Flux โžป Prince Harry & Ellie G...

By ThelovelyAngels

55K 1.6K 39

And I'm still in love with the idea of loving you It's a state of flux, but it's not enough And I'm still i... More

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People Magazine
Prologue | Royal Wedding
Chapter One | The Reactions
Chapter Two | Stuck Like Glue
Chapter Three | Duke and Duchess of Sussex
Chapter Four | November Vibes
Chapter Five | December 2018
Chapter Seven | Aquamarine Ring
Chapter Eight | Wedding Media
Chapter Nine | Yudi Fox
Chapter Ten | Dream Girl
Chapter Eleven | Lion King
Chapter Twelve | Glory Days
Chapter Thirteen | Dayside
Chapter Fourteen | Music Is Forever

Chapter Six | Wild Thoughts

1.9K 67 5
By ThelovelyAngels

Chapter Six | Wild Thoughts

I looked up... And thought of you

"What are these people's problem?" I asked as I closed the television.

"What's wrong?" Harry replied from the bathroom.

"They're taking polls of when we'll announce a pregnancy." I answered.

"Just ignore them, Ellie, you cannot let things like that get to you." He said.

"Yeah, well it's not like that you're the one getting asl why you have not given your husband a baby." I said.

"Come on, Ellie, my aunt meant no harm when she said that." Harry said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Here you go again defending them." I said, scoffing.

"Ellie, you're trying to find any little problem with me so you can what try and get a divorce. You heard my father and grandmother, no divorce will be granted between us. So, we have to make the best of this." Harry said.

"If only I could go back to 2010." I said.

"What would you do back in 2010, Ellie?" Harry asked.

"Not marry you and the only thing I wanted to do in Cyprus was shitfaced and maybe have a one night stand. Not, marry a prince, whose family is all about image." I answered.

Prince Nicholas and Princess Beatrice make first appearance after engagement

Luxembourg's new royal couple Hereditary Grand Duke Nicholas and Princess Beatrice of York, announced their engagement officially to the press on Friday at Chateau de Berg. More than 40 medias from home and abroad were there to snap photos or grab a quote from the couple.

At 3:30pm a press conference took place where journalist were allowed to capture the moment with photos of the Grand Ducal family including their newly-engaged couple's parents and Grand Duke Jean.

After that the press was ushered out on a terrace where Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie and Prince Louis and Princess Tessy as well as Prince Félix joined the family.


Full transcript of the interview with Princess Beatrice and Prince Nicholas

Princess Beatrice, do you believe in Prince Charming?

Beatrice: "Not only do I believe in it, I also think I found it. I remember the day I met Nicholas, it wasn't a great first impression but the second time we went out I told Eugenie – who by the way is going to be maid of honour at our wedding – I had found an exceptional man with whom I shared many things in common.

"I really did not think such a man could exist. So of course I believe in Prince Charming."

Describe how you first met?

Beatrice: "We met about two years ago in England we were set up by Nicole. That was when our love story began."

Will there be a bachelor party?

Nicholas: "There is a surprise for me, but I don't know the details."

Beatrice: "I know the details, but I can't say anything!"

Are you going to go on a honeymoon?

Beatrice: "Yes, but unlike the previous question, Nicholas is the one who knows the details. For me it will be a surprise, but I'm very excited about where we're going."

Nicholas: (Laughing) "All I can say is that it will be after the wedding."

There has been a lot of talk about the cost of your wedding, is that something that concerns you?

Nicholas: "I understand that this issue arouses some debate. But we forget that this is a royal wedding that will attract important personalities from around the world. Ulitmately, this is all beneficial for Luxembourg's image."

The fact that Beatrice has been granted Luxembourg nationality so quickly has caused some controversy. Do you understand why people might have reservations?

Nicholas: "Certainly. Many foreigners have to wait a long time until they obtain citizenship. It is a complicated process, but it hasn't been easy for Beatrice either. In the past few months, she has had to take many intensive language and cultural courses. Only now can she speak quite fluently and with ease."

"We should also remember that from the day of marriage, Beatrice will take the title of Hereditary Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, so it's very important to me that she is a national from the start."

Beatrice: "I understand that there is some debate about this issue. But it saddens me that there are people who feel I have received preferential treatment. I think my case is special and, as such, required special measures. For me, being granted Luxembourg nationality has been like a gift ,but it is related to the role I'll play in my marriage."

Are you going to hold dual nationality?

Beatrice: "Yes. First I would like to stress that I am excited and deeply honored to have obtained Luxembourg citizenship. It is a gift that I humbly accept. As the Hereditary Grand Duchess I am proud to share my husband's nationality. England will always be the country of my childhood and where my roots are."

How do you envision your lives as a married couple after the wedding?

Beatrice: "I plan to lead a normal family life – shopping, cooking, etc. As for work, I will focus one hundred percent on being a good representative for the Luxembourg State."

Nicholas: "Right now I am immersed in my work with economic missions abroad, which is a job I love. From now on, Beatrice will accompany me on those trips. The first state visit is expected to be in late November when we visit China. Beatrice also wants to devote time to social issues."

What social issues concern you?

Beatrice: "One thing I would like to address is the issue of loneliness. Many people, not only the elderly, suffer."

Are you planning to start a family in the near future?

Beatrice: "Good question! It depends on what you consider to be the near future. If in two or three years, then yes. For the moment, however, is not a priority, although we're not ruling it out.

Nicholas: "I come from a large family of eight. If you think four or five children is a lot, just imagine imagine eight! It was my parents' choice, and while six children are perhaps too many, I'd like to maintain the spirit of a large family. It's a blessing to have so many siblings. We're still unsure how many children we want. Only time will tell."

Why was June 18 chosen as the date for the wedding?

Nicholas: "June 18 is a special date. We wanted an summer wedding. A ceremony during that season is something very special."

Beatrice: "It is a time of year that I love. In the summer I'm always in a good mood."

Nicholas: "And our anniversary is also in summer."

Have you decided where you will live after the wedding?

Nicholas: "We want to maintain our independence, here in Luxembourg. But at the moment we don't want to reveal too much about that topic."

How would you describe your relationship with the Grand Duchess?

Beatrice: "Very good. I consider myself very lucky. The Grand Duchess has been very present in my life, and she has been a sort of second mother here in Luxembourg."


"You and my dear cousin were getting very serious after your birthday party." Beatrice said, winking at me.

I nearly spit out my drink when she said that.

"Trixie, do not tease her. It's perfectly natural for married couples to have intercourses but did you two have go at it until morning though?" Eugenie asked as she, Beatrice, Pippa and Kitty started laughing.

"Oh my God, how did you know?" I asked.

"Well, the walls are very old." Beatrice answered.

"And the bed frame hitting the wall made it very obvious." Eugenie said.

"Are you guys actively trying for a baby?" Pippa asked.

"No." I answered.


"Am I late?" I asked.

"No, you're right on time. Pa, Camilla, Catherine, and William are inside." Harry answered, holding the door to the conference room open.

"Thank you."'I said as entered the room.

"Hello, Ellie." William greeted me.

"Hello."'I said, taking a seat next to Harry, who pulled out my chair for me.

"Let's start on our joint public engagements for next month." Charles said, starting the meeting.

As the meeting went on, Harry and I both started to zone out several times while Charles talked but William and Camilla paid more attention while Catherine made small comments.

Now we were on our way home after the meeting, all that could be heard was the clacking of Catherine and I's high heels. It was somewhat awkward but William break the silence.

"We should have dinner together this weekend." William suggested.

"Of course." Harry agreed.

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