Spetsnaz vs. Huntsmen

By Wrench007

4.4K 55 58

(Disclaimer: I don't own RWBY or R6S.) After Cardin revealed Jaune's transcripts, lying about him being the o... More

Jaune: Here and Now

4.4K 55 58
By Wrench007

Unknown Location
January 13, 2018
0530 Hours
Jaune "Fuze" Kessikbayev
Project Rainbow HQ

It was the early morning at Project Rainbow's HQ. A fresh blanket of snow was on the ground; pristine and white, not a single foot print or mark that could ruin it. The only places without snow were the roof tops of the buildings as there was hot air coming out of the vents.

Most of the operators were sleeping, except for one; this one being Fuze. While most didn't know why the young Russian woke up so early in the morning, only a select few knew his past, who he used to be, and how he became who he is. All of Rainbow's Operators know his past, but looked passed it and told him they care about who he is now. As he looked out to see the sunrise, he let a small smile slip its way onto his face. For five years, he'd been fighting a war on terrorism; it's the small moments like these that he enjoys.

Jaune: "How long has it been now, four, maybe five years, since I left Remnant. I wonder how everyone is doing... I wonder how Yang is doing?"

Yes, the blonde knight was now a member of one of the most elite, and feared, police task force in the world. While he may be a member of Rainbow, the most feared police force that is not known by the world, he is still a Spetsnaz. While he was staring at the sunrise, he heard the door begin to open. As he turned around, he saw that it was Tachanka, one of the oldest and strongest Spetsnaz alive today.

Jaune: Good morning Tachanka, how're you today?

Tachanka: I'm fine Jaune, but I came up here to find out how you've been; you seem distracted.

Jaune: I'm fine, I just come here to think about my old life before I was Spetsnaz.

Tachanka: You mean of the other world, the one where many ridiculed you for fake transcripts.

Jaune: Yeah, that's the one.

Tachanka: What are you thinking about that has your mind so preoccupied?

Jaune: Those that still chose to be there for me, even after finding out the truth about who I am.

Tachanka: Ah, your true friends. I'm sure they are fine. If what you told us is true, then they are just fine.

Meanwhile in Remnant...

Most things in Remnant haven't been the same after Jaune's disappearance. Rather than things going better at Beacon, they only got worse. His friends weren't too ecstatic when they found out that most of Beacon's students decided to torment him. Let's just say that many of them ended up in the infirmary because of how poorly they treated the young man. None, however, escaped the fury of Yang Xiao Long when she found out which first, second and third years had treated him so poorly; none were spared during combat class. To everyone's surprise, his friends in Team RWBY and PNR had changed drastically since his disappearance.

Ruby, rather then wearing her normal combat attire, now wore a black vest with a red inner shirt, a pair of stockings, a belt for her bullets, and a combat skirt, all while keeping her red cape but with an added rose button. She'd also let her hair grow out a bit; rather then it being short, it now reached to the top of her shoulders

Weiss now wore a short, blue/pale blue dress, a sweetheart neckline, white tulle coat, a white ribbon wrapped around her waist, and a blue shrug with a sapphire blue broach. She's far less of the 'Ice Queen' as everyone knew her as and was far more kind.

Blake now wore a white tailcoat over a black crop top, a pair of black fitted pants and a white belt. She's also removed her bow, showing the world that she wasn't afraid of who she was anymore. She's also more social due to recent events; some of which included some students accepting who they are and being more confident in themselves.

Pyrrha hadn't changed much in terms of combat attire, aside from adding additional plating to help her tank more blows. She was more open about herself now, seeing as how many had ridiculed her partner and first friend at Beacon for being himself. She did cut her ponytail a bit shorter, though, so that it only reached the top of her neck.

Ren and Nora were now couple and they had Jaune to thank for that. Ren's new attire is comprised of a sleeveless tailcoat over a black, sleeveless turtleneck, pants that get tighter Below the knees, and calf high, open toed sandals. Nora still wears her gloves and white top, but with an added navy blue bomber jacket, her skirt is slightly longer then it was before, knee high socks, and calve length boots. Ren was now more open minded, and Nora was a bit more serious.

Yang had changed drastically with the revelation. She now wears a tan jacket and a pair of fitted pants. The most noticeable change was that she had cut her hair to where it reached the top of her neck. Normally, she'd never let anyone, aside from Jaune, touch her hair, let alone cut it. The fact that she'd gone out of the way to cut it herself spoke volumes of how much she was affected by it.

The team had been called up to Ozpin's office earlier, and they, along with Teams CFVY and SSSN, were going to one of the last known locations that he was seen. Ruby and Yang's Uncle Qrow and Dad Taiyang were coming along with them, and to say they was surprised by how much the two had changed would be an under statement. This was two hours ago...

The twenty of them had arrived at an old cave, one that had a door sealing it off. At the base of the door was a scroll, Jaune's scroll to be precise. Yang had picked it up as a tear fell down her cheek. The screen was cracked and there was a few pieces missing, meaning that it must have been dropped in a panic. It was one of the few things that could tell them where Jaune was, and it was broken. The others had already gone in ahead of her when she noticed the scroll. She placed it in a bag for safe keeping, in case they needed it to pull evidence as to where he may have gone. She felt a hand being placed on her shoulder, and when she turned to see who was there, she saw Ruby.

Ruby: You gonna be okay, Yang?

Yang: I don't know Rubes, it's just that... we're so close to finding him, and one of the few things that can tell us where he is... it's broken. I want to find him Rubes, but I'm scared that it may already be too late.

Ruby: Would he want us to give up?

Yang: Hell no, that's why he put up with everything; all the torment, all the pain, all the ridicule... he put up with everything for us and asked for nothing in return! No matter what anyone did to him, he never once tried to fight back; he proved time and time again that he was the bigger person and yet they still called him a coward! He proved that he had just as much of a right to be here as any of us, and they tormented him over a piece of stupid paper! It's not fair Ruby, why is it that those who want to help people, and ask for nothing in return, are always the ones who suffer the worst?!

Yang's eyes had changed to a dark crimson, nearing blood red, as she looked at Ruby. She was quiet for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. How could she; here she was, wanting to help people for no reason but to help and her first friend at Beacon wanted to do the same, only for him to be, as Yang said, ridiculed and tormented over a piece of paper. After giving it some thought, she finally answered.

Ruby: Maybe because he didn't want us to worry about him; he wouldn't want us to be distracted by his problems to the point that we start to fall behind. He'd want us to improve ourselves so that no one else would have to suffer like he did. At least, that's what I think.

Yang looked back at the ground; she knew that Ruby was right about it, but how could she not worry about Jaune, he was her boyfriend after all.

Yang: "Damnit Jaune, it's always like you to put everyone else's lives before your own. That one of the reasons why I fell for you and why I couldn't help but worry about you."

Sun: Ruby, Yang, you two need to see this!

As soon as they heard this, they rushed inside the facility, Yang holding onto the scroll for safe keeping. When they got inside, they saw technology that was so unknown to Remnant, it was almost alien. The only thing that made it not appear alien was that everything was written in English, aside from the books that had translations of them; ones they couldn't read or understand. The machine that stood out the most, however, was a large three quarter circle that had a small set of stairs leading into it. Not too far from it was a control panel, one that was hooked up to the device itself, and next to the panel was none other then Jaune's weapon, Crocea Mors. This meant that Jaune must have been through here, and wherever he was, this portal could take them there.

On Earth...

Jaune was currently at the firing range, testing his new .44 Magnum, a birthday present from Pulse, to get a good feel of its recoil and fire power. When he fired one last round, he got another headshot, making it three in a row.

Jaune: "There we go, now I'm getting some progress in."

Once he holstered his new firearm, he made his way to the workshop to modify his cluster charge. He was hoping to give it more of a kick in a more condensed area. As he was about to walk into the workshop, he saw Jaeger and IQ heading into Monika's room. He could only guess what they were about to do as he went into the workshop. He soon sat down at one of the workbenches and took out the cluster charge. However, before he could get started working on it, Six came over the intercom.

Six: Could Fuze, Kapkan, Frost, Glaz and Caveria come to the briefing room? I repeat, could Fuze, Kapkan, Frost, Glaz, and Caveria come to the briefing room?

Looks like working on the Cluster Charge would have to wait. As he packed up his equipment and placed the tools back in their proper places, he set out on his way to the briefing room. However, as he passed Monika's room, he heard noises coming from the inside.

Jaune: "Yep, called it."

He then continued on his way, pretending that he didn't even hear a thing. As he neared the briefing room, he already saw that the others were there. The first to notice him was Glaz.

Glaz: Ah, good morning Fuze, how're you doing today?

Jaune: Good morning to you too Glaz, and pretty good. What about the rest of you.

Kapkan: I've been fine, though last night was tiring.

Frost: You're only saying that because you don't have as much stamina. I've been doing great, by the way.

Caveria: I've been great, especially since last night.

She looked over at Glaz, who, in return, looked the other way with a blush on his face; well, most couldn't really see it due to the face paint and face mask.

Jaune: "How am I not surprised." Glad to hear. Now then, shall we see what Six needs us for?

The rest gave a quick nod before entering the room. When they got their, they saw six standing behind the podium but in front of the projector screen.

Six: Ah, good, your all here. Now then, let's get this debriefing started.

As she said this, the lights went out and the projection of the base's entire perimeter came up.

Six: Earlier today, we received some unusually high energy levels spike up in the radar. As you can tell by this diagram...

Ah picture of the energy scale came up, showing it to be in the red around the area. The map also showed the heat coming from the energy source.

Six: ...these exceedingly high; just as high as the levels that brought Fuze here.

This caught their attention as many had thought it to be a one time event. Looks like they were wrong. Fuse was freaking out the most as he didn't know who it could be.

Jaune: "No way, no way, who could've found the portal device. I doubt it could've been anyone from Atlas, Mistral, or Vaccuo, so who could... It's my friends isn't it?"

Six: Anyways, I need the five of you to investigate, do I make myself clear?

All: Yes ma'am!

Six: Good, now get going.

The five of them salute as she salutes back. When they left the briefing room, they immediately rushed to the helipad.

Unknown Location, Outer Perimeter...

The woods were dense, and the think brush was covered in snow. However, there was an open area, a clearing in a frozen forest. Within this clearing were twenty people; the members of Team RWBY, PNR, CFVY, SSSN, Professor Goodwitch, Professor Ozpin, Qrow, and Taiyang. However, they were different, older in fact. It wasn't by five months, though, but by five years. That's right, the twenty of them were now five years older after going through the portal. The first to wake up was Yang, due to her being the first to rise in the morning ever since she was little. When she looked around, she saw the changes and started to wake everyone up. Once everyone was awake, they all looked at each other with both shock and surprise since they all had matured a bit more. They were about to start discussing things that happened when they heard a pop and a small 'eep!' They turned to Weiss and saw something very surprising... her zipper had popped off. Yang, Nora, and Coco bursts out laughing since this was something they didn't expect. Before they could continue, however, they heard the sound of rotary blades getting closer. They hid in the brush, waiting to see who was coming. What they saw was a strange aircraft, a Blackhawk, land near where they had woken up. As they looked on at the strange aircraft, five figures stepped out of it; two females and three males.

??? (Glaz): I still can't believe the that there was an energy spike that was just as strong as the one that brought Fuze here.

??? (Kapkan): Tell me about it, Glaz, and who do you think came here?

??? (Caveria): Who knows Kapkan, all we know is that they're from his world.

??? (Frost): It still baffles me about how they got here. Fuze, what are your thoughts on this.

Fuze (Jaune): I honestly don't know what to think. I'm curious, confused, happy and angry all at the same time. Curious since I want to know who it is, confused since I didn't think anyone would find the portal, happy that it might be my friends and girlfriend, and angry since it was a one way trip or it could be one of the teams that tormented me.

Upon hearing the words leave Fuze's mouth, or face mask in this case, they were all surprised and scared at this revelation. Surprised that it was Jaune in the armor and scared since there was no way back to Remnant. The first to stand up, however, was Yang as she made her way towards him. When the five heard the sounds of snow crunching behind them. As they turned around, Fuze was the first to speak.

Fuze (Jaune): Yang?

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