Where I Truly Belong (Inuyash...

By NatashaTasyaar

171K 4.5K 1.3K

L/N Y/N is a girl with a very hard past. She keeps having conflict with people around her. Even though she tr... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 1

10K 279 124
By NatashaTasyaar

Previously on Prologue

I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna move away... somewhere far away from here... Some place where I could blend in... Somewhere...

Where I truly belong...

-Moving to Japan-


After a lot of hard work. I finally found a job. I have been working really hard. I need to make enough money so I could move away from y/c (Your Country). I'm thinking of moving to Japan.

When my family was still alive, they told me about how amazing Japan is. So that's where I want to go. Hopefully I'll be able to fit in. I'm tired of how all these people treats me.

Months after months, I've been working myself so hard until I'm dropped from exhaustion. But it's worth it. I finally made the money I need to move.

I'm packing my stuff for the journey. A journey which I'll never come back from. I'll stay in Japan until the day I die. That is if I could die. But whatever... I just want to get away from these stupid humans.

I lay on my bed once I've packed my stuff. I let out a sigh. "Finally... I'll be out of this hell hole I called hometown..." I said to myself, smiling happily as I stare up at the ceiling. Then my eyes flutter close as I start to feel sleepy. I give in and close them, drifting off to sleep.


Finally! I made it. I made it to Japan. I drag my luggage as I walk out of the airport. I breath in the fresh air.

'It's just as beautiful as what my parents used to tell me... I wish they are here with me...' I thought to myself, staring up at the sky. The sky is really bright. It's such a beautiful day. I think I'm gonna like it here.

'But where should I go? I don't know anyone here...' I thought to myself. Luckily I've been taking Japanese classes. So I can speak Japan fluently.

I start walking around the city, trying to find at least an affordable place for me to rent. I come to a stop at an old Shrine. 'Will the people here welcome me?' I thought to myself. Well, might as well try... No harm come from it, right? I let out a sigh, then I walk up the stairs.

I stand in front of the temple. Then I toss a coin. I start praying. 'Please show me a place where I can fit in...' I say in between prayer. I sigh and open my eyes.

I think I won't be staying here. A shrine is a sacred place. A girl like me shouldn't be here. I'm just a Monster. I shouldn't be tainting a place like this.

I grab my luggage and leave the place. I keep on walking until I come across a poster. It's advertising a place to rent. It's affordable for me.

I smile and head towards the address, of course I need to ask people for direction. After a while, I finally made it there.

I pay the rent and enter the house. I place my luggage near the wall. Then plop myself on the couch. It's quite comfy for a place so cheap. I guess it's my lucky day. I lean back and close my eyes, finally feeling the jet lag takes place. I let myself drift off to a peaceful sleep.

I woke up the next day, still sitting on the same couch. 'I wonder what I should do now that I'm here? I can't be staying indoor all day... I have to do something or else I'll get bored' I thought to myself.

I stand up, then I walk towards the window. I watch as students walk towards their school. It must be nice to go to school. I wonder should I go to school as well? But will I able to fit in. I remember what happen in my previous school.

'Well... Wouldn't hurt to give it a try, right?' I thought. I move away from the window. Then I walk out of the apartment. Then I follow them, trying to be as quiet as possible.

They arrived at a school. I walk in, ignoring the fact that everyone is staring at me. Then I start looking for the office.

I finally found it. I give it a knock and enter. I saw a guy sitting behind the desk. He looks at me in confusion. "May I help you?" He asked. "Yeah... I would like to apply to this school..." Is my reply. He nods his head and take out a form. "Come and fill this form for me, please" he said. I walk forward and take the paper from him. Then I start filling it up.

I hand the paper to the guy. "Thank you..." He said. He scan through the paper and smile. He looks up at me. "You can start tomorrow..." He said. I smile at him "thank you, sir..." I said as I bow slightly. Then I turn around and leave the room.

The Next Day

I wake up. 'Today is my first day. I hope it'll went well...' I thought to myself. I get up from the bed and start getting ready.

Once I'm ready, I left my house and start to make my way to school. I wear my hoodie as always. I walk in silent, trying not to attract too much attention.

Soon enough I reach school. I can hear people talking all around me. But I ignore all of them and continue walking towards the classroom.

I enter the room, feeling eyes on me. I pull my hoodie, to cover my face better. Then I walk to the back of the class.

'Who is she?' 'Is she new here?' 'Should be... I never seen her around...' 'Why is she wearing a hoodie like that?' More and more whispers can be heard, but I just ignore them.

The bell rings. The teacher enters the class. She start calling out names. Each students lift their hands up. Then she notices me. "Eh... It seems like we have a new student..." She said. I look up slightly from under my hood. "Please come forward and introduce yourself..." She said. I sigh and get up. I walk to the front of the class, then turn to face the students.

"I'm L/N Y/N... You can call me Y/N" then I think of what to say next. Then I just shrug. "I got nothing else to say... Please take care of me" I say bowing. "Very well... Thank you for the short introduction... You can sit down..." She said. I walk forward, but stop as something come into mind. "Also... Try not to irritate me so much... I have an anger issue..." I said. Everyone sweat-dropped at what I just said. Then I walk towards my seat and sit down.

I hit my head after I sit down. 'Stupid me! Why would I say that?! Now everyone is going to be scared of me.... Not that it matters anyway... They will be scared when they find out the truth...' I thought to myself. Then I just sit there in silent as the lesson begins.

*to be continued*

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