Tryst with Destiny: The Begin...

Da gogolsarkar

497K 21.8K 21.5K

After failing in the Unova League, Ash returns home to get advice before resuming his journey to become a Pok... Altro

A Few Words By The Author
1 : Return of the Prodigal Son
2 : The Eventful Morning
3 : Strategy Time
4 : Outcome of the Battle
5 : A New Beginning
6 : An Unexpected Encounter
7 : A Midnight Surprise
8 : Initiation Day
9 : Underdog vs Champion
10 : Confessions
11 : A Watery Showdown Part - I
12 : A Watery Showdown Part - II
13 : A Night to Remember
14 : A Queen for a Champion
15 : Champion vs Champion
16: Rhyhorn Racing
17 : Mega Mystery
18 : Start of the Journey
19 : Totally Bugged Out
20: A Welcome to Behold
21: A Volcanic Start
22 : King vs Champion
23 : Fighting Dragon with Fire
24 : Double Trouble
25 : Breakfast before the Journey
26 : Cyllage City : Here We Come
27 : Enter the Dragon
28 : The Decision
29 : More to the Punch than Meets the Eye
30 : Learning about Pokemon
31 : The Art of Evasion
32 : The Path of Evolution
33 : Dealing with Rock Types
34 : Pokemon Hunter
35 : Shalour City
36 : The Clemont Stops Here
37 : Serena's Determination
38 : 3 Months Later
39 : Busted - I
40 : Busted - II
41 : Master vs Champion
42 : Plan of Action
43 : The Z Decision
44 : Learning about Z Moves
45 : Return of the Queen
46 : Attempt at Regaining Lost Pride
47 : Enter Sawyer
48 : A Master Surprise
49 : An Elegant Celebration
50 : A Fierce Clash
51 : Calm Before the Storm
52 : Clash of Titans
53 : Aftermath of the Battle
54 : Journey Continues
55 : Dragon Emperor Returns
56 : A Morning of Announcements
57 : Taking a Break
58 : An Alolan Morning
59 : An Alolan Evening
60 : An Alolan Night
61 : Tri-School Tournament Begins
62 : Confront Past, Redeem Future
63 : Battling the Coordinators
64 : Second Half of the Tournament Begins
65 : Old Faces from Unova
66 : A Cook-off
67 : A Day Off
68 : Five on Five Battles Begin
69 : Sound of Music
70 : Taking on the Analysts
71 : A Trip down memory lane
72 : A Roaring Battle
73 : Battle of the Petit ami de la reine
74 : Taking on the Dragon Queen
75 : A Legendary Skirmish
76 : Uncharted Territory
77 : Sturdy Water vs Windy Fire
78 : The Winds of Winter
79 : Roses Have Their Thorns
80 : A Prehistoric Dust Bout
81 : Fiery Assault on Iron Clad Defense
82 : Serena's Pièce de Résistance
83 : Victory and Defeat
84 : Pride Goeth Before the Fall
85 : Secrets, Mysteries and Complications
86 : Sound of Music - II
87 : The Meeting
88 : The Truth about Mega Evolution
89 : Look Within
90: Only the Student has Hope of Besting the Master
92: The Balance of Power
93: Contingency, Concepts and Conspiracies
94: Obedience and Action
95: The Trial of Trials
96: Chaos and Order
97: La fuite de l'amour
98: The Dilemma of Invitations
99: Venez au mariage de l'amour

91: Power is the Only Law

3.4K 180 178
Da gogolsarkar

(In the Battlefield)

"Noi." Noivern says in a menacing tone as it eyes Ash and Serena while hovering in front of Dragon Emperor.

Ash and Serena's hand start shaking for a moment but they immediately repress it. Dragon Emperor however notices it.

"You are afraid?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Yes." Serena replies.

"Good. That means that you are not stupid." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Yeah but this is kind of " Ash says before getting cut of by Dragon Emperor.

"Overwhelming?" Dragon Emperor replies, completing Ash's sentence for him. Ash and Serena give a short nod on hearing Dragon Emperor's words.

"If that is the case then I'll make things a little easy for you. How about I'll only use Noivern in it's Mega Evolved form for one move and then have it revert back to its original form. How does that sound?" Dragon Emperor offers.

"Oh. Well that doesn't sound too bad." Ash says to which Serena nods.

"Very well then. Use Dragon Rush." Dragon Emperor commands. Noivern flies high in the sky before it gets engulfed in a pinkish bluish whitish energy. Then it moves towards Salamence and Garchomp. Everyone including Ash and Serena are paralyzed by the sight of Noivern's Dragon Rush which looks more like a wide cylindrical beam of energy.

"Light Screen." Serena manages to mutter.

"Protect." Ash shouts just before Noivern is about to make contact with Salamence and Garchomp. Noivern first hits Salamence then it slams into Garchomp. But it doesn't stop. It takes them along with itself as the attack continues forward. Everyone watches as Noivern inside the beam of energy keeps moving towards a sky scraper building next to the KIP Stadium. What happens next blows everyone's mind as Noivern punches through one face of the building and then blast out from the opposite face.

(In the VIP Box)

Everyone is standing up. Every watches in utter shocked silence as thick black smoke comes out from the two holes in the sky scrapper. Everyone is too shell shocked to even move.

"That's madness." Goodshow says as he turns chalk white.

"Yeah. And you went and stood up to him. Kudos for that." Diantha says as she collapses onto her chair.

"Such. Untamed power." Lance mutters.

"Look there." Aria shouts.

Everyone turns to see high in the clouds Noivern's attack coming down towards the ground from the cloud. Everyone watches as the attack heads for the ground like a meteor about to crash into the planet's surface.

(In the Battlefield)

The moment Dragon Emperor opens his eyes Noivern's attack collides exactly in the center of the battlefield sending an earthquake causing jolt throughout the stadium. Ash and Serena cross their arms to shield their faces as an explosion goes of and releases a massive sonic wave.

(In the VIP Box)

Moments after the dust cloud appears to engulf Ash and Serena causing Delia and Grace's shouts of horror. Lance presses a button for the public announcement system and screams at the top of his lungs "SONIC WAVE. GET DOWN."

5 seconds later the sonic wave hits the stands as it continues rapidly expanding in diameter with no sign of slowing down.

(In the Stands)

As soon as spectators hear Lance's warning many of them duck under the seats. Half of the spectators get slammed into their seats. The other half are tossed into the air only to crash a few meters away. All bottles, cans and packets of eatables explode upon being hit by the sonic wave. The dust engulfs everyone as everyone starts coughing very badly. Seconds later the sonic wave hits the VIP Box.

(In the VIP Box)

Oak roughly grabs the back of Grace and Delia's neck and shoves them to the ground along with himself moments before the sonic wave can blast them both of their feet. Most people manage to get down on the ground before the sonic wave hits. When the sonic wave hits the newly bought bullet proof glass casing breaks like tissue paper. Alder, Norman and Sabrina get slammed into the wall and immediately lose their consciousness.

The whole stadium gets engulfed in a dusty silence as the sonic wave finally subsides. Lillie is the first one to gain consciousness. She manages to wiggle out from under her brother's body. She gets shocked when she sees a girl with brown hair lying over an unconscious Gary with their lips pressed to one another. Lillie watches as the girl who was kissing Gary finally retains consciousness. Lillie recognizes the girl as Shauna one of Serena's performer rival. Shauna on waking up realizes what she has done by accident and her cheeks start getting hot and red. As she sees Gary starting to stir, her head involuntarily starts going towards his. Her lips are mere millimeters away from Gary's when suddenly someone's hand roughly grabs her hair and yanks her back. She turns to see an angry Lillie glaring at her. In the meanwhile Gary and Lusamine regain consciousness. They wake up to see Lillie confronting another girl in an angry fashion. They get shocked because they thought Lillie was incapable of displaying anger.

"I don't give a shit whether you legs are broken. He's taken. Start walking and take a hike." Lillie says in a threatening tone as Gary and Lusamine stare at her in shock. The moment Shauna reluctantly starts to move away Lillie goes over to Gary to see whether he is alright.

"Oh Gary are you OK?" Lillie says in a concerned tone as she cups Gary's cheeks with her hands.

"Umm. Yeah what was that about?" Gary asks.

"Umm. Nothing." Lillie says before she smashes her lips with Gary's which he reciprocates.

"Oh. What was that for?" Gary asks after a heated 15 second make out session.

"Nothing." Lillie replies with her cheeks flushing red.

Gary is about to ask her again when the entire room star echoing with groans as everyone starts getting up.

"What the hell was that?" Goodshow asks as he gets up on his wobbling legs.

"That is a lesson not to seat any spectators during any future matches for that madman." Diantha replies as her head spins due to a head ache.

"Pull it together. We need to go and check on the spectators." Lance groans as he gets back onto his feet.

"All gym leaders. Go and see to the spectators. Professors supervise the health care procedure. Elite four and Champions with me to the battlefield. We need to check on Ash and Serena. They were next to the epicenter of the blast." Diantha says as she runs out while coughing non stop. Everyone else follows suit.

(10 Minutes Later)

The champions and Elite four reach the stadium ground to see the battlefield still enveloped inside a dust cloud. They cautiously go inside while sticking close to another. What they see, shocks them further than possible. They see Ash and Serena standing upright having withstood that sonic wave blast. They are panting heavily with their bodies fully covered with dust. Their arms are still crossed in the form of an X and they are panting as if they have been running for 2 hours straight. Their bodies are covered with scratches and gashes. They see the Dragon Emperor standing as it nothing happened at all and his Noivern who has reverted into its previous form hovering next to himself. Finally they see a bruised Salamence and Garchomp lying in the center of a very deep crater with their eyes closed.

"What. What power." Serena says as she and Ash drop to their knees while the Dragon Emperor warmly smiles at them. Grace and Delia try to rush towards their children but Diantha and Cynthia stop them.

"What are you doing. Let us go." Grace says.

"No. We must not interfere. The match isn't over yet." Diantha replies as she drags Grace away.

"I don't care. Let me go. Also the match is over Ash and Serena's Pokemon have fainted." Delia says as she struggles to break free from Cynthia's grip.

"The Pokemon are down but not out. They are still in their Mega Evolved form. We can't interfere till the match is over." Lance says as Grace and Delia calm down.

"What's this? We've been. Knocked down. Grrrrr." Serena says to herself as both Ash and Serena groan in frustration and pain. They both use their hand to slowly boost themselves back onto their feet. The more their posture becomes upright the more their feet shake. But they ignore their feet shaking and still stand up to face their master one more time.

"You can still stand. Most impressive. You've learnt your lessons well." Dragon Emperor says in a proud tone as he gives Ash and Serena a small smile.

"Get up. I know you can hear us. If we can do it then you can too." Ash and Serena says in unison, urging their Pokemon to stand back up. They try to stand up but they collapse back onto their stomach halfway.

"Come on. You are stronger than this. Get up." Ash and Serena say in a commanding tone. Salamence and Garchomp on hearing their master's voice give a roar before they get back onto their feet to everyone's shock.

"They got up." Diantha whispers not believing what her eyes are showing her.

"Unbelievable. How can a Pokemon get up after taking a hit like that?" Delia and Grace say as Ash and Serena stand ready to face their master once again.

"Your encouragement to your Pokemon and their utmost trust in you is heartfelt. Truly it is. But now you face another problem. Even though your Pokemon have gotten back on their feet they are very weak. One hit and they are done for. The question is what will you do now?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"We'll figure something out. We always do." Ash replies.

"I hope so. Flash Cannon." Dragon Emperor orders.

"Protect." Ash and Serena scream. The Flash Cannon collides with the Protect and kicks up a small explosion. When the explosion settles they get surprised to see that the Protect has held against the Flash Cannon.

"What's this?" Dragon Emperor says in a taken aback tone. Even the champions and the other people get taken aback that the Protect has held against the Flash Cannon. Suddenly the gym leaders, professors and other people arrive.

"Sycamore? What's the status?" Diantha asks in a concerned tone.

"47 critically injured but they will make full recovery. Almost 70% students have some form of trauma or something. It seems Lance's split second warning made a huge difference." Sycamore says.

"Thank Arceus no one is dead. Declare a holiday for the next 3 days." Diantha says.

"Agreed." Sycamore says while typing a message in his pager.

"Dragon Pulse." Dragon Emperor commands which pulls everyone's attention back to the battle. Everyone gets shocked again when they see Protect holding against he Dragon Pulse despite the level of damage Salamence and Garchomp have taken.

"I see. So that's what's happened." Dragon Emperor says before chuckling to himself.

"What do you mean?" Diantha asks following which Dragon Emperor turns his head towards her.

"My apprentices. For the past week they have been training specifically to make their Protect stronger. Haven't you." Dragon Emperor says while facing his apprentices again.

"Yes. We figured that it is easier to strengthen our defensive moves rather than our offensive ones. So we practiced day and night. We might not be able to beat you but we'll drag out the battle as long as possible." Ash replies causing Dragon Emperor to give them nod of approval.

"Indeed. A most wise strategy." Dragon Emperor replies before pausing.

"Now while your Protect is 15% more powerful than normal but I don't wish to drag out this battle any more. I too have other things to do which require my attention." Dragon Emperor says as he admires his left hand fingers.

"That being said. As a reward why don't I show you something a little." Dragon Emperor says before pausing. He looks at Ash and Serena then says "Forbidden?"

"Forbidden?" Everyone says as Dragon Emperor calmly smiles back at Ash and Serena.

"Alright then. Dragon Pulse Dimension." Dragon Emperor orders as Noivern fires a Dragon Pulse at Salamence and Garchomp.

"Protect." Ash and Serena order as a thick sparkling green shield appears around Salamence and Garchomp.

"That looks like a normal Dragon Pulse to me." Sycamore mutters to Rowan.

"Hush. Let's see what happens." Rowan replies.

Everyone watches as the Dragon Pulse is approaching the Protect shield. A moment before colliding a maroonish purple disk appears right in between the Dragon Pulse and the Protect shield. The Dragon Pulse goes into the disk but doesn't come out from the other side. Soon the entire Dragon Pulse enters the disk and then the disk vanishes much to everyone's shock.

Ash and Serena look at each other in a puzzled tone. Everyone else mirrors Ash and Serena's reaction as they all look at one another to get a clue as to what is going on.

"Match." Dragon Emperor says which causes everyone to turn their attention back to the Dragon Emperor.

"Is now over." Dragon Emperor says as he purple disk appears inside the Protect shield right next to Garchomp.

"F**k." Ash and Serena say in unison. Everyone else simply sucks in their breath as they realize what is going to happen next. True to their anticipation the Dragon Pulse comes out of the purple disk and hits both Pokemon. The very next moment an explosion goes of with the sound of the detonation of a bomb.

When the smoke subsides everyone sees Garchomp and Salamence fainted on the ground having reverted to their true form. Ash and Serena collapse to their knees after they realize the battle is over. Grace and Delia then run to Ash and Serena and hug them tightly while crying.

Dragon Emperor comes towards Ash and Serena while clapping.

"Excellent. Excellent. Excellent. Excellent." Dragon Emperor says as he comes to a stop in front them.

"Bloody well done. I am extremely proud of you. You took the next step without the teacher telling you to take. That is the mark of an exceptional student." Dragon Emperor says as Garchomp and Salamence are sucked back into their balls.

"We tried our best." Ash says.

"Do or do not. There is no try." Dragon Emperor replies.

"Yes master." Serena replies while wincing in pain as Grace by mistake touches her fractured arm.

"You have understood the difference between an error and a mistake. And that is very crucial." Dragon Emperor says.

"There is a difference between an error and a mistake?" Diantha asks.

"Yes. There is. Anyone can make an error. But that error doesn't become a mistake till you refuse to correct it." Dragon Emperor replies.

"What was that move?" Ash asks as Grace and Delia gently hug their children.

"That was the Dragon type Forbidden move called Dimension. When this move is called it can transport any Dragon type move from one place to another via a dimensional tunnel whose opening you saw as the swirling maroonish purple energy disk. How to use them in the future, teach you I will." Dragon Emperor replies. Ash and Serena nod. Dragon Emperor then raises his right hand palm till it's right next to his face. Before anyone can ask him what he is doing a bluish light appears from the center of the palm and appears to fall on Ash and Serena. Their bodies glow blue for a second. When the glow stops everyone sees all the cuts, bruises, gashes and dust are gone.

"How do you feel?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"Perfect. I am completely fine." Ash replies as he and Serena get back on their feet to observe that all of their injuries are gone.

"Good. I'll come and fetch you in 2 days time. Be ready. We have a lot of training ahead of us." Dragon Emperor says before turning around. Then he starts walking away.

"Wait." Palermo says causing Dragon Emperor to stop in his tracks.

"Yes?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"I am afraid Serena will be busy the next 3 months. Regardless of what happens here. The Showcases are restarting. As Kalos Queen her presence is mandatory at all the showcases." Palermo says.

"Your request is denied. She's coming with me and that is the end of this discussion." Dragon Emperor replies.

"But she's the Kalos Queen." Palermo retorts.

"She's the Dragon Emperor's apprentice first and foremost. Everything else is mundane therefore redundant." Dragon Emperor replies.

"That's very arrogant behavior. And you accuse the champions by saying that arrogance is the death of reason. Yet you are so arrogant that it's either your way or no way." Palermo replies in an accusatory tone.

"Palermo!" Serena says as she flashes her eyes telling her mentor not to talk about the Dragon Emperor in such a manner.

"It's OK Serena. A little chit chat is fair game. Anything else you wish to add." Dragon Emperor asks.

"You're a fraud. You think you can scare us with this charlatan like out look and those weird powers of yours. You don't. In fact you turn more people against you." Palermo says.

"A charlatan like appearance and a touch of the mystical. Empires have been built on less. Those on the margins often come to control the center. And those in the center make room for them. Willingly or otherwise. The best example would be of how the Kalos region was founded." Dragon Emperor replies. Upon seeing Palermo's confused face the Dragon Emperor breaks into a chuckle.

"You accuse me of being wrong yet you don't know the history of your own region. How disappointing." Dragon Emperor says as he resumes walking away.

"She's not coming with you." Palermo says in a defiant manner.

"Really. And who will stop me?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"The champions will." Palermo says causing Dragon Emperor to burst into a round of hysterical laughter. While laughing he turns to face Palermo who is watching the Dragon Emperor laugh his lungs out.

"Oh you were being serious?" Dragon Emperor says after he stop laughing. He then goes close to Palermo causing her to start shaking.

"Those so called champions you speak of. They will stop me?" Dragon Emperor asks to which Palermo nods.

"Funny. And here I thought my sense of humor is good." Dragon Emperor says before pausing.

"They are specks of dust beneath my fingernails. Their very titles are a gift of the grace of my existence. It would take the total battle 5 moves for me to wipe the floor with not only your incompetent champions but their elite four and gym leader posse." Dragon Emperor says with an arrogant smirk. This infuriates all the Pokemon league members present there.

"Why do you want to drag what's left of their miserable reputation through the mud. You should have mercy on them." Dragon Emperor tells Palermo before turning around and walking away. Dragon Emperor is walking away when he suddenly comes to a stop. He sighs then speaks.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Diantha." Dragon Emperor says. Everyone looks to see an infuriated look on Diantha's face with her hand almost grabbing Gardevoir's Poke-ball.

"All of you are too weak and incompetent a trainer to challenge me. You shouldn't make your life more miserable than it already has become." Dragon Emperor says while turning around.

"It has become miserable because of you. We'll take back our pride." Seibold says as he tosses Blastoise's Poke-ball.

"Like a stray Mareep leading the entire flock to the slaughter." Dragon Emperor says as everyone angrily tosses their Poke-ball.

"Dragon Emperor." Serena says in a concerned tone.

"It's OK Serena. Like insolent children they need to be reminded of the order of things." Dragon Emperor says while tossing his Poke-ball and sending out Noivern. All the Champions, Elite Four, Island Kahunas and Gym Leaders send out their strongest Pokemon except Clemont, Korrina and Drayden.

"You're finished." Norman replies in a serious tone.

"Is that so?" Dragon Emperor softly replies.

"We're taking you down and ending this reign of insecurity that has been caused ever since you came into our lives." Seibold snarls.

<Author's Note Starts>

This is very special music meant for Dragon Emperor's power. I apologize for the slightly poor quality but crank up the volume to max before reading ahead.

<Author's Note Ends>

"Feel free to try your luck. Tell me is anyone brave enough to have a direct hand to hand combat with my Noivern?" Dragon Emperor asks as Noivern glares at the opposing Pokemon while hovering in front of the Dragon Emperor.

"Don't be fooled. Let's use long range attacks." Cynthia says as everyone murmurs in agreement. Everyone is speechless watching how things have blown out of proportion so quickly.

"So clever." Dragon Emperor says in a sarcastic tone. All the opposing trainers call out their Pokemon's strongest Long range attack move. All the moves combine into one massive beam which heads straight for Noivern.

"Sword's Dance." Dragon Emperor orders moments before the beam hits Noivern. The revolving swords deflect the attack causing the beam to split into smaller sub beams that land in different part of the stadium and cause explosion to go of where they landed.

"It deflected all those attacks?" Oak says in a tone of disbelief.

"I told you already didn't I?" Dragon Emperor says while smiling with his eyes closed.

"Told what?" Alain asks.

"You heard but you didn't listen. When it comes to Pokemon Masters only the student has hope of defeating the master." Dragon Emperor says before pausing for a moment causing all of his opponents to clench their fists and growl in frustration.

"Even if you all attack me all at once it makes no difference at all. You are NO MATCH FOR ME." Dragon Emperor announces. Noivern immediately lets out such a fierce battle cry that all the champions are forced to bend forward so that they don't get pushed back due to the gale like wind. All of their Pokemon wince in pain as they are pushed backwards against their will. All the spectators watch as the battle cry stops following which all the Champions and the Pokemon are panting heavily.

"Now then. I said 5 moves in the battle. We have used 1. So I think it's my turn to play. Use Draco Meteor." Dragon Emperor orders. As the meteors start falling all they gym leaders counter with their moves to neutralize the Draco meteor or dodge them.

"So much for that Draco Meteor." Diantha says in a smug tone as they see no damage has been done.

"Tsk tsk. So young and so foolish. You don't realize it yet but you have already lost the match. I would have thought that you would have learnt from your previous battle and not make the mistake of taking your eyes of my Pokemon." Dragon Emperor says causing everyone to become tense immediately.

"Noivern has vanished." Diantha says in a worried tone.

"Yes it has. Along with your chance of putting up a decent fight." Dragon Emperor says as all the champions start shaking like their previous battle with the Dragon Emperor.

"Noi." A deep menacing voice comes from where all the Pokemon are huddled together. Everyone realizes that Noivern has mingled into the crowd of their Pokemon while their minds were distracted by Draco Meteor.

Before anyone can do anything Dragon Emperor calls out his move "Joker's Wild."

Lance sees a Noivern's whose eyes flash black for a moment.

"There. It's right in the center of the group." Lance shouts out while pointing his finger to where the Dragon Emperor's Noivern is located.

"Too little too late." Dragon Emperor says as Noivern spins in a 360 degrees and covers all the other Pokemon in a Toxic like smog. But unlike Toxic's purple color this smog is pitch black. The Dragon Emperor's Noivern flies out and then once again starts hovering in front of him.

"Alright. That should be enough." Dragon Emperor says as Noivern opens its mouth and all the black smog gets sucked right back down its throat. Everyone watches that all of their Pokemon are standing right where they were before they were surrounded by that black smog.

"Alright. Then Gardevoir Moon Blast." Diantha orders. She however gets surprised when Gardevoir doesn't respond to her commands. Instead it stands right where it was without moving a muscle. Soon everyone else mirrors Diantha's reaction. Everyone gets surprised when they hear a chuckle coming from the Dragon Emperor.

"What's so funny?" Diantha snaps.

"This. Noivern they seem to be confused. Do enlighten them as to what has happened." Dragon Emperor says following which Noivern sends a gust of wind by flapping its wings. The moment the gust of wind hits, the Pokemon they all fall over like dominoes. Everyone gets shocked when they see that all the Pokemon have swirly eyes and are not moving.

"This can't be." Diantha says as she drops to her knees while looking at Gardevoir who is lying fainted on the battlefield.

"Joker's Wild." Dragon Emperor says which draws everyone's attention.

"Joker's Wild is a forbidden Dark type move. With this the Dark type Pokemon wins unconditionally." Dragon Emperor says. This hits everyone ,whose partner has fainted on the battlefield, like a brick.

"Unconditionally?" Oak says in a bewildered tone.

"Unconditionally." Dragon Emperor repeats.

"But that's immoral." Rowan manages to say.

"Which is why it's forbidden." Dragon Emperor replies.

"But he said a Dark type Pokemon. Noivern is not a Dark type Pokemon." Kukui cries.

"Serena." Dragon Emperor says.

"Noivern is Dominant Flying and Dragon and Recessive Dark type." Serena mutters causing Kukui to go silent.

"Wait a minute. Why hasn't Kuchinashi's Persian fainted then?" Kiawe asks.

"Indeed. Tell me Ash and Serena. What can you deduce based on the information available to you." Dragon Emperor asks.

"All the Pokemon who are still conscious are Dominant Dark types which means that" Serena says only for Ash to complete her sentence for her.

"Joker's Wild being a Dark type move doesn't affect Dominant Dark types." Ash says causing everyone to get taken aback and Dragon Emperor to beam at his students.

"Well now that all the pleasantries are out of the way. Wrap this up with a Dragon Rush." Dragon Emperor commands. Noivern's Dragon Rush goes through all the Pokemon left standing be it Kuchinashi's Alolan Persian or Grimsley's Krookodile. All the Pokemon collapse onto the ground leaving nothing but a stunned silence in the battlefield.

"We lost. We didn't stand a chance." Cynthia says in a hopeless tone while looking at the ground.

"You all think that things like truth and justice prevail in this world. But you seem to forget that Truth and Justice are meaningless without Power to back them up because Power is the only Law." Dragon Emperor says while walking towards all the defeated members of the Pokemon league.

"You have learned that there is strength in numbers.That is true. But remember that if you know how to fight as one also learn how to fall as one as well." Dragon Emperor says while turning around and walking away.

"I'll see you in 2 days." He says to Ash and Serena while pausing momentarily. Then he continues walking away.

"Wait." Diantha shouts. Dragon Emperor halts on hearing that.

"Yes?" He asks.

"A while back. I had a dream. Me and Cynthia both." Diantha says.

"That's fascinating. But what does that have to do with me?" Dragon Emperor asks.

"You were in it." Diantha says.

"Now I don't know whether to bee flattered or creeped out by that but go on." Dragon Emperor says.

"In the dream you were standing there. You said something. Something like 'Loss of heartless'. Yes something like that." Diantha says.

"That phrase does not even make sense. Do you actually have something important to tell me?" Dragon Emperor asks in an impatient tone.

"Well the air went cold and the clouds went pitch black with bolts of purple lightning striking the ground." Diantha replies. Dragon Emperor's face immediately changes from annoyed to very interested.

"Did it now?" Dragon Emperor asks in an interested tone.

"You know what I am talking about then." Diantha says the moment she sees Dragon Emperor's face change.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. But still very interesting dream." Dragon Emperor replies.

"That's a lie." Diantha says in an accusatory tone.

"Feel free to accuse me. I am not stopping you." Dragon Emperor replies before turning to prof. Oak.

"Tell me what is the weather forecast for today?" He asks Oak.

"What? The weather forecast. Why?" Oak asks. He is clearly taken aback by this random question out of the blue.

"Nothing. Just curious. Weather is such an unpredictable thing after all." Dragon Emperor says while looking at the sky. Suddenly the clear blue sky starts to become dark as the clouds condense and become darker.

"YOU. You are doing this." Diantha says while wagging her finger at the Dragon Emperor.

"Don't be absurd. No man can control nature." Dragon Emperor replies. Diantha opens her mouth to ask more questions when she sees the Dragon Emperor wink at her an instant before a bolt of lightning falls where he is standing. Everyone is forced to shield their eyes from the brightness. When the sound of the lightning bolt stops they all look to see nothing but scorched earth where the Dragon Emperor was standing. When everyone gets up on their feet a deep ominous mocking laughter echoes throughout the stadium forcing everyone to look here and here for the source to no avail.

The only thought that goes through Goodshow's mind is he word 'Damn.'

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