From a Duo to a Trio : the fi...

By Ausllymariichan3

49.6K 696 152

A Continuation of " from a Duo to a Trio"' join Auslly as they tackle the first year of parent hood! Ava's f... More

No sleep and the costume debate
Halloween photo shoots and Insecurties
Thankful For you
Date Night
The Merriest Christmas!
Stressful Song writing and rainy anniversies
Red kisses and birthdays
Littlest personality
Memory lane part 1
Memory Lane part 2
The Fantastic Five
A Duo?
Nerves and New beginings
Come Backs!
Our Baby Girl
Baby's first beach day
Wild nights in paradise
Daddy daughter day
The wedding part ( 1)
The wedding part (2)
The birthday planning and baby planning?
Baby Talk
Ava and Trish
The First Birthday Party
Its a Darrie!!
Grandma and suprises!
πŸŽ„The Christmas Special πŸŽ„
An unforgetable Birthday
Here comes Darrie
The ultrasound
Show time!
Junior Prom ( finale)

Reflecting on 12 months!

1.2K 23 6
By Ausllymariichan3

" hey! It's 4:30." Ally said waking Austin

" I'm up" he said tiredly " remind me again why we are up this early the sun isn't even out yet. He took off his mask

" it's Ava's birthday, well almost!" She said " 5:03.. and I wanna tell her happy birthday on her exact birthday"

He sighed " why did you decided to give birth at 5 am.." he said " why?"

She shrugged " I went into labor the night before and had her in the morning.. birth is unpredictable"

" okay let's actually get up now.. before time runs out" he said

She smiled " yay!"
" Oh my God... Austin!" She shouted

He rushed to the bathroom

" what what" he said

She had a mortified look to her face she looked down and looked back at him

" my water just broke" she said

He looked into her eyes as the mortified look in his face grew as well

It only took a couple of seconds before what she said processed

He looked at the puddle and back at her

She felt a gush and it splattered on the floor " yea it really broke"

" okay.. okay.." he said in a panicky tone  " rain check for dinner?"

" yea.." she said awkwardly

He rushed around as he got the things they needed while she was down Stairs

" fuck this is really happening" he said

" ye.. OWW.. GOD IT HURTS SO MUCH MORE" she yelled

" just re.." he began

" DONT TELL ME TO RELAX"  she said

She opened the car door

" wait!" He said

" what?" She asked " I don't think she can wait any longer"

He put a plastic bag on the seat " Ally, you're leaking everywhere.. don't get it in my car"

She glared at him and sat down

" okay.. let's go" he said
" and then suddenly we became parents what a trip" he said

" I remember holding her for the first time and she was crying and suddenly she was content in my arms.. she knew i was her mommy" she said "She was so little and tiny and precious and cute and every other synonym"

" I remember holding her for the first time, I had never held a tiny baby before, so I was nervous I didn't want to drop her, but as soon as I actually got to hold her.. my whole world changed.. it's something about looking at something you created with someone you love.. it's intense" he said

" i know how you feel.. holding your own baby  is so different from holding someone else's  baby.. it's crazy and indescribable"

They quietly crept around with balloons to Ava's door to surprise her

" I can't believe in 10 minutes we're gonna have a one year old this year has gone by so fast.." Ally said September 5th at 5:03 am 6 pounds 8 ounces

" I can't believe you remember every detail, you were so drugged up I didn't think you remember your own name" Austin said

" she my child I remember every detail.. from the minute she was born" she said

" oh God.. I still can't believe we have a daughter" he said

" I know.. ugh I feel so bad waking her.." she said " but I just wanna see her.."

Ally quietly opens the door and quietly walks over to Ava's crib

She was sleeping so peacefully in there..

Austin began to place the balloons everywhere when he noticed that Ally was just watching Ava Instead of helping him

" what are you doing?" He asked quietly

She sniffled " It's 5:03.. her official birthday.. three minutes after five she was here like it was nothing.. and our lives changed forever.."

" it did .." he smiled and walked over to her

" just look at her.. Im looking at her remembering how she was so tiny and loud" she chuckled " how she smelled and how soft she was"

She picked her up out of the crib " happy birthday my little love.. I love you so much" she kisses the top of her head

" happy birthday sweetheart.. you're forever my favorite baby girl" he kissed her head

" she's so beautiful." She said looking at the one year old sleeping

" I'm surprised she didn't wake up"

" it's like 5 a.m"

They sat on the couch

" I can't believe how huge she is.. getting so y'all and smart.. like the other day.. why do babies grow so fast.."

" I know.."she said

" hey at least we'll have another one.." Austin said

She laughed " you make it sound like we'll replace her"

" oh never.. she's forever my baby girl.. not little.. my baby" he said
" look how tiny she is." Ally said

" she's absolutely perfect.." he said kissing baby Ava's hands " tiny little hands like yours"

" she has such a cute little chin like yours"

" and she has your eyes for sure"

" and she has your cute lips too Austin"

Baby hiccups

" awww" they both said

" I can't believe she's a whole day old.. i can't even imagine the day she turns one.. I'll be so heart broken" she said

" you hear that baby girl? Mommy doesn't want you to turn one, it will break her heart and we don't want any of that" he chuckled
" ugh she's so sassy and has this head strong personality for her age.. it's like she's a teenager" she said

" oh yeah for sure..I'm surprised she isn't waking up.." he said

" she loves laying on me.." she said

" who doesn't.. you're so damn comfy" he said " but as much as I hate to admit it she's a mommies girl"

" she's a daddies girl too.. she did smile at you first"

" ohh yea!! But when she started crawling she went to you first"
" come on crawl to me baby"

" no crawl to me! You love me better!"

" she loves me better" ally said

" I disagree"

" so do I!"

" come on Ava" Ally holds out her arms

" come to Daddy!!"

Ava smiled and began to crawl

" let's see!!"
Ava crawls all the way to her mom
" AHAHA IN YOUR FACE MOON!" Ally picks her up and kisses her

He shakes his head and smile.. " I'll get her to walk.."
" I did get her to walk." He said

" yea who knew at 11 months she'd be running now.." she said

" she's always been so ahead though.. she's smart" he said

" she's going to be an honor student!" She said

" I knew you'd say that.." he said

" Ally what are you doing to my child" he asked walking in

" teaching her abcs! Next week we'll work on Mozart!" She said excitedly " say mo za rt"

" say Momma you're crazy" he said looking at Ally

She sighed " you know she's not getting into Harvard with that attitude"

" what happened to letting out Kids decide their future?" He asked

She chuckled " sweetie.. of course we're letting them decide their futures, but I want them to have an amazing education learning, I think that's super important it will help her and out future children in the long run.. which is why I'm looking at the best private schools ever!"

" you're so cute, but she's barley 8 months.. you're doing the most.." he said " right Ava.."

" I feel like you're already getting comfy in your good cop role?" She said

" yea.. now let's take her to the park.. we'll nag her later about school stuff.."

She relaxed " sure.. let's take her to the park and study different kinds of trees!"

" Ally."

" I'm kidding! Let's go to that new park with that awesome new slide"

" now we're talking!"
" for the record that slide was awesome!" He said

" yea until someone got hurt and had to get her boo boo kissed all better" she said

He giggled " I did make your boo boo feel better didn't I?"

" shut up.." she rolled her eyes

" she gets that attitude, better know as ' Ally-tude' from you" he said

" I wish you stop saying that!" She said

" I wish you just embrace it.." he smiled
" give Daddy a kiss goodbye" he said

Ava whined and pushed his face away " woah.. she's got an.."

" don't say it.."

" you know I'm gonna"

" I f.. I dare you" she warned

" Ally-tude!" He said

" you are so lucky I have this baby in my arms.." she said " I'd kick you.."

Ava rolls her eyes

They both gasped

" oh my god"

" she just rolled her eyes!!"

They both bursted into laughter

Ava laughed too

" no!! It's not funny" ally composed herself

He clears his throat " you're absolutely right!" He said trying to keep a straight face

" okay, but that was freaking cute" she said

" I KNOW!"
" she's been rolling her eyes ever since.. like it's bad" Ally said

" once again she gets it from you" he said

" shut up" she said

She smoothed Ava's hair " I love this girl so much"

" me too.. I thought I'd never love another girl as much as my mom.. until I met you.. and then I thought I'd never love someone as much as I love you until she was born.. 3 different kinds of love for three amazing girls in my life." He said

" and Trish?" Ally smiled

" love her to death." He said " wouldn't be the guy I am today without her.."

Ally smiled " you love me to death too?"

" I love you more than pancakes which is a big deal" he said

" I'm so flattered wow! I love you too more than pancakes! " she said kissing him

" oh look who finally woke up!" He said looking at Ava rubbing her eyes

" she always know when we kiss" ally said

" yea, she doesn't ship her parents" he said

" what kid does" she said

Ava sat up

" good morning!! Happy birthday baby, mommy loves you!!!" She kisses Ava

" hey birthday girl!! Happy birthday!! Can't wait for you to open all your presents!! Today is a special day for you" he said

" she's so cute" she said hugging Ava

" I want hold her, give me my favorite daughter"

" she's your only daughter.." she rose her eyebrows

" I know.. my whole wide world" he said hugging Ava " you ready for today?" He nodded so she would too

" she's become so talkative.." she said
" ahhhhhhehhhhhhhhh" Ava said in her car seat

" she's been doing this forever.. get your kid to stop" Trish said

" she's just talking.. expressing herself and I'm used to it so it doesn't even bother me" Ally said

" we know where she gets that from" Trish said

" ehhhhhahhhh" Ava said swinging her toy bunny around"

" you know what it's kinda cute" Dez said " it's like she's singing!"

" right!" Austin said " she's just warming up for her amazing singing career!!!"

" you're right, I guess you're my newest client" Trish said " now you need a cool name"

" what's wrong with her name I think Ava Marie Moon is pretty damn cute" Ally said

" i think Trish means more Like a stage name." Austin asked

" yea.. like just Ava.. or A-money.. because you know her parents are rich" Trish said

" hey.." ally said

" wait.."
" and we've been calling her A-money ever since" he said

Ava pointed to her crib " ehhh"

" oh you want your bunny!"

" that thing is a cat!" Austin said

" it's not.." Ally said sitting back down " Carrie made it for her, and said it was a bunny"

" babe.. that's a cat.. she cant sew" Austin said

" it's the thought that counts"
" here! I made a special gift for baby girl! I hope she likes it when she's born!" Carrie said

" thanks.. it's a cat!.. how cute"

" it's a bunny" Dez said

" dude it's a..." Austin said

Dez gave him a look

" oh it's a cute cat alright" Austin said " I'm sure the baby will adore it."
" she hasn't put that thing down since that oddball thing.." she said " she loves this thing it's adorable."

He laughed " great now she has three things she's attached too.. her pacifier, that bunny cat thing and you"

" I love that she's attached to me." She bragged

" when you're not doing anything." He said " other than that I have to deal with her crying " mama mama mama all the time"

" what about every time you leave!! She cries for 15 minutes.." she said " dadadadadada"

He smiled

" she's falling back asleep.. should we put her back?" He asked

" let's take her to bed with us.." she said " it's been a while.."

They get up and head over to their room and into their bed

With their baby in the middle

" she's looking more like you" he said " she looks like you and acts like me, but I see you in her too"

" yea.. she's crazy like you, daring like you". Ally said " such a little trouble maker"

" yet she's so smart like you..sassy like you.. short like you" he giggled

" stubborn like YOU!" She said " and funny"

" I hope she doesn't pick up your sarcasm" he said " can you imagine her as a teenager"

" NOO I don't ever wanna think about that." She said " ugh a teenager girl that's scary.."

" if she's anything like you were, she'll be fine.." he said " that's with school/ work of course"

She shook her head. " remember the first time we all slept in this bed. The three of us."

" slept?" He said " funny."

" and hopefully it will be four" he smiled

" oh stop!" She blushed
" this seems so surreal.. a day ago I was pregnant, and now she right here in our bed." She said

" I would have said in the bed we made her, but it was some random hotel bed." He said laughing

She giggles

The little new born yawned

" she's so cute I can't get over her.. how freaking perfect she is" she said touching her little fingers

" look at us the three of us.. on this bed" he said

"  the best feeling ever"
" still the best feeling ever"

" I know..." he said

Ava yawned

" we should stop talking before she actually wakes up.. and then she's cranky all day" Ally said

" you're right." He said " I love you girls"

" we love you too.." she said " and I couldn't have gone through this without you.. you're all I could ever ask for.. this year was amazing"

" you are the best mother ever.. and the best wife ever" he said " couldn't have done it with out you."

" you're an amazing Dad.. amazing husband slash BFF and partner always" she said

" partners always." He said
Once everyone was finally awake, before the actual party later that day, they wanted to sing her happy birthday with one pancake a tradition they are hoping to keep going.

The birthday girl sat in her high chair

" oh she's so cute.." he said " look at that little crown.."

" Moon mattress princess!!" She said

" ugh that's so embarrassing." He said

" moon mattress kingdom.."

" don't do it." He said

" there's no.."


Ally laughed " you're so cute.." she held his face

" okay baby this is just practice for when you actually blow your candles out!!" She said redirecting her attention to Ava

They gasped

" she already ate the pancake" he said

" unbelievable" she said " we didn't get to sing"

He picked up his guitar and strummed

" happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you" he sang

He looked over at Ally and motioned for her to join in

" happy birthday dear Ava!! Happy birthday to you!!" They sang

" yay!!" They cheered

Ava smiled " yay!" And rose her little hands

Guys Ava is  one!! Omg!! I hope you enjoyed this cute little chapter let me know what you think!! As always, thank you for reading!! 😊💗

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