I Hated You First ➸ Larry

By guardianzayngels

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[COMPLETE | AU] With some demons haunting him from his past, Harry is excited to start college to get a relax... More

I Hated You First
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
A Message for You Lovely Larries

Chapter 8

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By guardianzayngels

*Harry's POV*

It was near the end of the day and I had only philosophy left. After that I had my first day of work and I was super nervous. I'm praying that Eleanor will be there to help me and not Louis.

Speak of the devil...

Louis came into class, a friend next to him. He chuckled then glanced over at me. His face hardened and he huffed, rolling his eyes.

Well good day to you too, ya dick.

Mr. Turtle entered the class, briefcase in hand.

"Good morning, class."

"Uh, Mr. T its like two o'clock..." Louis spoke.

"Right" Mr. Turtle replied. "Sorry I'm just so used to saying morning". He sat his briefcase down and went over to erase the chalkboard.

"Now today we're starting our first project."

The class groaned.

"Oh shut it. This project is worth forty percent of your grade and since its quite a lot for one person to have, I've decided to partner you guys up. I'm only giving you til Monday to work on it so you and your partner will have to work on it out of class."

'Now last night, I just jumbled all your names in a bowl and drew two. So Summer Lane you're with Hanna Stanley. Danny Reynolds with Ashley Greene. Marcus Wood with William Harris. Louis Tomlinson with Harry Styles.."


I turned to Louis who had his mouth wide and eyes big. He looked at me and he clenched his jaw, hatred in his eyes.

Oh my god, Mr. Turtle. Are you trying to kill me? Did you just wake your old arse up today and say 'let's make Harry Styles' day a living hell by partnering him up with the devil?' WELL GOOD JOB CAUSE IT WORKED!

Oh my god...I wanna die right now. I wanna curl up in a little ball and die...

I will never stop seeing Louis. He'd be in this class and I'd have to work with him. Then I'd have to go to work and see him. Then I have to either go to his place or let him come over to mine so we could work on this fucking project.


"-You have exactly eight minutes to get with your partner and speak with each other about choosing a writer."

Louis slowly came over. He grabbed the chair next to me and dragged it over to the other side of the desk so he'd be sitting across from me. Well fuck you too.

"Okay I gotta talk to Mr. T, cause there's no way I'm working with you" he stated.

I bit my tongue, stopping myself from saying a smart remark. I crossed my arms and nodded.

Louis got up and strolled over to Mr. Turtle's desk.

I rolled my eyes and followed him. Mr. Turtle hates his guts. If anything we have a better chance of being split up if I talked to him.

"-Mr. T, I can't work with him! We've never been on good terms. He's gay..."

Mr. Turtle raised his eyebrows. "And what's wrong with being gay. Mr. Tomlinson? My brother's gay."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Look I just can't work him. I'd rather take the damn F."

"Mr. Turtle, I don't want an F and I don't want to work with Louis. Can I just do the project by myself?" I cut in.

"No I'm sorry, Harry the project is way too big for one person."

"Well what if we each did a section seperately. Then you can put them both together and mark them?" I suggested hopefully.

Louis nodded his head. "Yeah how about that?"

I rolled my eyes. That was the only time that fucker would ever agree with me.

"Sorry you guys. I'm not letting you fail and I'm not splitting you two up. It would be unfair to everyone else. I know not everyone in this class gets along, but nobody else is complaining."

"I get that, sir. But I honestly seriously can't work with him. He's a homophobic arsehole, pardon my language."

"Screw you" Louis snarled.

"How do you two even know each other? I've never seen you two talk in class? Do you have another class together?" Mr. Turtle asked.

"No" I replied.

"Thankfully" Louis barked.

I snapped my head to him and scoffed.

"We used to know each other years ago. And he's still he's still the same idiotic dickhead" I crossed my arms.

"Okay you wanna go Styles? I'll kick your arse-"

"Shut it! I'm not switching partners and I'm not letting you two have a choice of failing. You're working together and that's final. And if you don't do the project or its not an eighty-five percent or higher, I will drop you both from this class."

"What?! Mr. Turtle that's totally unfair!" I said.

"What the actual fuck, Mr. T?!" Louis yelled.

"Shut it!" Mr. Turtle snapped. "Now get to work. You've already wasted three minutes bitching to me, now you only five minutes left to discuss your project."

Louis and I looked at each other in disbelief. Was he serious? I had to work with him or I'd be dropped from this class? I can't let that happen. I'll lose my scholarship!

"Get going, you now have five minutes and fifty-three seconds left" he said glancing at his watch.

I turned around and stomped back to my desk, hearing Louis behind me. I plopped down on the chair crossing my arms. Louis looked out the window.

I sighed. "Okay let's get this shit over with. What topic do you wanna talk about?"

"Fuck you, fag" Louis spat, not even looking at me.

"Look I don't wanna do this either, but I'm not about to lose my fucking scholarship because of your arse. Now what topic do you wanna talk about?" I sighed.

To be honest I don't even know what we're suppose to do. I spaced out after Mr. Turtle paired us.

Louis gulped and shifted his eyes to me. "I don't know, you pick."

I licked my lips and sighed. "Um what are we even suppose to be writing about?" I mumbled.

"Wow for someone who sure is 'smart', you're a fucking dumbarse. We're suppose to choose our favorite writer and write a three page paper on why we like them. If we have different writers, we have to write about each of them separately, but somehow connect the two in the closing paragraph. And if we both have the same then it has to be twice as long. We also have to make a keynote or powerpoint poster board type thing and have facts and stuff about the writer on it."

"Okay...so who's your favorite writer?"

"R.L. Stine."

"Louis, come on. R.L. Stine? He wrote Goosebumps."

"Who fucking cares! He's my favorite."

"Well that's not gonna connect to my writer."

"Oh yeah? Who's your writer, gayboy?"

"Agatha Christie."

Louis raised his eyebrows. "Who?"

"Agatha Christie. She wrote And Then There Were None and The Mysterious Affair at Styles?"

"Nope" he said, popping the p. "That bitch doesn't ring a bell."

I sighed. "Louis we read And Then There Were None in eigth grade."

"So? I don't fucking remember middle school. It's all a blur to me now."

Oh really?

"Oh really? So you don't remember torturing me those three years?" I raise a brow.

"Of course I remember that" he laughed. "Ahhhh" Louis said putting his chin on his hand and looking to the ceiling like he was having a flashback. "Wedgies, t-peeing your house, keying your mom's car, and my personal favorite-pantsing you at the talent show."

My jaw clenched thinking about all those horrific memories.

"It was so much fun picking on you, my curly-headed gayboy."

"Shut up" I growled.

"Ooh gayboy's getting feisty" he joked while smirking.

I looked down at my notebook and started scribbling trying to ignore him. I ripped out the piece of paper and threw it at him. "There's my address, arsehole. Come over tomorrow night so we can do this project. It'll be Friday so you're gonna need to stay all night til we finish it, cause I don't wanna have to meet up with you Saturday or Sunday."

"And why's that?"

"Cause I hate you and I don't wanna be around you. You'll ruin my fucking weekend."

Louis laughed. "Awww do you plan on spending time with your boyfriend? What's his name...Nail?"

"It's Niall, arsehole and he's not my boyfriend."

I didn't know what Louis said after that cause he was mumbling, but I think he said 'good'.

"What?" I said.

"Nothing" he snapped. It's just fucking gross being with a guy...that's why I said good...cause you don't have a boyfriend...cause that'd be disgusting..."

"Uh huh..." I replied.


Well that's chapter 8. What do you guys think of Harry and Louis pairing up and what do you guys think of Ziall? I mean they're not a couple, but we'll see what happens;) Don't forget to vote for this chapter! 

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