Scorpio (Tokyo Ghoul Touka x...

By Skilg4nnon

159K 2.9K 1.4K

For as long as you can remember, you've been in anteiku. Your mother was a member before you, since she'd bee... More

The Scorpion and the Centipeid
Three years earlier...
Always room for one more
Back off!
Stay close to me
First Date
The zodiac
Border patrols
Dangerous thoughts
Revenge is a dish best served...
It's not about me, its never been about me
It was raining that day...
The SS rated Scorpio
Filthy Bindging Gourmet
If i die tomorrow...
...this war ends today

One way or another...

4K 85 69
By Skilg4nnon

Zodiac were all inside the warehouse, including you although you and Touka were disguised as Zodiac members. Your normal masks were hidden under the large cloaks you had to were as part of the disguise long with another thirty ghouls from the Tsukiyama group, among them rize the binge eater and Shuu Tsukiyama himself. Capricorn has cycled you all in periodically over the course of the last hour to avoid suspicion, Gemini was talking to all of Zodiac including Leo's side, at least until the illusion of servitude was no longer needed.

Walking through one of the doorways you saw Taurus yelling at another ghoul over something, it would appear that the chimera was a petty tyrant too. Little had been heard from him since the last time you'd met when Touka and yourself had surprised him, he'd been licking wounds from what little you could gather. His pride has been hurt and he seemed to be bullying anyone who couldn't put him down, though he'd have to watch it around the other members of Leo's group.

"You there!" He shouted pointing at Touka, for a moment there was tinge of panic. "Go and lift those boxes into the front of the warehouse, I want them ready to ship out in house an hour." Touka, momentarily stunned by the chance of singled out, seemed to take to long to respond. "I said move!" He yelled, giving her a harsh boot to encourage a quick response.

She quickly hurried off, now cut off from the rest of the group. Only the strongest melee ghouls were in here, more were waiting close by to attack when the time was right. The trick was picking the right moment to launch the attack, you were hoping for a time when they were more spread out. It would give you the best chance of overwhelming them quickly, leaving the least chance of them cutting through your men.

At the moment they were split into two groups, Taurus was in the loading dock along with Aries who was currently standing on the walkway gazing down on the other ghouls and Leo and Aquarius were raw fucking each other in the office if the sounds were any indication. They were pretty guttural too, like two feral animals mating. You had heard ghoul mating was kinda visceral though, but the two chimeras seemed particularly savage with each other.

If you could pull Taurus or Aries away from each other it would the perfect time to attack, quickly overwhelm them both then attack Leo and Aquarius while surprising them. Taurus was predictably greedy, that greed could be used against him. Aries was different, he was smart by all accounts. Looking up at the walkway you noticed his head twitching, constantly switching his gaze from person to person and taking everything into account. He seemed agitated, but apparently that just his natural state from what you heard.

Aries was smaller then expected, only around 5'8 and slimmer than you would have thought. He didn't seem to dangerous, but then neither did you at first glance. His head suddenly stopped moving, locking on to something. Cancer was standing around near rize, though the binge eater seemed fine cancer was sweating. She was too nervous and it was showing, she was attracting to much attention damn it!

"Gemini." You whispered calmly, talking through the headset in your ear. "Cancers gonna blow our cover, tell her to calm down before she gets us all killed."

"Alright I'm on it." His nerdy little voice came over the mic. Suddenly Cancer reddened, on the edge of total panic as Gemini spoke to her over her earpiece. It just made her worse as she realised she was in trouble, it looked like she was about to have a panic attack! Crap!

"Cancer!" Aries snarled jumping down from his perch with an intimidating crack as his feet cracked the concrete below. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" He demanded from the terrified ghoul, see seemed like she was about to faint. She tries to speak, but instead came out with an inaudible babble of sounds that weren't quite words, her face was redder then blood itself and she was panicking so muck you could practically hear her heartbeat. "Well?!" Aries continued. "What's got you so riled up?" Her eyes turned towards you for only a split second, but in that moment you knew it was over.

Aries turned to face you just as you leapt towards him for a preemptive strike. "NOW!" You cried out as you ran Aries through with your Kagune, pushing it through his chest and lifting him into the air. All around you Gourmet members turned on the unsuspecting zodiac forces, tearing them apart with ease as your Kagune pushed through Aries and constricting around him. The scorpion tail wrapped around his face, the classic Scorpio kill move.

Suddenly Aries own kagunes emerged, two rinkakus ending with viscous spikes sprung from his shoulder blades. They both went straight through your Kagune and cutting it off where it entered his body, they then shot towards you as one pinned your leg to the ground while the other went through your bicep. Aries pulled your Kagune out of him, rolling his arm in its socket and cracking his neck. An angry snarl plastered on his face, his eyes turned into their ghoul state. He grabbed a hold of his shirt and ripped it off his body, the punctured hole in his body healed without a mark.

"That." He growled. "Was a dirty move."

"Not as dirty as this!" A female voice yelled. Suddenly the binge eater leapt at him at the same time as the gourmet, both over eager to dine on a Zodiac ghoul. Aries yanked the kagunes out of you, one going the spiral of the gourmet and spearing through his arm and emerging on the other side of his body through his chest, the other spliced off three of the binge eaters kagunes and easily knocking the other aside as he smashed his elbow into her face as the momentum carried her towards him.

"Master Shuu!" The German servant cried out seeing his master hurt, he dived at Aries while he was distracted with the others. As the servants Kagune went flying at Aries he casually spun to the side, his fist coming up and punching the servant in the teeth with enough force to send them airborne against. He wasn't done though and one of his kagunes snagged out and wrapped around the servants foot, viciously whipping them into the floor.

"Sit down boy." Aries spat with distain. "You wanna know how I got my name? Aries. You ever think of it, I wasn't obvious like you or other members. It's because of my nature, Aries, as in Aries the god of war." He kicked you hard in the face, his boot pushing your head hard into the ground. "From the day I was borne Ive fought for life, i clawed my way above the common dregs of humanity and ghouls alike until I stood a top a pillar of power no one can come close to. I live to fight, it's my nature to tear out the hearts of those who stand against me."

You grabbed his foot and pushed it off you, only for his Kagune to pin your hand to the ground. Move of the gourmets servants rushed in to help, rushing at Aries to protect their master. The chimera was terrifyingly efficient in systematically taking them out, taking out a dozen ghouls in as many seconds. It was enough time for your body to being regenerating your Kagune, the scorpion tail was a redder colour then usual due to it being new.

You'd never had to regrow your Kagune before, so it was taking too long. Aries was eating through ghouls like they were nothing, though he was pushed back by a furious barrage of ukaku crystals firing at him. Capricorn dart in and smacked Aries with his whip like Kagune coming from a ukaku position, he pressed the attack and Virgo joined the assault with her bikaku Kagune. Her Kagune morphed and changed shape indicating a rinkaku blood line, her Kagune split into eight separate spikes and coming at Aries in different directions. Aries was barely able to dodge out the way from her and Capricorn's attacks, his own kagunes stroking out to keep them away. He lifted his right Kagune to block Capricorn's downwards spike while his left slapped away virgos.

Meanwhile things only to worse as Touka was smashed through a wall, landing not too far from you. Taurus strode through the gap in the wall he'd just smashed by throwing Touka into it, for a moment Virgo was distracted but it was enough for Aries to capitalise and attack. His Kagune went through through her own where she'd split them into extra tendrils, he went straight through her Kagune and followed it around, piercing her body through her Kagune sacks and emerging from from her lower belly. She screamed but went quiet as the second spike stabbed her in the throat, silencing her.

Capricorn, angered by the defeat of his friend, doubled down and attacked with added ferocity  but Aries seemed to be a master of counter attacking, as Capricorn whipped out at Aries the bigger chimera pinned your brothers Kagune to the floor, the other going in to skewer his body. Capricorn managed to dodge out the way, going in with fist his Kagune was pinned. Aries seemed game though and knocked Capricorn's punch aside with ease before jabbing the ghoul in the throat and following through with a hard straight punch knocking him back. He would have gone flying but his Kagune was still pinned, Capricorn almost had it pulled off he was hit that hard. The second Kagune of Aries went to slice through it completely like he had yours but Capricorn was smarter then you'd given him credit for, he hardened his Kagune into the ukaku crystals which caused Aries's attack to bounce off.

Cancer jumped down to pick up Virgo, the youngest member of Zodiac was undoubtedly the weakest. She was too terrified to intervene but seemed that she was braving the battlefield to retrieve her friend. Tsukiyama was back up, so was Rize and both seemed to be rounding on Aries. "WAIT!" You yelled to them. "Leave him, take care of Taurus first!"

Touka was taking on Taurus by herself, desperately dodging his mighty attacks. Although he had been easily beaten when you'd attacked him by surprise, he wasn't as much as a push over as it had first seemed. His large Kagune smashed the ground sending chunks of concrete into the air with each devastating swing, he was bigger and physically stronger then any other Zodiac member, faster too then you'd expect from a ghoul his size without any ukaku blood. Touka seemed to be taking the death by a thousand cuts approach to taking him on, rolling out the way of a strike and slashing his leg with her wing. As he tried to stamp on her she sprung up and punched him under the chin, but he didn't seem too phased and tried to grab her. She hardened her wing as she jumped out the way and fired, Taurus taking the damage on his own Kagune.

Rizes four tentacles wrapped around his arm, she spun and whipped him across the room before throwing him into the ceiling. "You've got to be carful with a girl big boy, but it's ok with me. I like it rough." She laughed before throwing herself at him, she was a better match up against him then Aries and he struggled to hold back her attacks.

"Ah." Tsukiyama sighed. "I always wondered what stake tastes like for humans, I guess today..." He undid his tie and held his arm out, his Kagune growing much larger. "...Is the day I taste some high quality beef!" Even as he said it he was throwing himself at Taurus, slashing his Kagune while rizes stabbed forward. She suspended herself in the air as her kagunes tried to puncture through Taurus defences but the Bull didn't seem to go down easy, pushing forward to knock her off her balance and striking out at Tsukiyama.

"Y/N!" Touka yelled running to you, she hugged you tightly for a second but pushed you back a little. "What happened? Why aren't you fighting?"

"My-my Kagune got destroyed, I don't know what to do! I messed up! I'm gonna get us all..."

"Enough (Y/N), we came here because we believed we had a chance of winning. If we die then so be it, but I won't sit shaking in the first while others fight my battles. I've seen you heal from deaths door, what's your Kagune got on being split in half? I believe in you (Y/N) and I know Ayato did too, it's time you did too." She stood back up, then turned and ran towards Aries.

"Touka!" You cried out reaching out for her, but she had already begun to fire at him. Aries took the hit on his side, unleashing a cry of pain and rounding on Touka. Capricorn followed through though and struck out at Aries, he left a long and deep cut across the god of wars face. Aries face was turned to the side, he slowly turned back around with an angry look on his face.

"Why you..." He started before he was cut off by a shout.

"Enough!" Leo roared with an authority that caused everyone to go still. Besides him Aquarius came out to stand next to her lover with a cruel smirk on her face, her brother Aries seemed a little annoyed but listened to what was being said. "Clever plan Scorpio." The leaded of Zodiac gave a slow clap as he slowly approached you. "I have to say I had no idea that you were planning something, I honestly thought you were simply hiding from us. I'm equally impressed and disappointed. Sure your cleverer then I expected, but your power is revealed to be none existent. At every step you have relied on surprise, even Libra wasn't expecting what was coming. Yet in an actual battle it would seem your painfully weak, those that follow you..." His Kagune moved from behind his back, revealing a bruised and bloodied Gemini. "...made a grave mistake." Leo suddenly slammed the poor kid into the ground so hard he bounced upward, Leo kicked him over to you. He was alive, barely.

"Stay away from him!" Touka roared getting between you and Leo. "If you want him you have to go through me!"


"Shut up idiot!" She snapped at you, much to Leo's amusement.

"Your rabbit seems to be braver then you, I commend your courage kid but if you don't move your gonna get hurt."

"You'll have to get to him over my cold dead body." She snarled, there was a moment of silence. Everyone was tense, non more so then you. Time slowed down as every second lasted a painfully long eternity. Aries had the same angry snarl on his face, Capricorn look worried, Aquarius had an excited grin, Touka looked as stern as ever, Leo just smiled. "Then so be it..." then he attacked.

His Kagune cracked like a bull whip, firing a series of crystals at Touka. She brought up her wing to block it, easily catching the attack despite its speed. She was grinning as she brought down her shield, though that grin turned into shocked agony as Aquarius's pincer like Rinkakus plunged into the soft sides of Toukas belly. Luckily, as Aquarius went for the killing blow, cancer finally took action and cut through pincers with her giant claws.

"Touka!!!" You screamed as you dived forward to grab catch her as she fell to the ground, leaving cancer infront between you and Leo.

"Seems like you finally found some spine." Leo smiled at the young girl. "Shame that it was in a moment of treachery."

"This is wrong Leo!" Cancer cried defiantly. "Zodiac was meant to be a force for good, a group of powerful ghouls that defended against the evils of the world. We were supposed to be different then the others, but we're just more of the same. We started attacking those we didn't want to go along with our demands, even a small coffee shop was in our sights. I can't do it anymore, I won't..." There were tears in her eyes as she spoke, looking at the unconscious body of Gemini.

Leo clicked his fingers, and everything became chaos.

Aquarius dived at cancer with both kagunes going for the kill, cancer spun around with her claws knocking the attack to the side before sending a slash at the other girls neck who ducked under expertly. She punched the younger chimera in the stomached causing her to double over, Aquarius grabbed Cancers hair and slammed the weaker ghouls forehead against her knees. Capricorn tried to reach Touka but was brutally slashed by Aries who picked him up by the ankle and slamming him into the wall. Cracking his neck Aries brought his kagunes up like two rearing snakes before striking down at your half brother, Capricorn tried to defend himself with his own Kagune and managed to catch one of Aries's but the other went straight through his chest, the first also then piercing the now weakened Kagune and also going through Capricorn. Taurus's wings suddenly twisted themselves around rizes tentacles, pulling the female back down to earth and slamming her into Tsukiyama.

All around you, your allies were going down. You just sat and watched as Touka struggled to breath in your arms, her chest rising and falling in erratic rhythm. Her eyes locked onto yours as you brushed her hair from her face, leaning down to kiss her lips gently. "I love you." You mouthed to her.

"Aw, how sweet." Leo grinned, leaning over you smugly. "Your little rebellion was over before it begun, they were wrong to trust you. You were so underwhelming as to be pathetic, I can't understand why you'd ever believe you'd win. Once the element of surprise wore off, well, I'll let the evidence speak for itself." He grinned, his arm dismissively mentioning towards your allies littered around the room. Leo lifted his leg and almost casually kicked you across the room, your body slamming against the floor.

The others of Leo's group moved to attack, but he stayed them them with a lifted hand. He moved toward you with an evil grin as you got to your feet, you threw a punch hard enough for the floor to crack under your feet as your body twisted and throwing it your fist out. Leo caught it without effort, twisting your arm around and forcing you to your knees. His Kagune speared you through the chest pinning you to the ground, sounding a harsh scream from your lungs. Leo's foot lifted and stamped down on your face, as he went for another kick you managed to lift your arm to try and slap it aside but Leo caught your hand and snapped your fingers back breaking them. Bending down he grabbed your collar and lifted you up, only for his fist to slam you back down.

"You are weak." He told you as he beat you to a pulp, his fists raining down. "A weak, pathetic fraud." Grabbing your hair he started to drag you over towards Touka. "Now your girlfriend is gonna have to watch you die like the insect you are." Your entire body was limp from the painful beatings, blood flowing freely from your chest. Everyone watched as Leo showed you off like a trophy, before throwing you to your knees and pulling your hair back to show your throat.

"Most people bore me, they want to talk about the latest gossip magazine or celebrity show. Me though? I want to talk about life, I want to explore concepts that others don't dare to. With you, I feel like I can discuss these things with you. I like that." You smiled.

She smiled back, reaching your gaze. Neither of you spoke another word as you leaned in closed to each other, letting yourselves take the risk. Your lips met hers across the table, it lasted only a few seconds but it was more then a simply feeling. Fear and excitement resonated within both of you, yet it was a brave new world.

That first date with Touka, it had been a truly beautiful night. Back before the Zodiac weren't such a problem, when you could ignore them, when you could be happy. Now that happiness was about to be ripped out by Leo as his Kagune rose above your head for everyone to see, he was a showman above all else. A small tear rolled down your face, it wasn't fair...

"It's ok (Y/N), it's ok to be scared. I should know I've been scared a lot recently, it felt like every day the doves were coming here or that eventually the news would say they've killed Ayato. I have been afraid, it's just part of being alive. I think that before we even know what we are, we are afraid to loose it." She looked down at you as she sat in your lap, her hands on your face and wiping your tears away with her thumb. "Your scared because you care, if you were arrogant then that would be even more worrying. Your an incredible person who will never back down, if anyone can win its you. A little fears good, it makes you alive."

"I love you, Touka." You hugged her tightly, almost crushing her. "I love you so much, I don't want to live in a world without you. I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt, please don't leave me behind..." She cut you off then, her lips locking around yours. Tears were in her own eyes now, dropping into your face.

"I love you too (Y/N) you idiot, now just up and kiss me..."


Leo screamed as Your Kagune erupted from his chest, all your wounds suddenly healing at the same time. Your bulb grew inside him, widening the hole in his chest. You threw him at the others of his group, your face curled in a vicious snarl. "Enough talk." You told them, blood soaking your hair. "It's time for me to live."

"You bastard!" Aquarius roared at seeing her lover hurt so bad, running towards you with her brother following close behind. You were done playing in the defensive and leapt to meet them, your Kagune ripping through the ground and hurling concrete and debris at them. You struck out and smashed Aquarius into the wall before your tail curled around itself and went after Aries. His spikes aimed for your heart but you simply caught them with your hands, he had a moment of surprise on his face before your Kagune slashed out at him. He barely dodged out the way since you were holding his kagunes which were thrashing wildly, you let them go once Aquarius threw herself back at you.

Your scorpion tail danced around her pincers with ease, pinned her pincers down by using the main body of itself rather then using the bulb. As your barb turned to face her Aries went to slice through your kagune, but you were cleverer then that and cracked your tail causing the main body to snap under his strike but for the attacking end to slap him into ground. As the dust cleared Taurus appeared behind you, his massive body looming over you. His wings lifted and crashed into the ground where you'd been a moment earlier as you dodged out the way, rolling back onto your feet as Taurus broke through the floor
you turned and kicked off the ground to punch him in the head. He didn't budge as he grabbed you with one arm and threw you towards the ceiling, your Kagune darted ahead of you and dug through the tiles before hooking over the edge of the hole you made.

"Your strong." You told them, cracking a finger while standing upside down from the ceiling. "But I'm stronger." Leo, now healed, fired his crystals at you which dislodged you from your perch. As you fell to the floor your Kagune went out to soften the landing but leo was already on top of you. Tackling you to the ground he launched his Kagune towards your head but you moved out the way just in time as his Kagune went into the floor, your tail pushed against the floor to roll you off of him. With his Kagune stuck he went for another punch, you ducked and twisted your waist cracking your fist against his face, then twisting the other way and punching his spine.

Your Kagune raised up and slammed down at Leo but he deflected it with his ukaku, though he was knocked back and a second attack knocked him over. Aries and Aquarius were back on their feet and Taurus cane charging in like a rampaging bull, Aquarius also dived back into the fray but Aries stopped as he noticed Touka. Using your Kagune as a spring board you flicked yourself towards him, shoulder barging him to the floor as Leo and Aquarius cane at you. Ducking under Leo's attack you head butted him hard and he took a step back, going for a roundhouse kick against you. Your Kagune blocked the kick and you elbowed Leo's knee causing it to snap awkwardly, he went down on one knee which gave you the opportunity to stand and hammer your knee into his head. Aquarius sent a quick jab at you with his pincers but she missed as you jumped back, Aries also now appearing behind you.

Your Kagune wrapped around itself to catch all four kagunes sent flying at you, though it was not easy feat. The three of you struggled to pull your kagunes back, though you were now more carful. Aries ripped his out and sent them up high and in both sides of you, making it difficult to jump from. You swung your Kagune, swapping places with Aquarius just as Aries attack landed, stabbing his own sister.

He roared in fury and dived at you with renowned rage as Leo healed his leg and Taurus almost hit you with his charge. Jumping up over him you hardened your bulb, firing a crystal into his back. It did practically nothing as he didn't seem to feel it, turning around and readying another attack. You slashed upwards at Leo who took a hard slash on his gut, Aries's Kagune flashed past your face and you barely managed to avoid the lethal it. Taurus grabbed your head but you elbowed him in the face, his wings tried to cleave you in half but your tail hardened to ukaku crystals and protected your soft sides. Aries brought his kagunes down like chains with blades attached, hacking off your arm. The god of war was looking for another hit and slashed for your chest, you side stepped at the last moment and your scorpion tail struck him in the chest.

Your stinger plunged into him as Your Kagune changed its colour to a darker black, injecting him with your venom. Leo fired a large ukaku crystal into your shoulder and tried to remove your head this time with a heavy slash. Rolling under his attack you went up for a punch since Aries was still on the end of your stinger, Leo was wise to your dodge attacks and grabbed your collar pushing you back and going for a devastating round house.

The kick connected with your head, knocking you back a few week. You managed to stay on your feet but fell back as Leo fired his crystals into you which pushed you into Taurus, the larger ghoul brought his Kagune up and swung it at you with full force. The impact knocked you into the air leaving you vulnerable for when Leo jumped after you, slamming you to the ground with his own Kagune.

You landed with a crash, creating a crater where you landed. You spat blood as well as a tooth. With only one arm you managed to push yourself to your feet, now letting the blood flow freely from your various wounds.

"Uhh, guys." Aries whimpered looking at his arm, seeing. The veins in his arms were black, as were the veins travelling up to his eyes. "I don't, feel so good." He suddenly had a coughing fit and tried to stable himself with his kagunes, but they too were now darkening and starting to fade. The tips of his Kagune crumbled and blew away like dust, his entire Kagune was collapsing as flakes of it fell off. He fell to the floor in a heap suddenly.

"Kratos!" Aquarius screamed going down to catch her brother, holding his head in her hands. "What did you do to him!" She screamed at you. Instead of saying anything you just lifted your Kagune up, a single black drop of venom dropped from the tip into your open mouth. "I'll kill you! I'll eat your heart out!" She snarled, diving at you. Suddenly a series of ukaku crystals went into her side knocking her out the air, she gave a cry of pain and pulled one out of herself.

"Sorry." Touka said as her Kagune turned back from it's hardened state. "But his hearts mine bitch." She ran at Aquarius and started to swing her wing at her, she was carful to keep turning and deflecting Aquarius attacks. Toukas speed was amazing to behold as she became a practical blur as she ran across the walls firing her crystals at the chimera. Aquarius used her kokaku blood to grow her Kagune out to block the ranged attacked, but was slowly getting chipped away as Touka would jump forward and slash at Aquarius.

Leo jumped to help his lover but your tail wrapped around his ankle, dragging him back to the ground. You slowly begun dragging him back as your Kagune bulb opened up like a flower in front of Leo's face, the stinger in the middle with the other parts forming the petals. Four tentacles grew from the petals and wrapped themselves around the zodiacs leaders head, slowly pulling him towards the stinger as he tried to resist. Grabbing a hold of your Kagune and using his own to try and pry himself free Leo tried desperately to get free, his eye now mere inches from your stinger.

Taurus appeared between you with his wings held high, slamming them down between you and cutting your Kagune off half way down its length. Leo gave a sigh of relief as the small tentacles let go of him, his loyal supporter having come to his aid. Taurus pressed his attack and sent a brutal series of attacks which sent up debris from the floor, pillars and anything in his way. In a stunning display of acrobatics you performed a triple backwards handstand, dodging Taurus's kagunes by mere inches. As your feet connected with the wall behind you, you kicked out and pushed yourself off the wall and under Taurus piercing strike which drove his Kagune through the wall. You turned and used what was left of your Kagune to jump onto Taurus's back, your feeling landing on his shoulders as you reached around like a crouched gargoyle and bit out his throat. Jumping back you hooked your fingers against the roof of his mouth, snapping his head back as you yanked down after landing on the floor. There was a series of sickening crakcs as his neck and spine snapped in several places. "Waste of a Kagune." You grumbled.

Touka was tiring against Aquarius, her attacks becoming further apart and her evasive movements slowing down. She was getting closer and closer to getting hit from Aquarius who has redoubled her efforts, her pincers continuously dug into the ground as Touka ran from her. Aquarius used her rinkaku abilities to turn her pincers into large scythes, slashing at Touka with frightening speed. Touka tripped and fell with Aquarius above her in the air, she brought them down on the ukaku who used her wing to block them. They punctured through Toukas wing who gave a cry of pain, Aquarius rounding on her and pushing her kagunes deeper into the younger ghoul. "Oh sweetie." She smirked. "It looks like one of us finally has the other right where they want them."

"Yeah." Agreed Touka with a smug grin. "Me." She told the chimera as she hardened her wing, trapping the kagunes. Aquarius tried to pull them out but they were stuck, a look of panic crossed her face before Touka unleashed a massive barrage of crystals. Aquarius was too shocked to scream, simply falling as her kagunes faded. Touka looked over to you and Leo, now the only two still standing as she was too tired to continue fighting.

Leo roared and started to fire his own crystals at you as you held out your partial Kagune to block them, Leo used his larger Kagune to strike out at you while the small protected his body. You fell onto your back while running at him, sliding under his attack and bringing your tail from the side to force him to block from one side. As he brought it to your side he left the other exposed, allowing you to deliver a harsh kick towards him as you slide under him. It knocked him off his feet as it connected with his gut while you rolled to your feet, punching him with your remaining arm and snapping his head back before pushing forward with a headbutt.

Leo staggered back and started thrashing his kagunes wildly, almost hitting you as your tail struck the side of his head hard enough to knock him forward into an uppercut which knocked him in the air. You smashed your tail against the ground to send you towards him, grabbing his shirt and pushing him into the ceiling. You both went through into the roof, where your tail wrapped around his larger Kagune, bending it back to slash his own hand off. Twisting around you slammed him against the roof, before jumping up as high as you could and rearing him above your head.

With a roar of fury you threw him down, he went through the roof like it was wet tissue paper. It was a second before you fell too, your foot landing on his face. The dust went up from the force of the blow and when it cleared, Leo was out.

The Scorpio, has won.

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