By amymhawes

36.9K 3.6K 105

When orphans vanish, Nick Sperry takes on the case. What do the missing children have in common? IQ's higher... More

Chapter One - Sunshine Orphanage has a dark side
Chapter Two - Melissa can't face her demons
Chapter Three - High-Security Encryption
Chapter Four - Will Nick's secret tear them apart?
Chapter Five - A mysterious "uncle" claims Sidney.
Chapter Six - The Center for Interactive Research and Applied Solutions (CIRAS)
Chapter Seven - Invisible think tank.
Chapter Eight - A helluva a lot of uncles
Chapter Nine - Mafia involvement in Sunshine's suspicious activities?
Chapter Ten - The problem with Einstein.
Chapter Eleven - Desire meets deception.
Chapter Twelve - Nick gambles with love and life.
Chapter Thirteen - Data addicted.
Chapter Fourteen - Mafia and Mensa.
Chapter Fifteen - Images that disturb.
Chapter Sixteen - Robots or real?
Chapter Seventeen - When forgiveness comes too late.
Chapter Eighteen - Melissa is left on her own.
Chapter Nineteen - Deficit of courage.
Chapter Twenty - The heart of change.
Chapter Twenty-one - Melissa's turn.
Chapter Twenty-two - An unlikely ally.
Chapter Twenty-three - United forces.
Chapter Twenty-four - Lesser evils.
Chapter Twenty-five - Natalie explains herself.
Chapter Twenty-seven - Manic Maxwell.
Chapter Twenty-eight - Dangerous determination.
Chapter Twenty-nine - The last mission.
Chapter Thirty - Separate ways.
Chapter Thirty-one - A painted warrior.
Chapter Thirty-two - Tracking Melissa.
Chapter Thirty-three - Bowing to cruelty.
Chapter Thirty-four - Aliens or worse.
Chapter Thirty-five - Behind enemy lines.
Chapter Thirty-six - Under the gun.
Chapter Thirty-seven - Dead woman walking.
Chapter Thirty-eight - In the zone.
Chapter Thirty-nine - Einstein's nightmare.
Chapter Forty - Fractions too late.
Chapter Forty-one - Rescue?
Chapter Forty-two - Parallel forces.
Chapter Forty-three - Radio nowhere.
Chapter Forty-four - A mother's love.
Chapter Forty-five - Incomplete redemption.
Epilogue - Silver linings.

Chapter Twenty-six - Uncivil servants.

592 72 1
By amymhawes

Nick surveyed the living room of the safe house from his perch on the sofa, finally free from the hospital bed. After another day hooked up to the IVs, he finally convinced Sonya he could do without them. No way was he at 100 percent, but he recovered quickly and wasn't worried about it.

Melissa slipped next to him, and he reached an arm around her. "How are you doing?"

She smiled crookedly. "You're the one who almost died, and you ask me how I'm doing?"

"I didn't almost die."

She raised an eyebrow, and Nick kissed her there. 

Pulling away, she blurted, "I want to visit the Walkers. I know you went there, and—"

"No, Melissa. You have to stay here. You aren't safe out there—at least, not yet. Not until I know more. We can't chance it."

"You let Victoria leave."

"Melissa, look at me."

"What! I can't stop thinking about Sidney. Maybe the Walkers know something."

He hated seeing her in so much pain, but she couldn't leave. "They already told me everything they know. I won't have you put yourself at risk."

She frowned. "But I hoped they could describe him to me, tell me something about him. I only had him for two weeks, Nick. I don't know anything about him." She wrinkled up her nose and sniffed.

"Come here." He held out his arms. She started to move into his embrace, but the doorbell interrupted them.

"That must be Natalie." Melissa sprung up and rubbed the tears from her eyes on her way to the door. Before she opened it, she said, "I want to be here when you two talk."


Melissa opened the door, and Natalie walked into the living room. "I can't stay for long," she said as she started to take off her coat.

"Let me take that." Melissa took her coat and hung it on a hook by the door.

"Thanks. How are you feeling, Nick?"

"You said you don't have long. That means no time for small talk."

Natalie's eyes flashed with hurt but she nodded, looking around for a place to sit and settling on an armchair situated catty-corner from the sofa.

Melissa sat on the sofa near Nick. He could tell she was nervous by the way she fidgeted.

Natalie took a deep breath. "Okay, so here is what I know for sure. Like I said, I'm not assigned to the project, so I don't have full clearance. But I know that the NIH somehow sends the missing children from Sunshine to CIRAS, which the NIH funds.

"I think it's a safe assumption that the children become the Tabula Rasa think tank. Rumors are that no one has ever met a member of that group, so CIRAS is most likely hiding something about them.

"Considering how Sebastian Warner works and Dr. Maxwell's reputation, God only knows how they've been manipulated to be the human supercomputers everyone says they are. I have to admit I don't like the ideas my imagination comes up with. Hopefully, they aren't as bad as that."

Melissa looked stricken. "Wait a minute. Isn't Warner the guy Nick told me about? The one who authorized horrible experiments on prisoners? And Dr. Maxwell, what's his reputation?" 

Before Nick could stop her, Natalie answered. "Yes, Warner is who you think he is. He isn't exactly known for his high moral standards."

Melissa interrupted. "So, the director of the NIH set up CIRAS? He designed experiments for Sidney and other children like him?"

Nick interjected, "Hey, we don't know any of that. Why don't you let Natalie finish telling us the things she's sure of."

Natalie continued, "As far as I know, the NIH simply funds CIRAS. They didn't create it. But Warner probably knows what they're doing with those funds, and he's been known to accept bribes to sanction specific programs."

"Jesus," Melissa said, sinking into the sofa.

Natalie continued. "The center was founded by Randolph Jameson based on his seminal work on the nature of human genius. But Scott Maxwell took over everything years ago. And to answer your earlier question, Melissa, Maxwell is reputed to be ruthless and to have even lower moral standards than Warner."

"We need to get Sidney out of there, Nick," begged Melissa.

"That's the plan. How much can you help us, Natalie?"

"Unfortunately, not much. And I can't come back here. I don't want to arouse anyone's suspicions. They're already starting to look for you, Nick. They haven't figured out how you got out of the hospital, but they're working on it."

"Can you give me weapons, devices, maps of CIRAS, anything?"

"There's a storeroom in the basement here. I'll give you the security code. Do you have something I can write on?"

Melissa jumped up. "I'll get a notebook."

"You'll find all you need there except the CIRAS maps," Natalie continued. "Sorry, I don't have access to those. And there is a computer with Wi-Fi in the office. The password is ricard1018."

Nick smirked. Her last name and birthday. Not very safe, but he chose not to comment.

Melissa handed Natalie a notebook and pen. She jotted down the code, ripped the page out, and handed it to Nick.

Nick reached forward to grab it and grimaced from the shooting pain that ran along his right thigh. "Thanks." He folded the paper and put it in his pocket. "How long can we stay here?"

"You're good for now. I'll text Melissa if you need to leave. Sorry, I can't help more. If I think of anything else, I'll send you a message. What about Sonya? Is she here? Do you need her anymore?"

Nick said, "No, I sent her home."

Melissa glanced at him sharply. "You said she had to run some errands and would be back."

He tried to give her what he hoped was a winning smile. "I'll be fine. You're the only nurse I need."

Ignoring his grin, Melissa replied, "I guess it's too late now."

Natalie rose from her seat. "I need to leave."

Melissa said, "I'll show you out."

"Natalie," Nick called out. She spun around. "Thank you." Nodding, her eyes softened and she walked out the door.

Melissa came back and sat down next to Nick. "How soon can you get Sidney out of there?"

"I'm not sure . . ."

Nick watched as Melissa's fear turned into panic, then anger. "You're not sure!"

He tried to calm her down. "I need more information first. I may get only one chance, and I want to do it right."

Melissa twisted her hands in her lap. "Don't you know someone else from the CIA? Somebody like Natalie, but who can get you into CIRAS?"

"It's not that easy. We're lucky she was able to help us. The CIA is a complicated place with complicated people. If I went to the wrong person for help, it could get us killed." He shifted his body. His head was starting to ache. Though he hated to admit it, he felt like he should lie down. "Melissa, can we talk about this more tomorrow?"

Her face was no longer pale. Now it was bright red with frustration. "Tomorrow? Why can't you call one of your old CIA friends today?"

Nick snapped. "Look, Melissa—for one, I don't know how many people in the CIA know about the situation at CIRAS. Second, it's impossible to tell who can be trusted. Impossible! Do you get that?" He stopped and stared at her, hoping the information would sink in. His mouth twitched as he waited, but then he went on. "I don't know who might help us even if I knew I could trust them, which would be doubtful to say the least."

Melissa looked back at him, stunned into stillness by his backlash. He hardly ever got angry with her. But his head hurt, and he was tired, and he was, after all, human. "Melissa, I'm sorry. I'll find him."

Though Sidney was Melissa's sole focus, the program needed to be completely shut down and that would take time. But he couldn't tell Melissa that right now. She was a scared mother whose concern for her child had hijacked her perspective.

"Find him. Now!" Her face was a mask of fury.

Nick consciously reined in his aggravation and reminded himself that he loved her. Even though she thought she was angry with him, she was really just frustrated with the situation.

She looked like she was thinking up new things to scream at him, which strangely made him feel like smiling. But things were tense between them, and Melissa wouldn't understand his smile. His words wouldn't calm her down, so instead of trying to explain, he moved closer. She didn't tighten up or resist as he put an arm around her, but she obviously wouldn't let herself take any comfort in it, either. He squeezed her shoulder, and she turned toward him, a maelstrom of guilt, confusion, and anger swirling in her eyes. She looked lost. "Nick . . ." It sounded like she was trying to find him in a dark room.

"I'll figure it out, Melissa." He tried to show his determination by looking into her eyes.

Tears tore out of her with gushing strength. Nick held her closer and wrapped his other arm around her so he could enclose her completely. "I'll get Sidney out."

Melissa's body trembled, and her breathing was irregular. She gulped pathetically for breath.

Nick held her tighter still and whispered in her ear, "I promise."

Melissa seemed to lose the battle with her tears and started sobbing again. She was barely able to draw a breath. Nick just let her cry. It was the best thing for her.

Finally, worn out, she leaned against his chest. Her head was satisfyingly heavy against him. He kissed the top of her hair, and her limbs softened. Unexpectedly, that small movement made him want her. Not sure if she was open to his desire or if it would help her at this moment, he stroked her hair as he often did to let her know what was on his mind. 

To his pleasure, she lifted her head and asked, "Do you want to go upstairs to one of the bedrooms?"

"I would like that very much. But you'll have to be gentle with me—nurse's orders." He grinned. 

Melissa tried to smile. "What am I going to do with you?"

"I have a few good ideas."

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