The Howling Wolf

By Nitaescence

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↳ Synopsis : coming soon ↳ Pairing : Lycan!Taehyung x Human!OC ft. Vampire!Jimin & Human!Jungkook Genr... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 4

744 29 18
By Nitaescence

Taehyung shifted himself halfway through after he had jumped in the air to dive in the water to allow himself easier and quicker mobility. His vision was not the best in the new milieu yet he could see better than he had stayed in his human form. He rapidly spotted your smell but relief turned into worry when metallic molecules reached his tongue the one time he lapped at the water.

He clenched his jaw and swam fast towards the taste of your blood. His pace quickened after he spotted your unconscious figure. His clawed hand grabbed your arms and promptly pushed you upward. When he eventually emerged at the surface, he nimbly positioned you on his shoulders, making sure to keep your head out of water.

The rocks cracked every time he clawed the hard wall as he climbed up the cliff. He knew he needed to be quick and the thought of losing you had him rushing even more, so much so, he nearly fell down several times.

Taehyung very carefully laid you down. He tried to calm, telling himself he still had a chance to save you if he did not let panic get the upper hand over rationality. His hand dragged down from your wet cheek to your cheek and a sigh of relief escaped him when he felt a pulse. A faint one. He double checked, making sure his mind was not failing him.

Your chest was not moving and his first reflex was to free it. Straddling you, his hands tightly gripped your corsage and in one go, he harshly pulled it apart. Your once compressed lungs let in air which made you choked out the water inside. Taehyung's frown softened a little as he watched you, rolling on your side and coughing.

You lied on your back again, your breathing slowing gradually.

"Sweetheart," Taehyung's hoarse voice breathed out. "Everything's alright."

His brows lifted as he watched your mouth part, no sound coming out. He leaned down and softly took your face in his hands. The air coming out of his mouth fanned your face, "I'm right here, darling. I'm so sorry." He pressed his forehead against yours.

You frowned and weakly moaned in pain when you felt his hand on the back of your skull. Taehyung leaned up and removed his hand from your head when he felt something abnormally warm spreading. A gasp escaped his lips when he saw his palm covered with your blood.

"_____?" He trembled, brows frowning again as he looked back at you. Your eyes were closing a little more with every second passing by. "No, no, no, no, no-" He shuddered, rubbing the side of your face, "_____. Stay with me." Taehyung brought inside the lovers' cave, sheltering you from the bad weather.

He had gotten rid of his shirt and pressed it against your wound. His heart was beating frantically as he tried to think of solution that could possibly save your life. He felt helpless and he was loathing it.

His eyes squinted towards the entrance of the cave when he finally had an idea.

"Jimin. I know you are somewhere here. Come as fast as you can. I'm begging you. _____ needs you, right now."

He did not need to speak any louder nor to repeat his request. A breath of cold air blew inside the cave. You shivered and Taehyung pressed you even into his burning hot naked chest, his arms tightening around your weak body. Within the next second, Jimin arrived silently and stood still, staring down at the two of you.

His voice sounded measured, "What happened?"

"She fell in the water, "disclosed Taehyung, looking down at you with worried eyes. "She must've hit herself. She's lost so much blood."

Jimin moved quickly to your sides in less and Taehyung hissed.

"_____." The vampire ignored the lycan and took a closer look at you. Your heart was still beating yet so weakly, he almost could not hear it.

"Just do what you have to do."

Jimin was looking only at you as he moved you in his strong embrace. You frowned when the comforting warmth of Taehyung left you. Jimin seemed to hesitate for a quick second before he cooed to you, "I'm going to make you feel better."

(the taste of blood)

He clawed the immaculate skin of his neck, pure as the driven snow, and two cerise drops instantly appeared. He lowered himself closer to your face while securing your head in his hand, minding your injury. The hot drops crashed down on your lips, at first you did not react but as Jimin's blood slowly seeped out of him and leaked inside your mouth, you found yourself drawn to it.

The fingers of his hand holding your head, curled in your hair and warmth spread around your wound ad he gently scraped your scalp. He nuzzled his face more into your neck when he felt your lips moulding his skin. "That's it, drink it."

His blood tasted like the sweetest of drinks you were ever given the chance to savor. The more you had of it the more you wanted it. The metallic drink felt soothing inside you, healing all your aches and giving your strength back.

Your once weak limbs became powerful again and your arms raised to grip onto Jimin's nape. Your head injury was entirely healed and you felt much better than a couple of seconds before.

The vampire gently grabbed your wrists to prompt you into ceasing your suckling. You eventually stopped, slightly disgruntled to do so but your thirst eased gradually. Taehyung looked at you scrupulously, ready to welcome back in the warmth of his embrace. You laid back in his arm and looked up at him underneath heavy lids.

"How are you feeling?" He whispered to you like he would to a baby.

You licked your lips leisurely. "Fine. Better."

He rubbed his nose against your forehead before kissing it and slowly met the other man's eyes. "Thank you," finally blurted your husband, looking at Jimin with a serious stare.

The vampire's lips curved at one side and he chuckled, "I did this for her."

You turned your head, looking up at your friend with grateful eyes. He smiled and nodded. Jimin's shoulders tightened as he craned his neck to look behind him. You felt Taehyung's chest vibrate with low growls and you looked up at him, curiously.

"What is it?" You queried, frowning as you felt his skin increasing in temperature underneath your palm.

He breathed deeply in, eyes staring straight ahead of him but Jimin answered you,"vampires."

"Why are they coming towards us?" Grunted your husband, his hold tightening around you.

Jimin stood up and walked until he reached the edges of the small cave, looking at the horizon. "They must've smelled _____'s blood." His eyes were accusing when he looked back at him. "They're coming for her."

You looked back up at Taehyung when he shifted you in his arms. He cursed himself for not having been more careful with your injury when moving you to the cave.

"They won't lay a finger on her." He glowered, brows frowning as he looked down at you. His tone softened again, "darling, I need you to stay here while I deal with them. I'll keep you safe this time. I promise."

"I suggest we move now before they get to us and closer to _____," Jimin explained.

You straightened your upper body against the wall. "You'd fight your own kind? For me?" You quavered.

Jimin's glowing purple irises met your gaze and he answered steadfastly, "I would for you. Vampires aren't as fraternal as," his gaze shifted quickly to Taehyung, "others can be." He smiled reassuringly at you, "They're probably wild. Creatures devoid of moral. Not a loss, trust me." He jumped down the cave with no hesitation.

You slightly flinched at the unexpected move. Taehyung pressed his face against the side of yours, inhaling deeply your scent.

"Please stay here," he begged.

You nodded, not meeting his gaze and he resigned himself to get a kiss from you. He stood up and walked away. Right before he could hurl outside just like Jimin you called him and he immediately looked back, brows slightly raising with worry.

"Just- be careful," you stammered. "Both of you." He nodded solemnly and threw his body in the void, shifting into his lycan form in the air.

While waiting for his return, thousands of dreading scenarios played in your mind. For some reasons you were more scared about Taehyung's safety than Jimin's, probably because you knew how careless one could be when they fought with the people that meant their loved ones harm.

Lycans displayed inhuman physical strength similar to vampires from what you had observed with Jimin and your time in the encampment, such as speed, inhuman strength and incredible agility.

If Jimin turned out to be right about those vampires being young reckless ones, you hoped Taehyung's could easily overcome them. In his wolf form he had access to his powerful jaw and razor sharp fangs and claws which made him and other lycans just as much deadly close-quarters combatants.


"Roman?" You queried at the unexpected voice, surprised not to see Taehyung. "What are you doing here?"

Your husband's friend's face was hard and emotionless as he stared back at you, immobile, "I'm here to get you back."

You stood up and walked closer to him, clinging your torn clothes close to yourself, "where's Taehyung?"

"He's hurt. Come with me." He opened his arms to hold you against him and get down down to the ground safely. Your frowning deepened and you could not help but feel affected by the news. "He'll get through it."

The journey back to the camp was short, yet long enough for you to think of all the possible endings the confrontation between Taehyung and the vampires could have led to. At least you knew he was alive. You hoped Jimin was safe as well.

(dreamcatcher + i need you)

Roman helped you get on your feet once you arrived. Some people were gathered around the doctor's tent, probably curious to get to know what was happening inside. They parted around as you slowly walked toward the front of the tent.

The thick fabric suddenly flought in the air as the Alpha came out. His gaze immediately found yours and for some time you simply stared at each other. You noticed an ounce of sadness veiling his expression and you expected him to shout on you and blame you for his cousin's pain. He walked down the stairs, seemed like he would pass by you but he stopped at your level. You kept staring in front of you.

"He is asking for you..." He uttered.

You sighed and shook your head to yourself. "I'd be of no help in the-."

"You owe him that." He snarled. You finally turned your head and held his glower. He lowered his eyes and softened, "You'll do him more good than you think."

He left you on your own. You breathed deeply in before you hesitantly climbed up the stairs. You fisted the fabric of the tent and reluctantly stepped inside. The air in the room felt incredibly stuffy, hot like in a furnace. The pack doctor, a middle-aged man, was sat next to bed, leaning over as he provided his care.

"_-____." whimpered Taehyung's weak voice after he had smelled your scent.

The old man sat up and looked over his shoulder. He stood up, "oh, you're finally here."

Your eyes widened at the sight of the lycan. He was tied up to the bed with large pieces of cloth, wearing out and threatening to tear apart the longer he kept jerking and fussing.

"What is wrong with him?" You faltered, unable to look away from his ill figure.

"He was bitten." Explained the man as he busied himself with his tools and medicines ordered on a trail right next to the bed.

Your eyes immediately flew to Taehyung's bare upper chest, sweat glistening under the light glow of the candles. You assumed the high temperatures were emanating by him as you observed his upper body, heaving rapidly up and down. His eyes were shut down and his jaw clenching in pain.

"Vampire bites aren't lethal most of the times but they cause severe hallucinations and can end up with him hurting himself hence the bindings."

If the worst came to the worst, the poison from a vampire bite could lead to the lycan's or werewolf's death, as their viral strains differed, incompatible, and would only lead to their destruction at the cellular level. And vice versa.

Your frowning deepened,"Can't you ease his pain?"

"The reaction he is showing right now is a good sign. His body is rejecting the venom," he continued to explain and eventually turned around to face you.

You stared some more at his wounds, quite superficial, some were already healing, others were bleeding. If the injuries were not critical, the invading virus would be destroyed by the uninfected cells before it could cause death.

"If he feels you near him. It will also help him calm him and speed up the healing process."

You nodded mildly and watched him curling down next to Taehyung near his ear.

"If he feels you near him. It will also help him calm him and speed up the healing process."

You nodded mildly and watched him curling down next to Taehyung's ear.

"Your wife is here." He announced softly. He looked back to prompt you in joining him and you indulged.

You kneeled on the floor and gently took his shaking hand in yours," Taehyung. It's me. I'm here."

He whimpered and his fingers curled around yours, at first weakly then with a little more strength, to show you he was acknowledging you. You grasped it as a thank-you. The man finally backed away and left the two of you after telling you he would be back to check up on his state.

Here and now, you kept wiping the sweat off of his burning face with a cloth dampened in cold water just like you were told to do. You felt a little ill at ease sitting by his sides; blaming yourself for his pains. The marks on his torso were gradually fading away and his breathing was evening.

You went out to fetch more come clean water in a basin. You sat back on the chair you had been occupying for the past half hour now, huffing, and wiped your forehead before diving the small cloth in.

You were beginning to feel sticky, strands of your hair that you had tied in a high loose bun were poking out in all directions. In the meantime you had gotten rid of your ruined clothes, opting for light ones.

Taehyung opened his eyes, eventually. He blinked slowly, clearing his blurry vision and his head instinctively turned towards where he heard noises.

Gazing up at you, he watched as you busied yourself pouring water in a smaller bowl. Your cheeks were colored with a faint blush, the skin of your face, neck and chest covered under a sheer layer of perspiration. No sign implied your accident. It was as if nothing had happened to you and this made him smile. You had not noticed him yet as you wrung the cloth in your hands and gently dabbed his forehead.

"What a sight to behold."

You looked down at him instantly at the sound of his husky voice and a lopsided grin stretched your lips, satisfied he was finally awake.

You snorted and slightly furrowed your brows, "I don't even know what I'm doing right now."

He swallowed with difficulty and opened his mouth to speak again but only made a noise of discomfort.

"Here," you whispered, holding a cup filled with freshwater from the basin you had just brought and tilted it between his lips.

He laid back down and gazed up at you with a weak smile. "Is your head still hurt?"

"No." You mindlessly lifted your arm to touch your hair. "It's completely healed. I still need to wash the dried blood."

"Thank you. For staying here with me."

You shook your head, "I should be the one thanking you. You saved me."

"Don't mention it."

"How did you find me? In the water."

"The instant I couldn't smell you anymore, I left for the forest and found your little friend."

"The wolf?" You looked down with a raise of your eyebrows.

He hummed in response. You watched him effortlessly tear apart the pieces of cloth keeping him in place to bed so he could shift closer to you. Your eyes traveled down his chest and you mindlessly grazed his skin.

You trailed softly, "the bites are almost gone."

He took your hand in his and slowly raised it to his dry lips. You watched it him mumbling against your skin, his eyes were closed. "I felt guilty when I let you run away. I would never forgive myself if something ever happened to you."

You kept looking down at him as he softly pecked your fingers, finding solace to know you safe and maybe, maybe you were beginning to feel yourself falling for the lycan a little more.

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