Just a fan | JungHoseok ✔

By cherrycolamangocola

2.8K 143 16

She was in love with him but she knew she was just a normal fan that's all, He will never know she exists...T... More

a little crush
Jung Hoseok.
Free from the devil
Its time to confess
Summer | Hoseok
Time with the girls
I'm sorry...But I'm in love with you.
It's You
A day with you.
I'm Happy
Meeting BTS
Thank you
Thank you pt2


71 5 0
By cherrycolamangocola

I woke up to prince mumbling. "Prince what's wrong?" I asked while rubbing my eyes, He looked at me "Nothing darling, also you should go out more " He said with a smile "Why?" I asked "Nothing , especially in the night I know you like the stars"  He said with a even wider smile, I didn't reply I found it weird so I washed up and left for school.

I came from school And took a nap, its 4:00 AM and Prince still wasn't home so I decided to call him but he didn't answer.  I made something to eat and and watched bts videos until 8:00 PM then the door opened "Hey baby" he said while rubbing his neck "Don't baby me " I said and turned around "I was out doing some business again " He came in front me " Please forgive me " He said " fine" I said and ruffled his hair.

It was 10:00 Am now and me and Prince was watching a movie, He came on top of me and said " I think its time now" He said and smirked "I-I'm not ready yet.." He got off me frustrated "We've been together for so long now! I've waited long enough!" He shouted "But I'm waiting for marriage prince!" I shouted back at him " Marriage ?! You think this is a movie?!" "I never knew you were like this " Leave now!!" He screamed I left the house and ran as fast as I can.

Prince pov

I don't really love her, My plan is to kill her.
She's too special, she's too strong.
She doesn't know yet but she has to power to heal people, If I let her live my family will probably go poor in a couple of years.
But even though I don't love her I would like to try her, I thought that it would be easy to get to her because I'm so handsome but I was wrong, And for that I want her dead now, I called my men "Listen she's out somewhere, find her and kill her and remember to take the Gem out of her. I hanged up and called one of my...How should I say this, My pleasure Women.

Star pov

I was walking with tears streaming down my face, I feel on the ground because I was so weak I stayed there and fell asleep.

Hoseok pov

I was walking out again and all I had on my mind was star,
I was 20 minutes into walking when I saw three  men around a girl on the ground "No it can't be" I said and ran up to them "LEAVE HER" I screamed, The three men laughed, "And what if I don't ?" He asked , Tears started to fall from my eyes , The man then shot her, I felt like dying right there I looked up at the stars and screamed "HELP HER" I fell on my knees and the only thing I could say was" Star" The second i said it, A white glowing light was in front of me, I looked up and the light was coming from star, her chest. The three men hesitated and ran off " We have to tell prince one of them said , And ran off , Prince? who's prince
I went closer her eyes opened " Prince" That's what came from her mouth with pure anger in it, She looked at me and her eyes soften, I hugged her for so long, The missing piece of me , It was her " I'm going home "She said so we both walked to her house

Star pov

On the way, I told Hoseok everything, from me overhearing my parents talking about me having a healing power to now, I didn't believe it when I heard them say it But now I guess I do, Because I healed myself.

We were at the door and now I know that prince was trying to kill me he didn't actually love me , We went inside the house and all we could hear is moaning sounds, we went to the room and there he was with a woman in the bed.

"I guess you know everything now" He said and smirked, Hososk wanted to fight him but I  held him back.
I gave him a smile assuring him that I can handle this.

I went up to him and slapped him he froze, He could move, only his eyeballs. I slapped him even harder, The girl then screamed "Please don't hurt me " I looked at her with soft eyes , No matter how mad I am , I'm always soft to people "It's fine I won't hurt you, but please don't give away your precious body like that " I said and she smiled and nodded her head.

I turned to hoseok and said "I'm leaving this place " I said , He nodded and said something that I did not expect " Move in with me" He looked at him frozen" W-with you..bts?"  I said with wide eyes "No I have an apartment" He said with a big smile "But I don't want to burden you" I said sadly " You?burden me ? Star you make me happy I would be glad to live with you." He said Tears came from my eyes  I nodded and hugged him.

I packed my stuff and unfroze Prince, He looked at me not saying a word "Goodbye Prince" I flashed him a big smile, I cheerfully walked out of the room, I didn't have to look back to know the expression on his face, He was shocked, so shocked.

Finally I found her.

Finally I found him.

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