Psychotic interests *Finished...

By 6Tim_Wright9

8.2K 275 111

This job was starting to wear on you, being a Pyro you loved it so much, but when you forgot your medications... More

Chapter 1 Mental Relapse
Chapter 2 Self Control
Chapter 4 The Voices
Chapter 5 Burning Passion
Chapter 6 Another Week
Chapter 7 The Other Medic
Chapter 8 No More Serects
Chapter 9 Figuring It Out
Chapter 10 Declaration Of Love
A Little Bonus For Chapter 10!
Chapter 11 Snowy Vacation
Chapter 12 Snow Covered Flame
Bonus Chapter (1) New Friend
Bonus Chapter (2) OKTOBERFEST!

Chapter 3 Strip Poker Night!

837 35 15
By 6Tim_Wright9

Another week done and gone with nothing else going wrong for you. Excellent.

Your Pov

"TIME TO WAKE UP MAGGOTS!" this wake up call wasn't quiet so bothersome today. I actually got good sleep the last few nights. Still it didn't really make it any more fun. I sat up on my knees, still on my bed, and I could feel and hear several pops all along my back. I sighed stretching, more popping. I slept in my suit again. Damnit... whatever it's fine, less to have to do. I think? I stumbled out of my bed to look at the tiny calendar in my room. Poker Night's today. I smirked, last time I even watched poker night Demo and Engi started arguing over weather or not Demo was cheating. Things ended early but it was funny.

Something to look forward to I guess. I yawned, continuing the rest of my usual morning rituals. Taking my meds first. Always first and I counted how many pills I had left in each. Good. I'm keeping on tract with them, so I could hurry along with everything else... Wait there was a  ceasefire in effect for the next few days.. only reason to hurry was to get my share of breakfast. Today Spy was cooking. I can't miss breakfast today, hes like the best cook.

Thank god for having slept in my suit, I only needs my boots, gloves, and mask. I didn't even need to put my hair up since weren't going to fight today. In any case I got everything on quickly, running to the kitchen, and I wasn't the only one with the idea. Scout left after I had, but got there first. He hated Spy, but liked his cooking. Damn bastard needs to just admit it though. He never would.

Scout wasn't the only one to beat me today, Engie, Sniper and Soldier were already waiting. So. I took a seat at the table this time around. They were already locked in a conversation so they didn't even noticed me. Not until I sparked my lighter. I smirked, always everyone looked when I first lit the flame.

Not very long afterwards everyone else poured into the kitchen taking their seats, with me sitting between Medic and Heavy. "Pyro, vill you be joining us for Poker night?" Heavy asked shortly after he sat down. He liked having me as a poker partner, so of course he'd be the one to ask if I'd even be partaking in the game. I nodded quickly, closing my lighter. "Very good! You babies better vatch out!" He laughed, I couldn't help but join happily. The good moods were infectious. 

Boasting and arguing ensued shortly after from most everyone else, literally me and Medic where the only ones not joining in it. Even Spy joined in while still cooking. This time around I was actually keeping up with what was happening. It was really enjoyable.

Medic's Pov

I vonter if I schould tell her it's going to be strip poker tonight? Nein, I'd much rather have zee chance to zee her reaczion to it tonight. Sche might eve go along vith it. hmmm... Spy finely arrived vith food, giving Pyro zeir share first, letting her run off quickly.  

"Pyro's joining us, time to make some bets, gentlemen." Spy smirked giving everyone zeir food

"50 bucks says if Scout gets paired with Pyro they're still gonna lose." Engie laughed to vich Scout immediately started arguing vith him offer it

"I'll take that bet." Spy smirked, vith Sniper and Heavy agreeing.

"Fine, but when that DOESN'T happen, Spy's gatta wear a maid outfit!" Scout yelled poking Spy in zee chest.

"Very well." Spy smirked.

Zey vent on und on, now almost entirety centered on Pyro,  none of zem making bets on vat genter sche vas. I smirked listening, only caring to take ein few pets vith zem. However zis vas too good an opportunity to miss, azuming sche'd stay to play. "If zee Pyro's an voman, you're all going to fight zee next battle in your undervear." I smirked, vile zey all stared

"The hell? The Pyro a gal? No way!" Scout laughed.

"I'll take that bet, Doc." Sniper smiled.

"Me too!" Heavy stood up "No vay my Poker Partner is a leitlle Girl." And so everyone agreed to zee bet. I vas going to vin zis one. Just a simple matter of her staying to play.

Your Pov

---(time skip to Poker night!)---

Some how for some reason I got pared with Scout. Oh well, we hadn't lost yet. So that was good especially since it was strip poker... Bastards didn't bother to tell me 'till Sniper and Engie lost the first game. Play to win and if you lose then do it with Grace. I sighed, they were back again, back seat driving me. What would happen though if I lost and was this going to be how EVERYONE on this team was going to learn about me being a woman? I couldn't focus on that for very long at all, I was just trying to keep Scout from fucking up.

So far so good. 10 hands and we haven't lost yet. Even with my nerves eating at me. The only person not actually playing was Medic, but he was in here too. No doubt he made a handful of bets he intended on see though. I took a deep breath. He made a bet that I was a woman didn't he? I couldn't help but groan thinking that it was a possibility.

"Wot's the matter Pyro? Struggling to keep Scout in line?" Sniper jeered. Yes they were all dying to know at this point, no wonder I ended up getting put with Scout tonight. I just slammed my fist against the table, getting them all the laugh at me, excluding Scout who was already on cursing out Sniper. No I wasn't being worn down by Scout, just my own mind. What the hell could be on the line here? I bit my lip trying to get a look at Medic without showing it. Nothing. At least not yet.

"Finely they lost one!" Demo laughed.

Damnit Sniper if anyone's distracting me it's you. Scout took off his cap, and I just took off my gloves. Compared to most all of them my hands were on the small side, but they were plenty big enough and callused enough to pass for mans hands.

"Ya owe me 60 Bucks Spy." Engie smiled, while Spy sighed ponying up the cash. Seriously? Did they take bets on my looks? This was so annoying and stupid, But I was gonna play along. I mean really... I've kicked several of them when I've lost my mind and took 'em to the ground when they tried rough housing with me.... They should be able to handle me being a woman, right? Well. I'll be seeing that soon, seeing as how Scout had stupidly tried bluffing them. I knew it wasn't going to work, idiot, and off went my boots and his shirt.

We returned to our position of at the very least not losing. Sniper, Engie, Spy and Soldier were all down to their underwear, Heavy and Demo still had pants on.  And things were at a stand still for a few more hands. Once more Scout made us lose, and everyone else quiet stupidly perked up because of it. I was going to take off my mask. Hell even Medic was watching... He must have made a really good bet that he knew he'd win if I wouldn't chicken out.

"C'mon your turn to take somein' off, paly." Scout said wearing only his boxers.

I sighed, with anger burning inside me. Everyone was staring and waiting. Fuck it. I didn't mess around and took off my mask. The looks were priceless and Medic was laughing Hysterically. Oh yes, I look forward to finding out what everyone had to do.

"Oh god, Medic was right!" Scout yelled. That's it. I stood up to throw my mask at him as hard as I could. I didn't even care if he'd get hurt, I wanted that. He had already jumped back slightly when I got up, but he wasn't expecting my mask to come flying at him. He yelped falling outa his seat, with blood rushing from his nose. I smirked. Yes, I broke his nose again!

"The hell!" he yelled putting a hand on his nose, trying to sit up. I wasn't gonna say anything and sit back down. He better give me that mask back. Medic was still a laughing, however he got up to fix Scout. I just ignored him, focusing on the cards, and smirking at the looks everyone still had plastered on their faces. Shock, awe, and most of all frustration.

"Medic. What did you make a bet on?" I asked very certain I knew the answer. It took a moment for him to clam his laughing down enough to speak "Zat you vere a voman! Zey all lost!" Again he started laughing.

"It ain't funny!" Scout yelled, sounding odd because of that broken nose.

"Oh it is! You zink I'd make zuch a bet vithout being zure I'd vin?!" I was trying to suppress a smile, but I couldn't help it.

"Bloody hell! YOU KNEW SHE WAS A WOMAN BEFORE YA EVEN MADE THE DAMN BET DIDN'T YA?!" Demo yelled getting up.

"He has to have known." Spy sighed, looking pissed.

"Ja, but you all stchpidly agreed to zee bet! I'm going to keep you to it." Medic had a twisted smirk on his face. I couldn't help but start laughing hysterically now. oh this was to funny. Really? None of them backed down from the bet? and you were scared. Shut up! You want me to enjoy this and so I will!

"At least my poker partner kan still keep up vith any one of us!" I could tell he was a little upset to lose the bet, probably more so for what they'd have to do then any thing else, but he was still quiet Happy I wasn't going to Chicken out of this game. I rarely backed down form whatever stupid challenge they'd proposed to me, but this was one of the few that I was nervous on.

"Let's play poker!" I smirked, now only waiting for Scout to sit back down by me. Now I quiet simply refused to lose any more games, and I could actually yell at Scout for being a moron. Damn this was the best game of Poker I have ever played!

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