By MuMu_LuLu

955K 42.9K 27.5K

"I'm friends with the monsters that's under my bed-" "Peek-a-boo~" And what's worst. Yoongi is mute. He can s... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
face reveal!!!
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 46

Ch. 24

15K 804 373
By MuMu_LuLu

"Hello, it is a pleasure to meet you."

I said politely as I shook my hands with Kim Junmyeon. He also greeted me and sooner or later, we were both sat down in front of each other. It's actually my first time meeting Jin's big brother, even though I've been into their castle many times.

"So, what is the reason to have me come by, your highness."

"Please, no need to be formal. Call me Jungkook. I called you here for a very important reason."

"And what might that be?"

"There is this human.."


He asked shocked. I sighed while nodding my head.

"Yes, that human was supposed to be your little brother's soulmate-"

"What?! I cannot agree to this-"

"Please, listen and do not interrupt me."

I said sternly. He cleared his throat and breathed in.

"I know its a bit of a shock, but I, myself has found a soulmate and it is a human."

"That's.. Jungkook, you are the most powerful and respected King. Won't it be too much for the demons to find out your soulmate-"

"I do not care for what they think. I am the King, I do what I want."


"Listen to what I say."

I growled. He lowered his head and apologized quietly.

"Kim Namjoon, Jin's mate. Your little brother has broken every rule on having a soulmate. He cheated and slept with alot of demons. He hurt his mate in every kind of way. In condition of his actions, Namjoon is dying."


"You know what happens when a mate is dying" don't you."


"You know that when a human had a soulmate as a demon, and that specific demon breaks the rules, that human slowly dies."

"Yes, and they can't come back to their world anymore because of the bond that ties them."

"Exactly, we need to give Namjoon a second chance."

Junmyeon's eyes bulged out.

"A-are you saying-"

"Yes. I'm going to ask you if you can be Namjoon's second chance."

"B-but.. That human is my little brother's-"

"He is, but your brother isn't loyal to him at all. He doesn't care about him."

Junmyeon sat on his spot contemplating. His eyebrows were furrowed as he looked down on his lap. It might be a hard decision since Namjoon was his brothers soulmate, and he doesn't want to hurt his little brother, but he should know that Jin was the caused from the very start.

Suddenly, he looked up and gulped.

"Can I ask.."

"Go ahead."

"Why are you helping this human?"

"As I said, my mate is a human, too. Namjoon is a friend of his, I'd rather see my soulmate smile than cry seeing his dying friend. It pains me to see the sight of my soulmate crying."


"So, what is your answer?"

He stayed quiet for a few seconds until he nodded.

"I'll accept it."


"He said yes?! Really?!"

Yoongi exclaimed with big bright eyes as he smiled widely. He was laying on top of me as we were outside the garden while I lay on the black grass with a blanket underneath me.

"He did, he was willing to help."

"I'm so happy! Namjoon also seems to be getting better!"

"That's great!"

I said. Yoongi nods and lays his head under my chin, I caress his back while laughing a little since his fluffy hair kind of tickled.

"Oh, yeah, Kookie.. How about the party?"

Yoongi asked, he looked worried. I ruffled his hair and smiled reassuringly.

"I moved it."

"Ahh, I see."

Yoongi said and breathed in the misty wind of the demons world. He hummed and started to pluck some of the black grass.



Yoongi sat up and straddled my abdomen. He had his hands on my chest for support, he pouted and huffed.



"Can we go to the beach?"

He asked. I sat up and looked at him confused.. Why the beach so suddenly?

"I wanna go to the beach because I.. Haven't been to one.. And I wanna see the sunset with you.."

Yoongi said shyly. Why is he so cute? Like, does he even try to be cute? He's just naturally cute, he is a little cat that growls really squeaky. Ugh, he kills me all the time with his adorable smile.


Yoongi whined waiting for my answer. I chuckled and nodded.

"Sure. Shall we go to the room?"

I asked sitting up. He wraps his legs around me and hugs me by the neck. He snuggles his head onto my neck and stays like that.

"Um.. Yoongi?"

"Carry me there, duh."

I chuckled and stood up easily. He squealed as I ran to the door and held tight on me. I heard his little giggles and his lips touching my neck.

"I love you, Kookie.."

Yoongi whispered through the way. I smiled and put him down onto the ground since we arrived in the room. I pecked his nose while he shyly smiles.

"I love you too, my little baby."

The circle shows up and glows.

"Yoongi, we don't actually need to kiss-"

My eyes widen as Yoongi pulls me in a kiss, I was still surprised, but kissed back anyway. Yoongi pulled away and grinned slyly. We have arrived in the abandoned park I always went to, good thing it wasn't the middle of the streets.

"I know, you dork. Jin told me we didn't need to kiss when we went for the first time. You are such a sly fox."

Yoongi teased.

"Damn it. I got caught."

"Wow, you must have liked me that much."

Yoongi smirked.

"Damn right I did."


"Jungkook! Look! It's the sea!"

Yoongi exclaimed like a kid. My baby Yoongi seeing the beach for the first time is such a precious memory.

His fucking adoptive parents better rot in lava. Me, a demon, showing a human the fun stuff on Earth. I feel like it should be the opposite, but seeing my baby happy is already good enough for me.

"Jungkook, it's so cold!"

Yoongi squealed as he dipped his foot onto the cold sea water. I chuckled as he cutely yells and runs back hugging me.

"Thank you, Jungkook. You're the best!"

"You're welcome baby."

I said and kissed his forehead. He pulls me towards the sea, I threw my shoes somehwere onto the sand. My feet met the cold water, I shivered at first but then got used to it.


Yoongi just splashed my face with water... Oh.. So this is how he wants to play..

He laughs out loud as he looks at my reaction and points at me. I squinted and powerfully slid my hand onto the water and bombered him with a huge splash of water.


I gasp as I see him out of sight. Then he rises up from the water and coughs.

"Hey! No fair! No using powers!"

He said as he wiped his face. Aww, he looks like a kitty-uh..

"I didn't use power, babe."

I smirked. He walks take a some steps back away from me and frowns.

"Go easy on me then!"

He yelled and kicked water onto my body. I splashed back at him as he giggles. Good thing we were the only ones on the beach.


Yoongi ran to me and jumped on me. Since we were on the shallow side, my body didn't sink at all. I was on my bottom as Yoongi sat on my abdomen.

"Close your eyes."

I smiled and did as I was told. This cutie is going to kiss me. He could have just kissed me though, since he always does. I then felt a wet, slippery... Wait slippery?

I opened my eyes and see Yoongi smiling evily.. What the fuck is on my lip.. I looked down and see a fucking sea cucumber. This little-


I yelled. Yoongi stands and ran away farther away from me as he laughs out loud. I growled and wiped my lips as I glared at Yoongi who had a very wide smiled staring at me proudly.

I approached him as he just stayed on his spot like he was waiting for me, not even scared.


"Yes, Kookie? Liked my kiss?"

Yoongi said as he stiffled a laugh.

"So thats your game, huh.. Babe, you should have thought twice. My revenge are much more.. Dangerous."

I smirked and carried him on my shoulder. Yoongi protests as he hits my back continuously telling me to put him down since I was literally going the deep end.

"Jungkook! I'm sorry, put me down! Yah! I can't swim!"


"No! No-aah!"

I pulled Yoongi away from my shoulder. He wanted to not let go but I was already dipping his bottom half in the deep water.

"No! I'm going to sink! I'm going to sink like a brick!"

He yelled as he wrapped his legs and arms around me for his life. I chuckled from his cuteness and placed my hands under his ass while we were in the water.

"Yoongi, I would never let you go."


"Of course, I'd kill myself."

"No... Don't do that."

Yoongi said as he cups my face and gives me a worried look.

"I won't, but if you left me-"

"I would never!"

He loudly said. I smiled at his energy and pecked his nose.

"Good. You are staying with me forever."

I said possessively.

"Jungkook, look! The sun is setting!"

I looked to the other side and literally see the big sun in front of us. Yoongi turned to me and bumped his forehead onto mine.

"Kookie.. I love you.."

He said as he cups my face, for heads still touching.

"Baby, I love you too."

I said. He smiled and passionately kissed me. We kissed as the orange sun made our figures into a silhouette dark from afar. He wrapped his arms around me and deepened the kiss as I explored his mouth.

We stayed in the deep water as we kissed endlessly as we both showed out love to each other. Our skin was hit from the shining sun, our wet bodies stuck together like we were some gum together.

I always wanted to accomplish something like this with my future lover. I fulfilled it.

We both pulled away and touched our foreheads together again.

"We should come back again."

He whispered.

"We should.. When everything is settled."


We both looked into each other's eyes. The waves were calm, and our hearts were heard too.

Yoongi sighed and snuggled his forehead onto mine.

"Yoongi, we'll come back. And I promise that."

"I can't wait!"

"Me too. Maybe, even with our kids."

I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. He blushes and hits my chest.

"Wha-what are you saying?! I-I'm not a demon! I can't get pregnant!"

"Yeah, but my cum is very effective-"

"Shut up Jungkook!"

"I bet I can make you pregnant in one shot-"


Yoongi said embarrassed. Gosh, I love seeing his face like this. And only I get to see it. No one else.

"Kidding babe~"




"No, but really, I can get you pregnant."




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