Waiting For My Mate

By Veikari

518K 14.6K 4.4K

Laxus is waiting for Freed to return from a mission and Freed has no idea what is waiting for him when he wou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
The Last Chapter
little update

Chapter 28

6.2K 191 9
By Veikari

Freed stretched his tired muscles as they were outside the hotel where their client was staying. Laxus and Ever were still inside taking care of the payment and he and Bicks were waiting near the entrance.

"What is taking them so long?" Bickslow groaned lounging on a bench. "I'm tired, I wanna go to sleeeep..."

"Stop whining, that won't help anything", Freed said. He had dark circles under his eyes but he refused to sit down. He was going to stay sharp until they would arrive at their hotel.

"Maybe that old bastard won't pay?" Bicks suggested. "What are we going to do then? I didn't take any money since we were supposed to get paid when the job is over."

"I'm sure Laxus and Ever will take care of things so we will get our payment."

"Yeah, maybe Ever will turn all of them into stone statues and then Laxus will shatter the whole place..."

"They know they can't do anything like that here."

They waited another fifteen minutes until finally doors opened. Laxus and Evergreen looked furious.

"What happened?" Freed asked confused.

"That old fucker tricked us", Laxus growled. "He used magic paper for the contract. He could change what was stated in the contract and it said he was only obliged to pay a fracture of what was agreed in the first place."

"What?!" Bickslow howled and stood up. "We have no money?!"

"And neither a place where to sleep", Ever hissed. "Money we got is not even enough for us all to buy train tickets back to Magnolia!"

"You gotta be kidding! Where are we gonna sleep? How do we get back home? What do we eat?" Bicks whined. "We have no tent, no blankets or any of our camping equipments! It would take days to walk back to Magnolia!"

"We can't stay here, that old fart said that if we won't be gone in fifteen minutes the staff will throw us out or call the town guards so we end up in jail."

"Wow, he got really pissed off 'cause he couldn't have Freed", Bicks snorted and took his backpack.

"He is obviously one of those rich men who are used to have what he wants", Freed sneered and took his own bag. "And he will punish those who dare to object him."

"Whatever, I'd rather sleep a month in a forest without any equipments than let him get near you", Laxus said and touched Freed's cheek, making him smile.

"We will figure something out", greenette promised.

"Yeah, we have been in tough situations before", Bickslow grinned.

"But I was really looking forward to have a change to live three days in a hotel suite", Evergreen sighed as they started walking in the dark streets.

Freed looked at his friends faces and he could see the disappointment. Even Laxus had obviously been excited about the idea of them spending three days together at the suite.

Freed frowned his eyebrows and tried to decide what to do.

"How far can we get with that money we have?" he asked finally.

"Huh? Perhaps two towns away from here if we all go", Laxus answered.

"That is far enough", Freed said. "Come, we need to hurry to our night train", he said and with confusion in their faces his friends ran after him towards the train station.

Freed took the jewels and purchased the tickets.

"We made it", he sighed as they found an empty cabin.

"I hate this..." Laxus grumbled holding his head and he slumped to sit near the window so he could have at least a little bit of fresh air.

"I'm sorry", Freed said and he patted his mate's shoulder.

"But where are we going?" Ever asked and they all looked at Freed.

"I know a place where we can stay. For free", he explained. "I don't know if it's as good as a hotel suite but at least we can sleep in beds and have something to eat. But it's two hour train trip away so we have to endure that much."

"That's our captain!" Bicks grinned. "You always manage to come up with something."

"We're glad you're here taking care of us", Ever smiled.

"Come on, I know you would have figured something out by yourselves too", Freed smiled. But of course it was nice to sometimes hear that his team appreciated his efforts.

They took their places and Freed ruffled Laxus' hair. The dragon slayer was laying on the bench his head on Freed's lap.

"What is this place where we are going?" Ever asked with curiosity.

"Umm... An old house, there is plenty of space and we can have our own rooms", Freed said. He was not sure how he should explain everything... But maybe it was now time for that. Laxus would eventually find out everything now since they were dating.

"Is it somekind of a mansion?" Bicks asked.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Cool, that's way more awesome than some shitty hotel", the seith mage grinned. "Is the owner a friend of yours?"

"A-actually... I'm the owner."

For a minute there was a dead silence in their cabin.

"No way. No way! You own a mansion?!" Bicks shouted finally.

"Well it was my grandmother's mansion. I inherited it when she died when I was twelve."

"You inherited? Why not your parents?" Ever asked.

"Because they died when I was three. I lived with my grandmother by winters and by summers I lived with my mother's father in the country."

"Don't tell me he has a mansion too", Laxus grumbled.

"He does. But he is still alive so he lives there."

"Man... All these years we have been friends and you never considered about telling this to us?" Bicks asked. "I mean, sure, you don't have to if you don't want to but you don't need to be that secretive."

"I never meant to be", Freed assured quickly. "I just never... Knew how to tell you about this", he sighed. "It always changes things. Maybe you would start to think I'm just some spoiled rich boy."

"We know you're not some shitty spoiled brat", Laxus murmured. "You are strong, wise and humble."

"Thank you, Laxus", Freed smiled blushing slightly. "That helps. I was scared what you guys might say."

"So you're rich?" Bicks grinned and Freed nodded. "Wow, could you have bought that entire hotel?"

"I'm not that rich", Freed chuckled. He should have known he had nothing to worry about. Laxus, Bickslow and Evergreen would always be by his side and they would think of him as Freed, not just some rich boy. He should have had trusted his team members more.

Greenette smiled.

"I'm really lucky that I have you three", he said. "And Fairy Tail."

"But why did you leave?" Ever asked. "I mean... you grew up in a mansion! And you have money! Why did you join Fairy Tail?"

"I wanted to be a mage", Freed smiled. "As simple as that. And I wanted adventures. When you're rich, you can't have that much adventures. Or at least it is not adventures for me. You can always buy whatever you want and go where ever you want. There are no struggles to survive and you don't need to think where you're going to sleep, since you can just go to the hotel."

"I guess I understand what you're saying", Ever shrugged. "So you don't use your money at all?"

"No. When I left so I could join Fairy Tail, I left all my money behind. I decided to survive with my skills and earn my money."

"You've done great, babe", Laxus smiled. "Now I understand you better. In a mansion there must have been many kinds of rules and stuff so that's why you always behave so aristocratic. So is your grandfather some kind of a lord?"

"Yes, he is an earl."

"Wow... So you're rich and a nobleman? No wonder you know how to dance waltz and stuff", Bickslow snickered. "Do you inherit that noble rank when your grandfather dies?"

"I guess", Freed shrugged. "He doesn't like me so he might also have some distant cousin or something who he will mark as his heir."

"He doesn't like you?" Laxus frowned.

"Yes... I haven't seen him since I left. When my grandmother died, of course I had to live with my grandfather full-time. He is... um... Rather scary old man. And that mansion is just as scary, I hated it when I was a kid."

"Where he lives? I don't remember any Earl Justine living nearby", Ever noted.

"Justine is my father's last name. My grandfather is Earl Lucados Zaldevil."

That made others jolt.

"I'm guessing you have heard that name", Freed sneered.

"Yeah, now I understand why you said he is scary", Bickslow shivered. "We don't know much about him but enough. And you lived with him every summer?"

"That is why I like winter so much", Freed said smiling slightly sad. "Because I lived with my grandmother then."

"Who was your grandmother then?" Ever asked.

"Ophelia Justine. When she was young she was the primadonna of her time. She performed in many plays in opera and theatre."

"Isn't she the one who was married with that playwright whose books you always read?"

"Yes. Drigale Armarus is only a pen-name, his real name was Felix Justine. They never revealed Drigale Armarus' real identity."

"Man, your life sounds like it's from some crazy play itself", Bicks chuckled. "Are you sure it's okay that we accompany you to your mansion?"

"Of course it is", Freed said without hesitation. "You three are always welcome there. Even if you are nearby just by yourselves feel free to use that mansion as you please", he smiled. "I will make sure the staff remembers you all."

Train chugged ahead and they stopped at the next town quickly before continuing their journey. Finally they stopped and Freed yawned. He had almost fallen asleep. Others were already in deep sleep.

"Hey, we have to go", Freed said and shook his teammates. "Get up."

"I hate trains..." Laxus muttered but he stood up. They took their bags and stepped out of the train.

"It's already two in the morning, but there should be someone near the station with a carriage so we can have a ride", Freed said.

"Can't we just walk?" Laxus groaned.

"It would take too much time and we all really need some rest", Freed said. "So let's just find a carriage."

They had to search for a little while but finally they found someone who could give them a ride.

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