Embarrassing Moments Of my Li...

By Dead_Zero0024

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I will be saying really embarrassing or really funny moments of my life to you, I hope you get a laugh out of... More

The Time I Fell On My Crush
Spinning Around Because Of Our Crushes!

The Time I Passed Out In Lesson (In A Science Lab During A Practicle)

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By Dead_Zero0024

So this one time when I was in year 7, which was almost 3 years ago. We was learning about the Earths Core and the build up of rock or whatever and it included layers. I didn't really listen. And I felt really dizzy and sick. And I lost a bit of my balance. So I was somewhat swaying a little side to side almost falling over a little. And while everyone was gathered around miss at the front of the class I was at the back of the group. So I sat down on my teachers stool. It got worse And the colours seemed to change, so I was like, 'well Sh*t. Something may actually be wrong 😂' so I stood up really quickly, and you know when you just suddenly stuns up and you feel dizzy and whatever. Yeah it got worse. I started seeing small hexagon shapes at the corner of my eyes that started going inward. It was so scary I had no idea what was going on. So my breathing of force got faster and faster. Until it just stoped. And just before it stopped, I stepped forwards to tell my teachers or say something, anything. But my body got numb and I felt myself fall. My eye sight disappeared and I saw nothing only darkness. I only heard people laughing and then one of my class mates saying Something on the lines of "Shut up, it's not her fault". When I re-gained conscious, it was like all colours from my vision was gone, I saw lots of blue and purples, and when I looked around, one of the First aiders, because there was two, he had no eyes and instead there was nothing, but an empty blackness. And can I say it was terrifying. Then all of a sudden, my head started pounding and that's when I realised that I was on the cold floor in the recovery position. After when he asked the usual check that they do, "are you ok?", "How are you feeling?", "Does anything hurt?" Etc. They helped me off the floor and to the lift to go to Reception to go home. It wasn't until 4 days after when I went back to school, that I found out that, when I Passed Out or fainted or whatever it was, I fell sideways and my crush caught me, because well... I kinda fell onto him, and caught me so I wouldn't smash my head on the floor, and he was also the one that stuck up for me telling the people that were laughing at me to shut up.

Word Count: 444

So... how did you like that? Was it funny? Because it was defiantly humiliating for me! 😂😂😂 I had many more worse, awkward and times when I wanted to crawl and die in a hole. So I will be doing more of this because it has actually being good for me to bring all this up again and share it.

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