The Hidden Girl And The Caged...

Oleh mommavamp

73.6K 1.6K 239

Naruto Uzumaki is the village pariah and always the blame being kicked out of shops and pranking people for a... Lebih Banyak

Graduation!?! Catching a traitor.
Training. Meeting Konohamaru. Lost a bet to Jiji.
Meeting team 7. Choji knows...
Bell test. Letting more people in... First joint meeting
Starting over with Ino
Ninjutsu, Chakra exercises.
Letting Sakura in... Hanabi's wake up call.
Training with Jiji, Ninjutsu training, Sleepover, C rank mission
Departure, Demon twins, the 7 deadly swordsmen, Cherries Uzumaki training.
Wave pt 2. New comers.
Eliminating Gato
Why Naru needs ramen.

Hyuga Clan. Joint training day two. Hyuga Clan again.

6.2K 159 10
Oleh mommavamp

Seeping a little of my chakra into her blood to speed up her healing and forcefully unlocking her chakra points. I left the room in a swirl of leaves in my night clothes to the Hyuga compound practically seeing red in anger. “Who touched her" I yelled startling many of the clansmen that were on their way home. A cocky branch member stepped forward, “You mean that pathetic heiress. It was easy she was headed to the house" he said eyeing my outfit. “Hiashi" I yelled my hair flying around me in anger, “Naru what is the meaning of this" Hiashi asked stepping out of the main house. “What is the meaning of this? What is the meaning of your child showing up at my house after being attacked" I asked venom seeping into my voice as the temperature around us changed. “What are you talking about. Hinata has not yet returned from her team yet" Hiashi asked pinching the bridge of his nose.
I grabbed the branch member by the back of his neck and pulled him forward to face Hiashi. “She was struck from the back before she even knew what was happening. He hit the pressure point on her neck twice implying she woke up once before it was over. He attacked her while she was unconscious" I said trying to calm myself but my voice came out like venom anyway. “Hiashi dono I was just trying to impress this lady" the branch member said hanging his head. “Naru I will deal with him and get to the bottom of this. If you will bring me my daughter I can have her healed before tomorrow" Hiashi said bowing his head. “With all due respect I have already unlocked her chakra points and sped up her healing process. She will stay with me tonight, I will escort her home tomorrow myself” I said bowing my head back at him. “Thank you Naru" he said standing tall again, turning towards the Hyuga crowded around in curiosity I glared. “This is not a threat it is a promise. The next person who touches Hinata Hyuga without Hiashi Hyuga’s approval will deal with me. I don't make idle threats, going against this will land you in the hospital for a long while. The next one of you that knocks someone unconscious before striking them in an attempt to kill them without reason, you will find yourselves 6ft under before 24 hours is up. Do I make myself clear” I asked my arms crossed under my breast and my hair flying around me still. “Hai" almost every person said shaking, smirking I disappeared in a swirl of leaves lucky that Neji was just entering the compound as I left.
Hinata was curled in my bed peacefully the red spots healing a lot quicker than the normal slow pace but quicker nonetheless. I took out a healing ointment she had made that worked wonders and applied it to her entire body while letting my own anger dissipate. Pulling a nightgown over her head she woke up and pulled me down to join her much like an eager sibling. Chuckling I curled around her protectively falling asleep quickly.

3rd person point of view
Neji walked with his head held high to the main house, leaves were falling to the ground and one person from the branch family was standing in front of a pissed off Hiashi. “Hiashi sama, I have returned from my mission. May I ask what is going on" Neji asked tentatively not to sure about his Uncle and his wrath. “Ahh Neji, I take it your mission was easy" Hiashi asked him seriously. “Hai. The most we did today was training this morning" Neji said bowing his head confused by his Uncles appearance outside of the house.“Good then I have a proposal for you. This man has attacked Hinata from behind knocking her out and then proceeded to turn off her chakra network. It seems your cousin awoke in the middle of it and he knocked her out again doubling the size of the wound on her neck" Hiashi said catching Neji's eyes. “How has she already come to? Where is Hinata? Didn't you make a statement about no one touching Hinata in a spar until after the Chunin exams" Neji asked anger clouding his mind.
“Neji it seems that she awoke enough to reach Naru’s home. Naru came here herself without Hinata and demanded to know who touched Hinata” Hiashi replied cooling Neji's anger momentarily but catching his attention. “Well as it would seem this man admitted to Naru that he did it. He told me he said those things because he wanted to impress Naru. She looked as if she was going to bed" Hiashi said before noticing his mistake. Neji was mad enough that his Byakugan activated on instinct, “Did you touch Hinata sama while she was unconscious” Neji asked the man before Hiashi. The man looked at Neji wide eyed “I did. She is a disgrace to this clan. But to bad that girl that showed up likes Hinata. She was nice to look at" he said not realizing the pain he was about to be in. “We are an esteemed clan. We don't use our kekkei genkai against an unconscious person” Neji said making the man turn around and proceed to strike him with his eight trigrams 64 palms. “Don't you ever think about touching another unconscious person. I catch any of you eyeballing Naru that way again I will send you to the hospital myself" Neji exclaimed deactivating his Byakugan and bowing his head to Hiashi.
“By the way Neji, Naru said she will be escorting Hinata home tomorrow herself so an incident like this not happen again" Hiashi said smirking at the love stricken nephew of his who just wouldn't admit it to save his life. “Hai Hiashi sama" Neji replied walking away with a small smile on his face.

Naruto's POV
I awoke to my arm being shaken, “Naruto” Hinata said gently trying to wake me. “Go back to sleep Hina" I replied not moving. “Naruto! Get up" she yelled startling me, “Damnit Hinata. What's wrong" I asked looking her over. Giggling she shook her head “Nothing I need to pee and you wouldn't let me go. Now what did you do? I feel amazing and I know you weren't going to let the incident slide" Hinata asked a frown on her face. “Kami no I didn't let that slide. You got knocked out twice to be beat unconscious by your own clan member. I sent some of my chakra into your body opening up your chakra points and speeding up your healing process. I took the ointment you made and applied it to every spot as an extra precaution. You should be completely healed” I replied stretching and using the bathroom after her. “Hmm thank you Naru. What did you do about the clan" she asked her eyebrow raised. “I may have shown up in my pajamas and screamed at them. One guy stepped forward so I yelled for you father who was surprised and then got pissed. He wanted me to bring you home and I told him no that I would escort you home myself today. I also promised anyone that touch you without his approval will be dealt with by me and sent to the hospital. Hiashi was taking care of the man as I left" I said pulling my kimono on. Hinata giggled and unsealed her kimono slipping it on as well.
We finished getting ready quickly and joined Kakashi in the kitchen. “You joined us late Hinata. What happened" Kakashi asked looking the two of us over. “Some clan member attacked me from behind and knocked me out twice to beat me. He sealed most of my chakra points before I made it to Naru. She helped me heal" Hinata said sitting at a stool beside me and thanking Kakashi for breakfast. “Thanks Kaka nii" I said receiving my own plate of pancakes and fruit with bacon and two eggs on the side. “Your welcome girls now tell me my cute little imouto’s why I heard Naru scream twice, a suffocating amount of killing intent from the Hyuga compound and then someone got 64 palmed" Kakashi said raising his visible eye at us. “Eh, I yelled, I promised, I left” I said shrugging my shoulders. “Hmm then who I wonder did Hiashi let 64 palm another member” Kakashi mused to himself. “No idea Kaka nii" Hinata replied making Kakashi's grin widen as we all ate breakfast.
“I'll see my cute little imouto's at training. Be safe and be careful. Ja ne" he said poofing away to the memorial stone more than likely.
“I wonder sometimes if Obito had lived if he would defend Kakashi from the fanwhores" I said making Hinata snort in laughter. “Naru don't you say things like that when I am eating” she scolded me amusement shining in her lavender eyes. “Make me" I said laughing as she huffed and glared at me. The two of us finished our milk and I drank my coffee while Hinata chose tea. Activating the seal we were on our way out of the house with 10 clones behind to clean up breakfast and make lunch for all 4 teams. “Hmm I wonder if Kaka nii knows that the mask, the indifference attitude and his no shame for reading porn in public has increased his fanclub" I said before we exited the compound. “Don't let him hear you say that troublesome" Shikamaru said joining us. “It would be funny" I said smirking at them, “Oh Shikamaru guess what she came up with at breakfast" Hinata said turning a mischievous glint to the unsuspecting Shikamaru. “I don't think I want to know" Shika said not liking the look in her eyes, “Naru said she wonders if Obito was still alive if he would defend Kakashi from his fanwhores" Hinata said word for word. Shikamaru choked up and almost faltered in his steps looking at me wide eyed, “She didn't say that to him right" he asked regaining his cool. “Nope" I said laughing at Shikamaru and running away with Hinata. Shikamaru followed us being joined by Choji, Shino, Kiba and Sakura.
“Why exactly are we chasing my teammate and Hinata" Sakura asked as we all crashed into training ground 9 because Hinata tried to stop me and we ended up tumbling making everyone else fall as well except Shino. “Ow get off me doggy breath" I said pushing Kiba off my legs and standing up. Pulling up Hinata she was laughing, “If you would pay more attention we wouldn't have fallen" she said blaming me. “Is this pay back for what I said earlier twice" I asked noticing the Chakra signatures in the clearing were Tenten and Lee. Neji was still 10 minutes away and Ino was 20 minutes away. I fixed my clothing, “I did not trip you on purpose. You took me with you" she exclaimed throwing her hands up. “Are you sure? I feel like that was payback for making you almost choke on your breakfast Hina" I said teasing her while helping the fallen Sakura up. “Oh hush Naru. I wouldn't have made myself fall with you if I wanted to get you back" Hinata said shaking her finger in my face smiling. “Wow" Lee said with Tenten mimicking him. Hinata had her cheeks puffed out in annoyance but there was a hint of mischief in there. “Okay so you two have not been properly introduced yet. Tenten, Lee this is Naru. Naru this is Tenten and Lee” Hinata said smiling at the two people who had joined us from the clearing. “Nice to meet you Lee. Good to see you again Tenten" I said politely before looking at the rest of the group that tumbled in. Shikamaru was laying there, Choji was sitting up eating chips. Shino had stood up along with Kiba, “Lazy, I leave Hina with you. Naruto will also be here soon to help keep an eye out. I'll be back at lunch. Hinata as soon as your mission is done today I am to meet up with you. I'll escort you home" I said hugging her and signing in ANBU to Shika quickly about what had happened last night. Anger clouded his entire face as he glared at the clouds, “Hai Naru. I will see you soon" she said with the double meaning. Taking the the trees just as Neji walked in the clearing he watched me disappear.
Masking my chakra and henging I waited about five minutes before coming out a different section of the trees. Sasuke had joined right at that time too. Neji was glaring at everything today, Lee was informing him of my appearance and falling in the clearing. “Hinata sama is it safe for you to train today" Neji asked after a tense few minutes. “I am perfectly fine Neji nii san. Naru made sure that everything healed while I slept" Hinata replied bowing her head. “I see. Good, the man was dealt with accordingly as well after she made quite the show from what I hear. After your mission I will meet you two wherever you deem appropriate for me to escort you both into the compound safely" Neji said stiffly hoping this wouldn't anger me. Hinata nodded a small mischievous smile on her face. “That would be kind, thank you Neji nii san" Hinata replied as Ino walked into training ground nine as well as all 4 Sensei's.
The four Sensei's shared looks between themselves as Neji and Hinata talked civilly. Neji's face showed guilt and then hopefulness, “She will not hold this conversation against you Neji nii san” Hinata whispered to him before he smiled a small true smile and walked away from her. “Why did you tell him that" I whispered low enough for only her to hear, she smirked and looked at me. “Because we both know you wouldn't do it" Hinata whispered back making Sakura look between me and Neji thoughtfully. “Hey Hinata can we talk sometime this week" Sakura asked quietly, “Sure Sakura” Hinata replied smiling politely. Guy stepped up clearing his throat to get everyone's attention, “By today you all should be used to the weights. We will not increase them daily, you will have them increased as we see fit. Now I want the same 40 laps ran today, Naruto you are not to hold back today. And then you may begin your warm ups before stretching. We will do taijutsu spars after everyone has completed a 10 minute break begin" Guy said. Glaring at Kakashi he looked at me smiling, ‘Stupid baka. Does he want my abilities to be revealed. He didn't say take the seals off though’ I thought to myself as I began running with Hinata. Keeping up with her we sped up to her comfortable pace before she pushed me lightly. Nodding I took off gaining two laps on everyone and continued finishing the 40 laps in under 10 minutes. Stretching I began my exercises behind the Sensei's hidden by the trees so I could drop my henge. Finishing them quickly I reapplied the henge doing the stretches to work out the kinks. “Next time Kaka-baka ask nicely” I whispered dropping an active seal on his shoulder. Walking away an explosion was heard before paint bombs landed on Kakashi making him colorful. All the genins turned to watch the explosion and saw the colorful man from head to toe, laughter rang out through the training grounds. Kakashi let out killing intent before sulking and poofing away, snickering I got high fives from Sakura, Hinata, Choji and Shikamaru. Sasuke smirked at me nodding his head, “You are a most youthful rival Naruto" Lee said approaching me. “Er I have my own rival with Sasuke already Lee" I said staring at him. “I see! Then we can be youthful rivals through hard work no" Lee exclaimed. Not able to say much I nodded and Lee and Guy sensei hugged again.
Shivering I could feel a stare boring into my back, “You cheated Naruto" Ino exclaimed huffing as she approached the group. “Ino I would leave my teammate alone" Sakura said standing at my side. “The dobe didn't cheat. Couldn't cheat if it was even an options. Goes against the dobes moral code" Sasuke said smirking. Rolling my eyes I smiled softly, “I did not cheat Ino. Watch me walk through the village sometime and then think on it before coming to find me and accusing me of cheating because I'm not how you remember me" I said coldly walking into the woods. Ino looked at me with wide eyes looking at Sakura and Sasuke both. “I'll go get Naruto, troublesome blonde" Shikamaru exclaimed following me. His shadow found mine quickly as I shed my henge and leaned against a tree, “This is so much harder than I thought dattebayo” I muttered as Shikamaru wrapped his arms around me. Taking deep breaths I calmed myself down before Shika released me and I reapplied my henge walking back out of the forest.
Shikamaru didn't need to say anything, being practically siblings it was something he understood well. My birthday was coming up and I was dreading it with every fiber of my being. Everyone had finished their break by the time we made it back and Kakashi was there looking at me worriedly. I gave him a look that said later, he nodded understanding. Ino watched me closely but not as closely as Neji did it would seem. Guy called us back and told us we were going to be doing spars with each other. They paired Tenten up with Ino, Sakura with Hinata, Kiba with me, Shikamaru with Shino, Choji with Lee, and Sasuke with Neji. “We will have 3 spars going at a time to see what kind of help you may need. After the spars we will have lunch and then go over what we deem you need help in. Afterwards we will do missions" Asuma said taking a drag from his cigarette. Everyone nodded, “Okay first will be Tenten with Ino, Choji with Lee, and Sakura with Hinata" Guy said having the rest of us scoot back out of the way to watch the three spars. I really didn't pay much attention, I could see Hinata holding back and not hurting Sakura but still winning. Tenten won against Ino who tried to do the mind transfer jutsu. Lee won against Choji but Lee encouraged Choji to a rematch one day. Choji smiled at that. Knowing I was going to have to face Kiba he was boasting about me being the dead last in the Academy. Ignoring him Guy called time and jumped back analyzing Kiba’s moves. Kiba smirked at me and used Akamaru for a beast mimicry making two Kiba’s. Making four shadow clones I sent them to the two Kiba copies and pinned him down from above. “I may have been dead last doggy breath but I am alpha of this pack" I said letting him up and walking away from the field. Kurenai stared at me hard and nodded appreciatively that Kiba wasn't hurt. Everytime Sasuke got close to Neji he was pushed back. Good this would give Sasuke an edge to his vigorous training I thought not paying all that much attention. Shikamaru caught Shino’s bug colony and it ended up being Shikamaru forfeiting because he's lazy. Sasuke lost and he was not happy about it.
“Time! Okay we are going to take a lunch break" Kakashi said as one of my clones in my true form hopped out of the tree. “I brought everyone lunch" my clone said smiling softly, as more clones followed suit. Making a Naruto clone I substituted myself and released the henge joining the clones. “Don't mind the clones they are only here to deliver the lunches” I said from the back of the group. My clones gave everyone a lunch and a drink before releasing themselves. I had one as well as my clone Naruto, Hinata pulled a reinforcement seal out of her pouch and applied it to the back of my clone while everybody was busy thanking me for the food. Eating in silence I sat in the middle of the group of genin answering questions from Lee and occasionally Tenten. I asked her if she knew when her father would have my next order ready. She told me she wasn't sure that I should drop by and ask him sometime.
The 4 Sensei's sat together discussing the results and next steps after the spar while eating and keeping an eye on us. Neji had moved to sit directly beside me, looking down at my lap I felt my face heat up lightly. “I heard what you did last night at the compound” Neji said lightly. “Hai striking her while she was unconscious. It is not anyway appropriate" I said looking at him out of the corner of my eye. “He was dealt with and is in the hospital healing” Neji said nervous about something. “What's wrong Neji" I asked him turning to look into his pale lavender eyes, Neji gazed into my clear blue eyes searching for an answer. “We can discuss it Friday night if you don't mind. There is something I must tell you Naru" Neji said to me seriously. “Okay" I said giving him an encouraging smile, “I had heard what had happened to Hinata sama last night. So when I arrived here I approached her and asked if she was alright to be training today. She informed me that you helped her heal entirely while she slept. I asked her if it would be okay for me to escort you and her to the compound this evening after her and my missions are completed. I told her it was where ever the two of you decide if you will even let me walk you two" Neji said softly not breaking our gaze. “I can live with that. Thank you for telling me Neji" I said laying my head on his shoulder lightly.
He stiffened before relaxing slowly, “So who 64 palmed the man bad enough to be in the hospital and why exactly? I was under the impression the clan didn't like Hinata" I asked softly. “I did. While I may still have the feelings of hatred towards the main house. The man disrespected her and our clan. He also disrespected you" Neji replied shocking me by wrapping his arm around my waist tightly. “Okay my youthful students. Tenten we need to work on your close combat skills and strategies. Even the mightiest weapon can fall prey. Lee we need to work on your techniques for avoiding ninjutsu and clan jutsu. Neji your taijutsu is flawless, we need to work on your speed and ninjutsu training” Guy said nodding at his team. “Team ten, Shikamaru you have strategies, obviously the speed and some stamina. We need to work on your ethic, chakra reserves, and ninjutsu. Choji you have your taijutsu going for you, we need to get you more comfortable in using your clan techniques while fighting, work on your speed and some ninjutsu to aid you. Ino yes you have your clan techniques but you have to rely on your brains being Shikamaru and your muscle being Choji. You need to work on your speed, stamina, strength, you taijutsu, some ninjutsu to help aid you when you have neither Choji or Shikamaru" Asuma said giving her a pointed stare. “Team eight, Shino you have your bugs doing everything for you. I know you are not much of a taijutsu person but we need to work on that and some ninjutsu to help aid you in protecting your hives while fighting. Hinata, you have excellent reflexes in your taijutsu and almost no flaws in your movements. We will work on some ninjutsu to help you and work on your strength. Kiba, you have your families taijutsu down to a T, but you lack self control. Your two hot headed and don't think anything through. We will work on your taijutsu with and without Akamaru, your self control, you need some ninjutsu and speed training” Kurenai said staring at Kiba whose face fell dramatically. “My cute little genin, Sasuke you have your taijutsu almost completely mastered, it is like there is something missing from you honestly. We will figure that out, we will work on more ninjutsu, we will work on your speed mostly first. Naruto, we hardly seen any taijutsu from you. You have strategies and speed. We will work on figuring out your taijutsu, ninjutsu and how to incorporate those shadow clones. Sakura, you have the drive and ethic now I'm impressed. We need to find you a better suited taijutsu, work on enlarging your chakra reserves, your speed and your strength along with some ninjutsu. I saw you reading a medical ninjutsu book, if you are deeply interested we can work with that" Kakashi said eye smiling at us.
“Um Kakashi Sensei if Sakura is truly interested in the medical ninjutsu I have a taijutsu that would benefit her back home. I don't see baachan returning anytime soon and it would be put to good use" I replied picking my head up off Neji's shoulder but staying close to him. “Sakura" Kakashi asked looking at her for the answer, “Yes please Naru it would be appreciated. Thank you" Sakura said smiling at me. “Your welcome" I said blushing ad I laid my head back on Neji. Neji smiled a small genuine smile that shocked his team, Hinata smiled mischievously eyeing us from her position. “Okay we are going to the missions office, we will be back ja ne" Kakashi said as they all disappeared in a swirl of leaves.
“So Naru are you not afraid of them coming after you as much now" Neji asked his voice low in my ear. “They can try but they will not be able to find me. Why" I asked him back. Tenten was smiling at us talking with Hinata and Sakura about how Neji is never like the way he is around me. She then told them about how Neji was the one who hospitalized their clansmen for what he did to Hinata and about how I was dressed. “Just wondering if we would be able to see each other more than we get to right now" he whispered. “If you still think that way after these Chunin exams we can see each other whenever you want as long as we're not busy” I whispered hoping his opinion and thoughts on me wouldn't change.
Neji stared at me for a few minutes studying me as I bit my lower lip trying to contain the blush at his gaze.
“Naru are you joining one of our teams for a mission" Kakashi asked as they appeared just in time to save me from his gaze any longer. “Um no that would be unwise of me Kakashi Sensei. Maybe another time” I said still biting my lower lip. Neji pulled my lip from my teeth gently, “Stop you'll end up hurting yourself" he whispered in my ear. Lowering my head to look into my lap I tried to get my hair to cover the blushing red of my cheeks. “Okay well team 7 let's go" Kakashi said eyeing Neji dangerously. “Team 8 we have Tora today” Kurenai said smiling at her team. “Hinata after you catch that blasted cat come here. We can meet Neji here to head to your compound" I said asking her if it sounded okay. Hinata nodded liking the idea, “Sounds good. I'm not sure when I will be done though" Hinata said smiling at us. “That is quite alright. I have to prepare dinner for the clan head and his wife maybe his daughter even of the Yamanaka clan. I will leave a clone here to dispel just in case I am not back by the time you are" I said smiling at her. “I will meet you both here after my mission is complete as well" Neji said pulling me closer to him. Nodding at him I was worried if I tried to say anything, “Of course Neji nii san" Hinata said as she left with her team. “Alright my youthful students let's go” Guy said posing, chuckling Neji moved ghosting a kiss to the back of my head before standing and leaving with his team.
Blushing I ignored the snickers from Shikamaru, “Shut up guys it's not funny dattebayo” I said glaring. Asuma had taken Ino to follow team 7 around and watch how the villagers treat Naruto. They showed up 15 minutes later to see the three of us laying and gazing at the clouds. “If you were a cloud Shika you would drift away" I said smiling as Choji snickered to himself. Asuma stood over me smiling as he held out his hand, “Have them bring her with them tonight hime. I think she learned" he said as Shikamaru and Choji watched their female teammate cry and breakdown. “Fine Asu nii but if it blows up. You owe me" I said giving the three guys hugs before making a single shadow clone and having it alternate between tree walking and water walking. “Breakfast tomorrow Shika” I said disappearing in a swirl of leaves. Making 12 clones I had them prepare dinner for 5 possibly 10 people before leaving and henging into a bird. Finding my team they were treating my clone as if it were me, smiling I let my presence be known as Sakura looked up at me smiling. Landing on her shoulder Sasuke lightly ran his fingers through my feathers. Kakashi eye smiled, we were doing a weed plucking job. My clone since owning our own garden knew the difference thankfully. We worked alongside each other perfectly while Sasuke would sneak glances from the corner of his eye at Sakura. “So may I ask what type of taijutsu I will be learning Naru" Sakura asked curiously. “Of course. It is a taijutsu that will require precise chakra control. You will incorporate your chakra control into your movements and hits. You will be learning the taijutsu fighting style of one Tsunade Senju" I said happily. “Tsunade Senju! The legendary medic Tsunade" Sakura exclaimed but quietly. “The one and only. Baachan must have been in your medic book. I think you would suit her style perfectly and you have proven yourself worthy of it Sakura. I'm glad to have found a friend in you" I said lightly. She blushed going back to gardening, “I am glad you're my friend as well Naru" she replied looking over at Sasuke the faintest blush across her cheeks.
Our team finished their mission, “Okay tomorrow we will work on chakra reserves and chakra control. You are dismissed team” Kakashi said nodding at me. “I'll bring the taijutsu scroll tomorrow Sakura. See you tomorrow teme" I said making a small smile fond smile appear on Sasuke's face. Flying away I left the two of them alone together and observed from birds eye view the two of them having a real conversation. Mentally patting myself on the back I flew into the Yamanaka compound dropping the henge to knock on the door. “Ahh Naru, not coming to cancel are you" Inoichi asked smiling at me. “Never! I love cooking dattebayo. I came to ask you bring along Ino, Asuma Sensei took her to quietly observe my henge Naruto as he walked through the village. He believes that she is ready so I am giving his opinion a spin and letting this play out. If it doesn't turn out good thankfully you will be there" I said rushing making Inoichi’s wife Izumi laugh as she hugged me. “So much like Kushina it's adorable" she said having completely understood me. “We will bring her and you are right if she doesn't understand we will be right there Naru. See you at 8:30 hun, I have to run to the shop real quick" Izumi said still chuckling at her husband's dumbfounded expression. Giggling myself I felt my internal clock telling me it was about 5 p.m. now.
My clone popped and I saw that Neji was back leaning against a tree watching my clone as it worked on the chakra control exercises. Appearing in a swirl of leaves behind Neji I laid my head on his shoulder. “You look tense" I whispered making him smirk, “Just thinking" he said pulling me in front of him. “What are you thinking about” I asked as he sat us down in the grass wrapping his arms around my waist again. “What happened last night at the compound. Trying to sort out my reasons for snapping. What could be so bad that this village is blinded enough to attack a child. Trying to figure somethings out in my head" he replied his voice dropping to a whisper. “If I am at what did you mean by he disrespected me" I asked locking eyes with Neji. “He said you were nice to look at. I found out you had been preparing for bed when Hinata sama arrived at your house for help. You didn't think before going to the compound did you Naru" Neji asked his voice deeper than before. Blushing I looked at my hands, “I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed in a tank top and shorts for bed yes. Hinata appeared needing help and I saw the state she was in I was seeing red. No I didn't think before leaving" I said biting my lower lip in embarrassment. Gently pulling my lip from between my teeth he turned me to face him, “Next time please think of proper clothes so that they will not make lecherous comments about you Naru. Your more precious than you know” Naji whispered. Nodding I couldn't find the words to say as we sat there his back against a tree holding me as I leaned into him for comfort.
All new questions were flowing through my mind at Neji's confession. What did that mean? What would it matter if people saw me in what I also practice in? Who am I precious to besides my close friends/family? Getting lost in thought neither of us noticed Hinata across the way taking pictures of us before walking into the clearing as Neji sat there gazing down at me. Neji noticed Hinata first as he got my attention by touching my face. “I'm sorry Neji, I zoned out thinking" I said noticing Hinata's chakra signature. She giggled as Neji replied “It was fine I too was thinking". Standing I offered him my hand which he took in his soft yet callous hands, pulling him up he rested his hand on the small of my back walking slightly behind both me and Hinata.
The walk through the village and towards the clan compounds was quiet as my mind whirled with reasons and more questions. Hinata kept giving me a look that said spill it, shooting her a slight glare. The giggling that she let out broke our silence seeming to amuse Neji as he watched the two of us. Entering the compound everyone seemed to stop what they were doing to turn and stare at the three of us as we walked. “Why are they staring at us like that dattebayo" I asked nervous. “Because mini Kushina, you and Neji last night caused quite the stir. Now under your care Hinata is walking around like it never happened" Kou said leading us into the main house. “Oh" I replied scratching the back of my neck nervously as we were led to Hiashi’s study.
Hinata went to knock on the door looking at me with a glint in her eye I recognized. “Kou quick question. If Kushina were alive would she knock" I asked looking at him innocently. “Mini Kushina I don't think your momma knew what knocking was" he said before saying goodbye and leaving us. Grabbing the door I opened it after making sure it was just Hiashi, “One safe and sound completely healed Hinata. Not even a bruise from yesterday's events or today's training" I exclaimed smiling. Chuckling Hiashi surprised both Hinata and Neji, quickly entering Neji closed the door as Hiashi laughed like he hadn't laughed in years. “Father are you alright" Hinata asked fidgeting get head in respect. Hiashi began calming down and the three of us sat on the mats in front of him. “I am fine. No one in almost 13 years has had the nerve to be bold enough to make a scene like that in a traditional clan like ours. I have told you before Hinata that Kushina waltzed in like she owned the place. She did this quite often actually, your mother encouraged her. Thank you Naru for healing Hinata and bringing it my attention. Would you join us for dinner" Hiashi asked a small smile on his face. “I would love to but we must make it another night Hiashi. I have dinner and a meeting with the Yamanaka’s tonight” I replied lightly as I was between Hinata and Neji. “That is quite alright Naru. How about Hinata can stay with you tonight and you come here tomorrow if you are not busy" he asked me. “I can work with that if Hinata agrees" I replied moving the spotlight off me. “Like you have to ask Naru. Thank you father” Hinata said correcting her mistake in the beginning.
Since blowing up at Hiashi during dinner and then last night Hiashi was in complete turmoil. I saw regret flashing in his eye, good I can fix that; Neji was beside me watching his Uncle through guarded eyes. “Neji would you like to join us tomorrow for dinner as well" Hiashi asked having Hinata stop and the spotlight now on him. Neji looked at me as if asking I smiled at him and he gave a tiny smile back “I would like that thank you Hiashi sama" Neji said stiffly bowing to his Uncle. Rolling my blue eyes did not go unnoticed by the three Hyugas as I tapped Neji on his back, “Rise. Hiashi I hate to be rude but you have told me I could take Hinata. It is getting late and if we do not leave we will be late for the dinner, I will see you both tomorrow” I said standing and pulling a smirking Hinata up with me. “Thank you for walking us Neji. I'll see you tomorrow" I said whispering before kissing his cheek. Hinata grabbed my shoulder and we disappeared in a poof of smoke not letting the leaves come this time. I didn't know the talk that was about to ensue because of my actions or the blushing Neji's faces.

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