lost memories | l.s.

By fresharold

672K 18.9K 95.5K


« Lost Memories »
- Prologue -
1 - Friend
2 - Teddy bear
3 - Happy Birthday
4 - He's gone
5 - It's okay
6 - I promise
7 - Petal of a flower
8 - That's enough
9 - Smile for the picture
10 - It wouldn't be fair
11 - You were alone
12 - Swollen skin
13 - Does it feel good?
14 - Closer
15 - Forget it
16 - We can't
17 - Brownies
18 - Baby doll
19 - Together let's...
20 - Life Saver
22 - Glorious moments
23 - Something only mine
24 - Like you are mine
25 - That's my fear
26 - Just kiss you
27 - You're everything
28 - He kind of dies
29 - Accept yourself
30 - Knock, knock
31 - And so much more
32 - Messy Sheets
33 - Lost memories
SEQUEL - Built Memories

21 - Relax

15K 435 1.7K
By fresharold

"Harry I swear to god if you don't get out of the bed I'll bring the water" Louis shouts, ignoring his father's protest about how loud he is being at nine in the morning, from his parent's room. He doesn't care, though, they need - he wants - to leave in half an hour and Harry is still sleeping like he's dead. Louis is already dressed, their stuff are already in the car and he just needs to eat breakfast and is done. He's so pissed right now because he's been calling Harry for almost half an hour and the only thing he had done was groaning and not waking up.

He knew this was going to happen but he wasn't ready to feel the blood from his veins boiling this early.

Louis furiously walks towards the sleepy boy and sits on the mattress next to him "Harry, I'll eat breakfast without you!" this time he shakes his best friend aggressively in the shoulder, shouting close to his ear, making the younger boy jump between the sheets startled and look with narrowed eyes at Louis

"Jesus Christ Louis why are you so rude in the morning?" Harry says in his morning voice and Louis is so mad that doesn't even takes his usual moment to appreciate how hot Harry's voice is.

"You're fucking dribbling on my pillow," He points at Harry, who cleans his mouth with the back of his hand in disgust "and you're late." He says seriously "Believe me I've tried to wake you up in a kind way" he even started to kiss the boy's cheek, shoulder, jaw and caressing his upper arm while whispering sweet things to him but there was no response "but I don't know why I still try after all these years knowing that with you that doesn't work!" he says in a loud tone

"We're not late, Louis." Harry chuckles, giving emphasis on the not "No one is running after us so we, you, don't need to feel stressed" the fact that Harry looks fucking hot right now - apart from the saliva -, with his hair all messy but curlier, his green eyes sparkling more than they should, and the sheets covering only his lap showing nothing but his bare arms - Louis really wished Harry would sleep shirtless like him -, makes him want to punch his pretty face.

"I just want to punch you in the face right now." So Louis says

"Oh, very nice of you"

"I give you five minutes to go downstairs." Louis says firmly and stands up from bed before smiling fondly by the way Harry is laughing.

He starts preparing breakfast by himself, which he hates since, even having done that many times previously, he loves when Harry is doing the same thing next to him. Asking him if he should drink milk or tea this time, eat toasts or if Louis wants him to make pancakes, if Louis wants granola in his yoghurt or if he prefers fruit this time. Or there are those mornings, especially when it's just the two of them and no one is at home - so especially at Harry's - and it's late so they only prepare cereals. The result is Louis grumbling with Harry for slipping the milk and trying to give cornflakes to Daisy.

But Louis loves those mornings and it makes him ask himself if that's what made him fall for Harry... but it's hard to tell since there's so many things that made him fall for Harry. He couldn't fall for him all at once.

"What are you mumbling under your breathe?" Louis jumps in surprise when feels Harry's arms wrapping around his waist and feels his hot breathe on his neck.

"Shit!" He curses when slips the jelly from the pot to the balcony "Can you not do that?" Louis almost shouts trying to look at his shoulder, to where Harry is with his chin rested. Louis is just reacting this way to make his best to try to hide the feelings he isn't supposed to show, by the way Harry's arms are around his waist tightly and now, the way Harry giggles sinking his face on the crook of Louis' neck. Louis can only shiver with the feel and think how beautiful the sound is.

"You need to relax, Lou." Harry whispers next to Louis' bare skin and places a kiss between his exposed collarbone and neck. This usual thing they have don't make any good to Louis. He can't stop but questioning that if someone found them this way, if they'd think they were really dating.

God, they probably wouldn't, he changes his mind.

"I-I am relaxed..." He can't even keep doing their breakfast, afraid that if he moves, it'll pull away Harry's arms, touch.

Harry hums, with his lips still brushing lightly Louis' skin.

"Morning boys!" They hear Fiona's voice and slowly they move their attention to her. Harry's body keeps closer to Louis', though his arms aren't around him anymore, which makes Louis think that his mother's presence isn't welcome right now.

"Morning Fiona!" Harry smiles at the woman who smiles back at him. Louis keeps his eyes on Harry, making notes of his expressions.

"Making breakfast for all of us, Louis?" Fiona turns her eyes to her son now, getting closer to them with his delicate and pretty sleep dress.

"Erm, what?" He shakes his head waking up and finally looking at his mother, who keeps offering him a smile

"I asked if you're making breakfast for all of us." She repeats

"Oh, no... I was only making for me and Harry since I didn't know if you were coming. But I suppose I can start making for all the six of us."

"I'll help you then." Louis' mother says

"Okay. And you curly," Louis starts pinching Harry's cheek "you'll get dress and try to see if you have everything now. Ah and it's your turn to make the bed." He smirks teasingly

"What? I made it yesterday." Harry protests

"You overslept, it's only fair. Now go or I won't put apple jelly on your toast and will make you drink Zoe's orange juice." The juice that only Zoe can drink and say that's delicious.

Harry groans in denial but still drags his feet out of the kitchen to upstairs and Louis stays more time than he should looking at the boy walking away, with a grin on his face and eyes sparkling. He doesn't notice it and his mother doesn't point out because it's been like this since ages.

"You two look happy." Fiona says turning to the balcony to help Louis who is making coffee for her and his father.

"We are." Louis says and he hopes he is right. He really hopes Harry is happy now with him.

"I want you to be careful in Liverpool Louis." She warns him for the fifth time this week

"I know mom."

"And leave everything clean and lock the doors before you leave."

"I know mom" He repeats

"Don't make me and your father regret this decision. You're both eighteen and I know you are all careful and good boys, special Harry," Louis rolls his eyes with her comment "but it's not wrong being extra careful. If something happens call me immediately."

"I know mom." Louis knows is the last time he is going to say these words... at least for now.

"Good then." She nods laughing a bit and bringing the milk to the table in the centre of the kitchen.

"But hey," Louis says a minute later "thanks for letting me taking him there." He gets closer to his mother with a genuine smile

"You two deserve it and I know how good it'll be for Harry and how good it'll be for you both leaving this place for a bit." Fiona pulls her son close by his shoulders "And I don't think we'd be able to go this year with you." She confesses

"Why do you say that?" Louis asks raising his eyebrow, looking a bit down to his mother since, even not being that tall, he got much taller than her.

"Because you'd want to stay with him."

"You mean like all of the other previous years since I'm a kid?"

"Yes, but this time you'd really stay and I don't think I'd force you to go with us." Louis doesn't quite understand what his mother means by this words, though he believes they might be true. Last year he almost made it, almost stayed in Doncaster instead of going but Harry made him go and Louis pondered in taking Harry with him but he knew his parents would be around by that time.

It kinda sucked, but this year it'll be better and he's honestly so glad they made it. He can't believe he's hours from reaching Liverpool with Harry, hours from feeling a bit free with his best friend. Louis can't wait to show the city to him, he's seriously so happy for all of this.

"You two got closer." Fiona adds and with this comment Louis laughs a bit and looks with eyes wide open at her.


"I know it sounds crazy because how can you two get even closer?" she laughs too "But as hard as it might be for you to see, it's true darling." Louis takes his arms from around his mother, making her doing the same at him, pulling away.

"If you say so." He shrugs and turns back to finishing breakfast.

Not too much time passes till Louis' siblings, his father and Harry appear and all sit on the table to eat. Louis, who usually is the last one finishing - when it's not Peter - is the first one and is in more rush than ever. Is half past nine already which mean they're late. In reality, like Harry said, they aren't but Louis really wants to reach Liverpool as soon as possible.

"If you don't finish it now, you'll going to eat on the way Harry, I swear. You usually eat so fast." Louis complains, taking his plate and mug to the dish washer.

"If he eats faster than he is, he is going to puke Louis." Zoe comments

"Louis, I told you to relax." Harry comments and even having the urge to slap his best friend he chuckles. "And I'm eating like I always eat, you just ate faster than the usual." he says before bringing his mug to between his lips to finish his tea.

"Don't you dare!" Louis warns his best friend for being contradicting his person.

"Louis!" Fiona and Carl say in harmony making Louis sigh in annoyance and sit on his chair next to Harry, only to stand up immediately when Harry finished.

"Finally!" The blue eyed boy half shouts.

"I need to brush my teeth before we go." Harry tells him with a smirk after putting what he used on the dish washer as well

"Oh no you don't, I will give you chewing gum and we're leaving!" Harry can't stop but laugh by Louis' performance and he literally drags the green eyed boy to the hall so they can leave.

He basically makes all his family stand up from the table as well to say goodbye to them. Louis asks Harry if he has everything thrice, till when he's ready to ask the fourth he stops to think for a moment, bringing Harry a bit worried by his expression but Louis tells him he forgot something upstairs in a rather weird tone. He takes his backpack with him and walks the stairs quickly, listening to Harry saying "I thought you were in a hurry." And he is, so he's quickly to come back and being faced with Harry hugging his sister.

"Take care of the family, you'll be the older now." Harry winks at her and she rolls his eyes, yet smiling. Even having a year of difference between Harry, so she's seventeen, Louis can't stop but observe how Harry treats her like the sister he wished he could have. Maybe that's why Zoe's feelings happened to change towards him since she realised that Harry started to change the way he looked at her after the kiss.

Peter grabs Louis' hand, taking him by surprise, bringing him closer to them. He also grabs Harry's hand with his other one and the three form a small circle "So," the nine years old boy starts, still grabbing their hands "I hope you call at least once a day to talk to me and that miss me and also, you have to buy me a present since I can't go with you two."

Harry and Louis laugh with Peter's comment but they tell the boy that they'll think about it. Peter hugs Harry first and then Louis, whispering in his ear "If Harry's present is better than yours, I'll replace you and he'll be my brother instead." The boy pulls away and laughs evilly. Louis can't stop but laugh, still slapping his brother in the head slightly.

Louis almost feels like he's suffocating with so many hugs - it's just one week for Christ sakes - and then he just wants to puke when hears his father telling Harry to take care of him. He's older, shouldn't it be the otherwise?

Already with the front door opened and with Harry taking Daisy in her cat carrier - yes because of course they have to take her with them - towards the car, Louis feels a hand pulling him back, stopping him.

"Call me when you get there." Fiona says close to her son.

Louis sighs, he knew it wouldn't be the last time he would say "I know mom."

"And drive safely please"

"I know mom." He sighs for the second time, this time louder but with a small smile on his lips.

"And sweetheart," she starts "do what makes you happy, all right?" She grins at his eldest son and places a kiss on his cheek.

"O-Okay mom." He answers a bit confused but then gives her another kiss, offering her a smile and before walking towards Harry he waves at the rest of his family.

He runs as quick as he can to his car - basically his early birthday present since he passed his drive license in January - where Harry is putting Daisy on the back seat, safely and checking if everything is in place on the car's trunk.

"Ready to go?" Louis asks his best friend not containing the smile threatening to appear on his lips. Harry nods happily and Louis swears, he swears, that Harry is giving him the smile. The one that gives him goose bumps, that shows him Harry's whole beauty and that makes him so proud for seeing Harry that happy. It's basically the smile Harry had created for Louis and hell, isn't that the best feeling in the whole world.

They both wave one more time to the four people not so far from the sidewalk and when they return they sit on their places.

"Are you sure you aren't going to kill us?" Harry asks when Louis turns on the car and places his hands on the wheel. It's probably the most he's going to drive and Harry knows how scary Louis can be on the road, and he only experimented it from their neighbourhood to the centre of the city, which is only ten minutes long.

"I'll try." Louis mocks looking at the younger boy in a bit of amusement

"Please Lou, I wanna live just a little bit more yeah?" Harry says sighing and supporting his face on his palm, leaving Louis laughing and shaking his head before starting driving. Somehow, it was a bless listening to Harry saying that sentence, it was good.

So the first hour of the drive they keep quiet, enjoying the mix Harry made to the trip, Harry trying to make the air from the car cooler, Louis trying to be attentive on the road and with Harry looking outside, trying to memorize the way the trees seem to run away from them when it's the otherwise.

He drove to London many times before with his parents on Christmas but somehow, this road trip with Louis feels different. Mainly because this time he's actually excited and pleased to get out of his house.

Another times he takes some time looking at Louis who tries his best not to meet the green eyed boy gaze, since he really wants to drive the best he can. After some time Louis notices how quiet Harry has been so he sees the boy with his head rested on the window, with his eyes closed, probably sleeping.

It's in the second hour from the trip, after Harry waking up and asking if they were almost there that he gets impatient and bored. So he decides to grab Louis' backpack that was beside his feet this whole time to examine it.

Louis' eyes open wide when he notices the boy touching it and he almost loses his grip from the wheel. "Don't open it." He almost shouts, referring to the small pocket, when Harry touches the zip.

"Why?" Harry looks at him and even if Louis is now looking forward he knows the confused expression Harry is giving him.

"Just-I don't want to lo-lose the stuff I have in there."

"Erm, you won't probably. You're like, in a car." Harry chuckles despite Louis' attitude

"Yeah but, shit" he curses quietly "just leave it. You can check the inside but don't open that pocket all right?" Louis tries to convince Harry and looks for a second at him before turning his attention again to the road.

"Okay." Harry says confused but shrugs it off. He grabs the bigger zip to open the backpack, to be faced with Louis' Polaroid camera, also his small video camera, the box from his sunglasses - which Harry is surprised that he isn't using them - and more small bags that he bets are his and Louis' health and hygiene care. Why would he put it here anyway?

"Did you brought the charge we bought the other day, for the camera?" Harry asks looking from the inside of the bag to Louis.

"Yes I did Harry." He laughs a bit, glad that from Harry's tone of voice the previous episode was forgotten.

"Good." Harry grabs Louis' glasses and puts them on himself, then the video camera and lowers the volume from the music a bit before starting filming. "We're on our way to Liverpool and Louis told me that we're almost there. We still have an hour of drive." He says, pointing the lent to himself to capture his figure the best he can.

"Who are you - " Louis stops his stupid question when spots the boy filming and talking to the camera. He starts laughing instantly and can't believe, for the first time, Harry is actually grabbing the camera and filming this. It's usually Louis filming these kind of moments, but he doesn't even talk to the camera is just really capturing it. And when it's not him, is his father like he did many times on Christmas before. "Oh my god Harry, you're actually filming" He jokes then

"I decided that it'll be me doing it this time." Harry says now pointing the camera at Louis "Look, this is Louis, my best friend." Harry says and Louis needs to laugh again. "Isn't he beautiful?" Louis tries his best not to blush, blush, because damn, that would be so embarrassed

"Why are you even talking?" he decides to ignore and say "And why are you using my sunglasses? Give it to me, it's me the driver." He tries to grab them for Harry, but the green eyed boy pulls away and slaps his hand away - the camera is probably filming the car's roof by now.

"Keep your hands on the wheel, or you're gonna kill us boy." Harry shouts, even though laughing and Louis can't stop but notice how happy he really sounds and how free he seems to be. "They suit me better." Harry says smiling and pointing the camera at himself again.

"All right, all right..." Louis sighs dramatically, trying to hold his smile.

"And we need to make this videos funnier I mean..." Harry says holding it in the direction of outside the window and going all around to film everything he can from the car.

"What? You appear in ninety percent of them so it's technically your fault."

"Excuse me?" Harry points the camera at Louis one more time and looks at the older boy in indignation. "Let me just film your stupid face one last time because tonight I'm gonna murder you during your sleep." Harry says in the most serious tone he can make

"Oh Harry..."


The second hour passes quicker than the first one since they keep the way singing along the songs that come from the CD playing and Harry films some more times. So around half past eleven, more or less, they arrive Liverpool and Louis wished he could be able to record his best friend's face while looking outside the window from the car, looking at the city in fascination.

It takes them more fifteen minutes to reach Louis' beach house and Harry swears that he wasn't expecting such house.

"This is it?" Harry asks when Louis parks the car in front of the modern house. It's not really big, definitely smaller than the one in Doncaster, which is expected. However it still has two floors, the windows are enormous and apart from the white colour, there are parts around the windows that are probably mimicking wood.

"Yes, this is it." Louis answers grinning and opening the door to step outside the car. Harry follows his same steps but quicker.

"This is amazing, Lou" Harry says looking opened mouth at the house. The view is also great and they're literally next to the sea. "Can we go inside?" Harry asks at the shorter boy and Louis laughs by how he looks now, almost as if he had returned to the age of ten, but this time it's like he is not Harry in age ten, more like Louis in age ten.

"Of course, take Daisy." Louis pulls out the keys his father gave to him back in Doncaster and throws it at Harry, who catches it in both hands, still grinning.

He's quick at opening the door from the back to bring the cat carrier with him. He runs to the small stairs from the entrance and goes to the front door. Louis swears he can hear Harry's gasps when he gets inside the house and Daisy meows when he lets the carrier fall from his hands.

Louis makes his best to bring all the suitcases, bags and his backpack at once, failing miserable. But when he gets inside the house, closing the door behind him he spots Daisy's carrier on the floor with the small door opened. He also hears Harry's footsteps from upstairs and it only takes some seconds till Harry comes running from the stairs with Daisy behind him.

"Louis, the bigger room has the view to the beach and has a huge balcony. And you've got a pool and it only takes us three steps to feel the sand from the beach, oh my god." Harry tells his friend as if Louis didn't know any of those things. Louis never heard him talking so fast and almost as if he had run a marathon. Harry's so excited with all of this that his dimples didn't disappear once.

"It's great isn't it?" Louis grins

"Fuck, yes it is!" Harry says and runs towards the kitchen - Daisy still following him - where has the door to the backyard open already. Louis bets that the curly boy didn't even notice that he had cursed.

The house has three rooms, one on the first floor and two upstairs, where has a second bathroom as well. The kitchen is big enough to serve as living room too and on the backyard there is an average pool that covers most of it, the floor is covered in deck, there is a grill, sunbeds and then small stairs that bring them to the beach.

This house is probably Louis' favourite place on earth and he can't believe he is going to share it with Harry for seven days.

He takes the opportunity while Harry is outside to take all their stuff upstairs to the room his parents used to stay. Louis is not sure if Harry will still want to share the bed, he doesn't find it weird if he expects them to, even if he should. But there's two more rooms in the house so they easily could sleep in separate ones. Though, Harry seemed to love the bigger one since the big window is right in front of the bed, showing the amazing view from the ocean, so if they end up in different rooms, Louis will let him take it.

Louis crosses fingers for Harry wanting to be with him during the night as well because they share a bed since they can remember, it'd be really weird for him to be on the same house as Harry but in different beds.

He sends a message to his mother saying that they had arrived, instead of a call since he knows that if that they would spend a lot of time on the phone talking. Sometimes he feels like he's such a momma's boy that make it seem like he's a girl. If it makes sense at all.

"Love? Are you still alive?" Louis shouts for Harry walking to the kitchen after coming from upstairs.

"There you are!" Harry appears from outside with Daisy on his arms "I love this place so much Lou, is perfect and the sea... oh god, the sea I just want to touch it!"

Louis laughs with Harry's comment "Well we can go to the beach tomorrow if you want since it seems like the weather is pretty warm."

Harry's eyes open wide "Really?"

"Yeah but if you want I can teach you swimming on the pool first."

"Can we do it now?"

Louis chuckles "Now we can't. I have the evening all planed, so we eat something here so then I can take you out to show you a place I went when I was younger."

Harry nods happily and puts Daisy on the ground. Louis can hardly tell who the boy in front of him is since he never saw Harry so excited and full of life before.

They end up making pasta with canned tuna since it seemed to be the easiest thing to make and Louis tells Harry to remind him to go shopping some grocery because the food his mother gave to them is probably going to last for two days only.

They set Daisy's stuff in place and Louis prepares his backpack with his wallet, camera and bottles of water. "Make sure to shut the door that goes to the backyard, because of Daisy." Louis says coming from the bathroom.

"Yes, did it previously." Harry nods giving Louis his snapback but saving Louis' sunglasses to himself. Louis notices it but doesn't say anything "Can you tell me where we are going?" Harry asks following Louis to the front door.

"We are going to a safari." Louis smiles and with the look Harry gives him, Louis is sure he is going to put a lot more of effort than he thought to control himself not to kiss those lovable lips of Harry, this whole week.


»let me just say that the place they're staying is all fruit of my imagination, although the places they're going to visit are real because i made some research

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