Left 4 dead x reader oneshots

By mysmolgreenbean

3.5K 38 31

You find yourself in the zombie apocalypse, and find yourself...falling in love? what will happen next find o... More

Infected ellis x reader
Please oh please request something

Tank x reader

1.1K 12 3
By mysmolgreenbean

Based off a story that had to deal with a male reader and a smoker
Y/n L/n was a normal school boy/girl. They earned A's, were never late, and had a fair amount of friends. Her best friend though was a boy by the name of Thomas Snyder, Thomas was a football jock, a popular kid, and a butt head towards anyone else but y/n, yes towards our dear y/n he was a sweetheart, he would protect them, listen to them, laugh at their jokes, and he would act as a giant teddy bear whenever they were upset, and they did the same.
However today y/n was inside of their math class, they were writing down math problem number twenty-five, when the intercom came on,
Y/ns pov
"Students and faculty Shut and lock both windows and doors, baracade both and make sure no one leaves! There has been an outbreak of an unknown virus causing students to turn feril and start to bite others, stay calm the virus will be contained within the next hour, and if a student is in the halls right now avoid hall 102-112. Now facility continue teaching and don't let anyone outside the classroom. Bzz-"
I started to freak out both mentally and physically, I heard everyone else start to freak out too, girls sobbing for the life of them and boys shaking and talking to each other, me personally I was silently crying, I pulled out my phone as other students and the teacher had. (Lol sorry used my phone for this next part)

Buttercup🌹~ (y/n)~ Tommy are you ok!?

I waited several minutes, shaking and almost dropping my phone when he texted back.

Cutie Bear🐶~Y-y/n? Is that you? Where are you!?
Buttercup🌹~ I'm in the math hall where are you!?
Cutie bear🐶~... I'm in the counseling office. Students and teachers are going insane, they are biting each other and giving others the virus! And I'm stuck in the middle!
Buttercup🌹~ I can hear them they're coming up the stairs and into the classrooms.
Cutie bear🐶~ Y/n! What happened!?
As I texted him banging and groans came from beyond the door we all huddled together frozen in fear. Soon enough they busted through the now totaled door. We screamed and ran past them. The 'students' looked like they were dead, I ran past a whole bunch and when I made it to a safe haven I started to text thomas again.

Buttercup🌹~ Sorry they came into the classroom had to run into a safer area.

I looked around sure enough I couldn't see any of the infected faculty or students I finally decided to run downstairs and avoid all of the infected looking people. I dashed and practically flew off the stairs. I ran and turned a corner to see the counseling office I peered in seeing no one, the only thing I saw was... Blood. "Oh no... No no no!" I shout whispered as I leaned my head against the window and silently cried.
I felt a buzz and checked my phone.
Cutie bear🐶~ I... I'm now down the hall. I had to run from Mr. Greenward.
I slid my cellular device in my pocket and started racing to see if Tom has was ok. I didn't see anyone so I bolted towards the end of the hall,I tried keeping my sobs in as tears blurred my vision. I turned a corner and saw none other than Thomas, he leaned again one of the several arrangements of the metal cabinets. "Thomas!" I semi yelled as I ran full force into him, almost causing him to loose his footing. "I'm so glad you're alive!" He groaned in pain as I gave him a bear hug, I loosened my grip and looked into his deep grey eyes I loved oh so much. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry." He only chuckled and wrapped his arms around me giving me a reassuring squeeze, "Don't worry princess I'm fine as long as your ok." I started to bawl into his chest as he petted my hair, after what felt like forever I made him bend down and kissed his cheek. Soon right after that we heard groaning, looking behind me I saw the same teacher that tom had warned me about, Mr. Greenward. "Oh no." I managed to sqeak out. The zombie teacher started run-limping towards us. We screamed and ran towards the office once more once we got there, we ran inside and I locked the door. I turned around and started grabbing things to barricade the door with. I sat next to Thomas and let even more tears flow free. "Tom... What are we going to do?" I choked out. "Hey... hey don't worry we'll figure something out." I smiled at him and wiped the tears away, 'maybe this won't be so bad.'  He smiled at me, genuinely smiled. We stayed like this for a while before we moved closer hestarted rubbing circles into my arms with his thumb, his breath hitched and he gasped latching on to my arm tighter, as if it was the only thing that could support him, that could keep him standing. "Thomas are you ok?" I put a hand on his shoulder trying to bend low enough to see his face. "I-I don't know what's wr-wr-WRONG with me." He looked up, upon seeing his expression I knew that whatever he was feeling must hurt like hell.
It had been an hour and yet thomas still hadn't let go of my arm though his breathing, and as he said it, pain, had become docile. We spoke for a while more making an escape plan involving the vents. Then I noticed that he seemed uncomfortable, "Tom are sure you're alright?" He looked at you with pained eyes. "I-I'm fine I j-jus-AHHHH!"
Thomas POV
I walked down the hall from the commons area, I was headed towards my locker so I could head up to biology. I started daydreaming about my best friend Y/n L/N, their h/c hair their e/c eyes, just everything about them was perfect, I even had made a love note that I was going to give then today, even though I dought they like me the way I like them. I got so caught up reading the note that I smacked into someone, I looked down (he's 6'4) and saw my Spanish teacher Mr. Greenward (4'11). "Oops sorry Mr. Greenward I should have been paying attention. Instead of hearing my annoying teachers normal lecture instead I heard groaning and what sounded like growling. "Mr. Greenward?" He then looked up at me, his eyes were a glowing white, his normal tanned skin was now a sickly gray-ish color. He reached up for my arm but I pulled away. "Dude! What the f*ck!?" I yelled as he tried once again, this time I shoved him onto his back, he screeched like a banshee attracting some unwanted attention just as the large group of dead looking students and teachers came towards me, the announcements came on "Students and faculty Shut and lock both windows and doors, baracade both and make sure no one leaves! There has been an outbreak of an unknown virus causing students to turn feril and start to bite others, stay calm the virus will be contained within the next hour, and if a student is in the halls right now avoid hall 102-112. Now facility continue teaching and don't let anyone outside the classroom. Bzz-" 'oh my gosh not today!' I started trying to keep me out of their reach, until one of the floor crawling ones bit onto my ankle. "AHHHHH!" I screamed as I ripped my leg away from the bloodthirsty infected. I limped to the counseling office and waited, I silently cried in pain as I waited for my cue to find a way out of here.
3rd person pov~ back to the futureeeeeeee
Y/ns arm was gripped on tighter as he yelled in pain, y/n yelped at this. "Eh! Tom!-" they cut themselves short as they saw Toms body twisting and molding into a different larger shape. Y/N tried to pry his hand from their arm, but he bent down and bit her hand. Gorrrrreeeeeeee!!!~
Y/ns hand bleed out, revealing in some places their muscle, they arched their back in pain and screamed as loud as they could. Thomas soon let go and y/n flew backwards, "Y-y-y/n I'm so so sorry! Please p-p-please find a way out! G-g-get out of here!" (Doesn't make sense I know.)  Y/n was terrified but they could never leave their friend behind. "No! I can't leave you here!" His tear filled eyes looked up at her pleadingly. "Please! Please! Please... I don't want you to get hurt by me please..." Y/n quickly hugged him and then pulled away "I'm so sorry. If I ever make it out I promise I will find someone to help you." Before poor y/n could leave tom tugged her sleeve and pulled out a note. "Please take this I want you to know this before I turn into one of t-them." He forced them to take the note before he tried shoving them away from him "now go before it's too- AGHHHH!" He screamed once more, his body contorted and deformed as his body grew and turned even more muscley. His shrieks only turned deeper as he grew, eventually all y/n could hear was his growling and roaring.
Y/n pov
I slowly slid towards a vent opening as I shook and cried, never taking my eyes off of the now twelve foot tall thomas. The infected stepped a bit closer and I started to sob a bit louder, he stopped and just stared. I managed to get the vent gate open and was deciding between scrambling into the vent or possibly dying by the gigantic zombie type person infront of me, no matter how much I wanted to see if Tom was still in there, I couldn't risk dying, for toms sake.
We had a stare off before I lunged at the opening of the air duct. I made a panicked yelp as I made my way into the not so small air way. I crawled through it, eventually reaching a room with an open window. Once I crawled in the room and peered out the window, I then realised that the window was in the second floor. "Crap..." I heard groans getting closer and decided that it didn't matter if I broke my ankle it would at least be a lot better than dying. I screamed as I threw myself out the window. I landed straight on the ground feet first, I shrieked again and lost my voice as I continued crying out in pain. I stood up and started limping towards a car, it may seem like a bad I dea but I have no choice. I raced to a red suburban, hopped in, hotwired the car and drove straight the heck out of their.
3rd person pov againnnn
Y/n had spent four years after that training, preparing, and killing. There were stories about the man/woman, about how many they had ruthlessly slaughtered, or other stories about them being a badass in highschool and that being the reason they had survived for so long, all of the rumors were untrue but one, they only became so ruthless and emotionless after her lover had died in a fatal accident, of course this was only half true, yes they became like this after thomas turned into a special infected, but they weren't lovers yet. The only thing that kept them going was the note he had given them it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said he admitted that he had feelings for the smaller male/female,and he wished to spend eternity with them. The only emotion they showed was when they read that letter they promised to never give up for his sake.
Y/ns pov
I hopped onto my motorcycle, putting on my helmet, my bandaged wrist catching against the helmet. I pulled back my hand only to realise that the bandages had come undone, revealing the bite scar, I winced remembering what had happened to me that day. I tightened the bandages and went back to putting on my helmet. I shook my head, "no time to think about the past" I grumbled. I drove down the road at highspeeds. I eventually met up with my group, this group consisted of a bunch of macho men, a small man and a taller woman, we drove off into the sunrise and sped off to find another small city or village.
Burned or dying trees rushed past us, bugs splat against my visor, I swore under my breath as I wiped my shield.  This continued on for many miles until I finally reached a town with a gas station, a few stores, and a few clothing outlets, "Jackpot!" I rolled my bike down to the gas station and started filling it up "Hey big guy watch my bike!" I harshly told him, he nodded, I checked my ammo and food supply "Crap! I'm almost out." Once I was done I hid it in the back and walked into the clothing outfit of course carrying my main melee with me, a large pipe, since of course my gun only had one round in it. Surprisingly no infected were in the clothing aisles. I easily glided through grabbing a black tank top, camo jacket and pants, and some new heavy duty boots. I put my dog tags on and walla my navy look was completed. I went outside once more this time heading over to the gun store, which had tons of ammo and food in the employees lounge. I threw everything that I didn't need and shoved them in my bag, I started to walk back out the front when all of a sudden thr only other woman in our group scared me, I fell hand first into a sharp edge, the edge conveniently didn't cut me but tore open my bandaged part way to reveal some of the teeth imprints. The woman saw this and backed away gasping, she ran outside I'm guessing to find the men so I decided i twould be best to just leave them. I then walked back to my bike only to find I wasn't alone.
The people I used to call my friends swarmed around my only way out of here. The nearest town was over one thousand miles away and I was not walking that far. I tried zig zagging past them and it worked for a minute until one of the larger ones pulled me by my sleeve.
They tore apart the rest of the bandages all while keeping me still,I couldn't struggle or squirm out of their grasps 'Crappppp!' They all turned to face me, they laughed and chuckled darkly looking between one another. 'oh dear gosh...' I stumbled trying to get my footing but slipped up over and over again. Eventually I did but now they had formed a circle around me. I screamed hoping to get someones attention. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" It had seemed as if I was doomed and no one would be here to save me. "Sorry girlie/boy but we have to get more supplies and you would be worth a fortune." They gripped tight onto my hair yanking my back I screamed louder chocking out sobs that burned my throat and eyes. "PLEASE!" They pulled out a rope and knife and were dangerously close to either tieing me up or cutting me, then as if someone answered my prayers I heard thuds against the ground and saw the crowd disperse. I looked up to see the face of my savior only to shake in fear at what I saw.
Thomas pov~ 4 years earlier
I watched painfully seeing y/n look at me in such fear, 'I can't believe I bit them...", I tried to speak and say something and took a step forward only to have y/n cower and start bawling harder,I stopped and they calmed down but still silently cried. They held their bloodied up hand, before letting go to reach for something we stared at each other before we both heard the clash of metal on concrete. Tears now were cascading down their rosy cheeks, they stared for a second more before darting through whatever they had been messing with, I looked closer and saw it was a vent duct. Theres no way I can fit in that so I will have to find a way out of here.
4 years later~
I walked through a desserted small town while I looked for any humans or maybe any real food I could eat, the only thing keeping me going was and still are, food, maybe finding my family, and y/n, those are the only things that so far have kept me more human that animal. I wait everyday to see if they come here but sadly they never do. I hear what sounds like engines in the distance I peak out from behind a thrift store to see what it could be. I see around six cyclists pulling up to the gas station they all take off their helmets, everyone one of them looked plain besides a boy/girl who wore f/clothes, had h/l h/c hair, and had dull e/c eyes.
Once they finished they headed over to the thrift shop I was behind I moved before they could see me. They walked back to the front if the store, going in and coming out like no ones business. They then headed over to the gun store, and I followed in a long pursuit. Instead of them coming out a woman wearing high heels and expensive looking apperal came running out and shouted loud enough for me to hear. "That boy/girl!" "What you mean y/n?" One of the smaller men asked, "that doesn't matter right now! They have a bite scar!" They looked terrified before realising what she ment, "so that means that y/n's immune..." They all called and howled in laughter. "We can get a fortune of of 'em!" They all agreed then turned to face y/n who was now running out of the store but stopped when he/she saw the gang members surrounding them. They moved around them at the speed of light but one of the two hundred pound looking guys grabbed onto their wrist. They screamed and landed on their butt, just then I had heard enough I jumped down from the building I was perched up on and went straight for them. I threw the men and woman around and when I got to the one that hurt my poor y/n I snapped him in half. I turned and was now looking face to face with my shaken up companion (a little yandere eh?).
Back to y/n I'm sorrryyyyy~
I looked up at the fifteen foot tall giant and just sat there I didn't do anything but shake, I couldn't speak, I couldn't move, I was petrified. I saw what he did to my teammates and imagined what he could do to me. He moved closer and I finally moved throwing my arms in a protective state on my head, "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" I squeaked out. It was like this for a good fifteen minutes, before he slowly moved forward again he lifted his arm towards my face, and just before could do anything, I whispered just loud enough for him and myself to hear it, "I-I-I'm sorry thomas... I've failed you..." Instead of eating me or just throwing me like the traitors he bent down and got on eye level with me. I could see his sparkiling chocolatey brown eyes, just like Thomas's, he wrapped his large arms around me and picked me up. I obviously gasped out, wasn't he going to kill me, eat my brains, or do something besides protect me!?
He ran with me in his arms, until we reached a clearing where there was just dirt and sand everywhere. I looked up into his face one more and he looked back at the ground and myself, I looked down and saw that he had written. It's me y/n. Thomas. I was happy but also knew not to get my hopes up just yet, "If you are really my tommy what is my favorite color and my favorite animal?"  He scribbled out in the dirt f/c and f/a "Tom it's really you!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. "I'm so happy!" I started crying happy tears something that hasn't happened for a very long time. He... Purred? Nope I'm hearing it right he freaking purred. He set me on his back and we started off... Just him and me, no one could stop us, we were happy and that was all that mattered as we rode off into the sunset.

Cheesy and crappy I know but this took me a long time to write and I'm proud of it! Credit to the person who gave me this idea I'm sorry that I can't remember your account name. If you like this, as jacksepticeye says, PUNCH THAT LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS! And don't forget to comment on what other types of stories you might like me to write! That will be all my little darkrittos see you next time bye!

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