Long Nights - Percabeth Fluff

By SlippeyNapkin

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The New camp mission was here and Annabeth and Percy had to go and find lost demigods. They both were still t... More



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By SlippeyNapkin

I'm back sorry got stuck on calypsos island~
Annabeth p.o.v

I was studdenly jerked awake, the retired must have run over a stick. I could not move I was so comfortable but only then did I notice. My head was resting in Percy's neck, my body was over his and I was leaning over him.

Blood rushed to my face and I though about last night, the things he said, how his kissed me and how Amazing it felt. Okay yes I have liked Percy for sometime but I couldn't let my feeling get in the way of our missions. Are we dating now?. We kissed that means so much.

I leaned over Percy and planted a small kiss on his cheek. "A-Annabeth." "Morning my Percy" I whispered in his ear. I watched in glee as I saw him look at me, look at how I was sitting on his waist. He flushed and leaned up and kissed my forehead. "Okay Lets stop with With smooches, where are we?" "Well we are here" said Percy. "Yeah Seaweed brain I know a that but where are in particular" I toyed. "I don't know" he Awnsered. "Oh my gods" I lifted a hand to my face.

The Truck had stopped and I could here someone running a hand across the trucks trails, a rattle counting to moments to him finding us. "Hide" I whispered to Percy. I grabbed our rugs and backpack and tossed them over into a dark corner. I slipped on my baseball hat and climbed on the lion.

The doors opened with a long ear piercing screech.A middle aged man came in, he was plumb with brown hair and glasses. He didn't stay for long, he mumbled something about Airing it out and left. I jumped off the lion and peeked my head outside. The coast was clear, I ran up to Percy and pinched him. "Ahh what..... Annabeth" he yelled, "that's right I'm invisible....the cost is clear follow me." I waved my hand and we bolted out of truck, there was a large city spread around us. This must be Denver. I have been here before, Percy and I came here on our first quest. A gas station wa looming over us and the stink of the Mississippi was stinging my nose. We ran into a bathroom and hid. For what felt like ages we were hiding in that bathroom, so boring my ADHD wanted to make me go and run in circles. "Let get out and get food " said Percy.

The truck had left and we were just too weird kids standing alone on a side walk. "Should we get some lunch or brunch, I don't know  what Time it is" I said, I really didn't want to look o to Percy's eyes because if I did.... . We found a small bakery close by. "Do you know what ist says" asked Percy, him and I were both squinting at the sign trying to make it out, Yeah we are dyslexic. "I don't know let's just get food" I shrugged and pushed past Percy, our arms and hands scraped together lightly, I could feel static and a rush of warmth.

"What can I get you" said a small perky girl with a thick accent. "Umm" I mumbled, not many people were in there, some people looking at phones or typing on computers, sipping coffee. "We will have to Cinnamon rolls" chimed in Percy. I fished through the bag and pulled out a twenty, paid, grabbed our food and then found us a table.

"How did you know" I said and glared at Percy. "Know what" he spoke with a bit of Cinnamon roll in his mouth. "Know that I like these" I said, I tried to channel by best I will murder you look but his ocean eyes just made me want to melt. "Well you're just like one so it felt right, you forget I have know you for four years" he said "are you calling me a cinnamon roll" I asked and giggled as Percy blushed and nodded . I was shoveling in the food. Percy was glancing all around and I kept meeting his gaze, Why so awkward.

We finished our food and I had no idea what to do next but that's when I scrap caught my ear. Percy and I rounded on a alley way to our left and to our right was a busy road. More rustling caught our ears, Percy uncapped riptide and I drew my dagger. The scratching was coming from a Trash can. The scraping was aloud and we both readied to fight. Percy used to tip of riptide and flicked the lid open. We both jumped back as I small black rat shot out at us, my reflexes kicked in faster then my mind and I stabbed the rat in mid air and my blade sank into the brick wall with rat pinned on it. "Oh sorry little rat" I said. I held my knife and tugged it out of the wall and I turned to Percy because he was quiet. Percy wasn't there. "Percy" I muttered he wasn't  in the alley. "PERCY" I shouted, I was panicking because he was nowhere. "PER-" I shouted but something hit me sharply across the head and I blacked out.

I came to and looked around, I was in a small cave with large metal door In front of me. My hands were tied with Cable ties and I snapped them easily. I had my backpack and dagger still in my hand and on my back . No Percy. My problem solving kicked in, I ran to the door, it's was old and the lock was rusted and red so I picked it with my dagger. Stealth mode now. I looked and couldn't see the end of the hall way but at the other end was another door. More rusted doors trailed the walls. I was creeping along closing in on the door. All of this felt so familiar and I was flashing back to a time when I was little but the blow from the hit had caused an egg on the back of my head and I couldn't remember what I was trying to remember .

"EAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH" a shrill scream caught my ear. The hairs on my arms prickled up. "That scream" I whispered. But another scream struck threw the air. "EEEHHHHHHAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH AHHHH" it was yell of pain and helplessness , it was coming from the door Ahead. I quickened my pace and peeled my ears for any more- "AHHHH AHHH ANNABETH" my heart stopped and I froze, "Percy" the words floated off my tongue. He was in pain somewhere, "ANNNNAAABETH AHHHHHEEE HELP" the yell rang out "PERCCCYY" I screamed back. Tears were forming on my lashes, the scream was from the door ahead of me. I ran with all my might and shouldered it down. BOOM the door crashed down and I rolled clutching my blade ready to save him.

What met me wasn't the screaming Percy, a massive cave with roof towering up shadowed in darkness. Something shifted in the dark, a massive figure loomed out. Crashing foot falls shook the ground. The light meet its face. A Gargantuan cyclops smiled down at me., it's foul breath stung my nose. I was paralysed with fear and remembered last time I faced one I was seven and just as fearful. "Silly little girl, though I was Percy boy" he laughed and Evilly grinned, "if you aren't Percy where is he"I yelled at it, my knuckles tightened on the knife. "Hahahha silly" it laughed and turned away. It's sluggish hand rose to its mouth. "Percy please SAVE ME HELP ME IM DYING" it shouted but it's voice was mine. I was going to kill it, what had it said to Percy and how dare it mimic me. Adrenaline shook my body. "STOP" I yelled its attention was back on me. "Are you going to fight me" it laughed and pulled out a club. I knew this was to only way.

I dropped my backpack and ran. It drew back its foot to kick me but I jumped and used the kick to send me shooting into the air. I sent my dagger shooting into its shoulder I dragged it all the way down arm, blood Gushed out and blinded me .  The monster groaned and swatted at me. I jumped of it arm and sliced it navel as I fell. I curled and impacted the ground. The club smashed to floor next to me and a cloud of dust rose up into the monsters eye. "Slow down girly" I asked but I didn't feel like slowing.The cyclops was rubbing dust from it eye and I ran at it again, I faked at his arm and spun, my blade the back of its knee and the cyclops buckled and fell, more dust rose up in mushroom cloud. It was lying on it back and trying to rise up but I was faster. I ran to it's neck and held my blade there. "Please don't kill me" it's stopped and made a move to hit me off it's back. "No tell me where Percy is" I command and pressed my blade deeper into its neck rolls. "Annabeth don't hurt me you wouldn't" the cyclops said in Luke voice. I was shocked but knew it would try something like this. "Tell me" I growled. I let it rest and flipped the crying dough baby onto its stomach. "Don't kill me" it's lips moved but Thalia's voice rang out and a sour breath wafted Over me. I pressed my dagger deeper and it grunted. I felt like, crying because it sounded like I was killing all me friends. "Annabeth, wise girl" I was already shaken up but this broke me. Percy's voice spewed out of its cracked lips. "Annabeth we are friends you wouldn't kill me" the cyclops begged, I felt the first tear run down my cheek, why why did it have to be Percy's voice . "Annabeth I love yo-" the cyclops was saying but I couldn't hear it .I dragged plunged deep line into it neck. The cyclops writhed then Dissipated in a cloud of dust. I broke down in tears and clutched my ears, my dagger fell to the ground with a clatter as  I silently screamed. My mind was asking did I just kill Percy. It sounded so real. I stood and stayed strong I have to find Percy.

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