not be

placed more than 35 to 40 minutes.

The famous Dijon mustard flour is just diluted white mustard

and flavored sour grapes according to taste. It is an

excellent condiment, it aids digestion while excited appetite,

but you must use it with great moderation, their abuse

because of stomach irritation and intestines.

A tablespoon of mustard, in

a cup of cold water or warm water best taken to sip, is an


A pinch of mustard flour, all morning, lying in stockings or

socks, prevents get cold feet.


(Cruciferae, L.) Brassica napus.

In an excellent refreshing and emollient.

With turnips make a good soup, cooking in milk and adding

some fresh butter.

This soup is the best you can give people suffering from

inflammation of the chest or the intestines.


(Hesperides, L.) Citrus aurantium.

With orange blossoms, ie, orange blossom, is

orange blossom water factory which, taken with sugar water,

calms the nervous agitation, spasms, nervous cough without

sputum, nervous attacks, headaches, palpitations,

and so on. Aids digestion, increases decreases appetite and


The orange leaves, infusion (20 grams per liter of water)

have the same properties as the flowers.

The orange peel is used to manufacture liquor bitter,

exciting and supportive.

Drink for the sick: orange juice, a little water and sugar, is an

orange very useful to quench the thirst in inflammatory


It is far preferable to the ordinary lemonade. After meals, ie,

for dessert, the Orange refreshes the stomach and aids



(Inglándeas, L.) or Juglans Juglans regia.

All parts of the walnut are useful to man.

To cure scrofula: 30 grams of leaves

walnut infused in a liter of water: drinking three

glasses a day fasting.

For white flowers: 50 grams of leaves

in cooking, in a liter of water: injections,

morning and afternoon.

Liquor: The green shell of the nut fresh start

in spirit, is a digestive liqueur quite


Baüo: a strong decoction of walnut leaves

an ordinary bath, is a powerful remedy for

scrofulous or nerve disease attacked.

Among the many treatments advocated

against diabetes, there is one that produces results

truly wonderful. This treatment is

drinking, morning and evening, a glass of tea

walnut leaves (20 to 25 grams per liter

of water).

Walnut leaves activate the digestion and circulation

of the blood and increase the energy of the


Harden its influence meat, disappears

chlorotic pallor and instead presents

the color pink.

Indeed, its action is rather slow: it takes

about twenty days, at least visible Cheese

its effects.

Use should be advised not only in diabetes

but also in anemia, etc..


(Labiatae, L.) Lamium album.

It is distinguished from others that do not sting nettles

when touched, its leaves are pale and white flowers.

It uses the white nettle flowers against white

and diarrhea, gives good results.

There are usually only flowers. However,

can also provide tips or twigs

Florida, at a rate of 20 to 30 grams per liter of water

in infusion.

The white nettle has to be caught when it is


With white nettles, a little butter and potatoes,

makes a delicious soup for the stomach

weak and delicate.


(Urticaceae, L.) Urtica 'dioica.

Nettle is used in medicine:

Outside: Urtication is to hit the

the body, or a body part, with a bunch

nettles, so that an eruption occurs

and thereby activates the blood circulation. By

example, in the eruptive fevers, cholera, certain

rheumatism, paralysis, stroke, etc..

2o In the interior, in the form of juice, tea

or syrup, nettle is a very good astringent. Recipes

against spitting of blood (hemoptysis), the

into wine. The poultice should be heated in the same

wine that has been cooked.

Healing takes place in a few days.

Toothaches: the chopped parsley with a

some salt is very good remedy: simply crushing,

as we say, with a little salt in the palm of the

hand, this powder is then inserted through the ear

side where the pain is experienced.


(Umbelliferae, L.) sativum Chcerophilium or anTHRISCUS cerefolium.

It's exciting and facilitates the secretion Give it urine.


cure inflammation of the eyes, washing

three times a day. The nurses use the decoction

paya wash the children with some inflammation.

Minced chervil and applied to the breasts

check out the new mother's milk. Do not use


The leaves boiled and applied a poultice, soothe


is said to have been used frequently for chervil, crushed

poultices against myocardial nipples.

recommend chervil juice to strong

dose, skim milk, against the rash.

Buchan recipe, in all cases of constipation

persistent, vegetable broth, ie chervil,

sorrel, spinach and lettuce, a handful of

each with a piece of butter cow


advise against stomach upsets

and the arrest of urine, a poultice of chervil,

given a turn in the pan with butter and

applied in the womb.


(Umbelliferae, L.) Pimpernel anisum.

They are grown in orchards and fields, mainly

in Touraine.

Properties: anise seeds (10 to 15 grams)

boiled in a liter of water for ten minutes,

or in liquor, strengthens the stomach, cure the

windy colic and increase the milk of nursing mothers.

Three glasses a day, fasting.

To cure stomach pains and facilitate

droppings children, put an ounce of anise

grain in a glass of milk, keep in

infusion and then take the child fasting.

If it's an infant, the nurse is who

take the infusion of anise.

advise exciting title to favor the rules.

prescribe it to relieve children's colic

breast, the milk of the mother who has taken a

Pimpernel infusion has odor.

anise seeds used as a poultice made

milky strokes disappear.


(F. of ferns, L.) Polypodium vulgare.

The Greek word means ferns many

feet ". This plant grows on the trunks of oaks and

oaks in the old walls, curbs on the

wells, etc..

Its root is used in medicine. It is laxative, aperient

especially useful for soothing coughs. Cough Cure


The infusion dose is 80 to 100 grams

per liter of water.

The syrup is an excellent expectorant ferns

, Is prepared in equal parts sugar and



(Liliaceae, L.) Allium Forrum.

It is a digestive food, healthy, refreshing,

but not very nutritious.

It is essentially a diuretic (see Retention

urine, bladder diseases, etc.)..

Ointment for felons, tumors, abscesses,

and so on. Take the white part of leek,

large, wrapped in wet paper and starts to

roasted in the embers, then crushed and mixed

with a bit of lard. This mixture

is applied as a poultice on the site

there is evil and the poultice is renewed every six

hours to complete drainage.


(Borragíneas, L.) Pulmonaria.

White spots appear on leaves

of this plant and that they resemble abscesses

lung, have given rise to its name pulmonaria.

It has been said to cure all ailments

Chest: Unfortunately you have to reduce much of


However, providing great services in cuíermedades

chest and vomiting of blood.

Also be recognized that espectoral, emollient

and soothing.

The dose is 30 to 35 grams per liter of water

infusion or decoction.


(Cruciferae, L.) Raphanus niger.

It is used more than the root. It is the antiscorbutic

more powerful.

Taken before meals, and whets the appetite

aids digestion.


(Cruciferae, L.) Raphanus rusticanus.

The horseradish is very useful in medicine. Only

fresh roots are used in infusion (30

grams to a liter of water). It is stimulating and antiscorbutic.

It is also very useful against scrofula, chronic colds and

asthma wet. It one of the best diuretics.

In all circumstances, and root powder horseradish may be

substituted with advantage to the mustard.


Papilionaceous, L. (Glycyrrhiza glabra.

Licorice, also known as licorice, has properties pectoral and

tempering, it is also diuretic and soothing.

Taken with grass is refreshing and makes secretion of urine.

The tea is made with barley deTiospital, grass and



(Rosaceae, L.) Spircea meadowsweet.

It is astringent, tonic and especially diuretics.

Taken as a decoction (30 grams to a liter of water),

facilitates the secretion of urine and cure dropsy.

It is used in the entire plant (roots, leaves, flowers). Take

three cups a day between meals.


(Leguminosae, L.) Spartium scoparium.

Broom flowers are diuretic, useful arrests in the urine.

Empléanse in cooking, in doses of one. good handful per

liter of water.

Many doctors say they have cured dropsy on this treatment,

at the rate of one liter of tea per day, taken fasting in four



(Cupulíferas, T.) Quercus robur.

Oak bark is a strong astringent.

When the rules are too plentiful or are extend more than

they should, when sputum blood, or when there is blood in

the stools, Take 3 grams of powdered oak bark a little honey

or syrup once a day, fasting.

Not used as a gargle, because for this has many


used the oak bark powder coa honey mixed in a dose

from 2 to 4 grams, against uterine bleeding who had not


to any other treatment.

Bars rebel stomach pains cured using

infusion of powdered sugar acorns

taken after the meal.


(Labiatae, L.) Rosmarinus officinalis.

It is very exciting, like peppermint, lemon balm and sage.

It is used against asthma, chronic colds, nervous vomiting,

infusion, 15 grams per liter of water.

In case of dislocation or swelling of joints, cuezanse

rosemary leaves in wine and then

Apply this decoction after the manner of a poultice

the affected site. Renew every three hours.

infusion of rosemary advised against disease stomach and

lack of appetite.

Florestus prescription decoction of this plant as invigorating

bath for weak children.


(Rosaceae, L.) Rose, Rosa gallica.

The rose buds are astringent: 15 grams

per liter of water, tea, for spills, white flowers, chronic

diarrhea, loss of low abundance but last long.

The pink sheets are also fortifying.


(Rutaceae, L.) Ruta graveolens.

Rue is poisonous, so that we recommend our readers who

do not use more than the following cases:

I ª clysters as purgative, infusion of 40 grams per liter of


The 2nd to destroy lice and other parasites:

infusion of 40 grams per liter of water; Pitches in the 3rd

leaves repel barns rats and mice.

Mistakenly believed that the rough is an abortifacient ,

Before the mother kills the creature in the breast.


(Polygons, Don.) PiHeum Palmaticum.

The rhubarb root is purgative, fortifying, vermifuge,

and so on.

As a purgative: 2 to 3 grams of powder rhubarb root, with a

little honey. This purgative is very soft, does not grow tired

or cramps and stomach or intestines. It is very useful in

diseases the liver.

As a purgative: 2 to 3 grams of powder rhubarb root in the

first spoonful of soup in the two main meals. Whets the

appetite and aids digestion.

As vermifuge: please use the same as a purgative.


(Juniperáceas, L.) Juniperus sabina.

It is a dangerous poison. By mistake is claimed in some

areas this plant is abortifacient, have Our dear readers know

that this plant kill the child and the mother.

A concoction of juniper is very good, used lotion, scabies,

putrid ulcers, fungal, gangrenous and against verminous


SALVIA officinalis

(Labiatae, L.) Salvia officinalis.

The decoction of sage (60 grams per liter of water) taken as

a drink, has properties identical to the mint: the heat excites

the stomach, aids digestion, stimulates circulation

of blood, in a word, increases energy

all functions. Taken as a tea after sage meals, aids digestion

and revive the action of the stomach (40 grams per liter of


In external use, the decoction of sage (200 grams per liter of

water) cures all diseases of the skin: rash, eczema, pimples,

scab, tina, alopecia, and so on. (See Hair).

The Chinese and Japanese prefer sage tea. Start infusion in

white wine, sage gives to muscat flavor of this wine and it

becomes intoxicating.

infusion of sage leaves has always given good results from

night sweats. He also says that successfully used to combat

diarrhea of infants.

claim that compresses soaked in mulled wine with sage

leaves and honey, have done many times

healing leg ulcers and formation of new skin on them.


(Labiatae, L.) Salva pratensis.

Its properties are the same as those of sage officinal, but it

is necessary to increase a little dose.


Semencontra also called, is the product of mugwort cones

are grown in Judea, Pcrsia and Turkestan.

It is an anthelmintic used in children.

Santonin is extracted from the holy man who is employed

much today against worms.

The flowers of wormwood and mugwort can replace

the saint, are the saint of the country.


(Caprifoliáceas, T.) Sambucus nigra.

Fresh flowers are slightly purgative elderberry ; When dried

lose this property and become simple sudorific.

The infusion of elder flowers (10 grams per liter of water)

produces profuse sweating, a large glass taken at night at

bedtime relieves cold and cough.

These same flowers, fermented into wine, give muscat


The second White willow bark is a purgative.


For many people, mushrooms are a delicacy. Unfortunately

at this point not hygiene is according to taste.

The most illustrious sages speak of mushrooms

as one of the unhealthy foods that can be.

Absorbed after - say - break down mushrooms by

putrefaction enter as in the stomach and making it infects

mass and nauseous.

Furthermore, we see daily in the newspapers whole families

poisoned by mushrooms and perish after many hours of

suffering appalling.

There is reason to tremble, but, in spite this, they have

always eaten mushrooms and continue eating.

We provide a great service by disseminating best recipe

known to date to not poison with mushrooms, is the famous


First you must take great care and others will not eat those

mushrooms perfectly *

mind known and experienced by people credible.

We must not rely on these popular beliefs that consist in

introducing a silver spoon or a gold ring in the pan where

you cook the mushrooms, to recognize the good or bad

quality of these;

there is no basis to believe in such things.

The procedure to clean up poisonous mushrooms removing

their harmful principles is as follows:

cut into four or eight pieces, depending on their size, are

soaked in cold water, which is poured, per liter of water, half

a cup of strong vinegar and a handful of salt. At two hours

take mushrooms, washed in plenty of water, put then for five

minutes in boiling water squeeze a little. The operation ends

with this.

The poisonous principles are absorbed by the water, salt

and vinegar. This can be prepared pot or skillet mushrooms

without fear.

In Russia the peasants caught all kinds of mushrooms,

without discrimination and layered stratified

salt. After a few weeks, the beads washed extensively,

the cook and eat safely.

Nevertheless, we repeat that is required utmost caution; eat

fewer mushrooms, better for our health.

Case of poisoning by mushrooms, see Poisons and

antidotes article.

For this purpose, we noted the following remedy seems very

safe to be effective:

Dilute a tablespoon of water, heat or cold, a tablespoon of

salt and another of mustard:

ill take this mixture rapidly.

Just work taken as an emetic, dragging that is in the


So that no remnants of the poison, Lomé

1 egg yolk sick and after a cup of

coffee, or one eye.

But these latter substances are administered

- To cancel a large number of violent poisons but when it is calm the stomach,

ie, not throw anything.

Note. - Again, the mushrooms are food

insane and always dangerous, it is prudent to do without of



(Solanaceae, L.) Nicotiana tabaclm.

The snuff is poison. Work on the entire system nervous

predisposes to cerebral congestion, causes it to lose

memory and the vividness of imagination, forced to spit in

abundance, which irritates the stomach, gives a bad odor to

breath and cushions taste and smell.

Should banned snuff, cigarette, cigar, the pipe, etc.. ?

The great scholars disagree on ELSE point: some say that if

that is necessary to prohibit the use of snuff, others say no.

In my view, there is no need to prevent me ered use of snuff

in the various forms used

(Cigar cigar, cigarette paper, pipe, etc..)

blameworthy is abuse.

In my view, the moderate use of snuff responds to an

imperative, producing feelings nice, dispels the ideas sad,

rejoices life is the indispensable complement to a good

food and comforts the unfortunate man is forced to satisfied

with a piece of bread and a glass of water.

A false moral preachers will tell you that during my long

career I have met thousands of unfortunates deprivation

endured by best bread that of snuff. In my many travels I

have seen that men smoke, chew or snuff snuff taking in

all climates, in all grades of civilization, under all conditions

of social life.

Conclusion: used moderately of snuff;

but abstain from abusing it.

The cigarette.

It is proven that the habit of smoking cigarettes is so harmful

to young to adults it is smoking opium.

The snuff stimulates the nerves, then the numb.

The snuff put to consumptive youth, hypertrophy heart,


Many children have been lovely to this cause are sick and

stupefied! The cigarette paper is worse than pipe or cigar. If

this practice continues, it weakens the action of heart and

decreases the blood flow.

Apart from that the quality of snuff for cigarettes paper is

less harmful is how smoke them. The smoke, as if they

expect that if returns by the nose, dryness occurs


(Compositae, T.) Arctium lappa lappa or comMUNIS.

Its broad leaves applied to the chest replace the plaster of

Burgundy pitch in a persistent cold and in chronic lung


A hot poultice of these same leaves, cooked in milk, regular

pain away. Applied wounds, cure them in a small space


Brush with a little unsalted butter.

Burdock roots are depurative, sudorific and diurélicas.

BETON officinal.

(Family of the Labiatae, L.) betony offigi


The smell of betony is strong, and during the great heat

emanation greatly influence in nervous people.

Its taste is acrid and bitter, his well seasoned and pulverized

do even more than sneezing snuff.

Long considered the Greeks the betony as a panacea, as a


Experience has shown that this view is quite exaggerated.

However, at the conditions of the mucous and colds is true

that great service.

For this you must cook, a good handful it in a quart of water

for five minutes,

breathing vapor until the tea is cold.

It can be heated and repeated the operation three or four



(Polygons, L.) Polygonium aviculare.

Vulnerary and astringent plant, its seeds, purgative to man,

are eagerly sought by birds.

The most intractable diarrhea disappear quickly taking a

strong decoction of this plant.

In such a concept is excellent. Used at the rate of 60 grams

per liter of water decoction.


(Crucifera, V.) Gapsella bursa pastoris.

Guando menstruation is excessive or, conversely,

scanty, or when pain occurs


(Solanaceae, L.) Atropa bella-dona.

This plant is very dangerous, it should not be never within

the reach of children, as embodied fruit, like cherries, called

his attention;

its flavor is quite sweet, so children eat these foods to treat

and few escape death.

We ask our readers to never serve this plant but wary and

under the supervision an experienced doctor.

This plant is extracted atropine poison that

violence that is used in pharmacy as a painkiller

but in very small doses.


To rid yourself of fleas and bedbugs, put bed in walnut

leaves and mint.

The odor scares these parasites.

An insecticide that gives wonderful results it costs very little

without objection is this:

In a liter of regular oil for 5 to add essence of lavender cents

er to find the pharmacy or drugstore.

Mix both, moving, and then with a cloth or better yet with a

brush, spread well bed and furniture, that wet sites where it

could have insects, shut the doors and windows

for four or five hours.

After this time the atmosphere of the room will be saturated

with the smell of lavender and will be destroyed

the insects.

Ten good things for families Io short milk Salt and therefore,

when soups or sauces are prepared should not take milk

prepared until after everything else.

2o The boiling water removes most of the Fruit stains,

echad boiling water on the stain as if it were straining,

without wetting more tele that it is clean.

The 3rd ripe tomato juice removes stains Ink and Iron in

white clothing and hands.

The 4th One tablespoon of turpentine, er contributes much

bleach or cleaning clothes.


To remove fleas to dogs should be washed from time to time

with water containing in quantity of carbolic acid and one


tenth of alcohol. It is a sovereign remedy, which also

protects dogs against disease of the skin, so frequent in



Plate is placed in a plaster powder, very fine, and cast is

applied over a little flour so forming a thin layer. Within

walking distance of this put a casserole dish with water.

Attracted by the flour smell of rats and mice will come, eat

necessarily the flour and plaster. If you later as it is possible,

drink water, will swell the gypsum and drown.

To sweeten the writing paper and envelopes soak sheets of

blotting paper in the perfume you will, to dry and then let

yourself intercalary between the pads of paper and



Insects, such as pear woolly aphid, that are protected from

insecticides fluids by an impermeable waxy layer. But this

substance is dissolved in the liquid quickly if insecticide is


Then the insect dies.

Oil diluted in water has the great advantage of be very

effective while cheap, safe none for the plants.

Here is a recipe for the preparation recommended

emulsified oil, can be used also spray the leaves of plants,

or on application by brush or sponge, how that wins the

most tenacious plant parasites.

In 100 grams of warm water dissolve 100 grams black soap


In this first solution

échense drop by drop, 100 grams of oil,moving at the same

time the mixture with a brush of wire. This procedure is

analogous to used to make mayonnaise. The emulsion

obtained can be used with 50 times its volume water and

sometimes more. If instead of water A solution of nicotine,

such as that obtained with the juices of snuff, an insecticide

will be achieved highly suitable for horticultural jobs.


Just take a fortnight a little oil in ponds, pools, cisterns, that

is, in all sites where there is standing water where mosquito

larvae are and where they are raised.

Destruction of ants in the trees fruit and plants

There is a very simple remedy, and especially anything

expensive. Is to put in a bowl, dish or any concave utensil,

about 50 grams of Ordinary brown sugar, which are cast in a

In the houses to keep the flies and mosquitoes, burn

quassia chips. For all bites,

generally recommend to request the Calm real pain,

discussed below.

It is a preservative that should be provided by hand. Its

action is immediate: just soaking with saliva and apply it to

the sting.

ANOTHER. - You can also preserve people and animals,

biting flies and mosquitoes, with a wash of decoction of

leaves laurel in vinegar (boil for 10 minutes). A

ointment to preserve for a day.

ANOTHER. - Looking pepper and sugar in milk,

there is a poison for flies that eat it.

ANOTHER. - Wash your hair with water that has been

dissolved ox gall or aloes.

ANOTHER. - Prior to groom horses, smeared

The beef curry with gall.

ANOTHER. - Wet-with all parts of vinegar!

body that are exposed to bites: no

approach or a mosquito.

drops of turpentine. This one is made with pasta

very thick and place the container in place

appropriate, the planting of trees standing or attacked.

The ants, which are very greedy and have a

very subtle smell, then go to eat

sugar, but at the same time absorb as turpentine,

die very soon poisoned.

For the ants do not attack trees fruit, they are given an

ointment, round about the trunk and a few centimeters in

width, camphor oil mixed with soot. Looking sawdust

at the foot of the trees do not pass the ants.

To destroy the ants, as in the homes in the field, just take in

the sites where go coffee waste, the sludge remaining after

the fact. The ants eat it with delight, but Espar

them a violent poison.


Throw a few egg yolks oil from equal, beat well, and the

dough is weta piece of flannel and clean with this letters,

after drying them.

Way to preserve the freshness of the flowers


Put the stems of fresh flowers in a jar where there for each

liter of water 15 grams ammonium salt, so be kept two

weeks, at least, in all its freshness.

To preserve the brightness of arms Rub the arms of deer

bone or While alum rock is put in vinegar as strong as

possible, and dipping a cloth in this mixture wool is cleaned

and dried after it slightly.


Never use for this cleaning water copper, which is a violent

and dangerous poison. I here a more simple and

economical: just rub with sorrel leaves.

The same procedure is recommended for cleaning

blackened dishes or for eggslong use. Also. good for this

cleaning the HAVE boiled water where potatoes.


Where it has been frozen fruits or any other fruit, fresh water

should be wet and not hot water, as is usually done. For

best results, drop a little salt in the water.

Same for the potatoes. Immerse potatoes different times

for an hour, soon. Then left to dry.

comparatively analyzed batches potatoes, healthy nails,

frost the other, and desheledas then explained the

procedure and results the latter were, at equal weight, the

richest in foodstuffs.

The experiment can be done in other legumes,

in cabbage, carrots, etc..


A scarecrow efficacious to preserve the vineyards

and fruit, consists of two pieces of mirror two faces, two

sticks are hung crooked on arc. The reflection of the mirrors,

moving the air.

birds will flee.

The modest price of this device makes it extremely



They are a disaster for the houses, in summer furs and

woolen clothes are in danger still continued and the same

with the good no time like the occupation of the clothes put

out and shake.

To avoid this work, we use different products: pepper,

camphor, naphthalene and others, are indeed effective, but

have the disadvantage give a very unpleasant odor. On the

other part, except pepper, things are not always at hand.


Here is a very original way to disinfect, which is used with

good results for many years and not very expensive.

Its turpentine base, trade ; Product that is easily in stores.

One drop is enough to remove the smell of the toilets

, There is more to take some down the toilet, from time to


Same for the cleanup of landfills water: a few drops in a

bucket of water then rinse, and you're successful cleaning.

(See Table of Contents: Des infecíanle.)

Recipes for removing stains

Grease stains. - For fabrics that are not fade, just a simple

black wash with soap.

If the fabrics are delicate colors, the most sure to remove

traces of the spots is in scrub gently with sulfuric ether.

For silk fabrics should be much below Procedure: Place the

fabric over a canvas folded into many folds, stains sprinkle

with talc, cover everything with a blotter or brown TNA and

pass hot iron. Talc absorbs all the fat. Grease stains on the

wallpaper are sometimes despair of the ladies careful. To

remove them, there is more to kneada bit of clay into a

paste rather thick, is put this paste over the stain and

it is left for twenty-four hours. Almost always the stain

disappears in this space of time;

Owever, if very old, you may no need to repeat the



- Wash with a solution of potassium oxalate, is an excellent

way to remove iron stains and those of ink. Solution can

also be used to 30% oxalic acid. However, there are spots

that resists this washing, even repeated. In this If you boil a

solution of oxalate loose metallic tin, it forms a tin oxalate

is quite radical against stains tenacious.


STAINS. - In the case of linen, then removed by

washing with water there is a small amount of hydrochloric


The acidic fruit juice, oranges, lemons, and so on., eat the

color of some fabrics, to revive

the color just wet the stain with a few drops of

volatile alkali.

Sweat stains. - Are removed by washing with oxalic acid

acidified water. As is tratarsecon many precautions.

WINE STAINS. - There is no better means of remove wine

stains on tablecloths and linens water from powder gas. For

this wet with this water the stained fabric, it soon away the

stain. Then wet the cloth erythema jagua common clear and

gently rub places where water has touched the powder gas,

so that no trace of it.

If the operation is done on time and with intelligence,

produces excellent results for both lasmanchas wine and for


Means of preparing the water itselfFor some diseases pitch

prescribed by doctors tar water. There are also people who

take just for fun. You can prepare at home, in advance,

taking delivery, or the on time of consumption. Here's how:

It has a number of vegetable pitch called by sailors from

Sweden, Norway or Bayonne, not coal tar (coal tar) and

some people do wrongly.


Here is an excellent way to make lemonade:

Take fresh rinds of three lemons and put on infusion for

three minutes in a liter of boiling water.

filter then through a sieve, add 750 grams sugar and boil the

mixture again, Add the juice of three lemons others. Allow to

cool and embotéllese.


It is well known the origin of this product perfumery.

Here is the current version:

1720, afflicting a great plague to Marseilles.

In the midst of the four individuals were desplación without

worrying about the pestiferous or its rescuers was stealing

everything they could.

But they fell into the hands of justice. They asked judges

how they could not be attacked of plague and not to worry to

this hazard. Then thieves referred to fend off the bad drank

vinegar and rubbing also body with him this vinegar formula


White vinegar, four pints, and half an ounce more each of

these substances: large and small

wormwood, rosemary, sage, mint, rue. Get to two ounces of

dried lavender flowers and two heads garlic, spice,

cinnamon and nutmeg, are cut plants, the dry, wet, put in a

pot tightly capped and left in the sun for infusion

month. Schools, filtered and added half an ounce of

alloyed for dissolved in alcohol.

Everyone was amazed, copied the recipe,

forgave the thieves and in memory of what happened

God to this recipe the name "Vinegar of the four thieves. "


We all know how to prepare the lemonade, orange, grog,

but if we attend to the sick poor, devoured by thirst, we have

change these drinks as possible.

Here is a lesser-known beverage, easier have that taken

with the greatest pleasure.

Cut two or three blocks apart, without peel, is put to boil in a

liter of water,

space of fifteen minutes the liquid is passed through a sieve,

cool to the temperature sick room and given to drink without



To prevent fleas, cast rose petals on the bed, between the

sheets. Soon insects away.

The resort is poetic, and as the smell of roses essuave,

not to be feared that attacks the nerves.


To have white hands, rinse with water and corn flour, wet, is

a paste very soft and clean very well.

This procedure avoids the need for soap, hands are dirty but

a hard work.

Before drying, a hands restriéguensedrops of glycerin and

you will be glad of results obtained.


To clean stained bottles of fatty substances, whether

glass or porcelain, mixed

equal amounts of salt, and vinegar. Lavad

this and the result will be perfect.


Dutch fishermen, most experts fishing, get great results

by using a simple bait, fill of water a clear glass bottle, throw

it worms or insects, and close so that no confined animals

can escape, you tie the bottle with a string and thrown into

the water where These fish. When the bottle is at the bottom

attracts with its brightness and its content to fish the vicinity

and thereby excite them the view of prey to those who fail

the rush to play than bite hooks.

Night sweats

Experiment this remedy simple: weta shirt in a saturated

solution of common salt, let it dry completely and to bed we


This treatment has been successful, when other remedies

had proved futile.


Take a common sponge, the better the more great. She

dipped into hot water to which put all swollen. She then

squeezes until it is half water with nothing else.

Then throw in the sponge, its interstices and eyes, a few

grains of millet, red clover, barley, flax, etc.., this is plants

that germinate easily, choosing those with color and form

sheets varies.

So hang the sponge prepared under a window or in a place

where you give the sun. Is irrigated every morning, the

entire surface as rain lightly.

The seed germinates and puts stems and leaves; of

where it is like a ball of the more varied vegetables

As he had been planting.

Walnut leaves

Among the many treatments advocated against diabetes,

there is one that produces results truly wonderful. It consists

of drinking morning and afternoon a glass of tea

walnut leaves (20 to 25 grams) in one liter of


Walnut leaves activate the digestion and circulation

of blood, and increase the energy of the functions.

They get stronger than meat, which disappears

emerge chlorotic pallor and color instead rosy.

Its action is somewhat slow, you need about twenty

days at least before the effects are noticed.

It may therefore be advised not only in diabetes,

but also in anemia, etc..


The most simple and convenient for cleaning of the silver is

a little beat black soap suds in hot water. This water gets

into the dishes it has in it a few minutes, and wiped out. For

this procedure becomes as bright as if it were new.


For the flies do not come to the flesh, just smear it with olive


Way to revive the ink on parchment There is only extended

with a slight brush layer of ammonium hydrosulfide. This

procedure been used for a long time in the Oxford library.

I've always used with success. (M. Acius Ledian, curator of

the Abbeville Library.)

Way to remove wax stains Known sperm or the medium that

involves passing an iron interposed heat above the iron

stain and a brown paper or silk.

But not always a plate. Here otherwise, based on the same

principle and is available to all smokers. Put up the

spot a slip of paper to smoke and heat up with a match,

walking his name to a few millimeters of the paper. If the

stain not disappear at once too thick, otherwise it will be

good before scraping to reduce in size. After applying the

paper and the match, no more than brushing and everything

is clean. It is a means has always given me good results.

Means of preserving the clothes of wool without

convey no unpleasant odor You can use herbs, leaves only

passenger smell, soon cleared the air. The main plants

used are rosemary, hyssop, marjoram, lavender. But

You can make a tincture consisting of:

Alcohol at 80 °

8 grams.

Colocynth crushed

1 - Allow yourself to contact eight days, cuélese, filter ..

Put down a few drops of this tincture in the clothing and

Then it is wrapped in a white cloth, thick.

This way of operating seems to give excellent results, is one

of the procedures conservation in Russia so difficult, cloth

and fur.

how to use herbs, fruits, roots for recipes for the benefit of

our health.

how to use herbs, fruits, roots for recipes for the benefit of

our health.


It is a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm, produced by

digestive disorders, usually proves the existence of an

inflammation of the stomach.

Many recipes are, more or less effective for remove the

hiccups, for example, drink slowly, cover ears, fear, etc.. The

simplest and especially the most effective is a sneeze and

hope that there is but a grain of snuff, so that a sneeze is

produced sufficient to dismiss at once the hiccups.

Experiencing and see.

FACE Fluxion

When a major consequence of toothache,

a cooling air flow, etc.., is fluxion occurs in the face, not to

apply tardéis the following remedy.

Break a head of garlic, Strip off the skin fine, but gather in

hand with him and form a kind plug and metéoslo of the ear

where The person was the fluxion. Envolveos well head and

face during the night.

At first you will notice some tension, then cool and the next

day will find that there is no swelling and that the pain is



Is known and shown that as a bad habit children smoking

cigarettes as men smoking opium.

The first stimulates the nerves snuff, then numb. The snuff

predisposes chest diseases and to hypertrophy of the heart.

That many children are enjoying good health have become

ill with snuff and have besotted! The cigarette paper is

worse than the cigar and pipe. The persistence of smoking

cigarettes leads to diseases of the nervous system

; Action weakens the heart and decreases the circulation of

blood. Other than that the snuff of cigarettes is of inferior

quality, is harmful the how to smoke them. The same if they

expect that if dismissed from his nostrils smoke causes

drynessthe membrane that lines the mouth, larynx

weakened, the voice loses sweetness and light. There is

nothing ma & harmful to the vocal organs of a girl

the habit of smoking cigarettes.


Milk can be preserved for many days, even in summer,

adding 1 gram of boric acid per liter. This acid does not

affect in any way to the milk and is harmful to health.


It is said that the aromatic principle of different fruits

resides in the same leaves of the tree, where be removed.

The procedure for this is as follows: Put to soak the leaves

(or apple pear, for example), water containing one tenth

of sugar and a little yeast without special odor, and be in

ferment. When he declares, noticing the smell of apple or

pear. Submitted to distilling the liquid, gives an alcohol

product with the flavor of the fruit. It seems that the vine

leaves, treated in this way are very nice brandy.

The experiment, in any case, is neither difficult nor

expensive and worth a try.


To avoid take of this condition when then a sip of liquor toilet

Fumade cigarettes camphor, frotaos hollow head and

sedative stomach with water, breathe a knob same water,

without food and embarcaos at six hours on board, without

taking anything before, drink fortifying wine.

How to prepare the liquor toilet. - Put in a gallon of regular

brandy, 50 grams orange peel, leave to soak

Bottled, six days then add a quart of chili 500 grams of

ordinary sugar, all good macerate. This liquor is ready to

fight seasickness.


Two carrots, two leeks, four lettuce leaves, eight leaves of

spinach, two liters water, a little fresh butter sticks and two

or three stalks of chervil. Put it all in a pan, let it cook a

fifteen minutes, pass it through a strainer and drink

warm the patient.


To make the famous grenades dampers, Take 10 kg of

common salt, 5 kg ammonium salt: dissolve one and one in

30 liters of


After these salts are well dissolved, put the solution in tightly

capped bottles. In case of fire, cast one or two bottles

fire, with enough force to rupture.

The fire goes out quickly.


It often happens that the dried, such as peas, beans and

lentils., cook bad, especially when they are stale and when

used for cooking water that is too calcareous salts.

Potash is ordinarily used, but preferably use sugar.

In this case not only well-cooked vegetables but acquire a

pleasant taste, on condition add a little salt.


The best of all fertilizers for plants room is the coffee


Apply a thin layer of sludge on the surface of the pots, and


It is often necessary to put another layer, without raising

the previous one.

The coffee grounds gives vigor to the plants and prevents

them diseases.


Sycosis of the beard or illness is characterized by

the fall of beard and hair, appearing at the same grain time

sometimes form scabs.

Alopecia, hair loss, also called Peladero, is so well known

that requires no explanation.

Acne comes in the form of grains that have generally tip

black. Squeezing out a subject that shaped worm.

Varicose ulcers are usually formed to result of an abrasion

or scratch on the lu, where are the rar varices. Usually

friars the same patient, by scratching the itch artormenta


The ulcer is growing every day, if not care vigorously.

The Usagre of children, or cradle cap, "and reveals

the appearance pustules that become crusted

yellow and appear especially in the face, lips, chin, ears and

even the leather hair. The Usagre is contagious.

Io ordinate treatment. - Almost Always skin diseases come

from the acrimony of the blood.

Sometimes they by a bad source digestion, blood

circuiacción defective or certain rheumatic manifestations.

Wash parles sick with a decoction sage leaves or bark rob'e.

In cases of ulcers, take one day if and olro not

legs baths in very hot water (a bucket, for example, or

cylindrical vessel, can serve as a bathroom). If you want hot

water, can use with advantage a decoction of sage, thyme

or marjoram Drink infusion of wild thoughts (better

flowers that leaves) of knapweed or burdock.

Special treatment. - Put to boil 30 grams

bark of oak powder and two tablespoons of sedatives

Homberg in pints reduction of water up to a liter. Cuélese by

a fine cloth. Wash with this liquid, warm, three times a day.

TE of the Carthusians

The more active and enjoyable of all teas purgatives,

violated, digestive, depurative, anthelmintic and


Tea of the Carthusians to the reputation enjoyed by

his undisputed superiority over all

similar products known in the trade.

This product is not a secret remedy, but a combination,

deeply studied of certain substances, among which may be

counted first the mint, lemon balm, the mallow, hyssop, and

so on.

These flowers and herbs, peeled and selected with the

utmost care, always fresh and new, have a pleasant flavor

and aroma. They can take and hold up the most scrupulous

and delicate and regular use does not produce any fatigue

in the stomach.

It has all the advantages of purgatives, without the many

drawbacks of these.

It causes nausea and vomiting.

Purge suddenly and without vomiting.

It can be taken at all hours of the day, without interrupting

occupation or change of food.

To enjoy perfect health, taken three times week a cup of this

tea, which is a purgative soft, comfortable, friendly, which

should in any age. It estreñimienio spberano against loss of

appetite, stomach pain, painful digestion, gases, dizziness,

headaches, neuralgia, hemorrhoids,liver disease, dropsy,

herpetic conditions.

To conclude, we say that the Tea of the Carthusians

whose reputation is always increasing, is one of drinks more

enjoyable in every respect and, from the point of view of

hygiene, we provide service to persons who were one of the

use conditions listed recomand of this product.


Constipation and inflammation of the blood are the main

causes of premature wear of our bodies and therefore the

death at an early age.

Cure constipation, cool the blood, nothing easier. But one

does not need to do to the drugs, but to a natural product

that is for the human body that the drop of machine oil


Our ancestors called these grains Secret of long life or longlived grains.

Gomo the plant that is rare and occurs requires a special

culture, it was used instead of these grains flaxseed, tea of

Parietaria, the barley, mallow, and so on.

But it must be confessed that only grains

long-lived radical and heal in a few days constipation,

tenacious case, cooling the So blood is purified and

transformed into less than a month.

As when it comes to flaxseed is taken one tablespoon in a

glass of fresh water for night before bed and in the morning

on rising.

As these tiny grains are washed down with very easily, after

a moment move in the water. The kids really like, because

of to taste toasted hazelnuts.

Coryza or runny nose The causes of coryza are taking cold

feet, having suffered a head cooling to pass abruptly from a

warm temperature to a cold. As a preservative, washed

every morning cold water not only the face but to be

possible throughout the body. However, when not

able to avoid this condition, we recommend the following

: Io Cut a lemon into two pieces; Pump your

half in hand and forcefully aspírese juice; after sneezing,

aspírese ance of the other lemon.

This will cure the runny nose and almost always avoids

erysipelas and chest colds; At the time of the 2nd

ACASTER, nose smeared sebum and drinking two cups of

elderberry tea to sweating. The next day Avoid sudden step

a warm temperature to a cold and continued on this way

until complete healing.


Alkaline bath. - The alkaline bath is prepared dissolving 500

grams of soda subcarbonate the water.

Aromatic bath. - 500 are used for this

grams of lime or herbs wrapped in a canvas and putting

them in the bathroom, leave it the duration of the bath.

Bareges bath. - The Bareges bath or bathroom

sulfur is prepared by dissolving 120 to 125 grams

potassium sulfide, or an equal amount of sulfur in the bath

water. Use of a bathtub particular, that has nothing of tin,

and do not let any object in the room of silver or silver.

Bath gel. - Add to a single bath 500 grams of gelatin


Foot bath, with mustard. - Dissolve 125 grams of mustard in

water slightly warm, hot water is then added, little by little,

not add vinegar, in any way. Instead of Mustard can cast

gray salt, 200 grams, or a large shovelful of ashes.

Bath salt. - Three pounds of table salt per bath.

Bath sedative Raspail. - Pour in the bathroom 20 rubbing

alcohol grams, 200 grams of ammonia and 500 gray salt.

Poultices. - Meal poultices Flaxseed meal is prepared by

diluting in water and then boiling it with flour. Put the poultice

between two thin muslin cloth or two and so applied in the

right place. Cover with a piece of rubberized flannel or

taffeta. Whether to add something, for example,

camphorated oil, laudanum, Saturn extract, balm, calm,


This addition is made at the time of applying the poultice.

Used in Veterinary Medicine In general, all plants that we

have spoken for diseases of people, animals are used for

identical diseases.

We will say a few words about the most important.

Chamomile oil. - Dried flowers of chamomile,

50 grams of olive oil, 400 grams, let infused over eight days

and then filter.

This oil is used in frictions for rheumatism, of dogs


Wormwood. - Absinthe, the furnaces already given

explanations excites the appetite, aids digestion,

accelerates the circulation of the blood used in the diseases

of the digestive tract caused by weakness and diarrhea

rebels. Take an infusion, quantity of a handful to two liters of

water against the wasting of rams and to promote digestion

in all animals.

Its use is entirely harmless.

You have to take three or four cups a day, accordingthe

degree of obesity.



Obesity or excess fat alters health.

Not only ugly but older forms before time and impoverished


Obesity is said to belittle and blunts sensitivity.

This state does not have anything nice for the man, but it is

much worse for the woman, stripped of the grace, charm

and elegance.

The fat woman, which is poured hips and belly, is afflicted

with every reason and uses (the For all obese) to the

absorption of drugs you spoil your stomach.

According to a recent statistic has shown a professor at the

School of Paris that a num considerable number of ailments

of the stomach, tested in obese, are determined by

the use of unhealthy specialties whose virtues commended

daily press.

Obese, be careful!

Ordinary treatment. - Can be remedied this damaging state

through a severe regime and good hygiene. Avoid the

starchy, crumb crust Eat more, drink little in the meals (one

liter of fluid, at the most, within 24hours) »

Take three or four cups daily of tea horehound.

Special treatment. - Rarely are English obese. This consists

primarily in that the English one I take very particular

Gives good results.

Its root is used and it is a cooking that provides many

services against hemorrhages. This is its fruit, strawberries,

agree to the sanguine temperament. It is believed that some

Drop us sick have been cured with only eating strawberries

in the morning and afternoon.

The grass is tempered canons, pectoral, refreshing and


Beans are healthy and tasty vegetable if well prepared.

Green beans are watery and some nutrients, the skin of the

beans, or sheath, is indigestible and windy for some

sensitive stomachs.

The lettuce is food that tempers the thirst and gives dream.

With its leaves are made poultices and juice Lettuce is

widely used in medicine.

The melon, if eaten in moderation, is slightly laxative, gentle,

sweet, good for the stomach during the heats.

Turnips are joining healthy food and laxative.

Parsley is a diuretic seasoning.

The chervil is exciting and diuretic. Partner with all sorts of

delicacies and promotes the secretion of urine.

Leeks are legume that is widely used in the soup. They are

diuretic, expectorant and emollient.

Cooked apply abscesses and felons.

The Radish:; black winter do fight advantageously gravel

and stone.

The beet salad is a food and bathroom refreshing. Cooked

in oven and put canned in vinegar, onions, salad with

lettuce and cabbage weed.

Celery is a plant of salad, healthy, pleasant, aperient and

diuretic. Its seed is exciting and carminative (See


Watercress have properties everywhere are known. Indeed,

they are tonics, diuretics and expectorants; excite the

appetite and strengthen the stomach. However, nervous

people should use them sparingly.

The pumpkin provides a healthy, temperate, that mitigates

the heat and irritation of the viscera.

Onions are exciting, diuretic, vermifuge.

The chalóle has properties similar to those of garlic, but less

strongly flavored, so many people they prefer.

The cabbage was great reputation in the past of hygiene. It

is said that the Romans spent many centuries without

doctors precisely because they ate many sprouts. The red

cabbage or properties pectorals. For those hardy, cabbages

are very healthy food. In the field consuming.

However have substance, but this rather is usually cooked

with bacon, meat or poultry.

The studs have a great reputation for its properties aperient,

diuretic and soothing properties.

The asparagus soup relieves affections the bladder and

some rheumatism, the root is a diuretic, the shoots are

soothing in the circulation of blood and particularly in the

movements of heart.

Spinach is healthy, refreshing, laxatives.

Ordinary people agree constipated.

The strawberry bush is a diuretic, appetite.


The sorrel is temperate, diuretic, refreshing and easy


Chard served in the cottages to wrap lard. Its broad leaves

are emollient and temperate Enter into the composition of

the broth herbs. Also made them drinks against

inflammation of the intestines. It is known These leaves are

used in healing wounds.

Garlic is a useful condiment for people phlegmatic, revives

the appetite, gives stomachs more actively hindered.

Artichokes are febrifuge: leaf powder Artichoke heal some

intermittent fevers.

For this there are people who drink an infusion of

fresh or dried leaves at the rate of 15 to 30 grams per

liter of boiling water. Boil Others Artichoke root in white wine

and with this fight dropsy and jaundice.


To evacuate the poison, go to the vomiting (emetic, ipecac)

to be administered as quickly as possible.

In the absence of vomiting vomiting can be excited

giving warm water or putting their fingers in their


Sometimes the same poison nauseous, in this case, give

the vomiting with warm water.

When you have rid the stomach, by through vomiting,

desembarácense the intesde milk, échensele 10 drops of oil

of lavender and get a shot. Repeat the procedure to

up. The cure is radical. A lack of essence

lavender can be used laudanum, in quantity 5 or 6 drops. (A

lot of prudence in the use of laudanum, because it is


Cathartic Ordinary treatment. - In almost all diseases, it is

essential to work with released the belly if you want to get


Purging always feel good and never do damage.

Laxative for Children (1 month to 15 months)

Nothing better than milk sweetened with honey they make.

It also can be given from time to time a spoonful of olive oil.

An enema of olive oil (or oil cod liver if they have worms) are


Other. - Macháquese yarrow herb, and ointment to do with

it, along with fat salt

and camphor, applying poultices of this substance

in the whitlow. Ten days is up June 12 the poultice and

appears as a whitlow strand of wool from 40 to 50

centimeters long, is the safest choice.

. Other. - Please infusion over two hours

a ten-cent cigar strong in spirit.

Then, with the leaves of this cigar wrap the painful part of

the finger. The relief is instantaneous and the healing within

a few days.


No more quebrantadura of disease women's health white

flowers. upset digestive functions, which results in the weak

in the extremities, pallor, fatigue of the view, heaviness of

head and general lassitude of the sick.

Ordinary treatment. -. Avoid constipation And for this, from

time to time be taken one or two grams of rhubarb; tonic

injections morning and night with alum powder (10 gr.) or

oak bark (a handful for unlitrode water); simmer five

minutes, please use cold.

To facilitate these rules and avoid the pain the first time, no

more to drink a Pastor cooking bag or mugwort (and if

possible both herbs together) and then turn on Fasting a

footbath with thyme. It advocates this remedy to stop white

or Perdita blood.

However, the best remedy known to contain white losses is

the "next: At night, before bed, drink a glass If it is facial

neuralgia, ensure thatnot originate from a tooth for if you are

careada should resort to a dentist.

Whitlow, boil It is called whitlow a tumor that develops in

finger and is manifested by a sharp pain, accompanied

itching and swelling of pink and shiny, which was soon

followed by the cracking and leaving a bloody humor. It

should be removed rings immediately, because without this

declare gangrene.

At first, whether to abort the felon; for this usually just take

an egg chicken, cool, peel away a little and put finger in the

egg having it put much time necessary (for which you can

hold the eggwith a tissue). disappears pain and not just

whitlow form.

The pain usually stops within minutes, finger dipped in

rubbing alcohol ill. A very popular choice in the field is

cut a fresh fig a fig or two large pieces, these pieces soak

for ten minutes in warm milk and apply on the diseased part;

the effect is manifested early maturing and continuing

this treatment for a few days away whitlow without leaving


Other. - Apply a leech, to two or three inches away from the

whitlow in the finger and let the blood run well afterwards.

In other cases feel good linden infusion (20 grams to a liter)

with orange blossom, taking of Similarly, that is, to sip.

Some people take 5 grams of powder Valerian root with a

little honey. Some people seals prefer this to saying that

antipyrine produces better results.

Other people have the right remedy antipyrine

, Usually just a seal of a gram

to combat the attack. But you should not abuse, not

is never take more than six seals in thehours,

as otherwise no doctor.

A new remedy and gives wonderful results, cuts as a

migraine attack fifteen minutes, is to take every five minutes

agrostenima good powder (ground cariofílea growing in the

fields). The seed is ground of this plant and used as well as



Pain that follows the path of a nerve, which is continued

high at its highest grade-point " fixed, accompanied by

various disturbances, but no alteration in nervous tissue loa.

cook for half an hour in a liter of red wine or white.

Apart from this, cook a handful of leaves

rose in a pint and for five minutes. Add a good tablespoon

(coffee) of salt.

Strain tea over and over, mix and this Water way to have

God for eyes. Coming soon a liter. Note the bottle tightly


For 6 or 8 days, in the morning, on rising the bed and at

night at bedtime, Heat to get warm just four tablespoons of

this tea, then putting them in a regular cup and use bridging

on the injured eye so that it bathe it, holding it open as

possible and this for 4 to 5 minutes. At 6 or 8 days, healing.


Ordinary treatment. - A cup of coffee highly charged, adding

the juice of one lemon; sip it. Generally good results.

by limestone and take care of filtering to that it proves more



• Regular treatment. - Headaches almost always come from

the stomach so tending to cure stomach head. Infusion

of. thyme, a cup of cold water with a ingotsof good vinegar,


When evil comes not from the stomach, you easy for a

sedative water application in the front or by cutting a lemon

into two pieces and applying a half in the right temple and

the other half on the left, both pieces are secured with

a band and allowed to stand for ten to fifteen minutes.


Against all eye diseases in general, our ancestors used the

large plantain (Plantago major).

It takes a great bunch (roots, stems, leaves, whole

the plant) and thoroughly washed after all, is set to

acids, headache, pains in the limbs wandering.

Ordinary treatment. <- Please provide the vomiting

, If necessary administer a gram of ipecacuanha powder,

calm down the pain of coice with poultices, infusion of tea,

chamomile or Melissa, for cups.

Bladder disease, stone, Gravel, etc..

Put to boil in two liters of water and during twenty minutes, a

handful of heads of leek (All white) a knob of fresh butter

and a pinch of salt. Drink a cup of this decoction,

every morning, fasting, as if broth, or comans, if possible,


If you are thirsty during the day, drink tea of Parietaria

(See this speech in the second part). As constipation goes

through a lot in this disease, be careful while combating

this condition. (See what we say in the word Constipation.)

Do not drink or eat anything but refreshing things;

Avoid all that fatigue the stomach.

A sedentary lifestyle promotes the development of this

disease can be done much exercise in the day.

Do not drink any more than water to seep Tumor red, hot,

serum containing a tumor-bloody pus.

He Anthrax is a meeting of boils.

To prevent the development of the boil can experiencing

some applications of tincture of iodine, covering them with

cotton wool. If you no longer possible, first open the maturity

through bathrooms, warm, linseed meal poultices, crumbs

bread or milk.

There are often only a boil; therefore, the patient should

continue treatment depurative and tonic.


Hemorrhoids, commonly called piles, consist of an abnormal

dilation of the veins around the anus. This evil is avoided

going to the toilet at fixed times and not being in it. a long

time. The Piles often cause bloodshed, which, if not too

abundant, rather reaulta beneficial. Sometimes this disease

causes great pains. Severe diet, noexciting: local cold


Hístrucción details).NARS, cracks A lump formed by the

output of a viscera were of the cavity in which regularly

contains, and to result of rupture of the envelopes that

usually protect it. The only possible treatment is carrying a

truss to hold and contain, as well spreads from time to time

with a hernia Ointment.


Heaviness and heat pain in the hole stomach, disgust,

nausea, hiccups, belching man, imprisoned our readers that

put a priest as soon as they observe the first symptoms of


Before meals, take a mixing bowl tonic, after eating a cup of

tea Peyronnel , At least twice a week for a cup of

Carthusian tea after the evening meal.

In this way, the food, rather than fatigue, transformed into

blood, strength and vigor.

Fluxions chest, cooling Pleurisy Usually this disease is

announced tremors, vomit blood. rnaTesiar general,

fever and flank pain. In this case,

I need to call immediately: ktédico, if thereway to go.

Meanwhile, get the patient sweat, at least for half an hour.

Borage tea, flower elderberry, etc.

Then, please use one of the following remedies:

Take white cabbage leaves and leek, please to cook in

skillet with strong vinegar and use bridging to flank pain. It is

said that this is removed in followed by pain.


- I want to drink a strong tea of borage mixed, if possible,

with thyme. Become the tea with wine instead of water.

As the patient can sweat for 25 to 30minutes after taking

this tea bowl.

Then wrap with a sheet kidneys hot or with several towels.


Ordinary treatment.

- All pain

stomach in his first term to vanish few days taking in an

infusion of thyme Instead of coffee or tea. Prepare the

infusion of thyme as that of lime or tea, and can sweeten;

also be good to add a few drops of rum or kirsch, of good


• We recommend with the greatest interest infusions

Parietaria and fumitory. A glass made fasting in the morning

makes disappears

bile to the five or six days and the same phlegm and

acidities. Restoration also appetite.

Many people of Marseilles and other parts of South of

France, used white horehound.

Pénense infusion of 40 or 50 grams of theplant in a liter of

water, take a glass in the

morning before breakfast, another at noon, another by the

night and half a glass before dinner.

There will be no more than nine glasses of this concoction,

I, not take more than three days a row.

In central France sore heal

taking stomach before

breakfast, for 8 or 10 days a great cup of yarrow tea, boil

one large handful of this plant in a liter of water to

reduced to a large glass, and drink all cuélese cold no


Special treatment.

- Given the gravity of the innumerable? various diseases

disorders the stomach produce at orgasm consequence is

the case of seeing a dog following ! funeral of his master, in

a plaintive howl, lie on the tomb and left there to die of

sadness and pain.

The dog has two major diseases: the Rabies and scabies.

Also more often suffer the other animals worm disease.

Many dogs die of a particular disease which is known as



- It's the disease that inspires more fear, disgust and alarm.

No-no disease about which there are many concerns

and errors. It is common in the villages believe that

the bite of a rabid dog ne cure; believe this is an absolute

mistake. Symptoms of rabies.

- At first, sadness, lassitude, changes in timbre

of voice. As soon

as manifested these symptoms or just one ofthem, the dog

should be tied. You have to kill followed by the rabid dog.

Dogs who have been bitten or is suspected of having been

so, observation will be made immediately without

anyone near them.

In any case, be declared on the Alcadia the fact event, and

follow the requirements that the dictated municipal authority.


Symptoms. - Sadness, loss of appetite, eye tearful,

distemper in the nose, sneezing, etc.. Treatment. - "A

spoonful in the morning and one in the afternoon of tincture

of bark in a pint wine until complete healing.toms easily.

Also, if the milk does not seem good pretty sweet, you can

sweeten a bit without that it loses its good qualities.

It is noteworthy that white goats' milk or from clear gray hair

does not taste as fragrant goat as black or dark hair.

Diseases of the goats are generally the same as the <will

the sheep. See in Accordingly, we exposed treatments

for them.


The dog is an intelligent and faithful servant of the man. It's

happy childhood companion, guardian safe guard the

house, indispensable help in hunting and in keeping the

cattle. The dog has only one idea, the love of his master.

It is capable of the most sublime devotion. So selfless

as true, is a true friend of man.

Consuela with caresses the poor abandoned, forgotten

to self-preservation not to think

but his master.

get, to whom we leave the responsibility for their advice

- In doses of 100 to 300 grams per day, you will get

remarkable results. »

The Gazeite des Campagnes an element refers to the case

huélfago sick mare, very thin and breathing very fast, since

it gave, at rest, 24 breaths per minute.

One month after treatment for the horse-chestnuts, this

figure dropped to 16 and to breathing five months to 11, the

cough disappeared almost completely auscultation

showed great improvement, the animal walked

tirelessly 12 kilometers per hour.

It is worth to try, even though the number of 12 kilometers

per hour, in the case of an animal with huélfago, seems a bit



The pet goat is very useful, but doesdestruction in its wake.

Their milk is. delicious, taken pure. With her exquisite

cheese is made. Some people who did not like the taste of

milk goat, 'but with good will can be a acoscasos,

if it comes to time, and produces always healing, is the

ether. They lie 14 grams in pint of hot water sweetened and

is given by half in the space of three quarters of an hour.

Never I'm an animal with this treatment, except a horse that

saw him two hours before I had pint of aguardiente.y given

that died at five minutes of my arrival.

If there were no ether, can be used instead and same

success nitro: 50 grams of spirit nitro sugar and, like the

ether, in hot water.

If nothing else, hot water, inside and exterior; foulbrood is | a

good treatment.

A cough embrocation for horses .- Cough caused by

cooling, an experienced veterinarian recommended

liniment or embrocation follows: equal parts olive oil,

ammonia and turpentine. Scrub vigorously horse twice

day with this mixture and along the traqueoarteria.


You can determine the age by examining the incisor teeth or

fangs. From one to eighteen months, there are two large

tusks, of twenty to thirty

months, there are four, twenty-four to thirty-six, there are six,

and thirty to forty-eight, there are eight fangs.


When this animal is well cared for and maintained provides

many services, especially in the field. His main diseases

are: constipation, indigestion, scabies. be these diseases

as we explain to other animals.

To get rid of fleas, we proceed as have said the dog.

Speaking of the plants already mentioned that the Valerian

has great appeal to cats,.

which they wallow in it and mean it seems that the smell

intoxicates them and love it.


Treatment of colic of the horse.

-The only remedy to which may include the incorporation of

these parties. Spread out the animals' mangy of the good.

The 3rd thrush or canker.

- It is a disease

of lambs, even in tit. It is manifested by a spots on the

tongue and lips, making them (prevents breastfeed.

Prepared a solution of alum, dip into it a stud and touch

with it the attacked the bad points. If lcfc lambs could not

suck, aliménteseles with flour and water. Bloating the 4th. Is swelling that occurs by eating too much clover or alfalfa

green and not flowered, raw potatoes, peas, etc.. Stroll the

patient without running and head up;

échense over many buckets of cold water; Give it

two or three media outlets oil vessels warhead and nutty.

You may also be given in several Sometimes a liter of water

they are dissolved 80 grams of sulfuric ether. Others give a

spoonful ammonia in a quart of water.

Finally, you can use very cold water salty. In some countries

it is used in a liter of water with a tablespoon of hypochlorite

of potash (water with powder gas.)

Inflammation of the 5th Diflex channel.

- The peanut festival in the corner of the hooves.

Soon invades the entire foot and nail it down.

Appears a foul-smelling purulent matter,like rotten cheese.

The animal limps and suffers a lot. Will be removed

the cornea of the hoof with an instrument sharp and without

touching the living and apply the ointment

The recipe is:

Take equal parts of calcined alum chamomile oil, mix them

and make them a paste.

Sheep, bighorn These pets, symbol of meekness

and shyness, it seems that they are intended only in his life

to provide a material portion useful to the industry and

human needs:

wool, hides, meat, bones.

The great heat, the heat of the sun, moisture, cold

excessive, poor pasture, and so on., are the cause of their



The signs of ill health in these cattle wool and goats are:

loss of wool somewhere the body, sad, bad breath, gums

and veins pale.

On the contrary, are signs of good health: head up, eyes

wide open living and, forehead and nose dry, wet nose

without mueodidades, rosy mouth, agile legs.


The Sheep

Wanderlust Io.

- It is a very similar

to smallpox. Many clean straw to lie, good forage for

grazing. When one suffers from homesickness herd, it

should call the vet.


- The soil often result this evil. start by shearing, wool or

hair, or the rape. Wash with soap and water using brush

clean. Then washed with water and carbolic acid (20 grams,

soon, acid carbolic in a liter of water). If any person was

attacked the body, there will be a cure for parties. In some

regions makes use of an ointment composed of sulfur, a

hand, and lard. Snuff.

- Snuff decoctions can not be employ more than indoor

enemas against Outside are used against lice and fleas

of all animals.

They are also used against herpes and scabies.

I lotion formula here; Snuff leaves, 100 grams of cooking

salt, 200 grams, black soap, 100 grams water, three liters.

First cook the snuff, for five minutes , Then strained and

mixed with salt and soap.

At least twice a day, rinse well with this attacked parts lotion

scabies or herpes.

Ointment laurel.

- It consists of sheets laurel and green berries of the same,

500 grams;

lard, 1,000 grams.

Squeeze the leaves and berries well and make them

Simmer until all the moisture disappears.

Cuélese after strong pressure, cool Lie something and then

in a pot. To purge large animals.

- From 5 to 20 grams in a drink, always empty stomach.

To purge the pigs.

- From 1 to 10 grams,

according to his strength, in a drink anyone,

empty stomach.

Purgative for the horse.

- Seeds of castor

about 20 grains; macháquense, please a Dilute liter of water

for about five minutes.

Dense to drink in the morning.

Purgative for the dog. - Five grains castor seeds, ground

with about 30 grams of lard. Will the dog in one shot and

this dose is increased or reduced according to the size

the dog.

Ricin. - Castor oil, known to all times as a purgative, it is

less, however, the pulp from the seeds of castor. Medicine

long veterinary use of these pulps.

Rosal. - When a horse suffers from persistent diarrhea,

cure was giving him drink, morning and in the afternoon,

three liters, each is z, an infusion of roses. A handful of

leaves per liter of water, let infusion ten minutes, and add a

bit cuélese of flour.

Salvia. - For diseases of the mouth (thrush epizootic) in all

animal species using a infusion of sage leaves, which gives

very good results.

To one liter of water 60 grams of leaves; infuse for ten


The ginger powder was used in doses of 10 to

15 grams depending on the strength of the animal. For the

horse it takes 50 grams in one liter of water or wine. Is given

to drink or mixed with the feed. Often seen in horses that

seem fair very bright, vigorous, and shake it up tail as if they

were restless. Is the effect of ginger. To obtain this result,

cut chalanes few pieces of ginger and introduce

the anus of the animal. It's a trick that easily discovered.

Laurel. - The laurel leaves and berries are very useful in

veterinary medicine.

Roman Chamomile. - Used as a stimulant and a tonic for

the digestive powers increase in windy colic and nervous


is primarily useful for large animals.

Melisa. - ■ The balm is tonic, cordial, stomachic.

Against bruises, abrasions, recent injuries, sprains and

dislocations, is used melissa vulnerary water, pure or mixed

with water.

Here is the formula for preparing this water leaves of lemon

balm, hyssop, marjoram, mint, oregano, sage, wormwood,

angelica, of each a handful to a gallon of brandy first


Let marinate fortnight cuélese and filter. Mercurial. - It is

emollient, slightly laxative.

Very useful for purging enema. Three good handfuls of this

plant in three liters of water; simmer three to four minutes

cuélese and add about 50 grams or 150 grams of soap

salt when it comes to large animals.

Burdock, sorrel, chicory, clove

lion, soapwort or soap. - These plants are used as tonics in

the treatment of skin diseases. With 50 grams of them in

two liters of water is a beverage medicinante.

Drink warm for the oxen. - Seeds of caraway and anise

powder, 30 grams, ginger,

15 grams mixed in a pint of mulled wine.

Tonic drink. - Gentian, 50 grams; centaurea less, 20 grams

wormwood, 20 grams, please infusion eight days in one liter

of water and strain.

Then, while still warm, give him drink.

Borage. - The brew is tempered borage.

Infusion is prepared by 50 grams of borage in two liters of


Coriander, caraway. - The seeds mixed

I think the oats are a good snack for horses.

In external use, concentrated decoction of elecampane

bell is used to advantage against the sama dog and the ram

makes the itching go away almost immediately.

Gentian. - It is a drug very useful in veterinary medicine as a

stimulant and tonic. Recipes as an appetizer, headache,

derangements of nutrition, water wasting of rumientes.

The dose is 100 to 150 grams in two liters of

water for large animals and half for small.

The powder of gentian is an appetizer for the horses, sheep,

etc.., tired of the crop. Generally mixed with the feed.

Graciola. - The leaves are a purgative energetic. To purge a

horse, please infusion, in a quart of boiling water, from 100

to 150 grams of graciola; ténganse to the fire of 10 to 16

minutes and then administer.

Peppermint. - Call herbalism also "Peppermint." The

cooking of this plant used to heal the wounds of bad


20 grams of leaves in a liter of water, boil for five minutes.

Fennel. - The seeds of fennel, in doses of 50 to 100 grams,

for large animals, feel good against cramps, gas and

digestion difficult.

Ginger. - It's a very strong stimulant.

It is used against colic and stomach upsets, work as quickly

on the mucosa. Used also in bronchitis.

Horses injured by the collar. - When a horse is injured with

the collar, it is necessary let rest, if possible, a few days.

During These will wash the sore with a decoction of

walnut leaves, tibia, which will take a little mulled wine or

brandy. Then wash frequently carbol water.

Treated in this way the wound will heal very soon.

However, to get back the harness, should cover the site with

a bit sore wet cloth and dyeing lead tannate aloe.

To that horses do not eat oats too fast. - Mix oatmeal with

volume as chopped straw. As the horse is not can be

swallowed without chewing straw, you need to chew while


Horse asthmatic (huélfago). - Mal auxiliary a horse is

suffering from huélfago, though

some of these poor animals are the prototype of toughness

and courage.

His disease is pulmonary emphysema, that is fought with

good food, sugar and little arsenic acid.


The pet goat is very useful, but does destruction in its wake.

Their milk is

delicious, taken pure. With her exquisite

cheese is made. Some people who did not like the taste of

milk goat, 'but with good will can be a acoscasos,

if it comes to time, and produces always healing, is the

ether. They lie 14 grams in pint of hot water sweetened and

is given by half in the space of three quarters of an hour.

Never I'm an animal with this treatment, except a horse that

saw him two hours before I had

pint of aguardiente.y given that died at five minutes of my


If there were no ether, can be used instead and the same

success the nitro: 50 grams of spirit nitro sugar and, like the

ether, in hot water.

If nothing else, hot water, inside and exterior; foulbrood is | a

good treatment,cough embrocation for horses .- Cough

caused by cooling,

an experienced veterinarian recommended liniment or

embrocation follows: equal parts olive oil, ammonia and


Scrub vigorously horse twice day with this mixture and to it.

traqueoarteria along.

The cure of cough depends also much general treatment of

the horse must be taken block in a clean, cool and well


To protect the horses in the field mainly against the assault

and flies plague during the heat, here is a new:

Prepare a decoction of leaves and stems Jimson weed

(some of these leaves and stems of three parts water). The

cooking will take about 19 or 20 minutes, then remove from

the heat. It is best make this decoction ready to use, but

also can be stored and is not bad. An application of this

preparation in the inner part of the

oars, in the belly and around the anus enough to protect the

animal against its enemies for space, a day. No decoction,

or even ofsnuff is much more expensive, worth as much

asof jimsonweed.

Recall that the decoction of walnut leaves and laurel oil

ointments are also fully effective.

For a horse knows walk backwards.

- There is a simple way to teach this Colt step, is to put your

fingers between the point of the shoulder and sternum. The

lower pressure At this point it back to the animal.

If doing this care is taken to mean constantly "Back!"

Comprise the animal then the association of this word and

the retreat and proceed accordingly. For the horses do not

bite the manger.

- It often happens that horses get the bad custom of eating

the wood of the manger and to-

In some regions the custom of curing The shearers hair atop

the head, between both ears and putting a plaster on this

site of Burgundy pitch. Do not put too hot.

Leave until it falls off by itself.

To preserve them from this disease, give them two three

times a week or a spoonful of fine sulfur diluted in milk, a

quart, more or less.


The pet rabbit is a very useful, given large profits with little

expense and at all times provides a healthy and abundant.

When the rabbit is fed with vegetables is useless give him

water, but is a serious mistake to believe that the rabbit

not drink. When you eat only dried herbs orgrain, which he

likes greatly, there stay to drink. He was not much, however,

a time.

The rabbit stops each month. The male rabbits and females

are separated before six months; to this time and used for

breeding. Are not weaned kits within a month.


1 ° Sarna.

- In rabbits is this a disease

incurable. Therefore, they must be killed.

Evil in the 2nd eye.

- The rabbits live in

clean and dry, with light and air, never have

evil in the eyes.

The 3rd indigestion.

- The rabbit is very gluttonous,

so that often suffers from indigestion and for them

die. To avoid not being given more than rations

moderate, alternating dry and fresh herbs, vegetables,

boiled potatoes, grain, etc..

Swelling of the 4th-belly.

- This disease causes the excessive

amount of vegetables or fresh vegetables.

Give them occasionally grass

dry beans, and pour a little salt in her drink.


Talk only of two.

Sarna. - To reduce the amount star

food; Pour more salt in their food. Finally,

rinse twice a day at least, the attacked parties from scabies

extract of Saturn mixed with water.

The 2nd Leprosy.

- This disease, particularly pork,

is characterized by the development of the worms, called

cysticerci within the tissue.

Symptoms: general weakness and languor, the animal,

apetitu wasting away, manifests some sometimes truly

voracious is sad, go with abandon, his eyes dull and in the

background language and even more below it, you will see

white dots. Slowly losing strength and eventually die.

The pork is dangerous and causes leprosy tapeworm and

other diseases.



- To cure constipation of hens is usually sufficient to give


Diseases of the ducks are similar to those in chickens and

must guard the same way.

Stroke without, however, is a special disease.

When the duck is sick, lose your bal-1 equilibrium as if it

weighed a headache. Let them immediately drain with a

needle fat is strong in the vein that connects the membrane

the toes, is in the vein below the wings.

Give them after a purgative. This is sufficient to save them.


They are a great resource for homes work.

Require meticulous care, and for this we recommend to our

readers that if they are dedicated to breeding pigeons

acquire a special treaty.

We do not have enough space here, we say only in a

general way that a sick bird can be considered lost.

Today is commonly used instead of cotton lint to branch

prepared a special way to absorb fluids with which contact is

down. The Cotton thus prepared is called cotton

hydrophilic (patent).


- For bandages, compresses, etc.., Is used

much cotton muslin called tarlalana,

it has been washed several times.


- The linen bandages should be used.

Those who do not have to be in contact with the wound can

be cotton. They will cut the thread. If necessary to have

some length splice rather, they are joined with a seam on

the point on top. Always be kept rolled.


- Used to clean wounds. It choose thin and sanitary. Its use

is increasingly common: cotton is used instead hydrophilic is

not used more than once and after burning.

Gummed taffeta.

- Is placed over the dressing to not cool or not dry out or


Becomes more common the use of taffeta-rag costs more,

is true, but it is also soft and last.


- The first condition for

grab leeches is to wash with warm water and dry Carefully

place where you want them to apply. This done, put the

leeches on a glass or canvas on a very clean towel and

apply them. They will play as possible. They are not

getting excited at the part where they apply, milk, vinegar, or

any other substance, if not grab quickly, they can be washed

in a moment, clean it and apply again. Poultices. mustard. Dilute mustard flour a little warm water and apply

directly on the skin.


With the 2nd sheets mustard. Put the paper on a plate, with

a little cold water, bear In this way a moment, then Apply,

wet, in the skin. Hold it for a while with a or linen

handkerchief with a bandage.


- The ordinary drink teas are of patients. Lest we get tired

are prepared with care, make little tea each vanara time and

species as possible. The infusions are prepared by infusion,

decoction or maceration.

The infusion teas include flowers, leaves, herbs, put the

substance in container, water is poured, allowed to be 10 to

15 Means to prevent the chickens from eating the grapes.

The hens do not respect anything. You have to input

home or in the vicinity of a poultry vine

of which cuidáis carefully, you will see with pleasure

reaching the time reap the fruit of your work, and one day,

without your knowing how to appear pecked clusters and did

not have anything.

Then I promise to kill angry chicken and ducks. It is useless

remediaríais no nothing. As have to do is warn for the future.

When is back on the vine flower, when in unripe grapes,

thrown into the water birds bunches, a few segments, both

disgutará them the flavor that they will not touch the grapes,

although mature staying.

Gladly give this recipe to fans to the family grapevine.

Counterfeit banknotes a way not well known, to see if a

bank is or not good. He spends any silver coin the white part

of the ticket, on the back, and relies in it but not much. If the

bill is good,currency will be a black stripe that had the same

made a pencil will be especially if the line something wet. By

contrast, the counterfeit, he line made by the currency will

be white, shiny as if it were made on ordinary paper.


When ignited an oil lamp, or a any light, and falls burning oil,

on top. Mice never returned. Repeated experience in

defense of cheese and other products that he had great

store and they were devastated by mice, put a few green

leaves, or dry, on items that it wished to retain and obtained

admirable results. It can be used chamomile instead of

peppermint. Horses wounded in the knee When a horse is

injured in the knees, for some fall or by any other cause,

and the wound is deep scar will heal very well.

If the injury was deep you can not proceed follows until

healing is complete, wash the wound with fresh water,

without touching, to remove dust, dirt, anything that could be

of dirt in that part, he gets a spot of lint to dry up the wound

and gets carded cotton that is fastened with a band of


At 4 or 5 days, and not before, the device is removed,

taking care not to tear the cotton which are being stuck in

the wound. It gets another clean cotton above, as the first

time. You can repeat the same operation again and finally

the crust it falls and disappears completely after the

scar, washing with sage tea.

Stomach pain in horses

1 liter of tea or coffee, 1 liter of white wine, 1 / 4 of

liter of olive oil, 1 / 4 of a kilo of sugar.

Mix all together and give to drink. Healing half an hour.

Another simple remedy that has always given

good results is as follows: in

half a cup of very strong vinegar are poured a leaves' of ivy

leaf or fine a few stalks of leek (The green) tea left in one

day, be take the leaves to the leeks and after washing

apply the corn in it such leaves or leeks (well soaked in

vinegar). Put a band of thread, and tied to keep the

application until the next day in the morning.

Remove the dressing and was completely callus softened,

so that can be extracted

with your fingernail.

Take care of so much good with your finger.see "if there is

any particular point or root of callus. If you experience pain

means that the healing is complete. If, however, there is

pain, means that some particles remain root; then rub

vigorously with a piece of root Lily at the site of callus.

Within two minutes, there are no signs of the J Street

cure is radical.

Coryza or runny nose

The causes of coryza are taking cold feet ", have suffered a

head cooling to pass abruptly from a warm temperature

to a cold. As a preservative, washing all ma. Nanas cold

water not only the face but to be possible throughout the

body. However, when not able to avoid this condition, we

recommend the following : Io Cut a

lemon into two pieces; Pump your half in hand and forcefully

aspírese juice; after sneezing, aspírese ance of the other


This will cure the runny nose and almost always avoids

erysipelas and chest colds;

While the 2nd bed, slather on the nose sebum and drinking

two cups of elderberry tea to sweating. The next day Avoid

sudden step a warm temperature to a cold and continued on

this way until complete healing. We have a specialty that

gives very rapids. Nazine Dust is taken as snuff

4 or 5 times during the day.


When it comes to serious cuts or woundsthey need medical

intervention, it All you have to do is this: let bleed a little,

without forcing it, wash with warm water they are cast in a

few tablespoons of boric acid water ; Dry wiping, tighten the

lips of the wound and stay together by strips tape, covering

it with cotton wool boric And then hold on with a band of wire

and when moisten with water and then boric acid.

Curvature (stiffness) Painful sensation as if broken bones,

sometimes extreme weariness is a sign precursor of more

or less severe disease.


in the latter case requiring intervention doctor, cure this

disease especially with the rest, large bathrooms warm,

sudorific drinks (Linden tea and borage), friction and


Croup, whooping cough, flu.

You know this hateful disease. You can call you God

blessed that you have not had a little boy snatched by the

monster turned purple his face, a few hoarse sounds initially

and then nothing is accomplished drowning and the angel is

up the sky.

And the mother has sore present at the terrible helpless


However, he had the remedy in his power.

No more surgery, no more knife CIAV in the throat of the

creature, not just a small twinge in the hip, subcutaneous

injection of serum, not painless, and after a few moments,

torn false membranes disappear, let pass air, the child

breathes, he is saved.

Mothers no longer have anything to fear or croup croup, that

terrible beast, he has no claws.

Today croup cure a disease ordinary, no more cry, no shake,

be assured.

In treating large populations If you can not procure this

remedy, see what say in the article croup and tonsillitis, and

here other means to cure these terrible diseases, for which

if possible should contact their physician.

Here is a very simple remedy against this dreaded disease,

is commonly used in Alsace, which has been known for


Take four or five medium-sized leeks ; Cocedlos in three

liters of water, filter the liquid, add a pound of powdered

sugar and reduce the liquid to two-thirds in the fire. This

forms a kind of syrup and gives children tablespoon links

every half hour.

Other. Dilute sulfur flower in a glass of water, in the amount

of a teaspoon, and give the ill a spoonful of this mixture, on

average half an hour.

In all cases, should put some turpentine and tar plant in a

container either,

boil it in a spirit-lamp untilto saturate the room with the


CRUP and Angina

Characterize the presence of Croup skins, false

membranes, which develop in the throat and larynx. This

disease unfolds very quickly: therefore advised not to

never be neglected diseases of the throat and you call the

doctor as soon as possible.

Symptoms of croup are the following: at first sore throat

accompanied by fever, swelling the tonsils are covered with

spots whitish, these spots arrive at the most deep in the

throat, the voice becomes hoarse. More attacks of

suffocation ensue later, the breathing is wheezy, sick throws


membrane, retains all knowledge.

The first care in these circumstances involve the use of

emetics that, if necessary, may be repeated. After the

emetic, if is neither a doctor, úntense surfaces with a brush

dipped in lemon juice or water carbol or in a concentrated

solution of chlorate of potash or alum.


Chronic inflammation of the skin, not parasitic or special one

specific disease state.

This condition usually indicates a malfunction of the

digestive tract. Thus, it will cure purging sick, causing him to

take all Fasting morning a cup of tea of the Carthusians;

giving cleansing teas to drink (hops, sarsaparilla,

dulcamara, etc..) recommending! "to avoid

all kinds of excesses.

Externally, an ointment friction with anti-herpeticappropriate

to the case or levied with a decoction sage (see this plant).


Ordinary treatment. - A remedy highly simple and yet gives

good results is to boil for ten minutes in a pint of red wine or

white, good handful of climbing ivy (for lack of , 4 or 5 heads

of poppy) and add a good pinch of table salt; cuélese a

cloth and rinse your mouth, on the side where there pain,

with a spoonful of this elixir, spitting in a few minutes. This

elixir can Store in a jar.

Often happens that toothaches concludes rinsing the mouth

with a glass of vinegar rather salty.

Diarrhea, dysentery Frequency and abundance of manure,

more usually liquid, viscous, painful and sometimes bloody.

Belly pain, cramps and nausea. Treatment. Mild laxative,

careful diet; strip of flannel or poultices Hot in the womb.

After stimulating drinks herb lemon balm or good, and a few

drops tó rum.

Keep warm, avoid moisture.

Understandable in a pharmacy or herbal 25 grams of root

bark of simarruba (tree Guiana) and put to boil in a liter of

wine until reduced by half. Drink a glass in the morning and

afternoon, fasting. Healing 24-hours.

In some cases it leads to vomiting tea.

This happens when dysentery is viscous or bilious, so

common in warm climates. Then healing is even faster.

Against all kinds of dysentery, here two new and infallible


For older people. Mix the contents a glass of water and two

cups of vinegar strong, boil until reduced by half; cold drink

in the morning before breakfast, two times, twenty-minute


For children. A diluted egg sugar water, during the day, cook

them of rice.

When in consequence of dysentery they be too strong

stomach pains, please A poultice of chamomile oil (see



Ordinary treatment. There is a portion pain, localized in

different regions, such as are the lumbago (pain in the

kidney) pain in the knee, shoulder, etc.., which are cured

with leaves cabbage boiled in milk until the milk and

cabbage formed as a jam. Extiéndese it in or a flannel cloth

and applied hot to the part where you have pain. At 10 hours

away the plaster and already the pain is gone.

For rheumatism, gout, etc.., The best through immediate

calming and healing then over time, is to boil in the morning

120 grams of dried roots of burdock in two liters beer or

water for 5 minutes. Strain well

This tea, puts to cool during the day, when thirsty, drink a

glass of ordinary size : At least one liter per day.

Special treatment. Well as walking Belly greatly influences

the relief of pain, Tea take the Carthusians. This in terms

the interior. As for the exterior, dense friction morning and

evening with fat marmot that produces wonderful results

even in the most desperate cases and rebels.

It should be noted qui interior treatment must be

accompanied by the outside, ie, that both be applied without

sacrificing any of them.

Chilblains, cracks, CRACK

Take a clump of celery, whole, please to boil for an hour,

soon, in three liters of water. Wash in the morning and

afternoon, with the cooking, the diseased part.

Healing in 6 or 8 days.

- Another remedy. In a liter of milk please

cook for ten minutes to a handful of mullein leaves. At

bedtime wash thoroughly the diseased part and not dry.

Since the first application has relief and less than eight days

is achieved radical cure.

Dislocations, sprains, etc..

Ordinary treatment. To prevent swelling necessary, as soon

as it happens the accident, put the injured part in cold water;

water in the previously cast ounce extract of Saturn.

Compresses applied after camphorated brandy. If this fails

to prevent swelling, is fought with emollients such as

are linseed meal poultices or root marshmallow. It is

essential to the rest of the ill and also require diet and drinks


Special treatment. In all cases pains, sprains, dislocations, it

is highly recommended the use of fat marmot, called


This medicine on account of his name makes laugh not

have used it ever occurs wonderful results.

how to use herbs, fruits, roots recipes for the benefit of our


how to use herbs, fruits, roots for recipes for the benefit of

our health.

This medicine on account of his

name makes laugh not have used it

ever occurs wonderful results.

how to use herbs, fruits, roots

recipes for the benefit of our


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