Deserve Better: Nagi X Reader...

By RenjiRin

4.4K 102 3

The evil place of Deadman Wonderland, A rebellion, death, what is to happen. More

With Death, Comes Life
Helping Out
Break Me
Kiss and Make up


778 18 1
By RenjiRin

The next morning had me in a bit of a fright. Nagi's chin was on my shoulder, his breath creeping up my neck, and his hand raised up to almost touch my bust. I flush and attempt to move a little and he takes a long exhale before sitting up. I look at him, his hair a mess and his eyes still tired.

"Morning [F/N], how are you feeling?"

"I'm doing alright, are you okay?"

"...I suppose I am. Still a bit raw from the recent events but happy for what you did. I guess a lot of mixed feelings."

I nod, understanding what he meant, and get up. Stretching was a bit odd and he chuckled, making me flush.

"Don't laugh."

"Sorry, my wife made the same face when she stretched."

I get dressed in the bathroom before heading out to see Senji...My issue was that Nagi is still following me...I understand why and it's okay...I also don't want to feel like I want privacy because I don't want to hurt him. I meet up with Senji.

"What's the owl doing with ya?"

I chuckle, "He's my muscle."

Senji flexes and shows his branch of sin,

"Aren't I enough muscle for ya?"

"Well I'm carrying his girl so that father's instinct that Nagi's got makes him a killer right now."

Nagi protests, "I-I'm not a killer, I mean I am but."

Senji interrupts, "I get ya, protecting your kid and the bag of flesh surrounding it."

I protest, "Senji!"

Nagi adds, "I care about [F/N]."

"Pfft yeah, right up unti she squeezes your daughter out, then you will want nothing to do with her. Back to the way things were."

I saddened as Nagi said nothing for a while,

"Told ya [F/N], I bet Nagi here doesn't even know your true branch of sin."

"Senji Stop!"

"Yeah, that healer crap is just a poor excuse of a cover up...ever wonder why inichiro nor Tamaki never let [F/N] fight in Carvival Corpse, because she is a monster, she heals faster than they can cut her, she never runs out of blood, her power is limitless. She is the strongest one here...and yet she helped you...A sweet girl that you don't deserve. She is too beautiful for you to just use. I won't allow it, she is my best friend and you don't deserve her kindness. She loves too much and I understand that she is carrying your child, just don't pretend to care about her, don't make her feel what you don't."

I was horrified, "Senji...why would you say that?"

"[F/N], you care too much so you are vulnerable to him, I can tell that you are getting nervous when he is around."

"That's not true Senji."

"Well Nagi needs to be truthful to you."

Suddenly Nagi gets close to me and sits his hand on my shoulder and looks to Senji.

"Senji, you can say or think whatever you want, but I care for [F/N]. She sacrificed everything to save my child, how could I not care for [F/N]?"

"But she loves, she doesn't just care."

Nagi looks at me, "[F/N] you-"

"It's not like that. I just want you to be happy. Everyone deserves to be happy."

"[F/N], is what I am doing hurting you?"

I look to Nagi, "Honestly...emotionally yes...but I am okay."

"Do you have feelings for me?"

I flush, "I said it's not like that, I just want to are just a bit clingy is all. It's not bad but I get flustered because I am not used to being touched."

Senji laughs, "Yeah, you are having a baby and you are still a virgin. Call a preacher we got anither miracle."

I flush more and Nagi adds, "But you are a good looking girl, how are you still-"

"Like Senji said, I am a monster, I am afraid of what could happen."

Nagi smiles, "You really are cute you know that?"

I flush crimson, "W-What?!"

Senji huffs, "She will always be the innocent type, I agree that she is adorable."

"Stop making fun of me Senji!"

I get up to hit him but then I felt the baby move and it hurt a bit. I cringe and Nagi rushed to me.


"Y-Yeah, she's just rolling around and she's making it uncomfortable for me."

He sit me down, "You should lay down, you need to rest."

I had no protest and he lays my head on his lap. He runs his fingers through my hair. I sigh since it felt nice. He continued and I smile and close my eyes, lettig out a deep exhale to then open my eyes to see him smile, making me sad.

"How can you look so happy...After everything?"

His smile fades, "I am sad about what happened. But I am happy on what you did to save my child, you are great person."

I smirk and he does the same to then ruffle my hair again.

Senji scoffs, "Get a room will ya."

I blush, "I'm gonna kick ur ass Senji, if you keep it up. No baby in my belly is gonna stop me either."

Senji laughs and flips me off, "Just try it bitch."

Nagi looks shocked and tries to stop me when I get up,

"[F/N], you don't really mean?"

I slap Senji...everything pauses for a moment until Senji wraps his arms around me and laughs, I do the same, leaving Nagi confused.

"Still hurts like hell but I love getting you fired up."

I add, "And I love slapping you."

Nagi sighs, "I thought you were mad at one another."

I smile, "It's fun to give him a hard time."

He frowns and looks to Senji, "Just don't stress her too much, she needs a healthy lifestyle."

Senji smirks, "Speaking of that...[F/N] when you get in the mood, are you still coming to me or is Nagi the new thing?"

I flush, "SENJI!!"

Nagi's eyes widen, "I though you were a virgin?"

"I-I am-I-I just."

Senji interrupts, "People get lonely Nagi, and we help eachother out...jeez what's with the angry face Nagi?"

I looked and Naji seemed pissed. I hesitate,

"Does this bother you Nagi?"

He clears his throat, "N-Not exactly, I'm just surprised, but I knew you two were close."

He then looks sad, "Sorry if I intruded on your affairs...whith the baby."

"Don't be, every life is precious."

It kind of got awkward so I left and went to my room, 'Why did Senji say that, it was a secret, I rarely needed Senji's comfort, he was always the one to ask me...that jerk. My thoughts were hauted as I heard a knock on my door.

"It's open."

It's Nagi and he sits, "Sorry, I didn't mean to judge you, it's your body and it's not my place."

I sigh, "This is so embarassing-"



"I-I know that Senji is a good guy and all--But he looks like the type to be rough..and I don't want him hurting you or my daughter..I guess what I'm- and I know you have your needs..I-Could I help you from now on...Just until you have my baby?"

My face reddened, "W-What?"

"I know it might sound weird and you can say no."

"S-Senji started this little secret...I was always nervous even when it was okay...I just feel bad...about."

"My that why?"

I only nod and hung my head low,

"C-Can I think about it?"

She smiled, "Take your time."

He reached for my hand and I take it. He takes me back to his room and I rest.

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