Renesmee Cullen's Half Secret...

By TheDreamDevil

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After Breaking Dawn Renesmee's life couldn't get any better but what happens when the Volturi intercede thier... More

Renesmee Cullen's Half Secret Life

Renesmee Cullen's Half Secret Life Chapter 2

748 11 7
By TheDreamDevil

A/N sorry it took me so long schoolwork gets under everyone's noses

DISCLAIMER: All characters belong to Stefenie Meyer

2. Trouble (by Jacob)

"RENESMEE CULLEN GET IN THIS HOUSE NOW!" Edwards voice was filled with worry which made me resign to ask Nessie what had happened.

"What have you done now Nes?" I questioned and she sped off at vampire speed. I followed quickly.

As I reached the house I heard "Ohmygosh Jacob, listen, you and Nessie are in really bad danger, I saw them, the volturi, they are coming you need to be in your wolf form at all times outside now so no-one can put a face to wolfy." Alice chirped.

"Mum, dad can I have a word with you in private," Nessie said.

"What about me?" I questioned.

"Well, no. If all goes well then I'll tell you."


They left and I was sitting on the sofa. It seemed like hours so I went to find Quil and Embry.

"Yo Jake, you told Nessie about imprinting yet?"

"No Quil, I don't want to chase her off if she doesn't understand but that isn't why I'm here."

"Then why you here Jake?" enquired Embry.

"The volturi are coming to forks we cannot be out in Cullen territory in human form unless Alice gives us the all clear." I ranted. "Get. Sam."

They ran off leaving me to think about her. What if she doesn't love me back. No Jake you can't think like that. Oh great now I'm talking to myself this would give Eddie-boy a good laugh.


I know it is short but i have a serious case of Writers block.

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