With Stars In Your Eyes

By stylintease

229 11 1

"My eyes are empty, Harry," Louis whispers, looking down at his feet. Harry gently grabs Louis's chin, tiltin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 7

18 1 1
By stylintease

So. This chapter is v v short, and it's pretty much just all porn with no plot. I had more plans for this chapter and it's definitely not good enough for it being a two month wait.

I did have a family emergency today. My grandpa had a mini stroke and we're pretty much dropping everything to take care of him. So while I wanted this chapter to be longer, I have no idea when I'm gonna be able to sit back down and work on this so i've just decided to post it.



Louis's blushing brightly the second the door closes behind them. He can't even see what's around him- but he knows. He knows the shelves around him are filled with fake dicks and handcuffs. It wouldn't be too bad, except for the fact that his sister's hand is in his as she leads him down the aisle.

"I'm assuming you want something small to start with, yeah?" Lottie asks, not fazed by the situation. "But not too small, otherwise it'll be like you don't have anything besides your fingers." She grabs a toy off the shelf, placing it in Louis's hands. "Feel that. Does that feel like a good size?"

"Well, yeah," Louis nods, wrapping his hand around the toy. It felt the same size as his own cock. He yelps quietly when Lottie turns the knob and the toy starts vibrating. "Holy- Lottie, this is intense!"

"Yeah, but you don't have to use that right away!" Lottie laughs, shaking her head. "I think this one is good for you. I think Harry will love showing you how to use it, too. Now we just need to get you some lube."

Louis sighs softly as she pulls him through the store, making him feel other toys as well. He was beginning to regret asking her to bring him here. "Can we leave now?"

"Alright, alright," Lottie murmurs, finally taking Louis to the register. She can tell that Louis's beginning to get a bit uncomfortable.

The two ride home in silence, Louis's leg bouncing quickly as he held the bag in his lap. He was nervous about showing Harry, but he knew the boy would understand.

"When are you seeing Harry again, hmm?" Lottie asks, helping Louis inside.

"I think he's coming over tomorrow," Louis shrugs, setting the solid black bag on his bed. "He has something in the morning and he's gonna come over after that."

"You're in luck," she grins. "Everybody will be gone tomorrow. Me and mum are taking all the girls for a spa day. We won't be home till around dinner time."

Louis blushes brightly. "What, do you think me and him are gonna do something?"

"I think you might, yeah," Lottie shrugs.

That night, Louis lays on his bed, facing the wall. He's trying not to overthink everything that might happen. There may not even be anything to worry about. Harry probably wouldn't care about the fact that Louis didn't want to have sex yet. Louis pushes all thoughts from his mind, turning onto his stomach to force himself to relax. He hated overthinking everything. He falls asleep like that, snoring quietly. He didn't wake up until around ten the next morning, smelling eggs and bacon. He hears someone in the hallway, furrowing his eyebrows a bit when the person walks into his room.

"Oh, you're up," Harry smiles softly, carefully setting a plate in Louis's lap. "Lottie and your mum were leaving when I got here, so they let me in. They told me you were sleeping, so I made breakfast."

"You... You're amazing," Louis murmurs, blushing softly as he began eating. "And this is delicious. I don't know what I did to deserve you, harry."

Harry laughs quietly. "You're you," he shrugs. "That's all it takes. I'm glad you like it." He moves the blanket aside, causing the bag to fall off the bed.

Louis panics as soon as he hears the bag rustle, the contents falling onto the floor. Harry lets out a surprised gasp, his cheeks turning red. Louis's flushed down to his chest by this point.

"Oh," Harry says simply, biting his lip.

"Sorry," Louis squeaks out, covering his face. "I-I forgot to put that away last night. I talked to Lottie, and she helped me pick that out and- I'm sorry."

"Hey, don't be sorry, love," Harry murmurs, stroking Louis's cheek gently. "It's perfectly normal to use toys, yeah? It's alright."

Louis exhales shakily. "I told my sister everything," he says softly. "I told her how much I liked kissing you and I liked when you bit my neck. And she was saying there were things we could do besides sex? But she said I needed to ask you and you could lead me."

Harry nods before speaking up. "I definitely can, darling. If that's what you'd like. There's a lot we can do besides sex. We can start with just kissing, yeah? Do you wanna go back to my place."

"No, we've got the house to ourselves," Louis murmurs. "Lottie said they wouldn't be home until dinner."

"I'm gonna take your shirt off okay?" Harry whispers, carefully pulling Louis's shirt over his head. "And I need you to promise to stop me if you feel uncomfortable at all."

"I will," Louis promises, eyes fluttering shut when he felt Harry's hands on his chest. "Are you gonna take yours off, too?"

"Yeah, darling," harry nods, tossing his shirt to the side. "I'm gonna take my jeans off too, okay? They might not feel good against your skin. So that'll leave me in my boxers. That okay?"

"That's fine," Louis breathes, voice cracking. "Should I take my pants off too?"

Harry hums quietly. "We'll keep yours on since they're sweats. We'll work up to that, yeah?"

The mood shifts then. Harry presses his lips against Louis's neck, kissing gently down the tan skin. He bites at the mark that's already there, pulling a small moan from Louis's mouth. Louis tangles his hand in Harry's hair and tugs a bit. He can already feel his cock hardening in his sweats. Harry moves to another spot on Louis's neck, nibbling on the soft spot behind Louis's ear. As soon as Harry digs his teeth in, Louis moans louder than he had before.

"Sorry," he blushes, panting softly. "Fuck, that felt really really good, Harry. Can you do that again?"

"Of course, darling," Harry smirks, biting down on the same spot again. The dark was turning dark purple, but he knew Louis wouldn't care. "Gonna try something new now, okay darling? It should feel good, but stop me if it's too much."

Harry waits until Louis nods before he moves. He slots his thigh between Louis's carefully, pressing up against his cock. He begins grinding their hips together gently, smirking at the loud moans that leave Louis's lips. As soon as Louis begins moving his hips with Harry's, Harry grunts.

"Yes, Harry, oh my- fuck!" Louis moans, arching his back up. "Feels so good!"

"I know, baby boy," Harry pants softly, mouthing at Louis's neck as he moves his hips faster.

Louis doesn't last long, and Harry's not surprised by it. Louis comes with a loud cry, hips stuttering under Harry's as he makes a mess in his sweatpants. He slumps down against the bed, panting quietly. Harry moves his hips to Louis's thigh instead, not wanting to overstimulate the boy just yet. He comes a few minutes later with a small grunt, tilting himself to the side so he falls next to Louis instead of on him.

"How was that, darling?" Harry whispers after a few minutes, stroking Louis's cheek gently.

Louis leans into Harry's touch, not bothering to open his eyes. "Fucking perfect," he says honestly. "Thank you, harry. That was amazing."

Harry smiles softly and kisses Louis's nose. "You're welcome, my baby. I'm glad you liked it."

"But now I need a shower," Louis laughs, carefully sitting up. Harry's still amazed at how Louis can maneuver himself around the house with no help, but he shakes the thought away as he waits for his boy to come back.

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