
By emorya

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Dont let go
Love story
Heartbroken girl
Mirror mirror


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By emorya

There was a girl I knew she had kept her heart locked and she had thrown away the key

she always cried out why does this keep happening to me

she hardly smiled it wasn't fair she was in too much pain to survive on her own she wanted to go far away

she didn't think she could handle it another day

that was the old her and it was in the past

she's slipped away like an old photograph

a smile now covers her face

she goes throught her life like she's winning a race

her friends stand by her laughing quietly

they now know she's opened a new chapter in her story

I reach out to her to tell her she survived

but I look once again and I start to realize

this old girl and the one I see now there not so different from me

I see these girls are just like me we've been through the same and got out of the tears

we each llearned how to handle our fears

these girls are exactly like me

cause these girls are just old photographs of who I used to be

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