{House Of Cards}~ NamJin

By Telenazzz

568 7 0

{"It's like there's no Tommorow it's like we can't start again"}~ Which a simple Run in leads to Jin putting... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

81 1 0
By Telenazzz

Jin's Pov

I groaned and stirred my eyes peering open to look at the sub peeking into the room almost like a light illuminating it I tried to get up until I felt two pairs of arms around me "Huh?" I questioned I looked down and then beside me and that's when I got flashbacks of the previous night. I Jumped up and screamed looking at the unfamiliar room I was in until I heard a deep voice behind me.

"What the fuck are you yelling for?" He asked Annoyance laced in his voice

"Well Sorry I just HAPPEN to wake up beside a stranger in a unfamiliar area" I huffed.

"Where's my phone?" I questioned worry laced in my voice 'I hope Jimin's Ok'

"On the bedside table"

I nodded in response saying a small "Thank you"

I dialed Jimin's number waiting on a response


"Ugh Jimin I'm so happy to hear your voice again".

'O-oh me too Hyung'

"You Ok Jimin?"

Then the line hung up

I hung up mouth side open I was aware it was early  honestly, who isn't up at 5:00 in the morning? I can't believe I call this desperate fool my best friend and room mate.

"I'm gonna go make breakfast and maybe we can actually talk like normal people" I heard a voice behind me " Yeah ok" I mumbled unsure on what was actually happening.

"So Jin right?"


"Well as I introduced myself I'm Namjoon"

"That's nice"

I heard him Chuckle

"What's so funny?" I questioned

"That mouth of yours... Does it ever get you in trouble?" He asked pushing the chair back approaching me

I backed up now feeling uncomfortable

"Maybe" I muttered now looking into his eyes

I felt myself get pushed against the wall his face barely inches away from mine. "Mind telling me why your so fucking close?" I asked

"Oh shit sorry" He backed away now obviously feeling awkward

I heard my phone ring

"Excuse me" I said leaving him alone


"Omg Jin where are you!?'

"Jimin Calm down I'll explain when I get home just pick me up please"

"Ok Hyung" That's when I heard the line go dead

I sighed an turned to face Namjoon

"My Roomate is picking me up soon" I saw him nod

"Really Jin I'm sorry i don't know what cone over me at the time and it wasn't very humble of me" He bent down infront of me. I rolled my eyes and Smacked him lightly

"Aish pabo it's fine.. you talk to much" I giggled

"I get that Alot" He smiled looking down at me

"If it's not to much to ask maybe.." He spoke

"Maybe?" I questioned

"I could have your phone number?" He asked unsure of his words.

"O-ok" I said Feeling my cheeks flush

I heard a car honk from outside of his apartment

"Well It was nice meeting you I guess" I said looking down avoiding his gaze

"And thank you namjoon" I muttered

"For what?"

"Being there.. you didn't even know me yet you comforted me and even let me sleep here"

"Jin I know you don't know me but I wanna get to know you" He took my hand in his larger one

"If you need someone you can come to me Ok?" He questioned

I felt heat race up to my cheeks again


I walked outside along side Namjoon I turned to him "Bye namjoon" I said giving him a small hug

"Bye Jinnie" He winked

I simply rolled my eyes and made my way over to Jimin.

"You got ALOT of explaining to do Hyung" He said A grin spreading across his face as we sped off.

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