By honeeylovee

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"My heart is torn between two. I love them both. I have to let one go" . . Jazmin thought she found everyth... More

Chapter One Intro: Sunset Views (Diary)
Chapter Two: Jacksonville (Diary)
Chapter Three: First Night In Redwood-Ville
Chapter Four: The Next Door Neighbor
Chapter Five: Senior Year
Chapter Six: Bright Stars
Chapter Seven: Late Night Thoughts
Chapter Eight: Letting Demons Out
Chapter Nine: A New Vibe
Chapter Ten: Mixed Emotions
Chapter Eleven: The Heartbreak
Chapter Twelve: Me Myself & I
Chapter Thirteen: School Project
Chapter Fourteen: War Declared
Chapter Fifteen: School Field Trip
Chapter Sixteen: The Healer
Chapter Seventeen: Take Me To Paradise
Chapter Eighteen: Facing Reality
Chapter Nineteen: Troubling Young Love
Chapter Twenty: Mending A Shattered Heart
Chapter Twenty-One: A Chance On Bad
Chapter Twenty-Two: Rumors
Chapter Twenty-Three: Rage
Chapter Twenty-Four: Burning Passion
Chapter Twenty-Five: A Dangerous Ex
Chapter Twenty-Six: Faded Memories
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Vivid Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Aching Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Singing The Blues
Chapter Thirty: Singing The Blues (pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-One: Letting Go
Chapter Thirty-Two: An Old Friend
Chapter Thirty-Three: A Ghost From The Past
Chapter Thirty-Four: Secrets (Pt.1)
Chapter Thirty-Five: Secrets (Pt.2)
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Offer
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Open Wound
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Time Heals
Chapter Thirty-Nine: A Night Of Romance
Chapter Forty: Unfortunate Event
Chapter Forty-One: A Lustful Kiss?
Chapter Forty-Two: Bad Lies
Chapter Forty-Three: The Call
Chapter Forty-Four: Deception
Chapter Forty-Five: The Proposal
Chapter Forty-Six: The Hide Out (Pt.1)
Chapter Forty-Seven: The Hide Out (Pt.2)
Chapter Forty-Eight: The Decision
Chapter Forty-Nine: The Capture
Chapter Fifty: A Dreadful Death
Chapter Fifty-One: Ticking Bomb
Chapter Fifty-Two: Life Goes On
Chapter Fifty-Three: Birth To A New Beginning
Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement
Chapter Fifty-Five: Back To A Loving Home
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Confession
Chapter Fifty-Eight: A Passionate Night
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Halloween Party
Chapter Sixty: Calling It Quits?
Chapter Sixty-One: The Reason Comes Out
Chapter Sixty-Two: The Return
Chapter Sixty-Three: Out For Blood
Chapter Sixty-Four: The Choice
Chapter Sixty-Five: Closing Two Chapters
Chapter Sixty-Six: A New Home
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Fateful Accident
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Farewell My Love
Chapter Sixty-Nine: A Life Changing Decision
Chapter Seventy: Sunset Views In Jacksonville

Chapter Fifty-Six: Birthday Surprise

145 11 1
By honeeylovee

"Mom!!!!" I shrieked while I tried cleaning my hand that was covered in poop. "What is it??" "Look!! I'm covered in pee and poo again!..Make her stop!!" She laughed as she took Aquamarine from me. "You did it too you know" she smirked. I didn't know anything about taking care of a baby but I was thankful I had such great parents to guide me. Time had passed and Aquamarine was finally turning One! I felt enormously happy but also sad. She was growing and I didn't know how to handle that. I knew she only turned one..no big deal? Well not when you're a mother that literally wants to pause every moment of their cuteness. Not to mention wishing I had the ability to slow down her growth and age. She was such a smart baby. She learned to semi crawl but would easily tumble due to her spaghetti legs. She definitely got that from me. Although I'd have to admit unfortunately she took on the hot temper from her daddy. Every time she would fall on her small behind she'd get a hold of anything nearby and would throw it with anger. When we tried feeding her something she didn't like. She would spit it out then a giggle of satisfaction would follow right after. I was blessed to have every single spontaneous moment from her recorded in my mind to stay with me forever. Though I still struggled to get her to say Mama or mommy. I was lucky enough to only get a "Na!" from her. I would bring myself to think that she actually meant to say (Ma) but had her N's and M's confused. A mother can only wish.

Miles- Everything is ready downstairs..

Jazmin- Great! Thanks Miles..

Miles- Is that?..

Jazmin- Yes!..and if you even try to laugh I'll kick your butt!

Miles- *Laughs...It's on your hair too!

Jazmin- I warned you!!...(I reached over to him and covered him in the lightest poop still hanging on my hair)

Miles- I was clean you know!!

Jazmin- *Smirks...Key word...Was..

Miles- Oh yeah?..Come over here!

Jazmin- No-no Miles stop!! Mom tell him it's gross!!

My mother simply ignored us and left the room with a chuckle. He pinned me down on the bed as he tickled the side of my stomach. I uncontrollably laughed as he continued. Suddenly he stopped tickling me to stare at me with a special spark in his eyes. I stared back at him with confusion. "You are really beautiful Jazmin" he said to me in a meaningful soft low voice as he looked deep into my eyes. I tried breaking away from the intense stare he was giving me. Without hesitating he leaned in closing all space between us. Then our lips connected. He kissed me with a soft yet desperate intense thirst. Our hands locked in between each others as the kiss grew deeper.

Jazmin- Mm..Miles stop..

Miles-...I'm sorry..I..

Jazmin-...Please don't ever do that again...

Miles- You know I have never disrespected you..I got caught up in the moment and you just looked so beautiful and...So close to me..

Jazmin- Also covered in poop don't forget that..

Miles- Even now you still look gorgeous..

*Distant Scream*

Rose- Honey I don't have time to get the cake!..So Amy offered to go! Is that alright?

Jazmin- *Clears Throat....Um yes Mom!..

Miles- ....I'm sorry Jazmin..Please forgive me..

Jazmin- Look today is Aquamarine's first birthday..I want this day to be special..So let's not ruin it by talking about what just happened..Let's Move on?

Miles- Moving on...

Jazmin-....Awesome! Um give me a few minutes to freshen up will ya?..I'll meet you all downstairs in a bit..

Miles- Of course...Um Jazmin before I go may I ask you a question?

Jazmin- Sure..

Miles- Do you still remember your promise?

I stood in front of the mirror as I looked at Miles who was now standing behind me. My stare shifted to meet the reflection of myself. As I thought carefully about what I was going to say next. I remembered James had not appeared throughout the entire time. Days that turned into weeks and eventually months had finally turned into a year. I still didn't know anything about him..nobody did. Once again he had completely vanished except this time it felt real. Any hope I had about ever seeing him again was slowly drifting away as the time passed. I knew the day that I would have to decide over Miles proposal was eventually going to come. Even though deep down I wished James had reappeared. Wishful thinking was long over due now.

Jazmin- I haven't forgotten Miles and as I promised I will give you an answer by the end of the day.


Roxanne- Next in line!

Amy- Hi Roxanne!

Roxanne- Hey there Amy long time no see..How are you doing?

Amy- I'm fine thank you..How is your family?

Roxanne- We are good..My baby just turned two last week..

Amy- I heard!..Ugh they grow so quick!

Roxanne- I know..How old is Aquamarine turning?

Amy- She's turning one! She's such a smart baby you have no idea!..*Smiles...I'm a proud auntie..

Roxanne- I bet Jazmin is excited..

Amy- Yes!..You could just imagine! We are all excited..Did the cake come out exactly how she wanted it?

Roxanne- Oh it came out even better!..I'll go get it..

Amy- Thanks!

Roxanne- What do you think?

Amy- I am speechless!! She is going to love it!!

*Cell Phone Rings*

Amy- Oh the boyfriend is calling..I gotta go Roxanne..Say hi to your family for me and I'll see you soon!

Roxanne- Of course! Happy birthday to the little ocean princess!

Amy- ...Hello??

Jean- Hey babe where are you?

Amy- I'm on my way..

Jean- Okay..Miles and I are gonna go buy some drinks and appetizers..You need anything?

Amy- No baby I'm fine..I got the cake already and Oh my goodness it's the best!!!

Jean- Of course it has to be!..She's a little princess she deserves nothing but the best..

Amy- Roxanne really did a fabulous job...Rose was smart to hire her!

Jean- I'm glad..

Amy- I know I'm telling you it's such a-

*Sudden Loud Honking*


Jean- Babe are you okay!?

Amy- Some idiot almost ran me over!! Ugh the cake!!! Noo!!! It's all damaged now! I dropped it Jean!!!

Jean- Who cares about the cake babe! Are you okay!?

Amy- Yes I am....Oh great now the tough guy is getting outta the car!

Jean- Stay right there I'm heading your way!

Amy- No it's fine I can handle-OH...MY...GOSH...

Jean- What?...What happened??

Jean- Hello??..Babe are you there??

Amy- Um....Jean I'll call you back...

Jean- No wait-

Amy- (I ended the call as my eyes widened in shock)...It's YOU??


Jean- I gotta go man..

Miles- I'm going with you but relax what's the hurry?

Jean- Amy almost got hit by a car..I need to go see if she is okay..

Miles- Do you know where she's at??

Jean- She went to get the cake at Rose's Bakery shop..

Miles- Let's go!

Jean- By the way..She mentioned the cake getting ruined...

Miles- The cake is the least of the worries we gotta make sure she's okay...I'm sure Jazmin will understand..



I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was standing right in front of me like a ghost that came back from the dead. As he spoke my ears distant themselves from every word. Even though he looked healthy and really handsome. I could see all the sorrow he carried in his eyes. He even dressed differently. The car he drove looked to be expensive. His hair had grown a little longer along with his sexy stubble. Why precisely this day he had to show up? Could it be destiny?

James- My car didn't even touch you yet you look lost as heck..Why so shocked?

Amy- (Of course he is still arrogant as hell..that hasn't changed)....I'm just surprised to see you here after so long...

James- I came for a personal matter..

Amy- (Oh no!..Does he know about the baby!?)...Um what personal matter if you don't mind me asking?

James- I'm sorry about the cake..I see it got ruined..

Amy- (Avoiding my question I see)...Yeah But it's okay I'll just buy another one..

James- No I'll do it..It's the least I can do..

Amy- Umm Noo it's fine...I've got this..

James- I insist..

Amy- (Dammit..) Um okay..

James- Where did you buy it?

Amy- (I can't tell him it came from Rose's Bakery if someone sees him there they will tell Jazmin)...Well I know there is some good bakery shop twenty minutes away from here...You wouldn't mind would you?

James- No it's fine..I'll take you..But what about your car?

Amy- I'll come back for it when you drop me off..

James- Alright get in..

Amy- So...About that personal matter that brought you here..Everything okay?

James- You know Amy I rather not talk about that..

Amy- Okay...Can I just know if it has anything to do with...Um...

James- No it doesn't.

Amy- (I guess he read my mind..So if Jazmin isn't the reason what is?)....So how have you been?

James- I've been hanging..

Amy- You seem to be doing a lot better then I imagined...Oh I'm sorry..I didn't mean it like that..

James- *Smiles...It's okay..I know I was a fuck up but when I left this town I left that lifestyle behind as well..

Amy- So what are you doing now?

James- I'm a Business man..

Amy- Hmm..What kinda business?

James- You sure ask a lot of questions..

Amy- Well I'm a curious girl...Plus it's your fault for going M.I.A on everyone!

James- That was the only way I was able to move on from my Mothers death...If nothing connected me to this town I wouldn't miss her much..

Amy- So that's why you left..

James- It was hard but it was harder to stay and be constantly reminded of my Mother everywhere I went.

Amy- What about Jake?..Don't you think he needed you?...After all she was his mom too..

James- Unlike me he has that lady that is a Mother figure to him..Friends that love him and a girl that I'm sure is with him every second of the day.

Amy- If you mean..

James- I don't care Amy..I just hope they are both doing okay and are happy with each other..That's all that matters.

Amy- (He thinks Jazmin and Jake are together..What an idiot! If you just knew how much Jazmin cried for you! If you just knew the precious baby you left behind!)....I guess if you so...

James- How is the rest of the gang doing?

Amy- Well Ashanti is still crazy her normal self you know..Jean and I are still going on strong and I heard some of your buddies from football are actually playing for a college league now..

James- How is Miles doing?

Amy- (I left him out for a reason!!)...Umm...He is....Um...Good too..

James- Those were sure a lot of 'Um's'..What aren't you telling me?

Amy- Oh look it's right there!! Yay we made it!..(Phew saved by our destination stop)

James- What kind of theme party is it?

Amy- It's an Ocean theme but I've got it don't worry..

Rob- Hi guys. Can I help you with anything?

James- Amy is the cake for a girl or boy?

Amy- (He is literally asking for the gender of his baby!..Ugh I feel so awful)....Um it's for a girl..

James- You got any ocean theme cakes for girls?

Rob- Sure we got a couple..

James- Hmm...Give me the nicest one you've got..

Rob- Is it okay if it's a little more pricey?

James- Money isn't a problem..

Rob- Alright I'll be back with the cake..

Amy- Thank you James..

James- Hey I told ya I got it..By the way who's party is it?

Amy- (Shoot! Shoot!..Think fast!)...Um..

James- You know what I've noticed?..

Amy- (Oh crap I'm caught! This is it!)...What?

James- You've been one heck of a nervous-wreck ever since you saw me..

Amy- Well....You did almost run me over..I guess I'm still in shock..

James- *Laughs...Only you would walk in the middle of a busy road so carelessly..

Amy- Hey!..I was talking to Jean..of course I was distracted...You should get your eyes checked!

James- Alright alright you win...I'm sorry..

Amy- *Smiles...You know I'm glad you are doing better..

James- *Sighs...Yeah guess so..

Amy- So any new love in your life?

James- Um...

Amy- Oh is that James Dawson throwing one of my Um's?...*Grins

James- Ha very funny...

Amy- So is there?..Don't worry I won't tell..

James- It's not like it's a secret or anything..

Amy- Then there is a girl in your life!!

James- Amy keep quite..

Amy- I thought it wasn't a secret?

James- You don't have to shout it out either..

Amy- So is she nice?..Is she pretty?..What's her name? Omg do I know her??

James- *Laughs....Yeah you do..

Amy- What!?!..Who is she!!

Rob- Okay here you go guys..What's the name of the birthday girl?

Amy- Umm....

James- Excuse her...Seems like she has a habit with those Um's....

Amy- It's okay I'll put her name once I get home..I got these cute candles with her name..

James- Do you sell any bracelets related to the ocean?

Rob- Yeah we have three different kind..Ocean's Heart...Lovely Oceania..and the most rarest one you can find..Aquamarine..I actually have the last one.

James- Hmm...I'll take Aquamarine.

Amy- (Unbelievable...If I'd tell anyone nobody would believe this actually happened)...It's beautiful James...

Rob- Okay here you go.

James- Thanks Man..

Rob- See ya guys.
Amy- You could just drop me off where we saw each other..I'll drive back home..

James- Okay..Here take the bracelet..

Amy- Why did you buy it?

James- It's a gift for the birthday girl..I feel bad I ruined the first cake..

Amy- Don't worry this one you got her will mean a lot more..

James- *Confused....Why?

Amy- Oh cause.....The cake is beautiful....

James- So what's her name?..Who's daughter is she?

Amy- Um...You don't know her...

James- Okay...How old is she turning?

Amy- Uh....One..

James- Oh she's a baby...Well give the bracelet to her mother..It won't fit her yet..

Amy- Sure will..

James- So why is the theme about the ocean? I mean she is just a baby to know about it?

Amy- Well...It's a connection the mommy has with the ocean..

James- Ahh..I think I know what the baby's name is then..

Amy- You do???

James- Well the party is ocean related and you say the mother has an interest for the ocean...I'm guessing the baby must be named something like Oceania?..Or Starr short for starfish?..Hmm Maybe..

Amy- (Oh no...Is he going to guess it right?!)

James- Marine?

Amy- Wow...Close enough..

James- *Laughs..With exactly which guess?

Amy- Oh look we're here! (Yes! Jean hasn't come yet..I gotta leave quick)...Thanks a lot for everything James..

James- Don't mention it..

Amy- So where will you be staying?..Maybe we could all gather to go see a movie or something..

James- I'm leaving tonight..I only made a one day trip..

Amy- What!?...Okay well do you have a number I can reach you at?..I'm sure Miles would love to hear from you..

James- Sure why not...Here save this card..My numbers in the back..

Amy- Thanks..

James- Amy before you go...Back there you asked me if there was a girl in my life...I hesitated to answer because she isn't technically in my life anymore but she has always been in my heart and mind..

Amy- Omg....I do know her...

James- Take care Amy.

Amy- (He still loves Jazmin! He got inside his car and began to drive away)....JAMES WAIT!!!

Jean- There you are!! We have been crazy looking for you!

Amy- *Cries...I'm sorry..

Jean- You don't have to cry baby?..

Miles- Who were you yelling too just now?

Amy- Um...I just wanna leave already..

Jean- You look pale and nervous..I'll drive your car back and Miles can follow..Come on get in..

Miles- Amy are you okay?

Amy- I just wanna leave.


Jean- Well we're finally here..

Amy- Can you take the cake inside?..I'll meet you in there in a bit..

Jean- Okay...But are you fine?

Amy- For the hundredth time I'm okay..

Jean- Alright I'll see you in there..

Miles- *Pulls Over...You Okay Amy?

Amy- Wait before you get out of the car...

Miles- Why are you getting in?

Amy- I need to talk to you..In private..

Miles- What's wrong?


Miles- What are you talking about?

Amy- He's here Miles!!...I saw him! I spoke to him! He...He bought the cake!

Miles- What?...Who is?

Amy- JAMES!!!!

Miles- (I felt shock strike me as I heard his name..After so long..He has finally reappeared..But today?..On Aqua's first birthday...I was confused and I felt afraid..No doubt I was going to lose them)

Amy- Are you listening!?!..James is in Redwood-Ville!!!!

Miles- I heard you loud and clear Amy!..Keep your voice down!

Amy- Well aren't you gonna say anything??

Miles- Is there anything to say?..He is obviously here for Jazmin...My time here with her and the baby is basically ticking...I don't even know if I should stay..

Amy- Miles don't say that!..You have more right to be here then James does! He left her or did you already forget!?

Miles- Let's be honest here! He didn't know about the baby!..So is he really the one to blame Amy?

Amy- Well no...but neither is Jazmin! If he only had stayed a little longer if he hadn't ran away!

Miles- I'm not saying it's Jazmin's fault...It's no ones..*Sighs....Where is he?

Amy- He is leaving tonight...He didn't tell me where he was..Why do you want to know?

Miles- I think I have an idea of where he could be..Go inside..I'll be back..

Amy- No Miles! You can't tell him the truth!

Miles- Why not!?..He deserves to know Amy!

Amy- It's not our place to do that! It's Jazmin's!

Miles- (I got out of the car ready to face reality)...Then we'll go tell her and she'll have to decide!

Amy- Wait Miles!!..

Miles- WHAT!?

Amy- Look through the window and tell me what you see..

Miles- (There she was...Jazmin laughing so beautifully as she carried Aquamarine close to her face..It was the most incredibly amazing sight to see..It only made me love her more).....

Amy- Look how happy she is..Are you really going to ruin that Miles?

Miles- She deserves to know..

Amy- She deserves to finally be happy! You helped her achieve that..Now answer me..Are you ready to destroy her happiness by telling her the reason of her heartache is back? Are you capable of breaking her heart? Cause I won't do it..I can't see my best friend go through hell again because of him..I'll leave this decision for you to make..You decide if you tell her the truth...

Miles- Where are you going?

Amy- I'm going inside..To cherish the last few moments of happiness she has left before you destroy them..

Miles- Amy..This isn't easy for me..You know that!..You think I wanna lose her?!..She was suppose to give me an answer tonight about our future together! Now I know what that answer will be..

Amy- (I grabbed his hand while looking deeply into his eyes)...You could make her happy!! Miles you could be the Father of that child..I'm not proud to keep this from my best friend..Heck I was close to telling him everything but if keeping quite about it all means that I will see her happy then I'll take the consequences of my actions and if you really cared about her you would take it too!


I saw Jean walking into the kitchen carrying the cake. Once I took a glimpse at it I searched for Amy. To my surprise I caught both Miles and Amy arguing outside the house. Or at least that's how it seemed like from my view. So I decided to join them to find out.

Jazmin- Hey what are you guys doing out here?

Amy- Um we were heading back inside..

Jazmin- By the way the cake is amazing..But it's not the one I ordered Amy..

Amy- I know..Um...I had a small incident with the one you ordered but trust me the one I got after is even more special..

Jazmin- Is that so?

Amy- Well duh!..Her favorite auntie picked it out for her...*Winks...I'll wait for you two inside..

Jazmin-...Hey Miles aren't you coming in?

Miles- There's something I gotta tell you...

Jazmin- About the proposal...

Miles- No..It has nothing to do with that..

Jazmin- Well before you say anything...I want to tell you something myself..

Miles- What is it?

Jazmin- I've been thinking about it really carefully throughout the day and well I know I told you I would give you an answer by the end of the day..But why wait right?

Miles- What?

Jazmin- Truth is I'm done waiting Miles...It's time I accept James isn't coming back...So...My answer is Yes...I would like to give us a chance..That is if you're still interested..

Miles- (No don't do this to me...Why now!..Dammit!!!)...I...I don't know what to say..

Jazmin- Oh...Well I didn't expect this reaction from you...I'm sorry..How could I be so self-centered..Of course you found someone else..Why would you wait...Oh my gosh this is embarrassing...Forget I said anything...Let's go in okay?

Miles- Hey Wait a minute..(Before she could walk away I grabbed her from the waist)....I've been waiting for this answer for a long time..You just caught me off guard...but Jazmin..Now I want to know if you are sure you want this...I don't want you making a mistake you might later regret..

Jazmin- Miles why would you even think that?..You aren't a mistake and if it happens to be one then it will be the best mistake I'll ever make...You deserve to be happy..We deserve it...

Miles- What about James?

Jazmin- He is a chapter of my life that will be closed after tonight..I promise from here and on it will only be us two..

Miles- Three you mean..I want to form a part of her life too Jazmin..

Jazmin- *Smiles...You will..She will be like your daughter Miles and I will be your girl..If you accept us..because you haven't said yes yet...

Suddenly I was interrupted by a sweet tender loving kiss. He held me tightly in his arms as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It was a new feeling for me but I knew it would be one I would enjoy. I was happy to finally be able to genuinely smile. I had a reason for my joy. Aquamarine came into my life like a bright shining sun lighting up my world and lifting my spirit up. Miles was there to witness everything from my sorrow to my happiness. He had to be a part of this new wonderful beginning. I wanted to share it all with him too. He earned the right to do so. I had made the right choice I felt it deep inside me. Everything was going to change for the better now.

Jazmin- Okay Romeo save some for later..

Miles- *Smiles...I'm just way too happy..I can't believe I finally get to kiss you as many times as I want and I get to hold you tightly against me!..I get to tell you how much I love you...

Jazmin- *Blushes...You truly are amazing..

Miles- I love you Jazmin..

Jazmin- (I turned down without saying it back)

Miles- Hey..Hey...Don't be upset...I know it will take time for you to say it back..But it's fine because I can wait..I know eventually you'll say it when I least expect it and then that will be the day..I won't be able to get rid of you...*Winks

Jazmin- Haha...Cocky much?

Miles- No just confident...I will win your heart..

Jazmin- I'm sure that won't be difficult when you're so wonderful all the time...By the way...What was it that you wanted to tell me?

Miles- Oh um...Forget about it..It's nothing important now..

Jazmin- Alright well let's head back inside..

Amy-...Hey...So is everything alright?

Jazmin- It's more then alright..

Miles- She finally gave me an answer..


Ashanti- Woo!! I'll have to drink to that!

Amy- Put down that bottle! We all know you get ten times crazier...

Jean- Ay congrats my man!! You finally got the girl!!

Miles- *Smiles...Constant dedication but it happened..

Rose- Oh my goodness I'm so happy for you Two!!..Come give me a hug son!

John- *Whispers....Hey little boxer are you sure about the decision you made?

Jazmin- I'm moving on dad...It's time I find my happiness..

John- Well I have to admit he is a great kid..but I don't know about this..Isn't it too sudden?

Jazmin- Dad will you just be happy for me..

John- Fine..I am happy for you..I just hope you don't regret making this decision so quickly..That boy doesn't deserve to be led on into believing you will love him when it's clear your heart has already been taken..

Jazmin- I would never hurt Miles...I will always look out for his happiness..

John- And who will look out for yours?

Jazmin- ...Dad please just stop..

John- See how much it still hurts?..Your wound hasn't recovered my little boxer and as long as that wound is still open..You will never find that happiness you yearn for..

Amy- Excuse me Mister John..Can I steal her for a minute ..

John- Of course..I gotta go get the candles out..

Amy- There is something I gotta give you..

Jazmin- What is it?

Amy- Here this is for your little princess..

Jazmin- *Gasps...Oh my goodness this is such a beautiful bracelet!..Where did you get it?

Amy- It's a rare bracelet called Aquamarine..Put it on her and never take it off...It's a special gift.

Jazmin- I will..She will love it when she gets older..Thank you Amy!

Amy- (It's a special gift she'll always carry with her from her father)...Okay let's get ready to cut the cake!

Miles- That's a pretty bracelet..

Jazmin- Isn't it? Amy got it for my little girl..

Rose- The cake is truly fascinating!..But it's not from my bakery?

Jazmin- Oh that's right..Amy said she had an incident with your cake..

Rose- Well that's fine..This cake is amazing..

We all gathered together to sing to our princess Aquamarine. As Miles and I held her in our arms I looked around feeling extraordinary happy then I ever had. My heart was full of joy as we laughed at silly jokes and enjoyed each other's company. Most of the time Ashanti was the life of the party. While I snuggled my princess in my arms and Miles hugged me sweetly. It was an amazing night. One I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

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"He's lucky I let him live!" He kicks the chair he was sitting on, "I can't stand the thought of anyone hurting you." He takes slow steady steps towa...
928 78 9
Alyssa is book smart and clueless when it comes to things in the outside world. All she cares about are her grades and why should she bother about an...