Shot Through The Heart (Sho...

By isabellaburhart

296K 10.6K 12.6K

"Even if the stars burn out and our world is falling around us, this is me promising I'll never leave you. (Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 34

3.3K 126 136
By isabellaburhart

"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive." ~John Green


♪Listening suggestion: Love Somebody by Maroon 5


Next morning, Shoto's POV

     (Y/N) texted me later that night, saying the best time for her to show me the computer at her HQ was going to be when most of the officers flew to Osaka for a conference. She said some of the bosses would still be there, but there would be far less people out to catch us. There was not the real problem, only that the conference was two months away and one member from each squad would be chosen to attend. I became nervous that (Y/N) might be the one picked to fly to Osaka, and therefore foiling our plan. Although, there was nothing I could do about it but hope.

     Now, however, I was getting ready to leave my house for school. My brother Natsuo helped me gather my things.

     "You're welcome to come to (Y/N)'s birthday party tomorrow, if you want." I slung my bag across my body and stuck my hands in my pockets, standing at the door.

     Natsuo laughed. "Are you kidding?! I'm gonna have to see this girl now, after everything you've told me. I gotta see if she's really as pretty as you say she is."

     I smiled a little. "She is."

    I walked down the walkway, waving to him. I was glad he came to visit from college once in a while. It sometimes got lonely back when I lived at the house, with just me, my sister, and my scoundrel of a dad. I couldn't imagine what it must be like for my sister these days, since I lived at the U.A. dorms now.

    I checked my phone while walking down the block and noticed I was pretty early. I looked towards the hospital not too far off in the distance and took a minute to decide. 

    I'd still make it back in time for school, I thought. U.A. isn't that far away, I just might not make it back by the first bell.

     I changed course and headed to the hospital, walking slightly faster.


(Y/N)'s POV

     Not long ago, Shoto texted and said he'd be late to school, so I wouldn't be able to see him this morning. I told him it was completely fine and decided to walk with Mikura and Keitaro instead, even if I felt like a third wheel with them sometimes.

     As I left the agency, my mind was still haunted by the disturbing dream I had. The strangest part was that it was like the authorities had quirks. I thought none of us had quirks, or at least weren't able to use them. 

     I couldn't help but feel like I made a mistake letting Shoto in on everything. Would they kill him if we got caught, just as they had in the dream? What if he dies because of me? What would I say to his family? What if we BOTH die?! I tried to shake my brain of the dreadful thoughts.

     "(Y/N)! Wait up!"

     I turned around to see Taega running towards me. I was a little surprised.

     "Hi . . ." I waited for her to catch up.

     "Do you mind if I walk with you?" she pleasantly asked.

     We then started walking together. 

     "Sure, but I'm not stopping by U.A. today, and I was actually gonna meet up with Mikura and Keitaro." I assumed the only reason she wanted to walk with me was so that she could flirt with Shoto and Bakugo if I passed by their school. Although, she didn't do that much these days, ever since she and Shoto broke up. 

     "That's alright," she responded. "I see that sometimes you end up by yourself when Mikura's with her boyfriend, so I just thought I'd join you so you wouldn't be alone."

     "Really?" I was scared now. Taega was never like this to me. There was no hint of jealousy, anger, or hatred in her voice like it usually was. She was acting so much more different than when I offered to be friends only a few days ago.

     "Yes, really."

     "Okay, then." As an assassin, I was told never to let my guard down, and doubt suspicious behavior. Even if she was a team mate, I was taught to never place too much trust in anything. To me, this was no different.

     We walked on a little longer before I spotted Mikura and Keitaro at the intersection we always met at. I waved and raced to greet them, Taega following after me.

     "Taega's gonna be joining us today," I told Mikura, trying to sound at least a little enthusiastic.

     "Oh, okay that's great!" Mikura chirped in response. "You're more than welcome to join us."

     I felt awkward walking with Taega, especially when Mikura and Keitaro began drifting ahead, leaving us behind. Was I supposed to say something to her? I didn't want to be rude and make it seem like I was ignoring her . . .

     I glanced toward her, and tried smiling. "You know, this is okay for today or every once in a while, but we really can't be seen walking like this. Just safety reasons, but I know you know that."

     She didn't look at me but nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Don't worry, I won't bother you like this in the future."

    Shoot, did I just offend her? "Oh, no Taega, I didn't mean-"

    "No, it's not you," she interrupted. "I know, about the rule and all. But I won't force you to stick by me anymore, since I've been such a problem to you."

     I was shocked, though I kept my face as void of the emotion as I could. She's . . . admitting it?! Where did this come from? "Uh . . . don't worry about it, it's fine."

     "No it's not." She stopped walking suddenly, making me go a few steps ahead.

     I stopped and turned back.

     "It's high time I apologized, (Y/N). I've made a mess of everything since the first day, and I was an idiot for trying to come in between you and Shoto." Her hands by her sides were clenched into fists. 

     ". . ." I found this truly bizarre. This was an apology from the person I'd expect one from the least. But still, I found myself listening.

     "I guess I'd like for you to forgive me," she continued, "but I don't blame you if you don't want to."

     The hard shell that always enclosed my heart whenever Taega was around cracked just a little at her words. As unexpected as it was, I appreciated hearing it. I walked to her until I stood before her.

     "I forgive you."

     She stared at me in wonder. "Really?"

     I nodded. "Yeah. I don't wanna be enemies anymore." I motioned with my head that we should keep walking.

     We continued on our way to school, walking side by side.

     "And . . . you know," I added after a while, "the offer to be friends still stands." I glanced at her and gave her a hopeful smile.

     She looked back at me and nodded. "Yeah, I think I'd like that."

     "Alright." I turned back to the sidewalk before us.

     "Come on," I said. "Let's go try to catch up to Mikura and Keitaro."

     She giggled as we broke into a sprint.


After school, (Y/N)'s POV

     After the bell rang, I gathered by books as soon as I could and headed outside. Shoto told me during lunch to meet him at U.A. High after school, saying that he wanted to take me somewhere. He didn't tell me where though, so I was full of anticipation and excitement.

     In a few minutes, I could see U.A. not too far off and Shoto standing on the lawn, looking at his phone.

     "Shoto!" I shouted, breaking into a run.

     He looked up and slipped his phone into a back pocket. He smiled and began to run towards me.

     When we met, I basically jumped on him with my hands on his shoulders and he caught me by the waist. He twirled me around a few times before we settled into a hug.

      "Hello, my icy fireball," I whispered in his ear. I held him tight as I turned to kiss the side of his head.

     He gave a single laugh at the new nickname. He then put me down so he could meet my lips with his.

     He must've been in an especially good mood, because U.A. students were still trickling out of the school. No doubt they were watching us make out on the lawn.

     He ran his hands through my hair, which was something I noticed he liked to do. He pressed his mouth against mine, over and over, not waiting for me to kiss back.

     I tried matching his kisses but he was going to fast. I assumed he was having way too much fun with this.

     "Shoto, wait . . ." I whispered during a breath.

     He slowed and I planted a long, firm kiss on his lips as I held his face. I felt his hands then fall down my body and start running along my sides. I found myself addicted to the feeling. Dang, I love this boy so much.

     Eventually we pulled away and just stood in each other's arms.

     "Hey what did you call me a moment ago?" he asked quietly.

     "Hm?" I hummed, smiling with my eyes closed. I was enjoying this moment being close to him. 

     "What did you just call me . . ." he breathed as he gave me a deep kiss on the top of my head.

     "My icy fireball," I answered slowly. "You're all three . . . you're fire, you're ice, and you're mine."

      Shoto's hand ventured downwards until it found mine, then grasped it. "I like the last one."

      I laughed as we stepped apart a little and he began leading me down the street.

     As we went, I noticed Bakugo standing on the sidewalk near the school entrance, watching us.  I looked straight at him, making eye contact. It was insanely awkward, considering where I was now and what had happened between us yesterday. The feeling still made me uneasy.

     Passing by him now, I offered him a small smile, hoping he wouldn't explode in envy.

     He smirked and gave me a nod, silently telling me he was content. 

     I looked away, with a sense of relief. I definitely still felt the sting of my actions with Bakugo yesterday, but each moment I spent with Shoto was slowly mending it. I was hopeful that the whole incident would eventually fade away and soon I'd look back on it and laugh.

     I turned to Shoto and leaned against his arm. "So where are we going?"

    "You'll see."


A little later, (Y/N)'s POV

     We followed along the sidewalk until we turned onto the main street, leading to the hospital.

     I was perplexed as we walked up the walkway, and I looked around. This is the hospital . . . why are we here? I looked up at Shoto beside me, but he seemed completely undeterred. I kept silent and just followed along.

     We walked by the front desk, where one of the workers glanced at us. They noticed Shoto and waved us permission.

     I looked at the worker who had returned to their work at the desk and then at Shoto. I became even more confused, it seemed that they were used to him coming here. Did Shoto come here often? Why? Was there someone here he wanted me to meet?

     After climbing a few flights of stairs, we walked down a quiet hallway and stopped at a door. Near the top of the door were the words 'Mrs. Todoroki.'

     I turned to Shoto and he looked down at me.

    "Your . . . mom?"


♥♥♥  Okay so what do you think? Or, what do you think about Taega?

Anyways, there's another chapter for all you lovely readers and hopefully you're all still enjoying the book. You are all amazing I hope to keep on cranking out my best ;)

Thank you all for your support!

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