The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

Por beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... Mais

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Holmes Chapel-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-
-The Reviews-

-Harry and Louis-

47.8K 1.3K 1.6K
Por beautifulnightmare2

Hazza (Like it? if not oh well it's sticking!)

Your letter... it was so long, and yes that is what she said and i loved every bit of it ;)

Yeah, secretly i'm Ian... i like to stalk you because you're so attractive and i want lots of curly haired babies with you. I've named them already. Louis jr. Kevin (after my pigeon) Zorgon, because that's an awesome name. melon, because i'm eating one right now, and i suppose the last girl is your choice of name. ( you have no choice in the matter)

i like the fact you're comfortable by the fact you have a feminine side and embrace it around felines. i find it out standing and morally correct. I'm trying to sound intelligent but looking like an idiot.

i shed a tear with the lightbulb thing, i swear that was so amazing. You're a poet.

and really? you really do like to make me picture you naked (i'm not complaining) I see where you're coming from. It can become slightly restricting after a while...

That's like me, in my cafeteria, Dorothy (The dinner lady) she's always like 'Extra potatoes again dear' and then i'm always like 'No Dorothy, i like-a-zee-carrots' and she goes 'Of course' and she calls me 'Lewis' it drives me nuts. i mean, my name is Louis the 's' is pretty much silent! EVERY DAY. i cringe so much!

I love a cup of yorkshire tea, infact not even a carrot is as good as a good cup of tea.

youtube? i've never thought of that. Maybe i will. Thanks for the suggestion.

Our letters are great, i'm actually loving this bit of coursework for once, and i never do coursework. Or homework.

i'm pro at excuse making. Here are the recent ones i've used;

1. i flushed it down the toilet

2. my pet giraffe, Betty ate it.

3.i had to step in for David Beckham playing football last night because he fell and twisted his pelvis. 

5. i lost it in the supermarket buying carrots

4. a burglar stole it last night along with my barney night light.

6. my llama licked it and it smudged so much and then disintegrated into nothing

7. head quartres rang, i had to go out for a mission and i was out all night so now i can sleep all lesson too!

8. i went swimming buy left my trunks at home, so used my homework as a make-shift pair. it got wet.

9. i fell asleep on it and drooled on it, when i picked it up it was so soggy that it fell apart.

and my favorite,

10. Is that a new wig you have Mrs Evans, only it's slightly wonky

She ran out of the room so i didn't need to give in the non existent homework...

your dimples... i bet they're adorable, i just want to poke them. so smile all the time, i don't know if i'd like a sad you...

the pancakes taste like road kill... you're lucky you don't get them.

pasta sauce and blood, yum! and that Chris bloke sounds like a nasty piece of work, stay away from him and blah blah blah... just be careful :)

red ribbons? do you want to tie mine up with little.... (what's your favorite colour) ribbons?

i would offer to kiss it better, but you know... that's a little bit weird.

your mum sounds awesome, a little like mine, they'd probably get on well!

Did your mum really say up yours though?

No one should straighten your hair, if its curly, it stays like that! 

take outs are always great.

and yes i am in that bush, in fact... i'm still there, come and fine me? :D

see yoy,



when you said the next letter would be shorter, i was actually expecting a letter from you still, even an empty envelope. I hope i haven't done anything wrong and i hope you're ok...

School is sucking, and i've got a detention on monday! i only started dancing in the class, like that was a big deal. Screw the light bulb and pat the dog. except i got all jumbled.

i shouted out 'screw the dog and pat the light bulb'... Mr Trimpet wasn't too impressed. 



Hazza is fine, in fact i like it, i'm so sorry i didn't reply, but i'm sort of in hospital right now and i only woke up this morning. I'll tell you what happened when i get more of the memories of it back, it wasn't pretty.

i'm already better just from seeing the letters, Liam bought them for me. He's a good friend. They made me laugh, thanks. Next letter will be longer i promise.

I'm not going to lie though, i feel like cow poo right now.

Come dance for me and cheer me up please?

And the little girl, she'd be called Darcy :)

Orange is my favorite colour, yours?



I can't believe you're in hospital! i knew something wasn't right. but i've enclosed a picture i finger painted as a get well soon card, i'm really worried Hazza.

And not to mention that all the worst thoughts are running through my head about what happened.

i wish i was there to make you feel better and cheer you up, but i can't be so i suppose this letter will have to do.

you seem to be hurt a lot that's two letters out of three now. please keep me posted on how you are, or i'll have no nails left!

Darcy is a lovely name, we'll call our youngest daughter that :)

Eleanor saw that and had a bit of a go at me, i reminded her that you are a guy, and i am a guy and it was physically impossible to conceive a baby. I don't know what her problem is at the moment but she's been starting a lot of arguments with me. 

my favorite colour is Purple, and hey, guess what. Carrot's are orange.

get well soon,


hey... BooBear

that's right, i know what your mum calls you. (Niall told Liam to tell me)

i like it. it's going to stick.

so far all i remember of that night is going to Zayns, he was having a pool party, no alcohol involved. Well this girl ran up to me and said 

'Chris is insulting Zayn down in the cellar' i looked at her oddly before walking over to the cellar. i could hear voices.

'It's not like he's going to miss it is he? i mean, he is dead after all'

i'll take a break from the story to tell you about Zayn. About four months ago, his dad was run over in a hit and run incident. He was taken into hospital, he died over night. Zayn pretends he's fine, hell he acts like it didn't happen, But i know he's hurting so bad. He just won't let anyone through the wall he's built.

After hearing Chris' words (yes Chris the one who punched me) I ran down the stairs and tackled him to the ground, i got in some nice punches, i split his lip. 

i remember Zayn warning me about broken glass. I think Chris had been drinking wine, Zayn's dad's wine at that. Jack and Dave, Chris' Groupies had Zayn held tightly.

I was suddenly on my back, chris' sneering face in my vision. and the words he said, they were so cold. he always calls me a fag, but the way he said it. It sends a shiver of fear down my spine.

He had a broken bottle held up against my throat.

Jack, i think he saw what  he was doing and started to panic.

'You're going to kill him!' he had said in fear mixed with if anything i'd say humanity.

'If that's what it takes then fine' 

the scene keeps playing through my head, and then... i'm not sure i can write it down. maybe next letter when i've built up enough courage to tell somebody.

got to go, Zayn is trying to get my attention, yes he's in here too. We were both pretty much screwed over.

all the best


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