CORRUPTED (Book 3 of the Temp...

De CorruptedN1ghtmare

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Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter \̺́͐ͫͯ̆*̲͙̀ͩͥ͒.̩̪͈͓̥ͣ̾̂̊ͤͬ?͍͑|͖̫̘̿#̖̍̑͒̂̓̔{̮̘̲̭ͮ̅̂̓̀ͅ/̪̫̻̪͓͙̏̂ͩ̐̊̒
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter •̸̹͔̜͆̋̀̌!̵͉̅͌^̷͔̉̚+̴͓̌͝?̵̨̤̾͌̒͜#̸͈̹̑͠
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter *̢̟͎ͥ̈́̅̋̚^͔̠͖ͦͨ́̐ͨ?̭̖̭̽ͪ͊:͉͍͇ͮͧ͂̃̍͒̋͠+̦̮͔̜͛̃͆ͧ͒̃ͭ͠#͙̗͈̠̹̥ͣ̅͑͂̃̅̈́͞!ͣͯ
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter #̝̺̱̥͔̅̐͢<̻̖̫̘̩̭̻͒̍ͫͪ*̝̲^̙͉͔͉̩̬̆̂͌+̤̗͉̯̤̙̠̊ͩ̇͢
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter S̪̖̄̋ͮ̀ͅẻ̷v̺̒͐͐̿͑ͪe̪̪̭̣͙̟͂ͅn̙̮̖͂ţ̘̩̱͉e̺̖̻͎ͤêͨn͗͂͒͛̾ͫͭ

Chapter Two

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De CorruptedN1ghtmare

"Alright. Just sit tight and relax. This won't take long. I am just going to listen to your heart."

The next Wake, Schneep gives you another checkup as you sit in your bedroom chair. He brings his medical kit, full of every medical tool ever, every time for an unexplainable reason, but you just let him do him. He uses a stethoscope to listen to your heart, just as a regular doctor would, be he uses it to listen to your soul instead of a heartbeat.

"You've done this a hundred times. I know what you're going to do."

"Ah, but it is my duty as the good doctor to reassure all my patients." He puts his face mask on, covering his mouth and nose, and the scope in his ears. "No matter how many times I see them."

This makes you slightly grin. "Doctor knows best."

He chuckles in agreement and brings the end of the stethoscope to your chest. Placing it, holding it for a minute, then on to multiple areas to listen all around. He knows more about souls than anyone does, and he says that they have a distinct sound that is unexplainable, but it is as natural as a heartbeat is to a heart. We as humans just can't hear it, even with the most advanced technology.

Schneep is listening for that distinct sound, but he is also listening for any changes in its rhythm. If your heart has an irregular beat, then there could be something wrong and something is causing it to do so. Similarly, if there is an anomaly in whatever sound he hears, that means that something is causing it to change. Which means there is something out there trying to reach the soul. Possibly signs of Anti trying to make contact.

That's why you and the doctor decided to make these checkups daily. Ever since you've been having these dreams of Anti more frequently, you think he could be reaching out, and causing your soul to change. But if you don't check everyday, then those moments Anti could be reaching out are slipping through your fingers and you're not catching them quick enough. So these appointments happen everyday, hoping more and more that one of these times, Schneep will catch it.

You watch the doctor's face to try to catch any reaction that could indicate a sign. But you see nothing in his blue eyes.

He takes the stethoscope out if his ears and pulls down the mask to his chin. "Nothing."

You sigh. "Okay. Thanks."

He nods and puts the scope away. "Did you sleep at at all last Fall?"

You nod, even though it was mostly you laying in bed staring at the ceiling. "A little."

He raises an eyebrow and you know he doesn't believe you. "What do you have planned for today?"

"I was thinking about going to visit Chase. I haven't seen him in a while and I want to be sure he's alright."

Schneep makes a face that questions your idea.

"Is that not a good idea?"

"No!" He says defensively and stutters over his words. "I mean, yes! It's a fine idea!"

Now you don't believe him. "But...?"

He plays with his hands. "Well... I just fear that..." he pauses and thinks for a second, but then shakes the thought away. "You know what? Nothing. It's a great idea. You wanting to see your good friend... there's nothing wrong with that!"

He is being too enthusiastic about this. Whatever was eating at him before might be a concern. Whatever it was...

"Are you sure...?" You ask, trying to push him to spill what was worrying him.

He waves his hands. "Yes, yes, of course!"

"Schneep," you say in a solid tone. "You do know you can tell me things. Right?"

You can tell he us hiding fear behind his smile.

"I'm not Anti."

Something changes in his eyes and it turns to guilt. His smile somberly fades. He nods.

"I trust you. And I trust that you'll tell me things when I need to know them. I need your help."

He replaces shame with a little determination. "Yes... O-of course."

"Okay." You can tell he feels bad about something. You decide to let it go, but keep a close eye on him in case he freaks out about something you do. "I want to leave ASAP so we can get it over with."

Schneep gives you a confused look. "You want to get seeing Chase over with?"

"No. The part before that. Where we have to walk past everyone in the village while they all either stare at me, or run away in fear."

He inhales in understanding. "Good idea. The faster see we leave, the faster we can get to Chase's home..."


"And away from everyone else," he mumbles.

You didn't hear him. "What?"


You eye him as you turn away before heading off to prepare for the short journey.

Chase doesn't live far, but he doesn't live in a village like the majority of the egos. Not all of them live in one. There are multiple clusters of homes and structures lied out all throughout the Other World, some closer to the castle than others, and some more populated than others. But there are some egos out there who have a home isolated from villages, like Chase.

You remember his home, its perfect size, its cozy interior, bright windows, and pictures of his kids everywhere. It lays on a small, meadow-like field just outside the woods past one of the villages. So he's local, but his distance from the castle being significantly further than the village is not unintentional.

But first things first, you need to pass through the ego-infested village, which you've only done an iota number of times. For a really good reason, too.

You don't know all the egos. Who they are, or which youtuber they are associated with, but they all know you. And they all know everything about how you got to be where you are right now. So, naturally, almost every single one is skeptical of you, if they don't already cower in fear at your name.

There are those who are okay with you. They are content with your presence because you being ruler means neither Dark or Anti are. And bonus: neither of them are anywhere near this world. But only a select few think this.

Then there are those who lock the door and close their blinds every time you step out of the castle. They know your source of power comes from one of their most feared egos, and they know you can have indistinguishable thoughts that could possibly reflect on your actions. They know you are a threat, no matter how much effort you put in trying to prove to them that you mean nor want no harm. But like a typical politician, no one fully trusts you.

Schneep follows behind you as you walk down the torch-lit, red dirt path to the woods. You remember the way, but you don't need to. Because you are queen, the world is controlled by you, even with the woods having a mind of its own, it can be easily manipulated to take you where you need to be. Just by thinking about it, your perspective changes, and you just walk straight in the direction you feel is best, and soon, the red trees thin out to reveal the black void of a sky, then are replaced by structures of all kinds.

A single, wide road of red gravel rock is lined on either side with buildings big and small. Some look like normal houses, like Chase's, or apartment complexes, like your own, but you remember that each residence is accustomed to each individual ego and their needs. So some you see are just extraordinary, like a tree house, or a futuristic structure you'd see in 2318, there even are a couple caves that are probably for the less human-like egos.

The gravel road is one of many, all outstretched in different directions, all leading to a different branch of homes. But they all connect in the center of the village, where the roads becomes one giant circle with a fountain in the center, a modern structure that takes no particular shape.

This is the place the residential egos come to mingle and hang out. There are tents set up all around the border, sort of like venders, giving out all kinds of foods and drinks for the egos to enjoy. Tables with umbrellas, benches next to plants, and curbs to sit on all over the place. This is the place to be when you're not being featured on your youtuber's channel.

The problem is: this is exactly where you need to walk through to get to Chase's.

You and Schneep approach the circle road, and you don't stop to look around, because there are many ego about and about. Some sitting and chatting, some sharing drinks, and others staring at you blankly.

You feel the number of eyes on you grow as you walk further into the center. You don't make eye contact. You just keep your head up and focus on your destination, but out of the corner of your eyes you see some get up and walk away from you at an unnatural speed, some stare daggers at you, and some just flat out run and hide behind an umbrella. This sets you on edge. Your breaths start to become shaky and unstable.

Thank god Schneep is at your side. He has always insisted he be there, not because he thinks you're unsafe, but for "other precautions." He sort of brings you down to earth so you don't get lost in your dangerous thoughts.

You glance at him and he returns with a reassuring look as if to say, It's okay. I'm here to help you. We're almost there.

Fists clenched, breathing unsteadily, you trudge towards the other end of the circle, shutting out the stares and whispers as you pass.

Almost there, you think as you see the entrance of the woods only 50 yards away. Just a little-

"Your Majesty!"

A voice calls and startles you. You turn to see a figure run around the fountain, trying to catch you before to walk away. The first person you think of is Mark. He looks exactly like him, except the way he walks. He is tripping over his own feet and his hair is swooshing from side to side unkempt.

"Your Majesty!" He stops in front of you and Schneep, out of breath. He holds out his hand for you to shake it, and in the other he holds a microphone.

"My name is Jim." He takes his hand away before you could shake it, as if you wanted to, and extends it behind you. "And this is Jim."

"My name is Jim," says the exact voice behind you. You jump around and see an exact copy of Jim standing behind you, only he is holding a camera. He waves.

You spin to face Jim. "We are Jim and we want to ask you some questions."

You start to walk around him, not wanting to engage in anything. "No, no. I can't right now. I really need to-"

"WAIT!" He dramatically pleads then props his foot on the ledge of the fountain, blocking your path with his extended leg.

The other Jim does the same exact thing behind you for no apparent reason except that Jim did it. So now you and Schneep are trapped yet not-so-trapped between two painfully lunging Jims.

You notice a small crowd begin to form around. Not saying a word, but watching intently, because you were approached by someone else and you're too occupied with them to even acknowledge the rest of them. This is exactly the type of scenario you'd see in a school, when the teacher asks a question, but no one wants to answer, so no one makes eye contact with them. Then when one brave (or stupid) student steps up to answer, the rest of the class is suddenly interested because the teacher's attention is on the student and not them. It's the same thing.

"Don't leave." Jim holds up a strained finger, "We just..." He whips his dangling hair out of his face, "want to ask you..." He tries to hop up on both feet, but he appears to be stuck in the stretch. "Some thing we all want to know." He gestures to the rest of the egos, as if he knew all along they were there.

You start to answer but Schneep butts in for you. "She is not going to answer anything. Now get out of the way for your Queen!"

You feel your face grow pale. He shouldn't have said that because now your blood pressure is rising. Him calling you queen, their queen, in front of everyone made you seem like someone they should fear. Your palms begin to sweat and your breathing gets heavy.

Jim starts to loose balance on his legs, and swings his arm towards you, the microphone barely missing your face and the chord connected to it whips your arm. Your immediate reaction is to block his hand and shove it away from you, but with the amount of stress you feel, you push a little too hard and Jim looses complete balance and falls into the fountain, grabbing you for support but instead pulls you in as well. Gasps erupts around you.

Water soaks your clothes and your hair is sopping wet. Luckily the fountain isn't deep, so you didn't fall far, but a heated pain strikes up your forearm. You look down to the the cloth that was once wrapped around your wrist has unraveled to reveal your wound from the castle fire that had been healing excruciatingly slow the past months. Now exposed to water, the worst thing to put on a third degree burn. Your wrist is charred and black with some red patches of blisters where the meal clamp was once chained to the wall, now irritated by the water. It stings and the damaged nerves in your hand tingle in loss of feeling.

You pull it above the water as fast as you can, gasping in pain. You look over next to you to see a sopping wet Jim, and a sudden burst of rage erupts inside you. He caused your pain. He did this to you. 

Schneep, in a panic, tries to reach and pull you away and out of the fountain, but he misses, and you grab Jim by the collar and shove him out of the fountain, skidding across the gravel in a wet puddle.

"(Y/n), no!" You hear Schneep yell, but your rage pounds in your ears and blocks him out.

You follow the coughing Jim, grab the microphone out of his hand, and wrap its chord around his throat multiple times, bringing his head close to your chest and slowly pulling tighter and tighter. Jim chokes and gasps, but eventually you have stopped all air from passing through his lungs.

You bring your head down to his, and say into his ear so quickly, and so filled with venom, you can feel chills appear despite the hot rage spilling from your chest and out your pores.

"Do not ever think to touch me again or I fucking swear to god I will pull on this chord tighter and tighter until your fucking head expl-" you're interrupted by a sudden feeling  of eyes on you.

You look up to see a crowd of terrorized egos, standing frozen in their place, petrified. But the one face that draws your attention is a panic-strickened Chase, standing in the center of the crowd.

Your heart drops, and you release Jim, dropping him to the ground gasping and clawing at his throat.

What have you done?

"Chase..." You say in a shaky whisper.

He just looks at you with a frightened, yet disappointed look. And with tears in his eyes, he turns and runs away.




I wrote this chapter, but then absolutely hated it. So I had to rewrite the whole thing a second time. Then had to type it all. All 2800 words. But this chapter is SO much better than what it was before.

Continue lendo

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