Brittana One Shots [Editing]

By UltimateGleeFan2

10.6K 148 19

Warning: Lots Of Drama More

False Arrest
Elevator Incident
Shooting Pt. 1
Bus Crash
Shooting Pt. 2
Raped Pt. 1


530 9 0
By UltimateGleeFan2

Brittany's POV:
I'm on the way home from the studio when an announcement comes on the radio. "The F3 Hurricane is approaching landfall very quickly and seems likes it will hit landfall soon" The announcer says.

I turn up the volume so I can hear it better. "We believe it will hit land in a few minutes so anyone on the road please get to shelter until the hurricane stops" The announcer says.

I sigh and start to drive again, hoping to get home before the hurricane gets here. I hear loud thunder and see the wind pick up. I start to shake a bit as I continue to drive...

Santana's POV:
I sit at the table in the dinning room, hoping Brittany is ok and safe. I check my phone but see no messages from Britt saying that she's safe.

I go to the living room and sit down and watch the news. I turn when I hear running footsteps to see our twin daughters hurry and run over to me.

"Mama, where's mommy?" Elizabeth asks. "I'm not sure right now honey." I say to them. They sit by me and cuddle into me. I hug them and comfort them while we wait.

Suddenly there is a loud bang on the door, making us jump. I slowly stand and command the kids stay there for their safety. I slowly walk to the door and open it.

I gasp when I see a tree hit the door and is now blocking our way out and outside is flooded. I quickly shut the door so it doesn't flood inside the house.

I put towels at the bottom of the door to make sure it doesn't flood in the house. I go back to the living room and sit with the kids again and watch the news....

-1 day later-
We are struggling to do anything since the downstairs is flooding from the hurricane. I open the door but gasp at the fact that outside is very flooded.

I see a rescue boat passing through so I yell to them. They start coming my way so I yell for the twins. They hurry to me but gasp. I tell them to hurry and pack some clothes and their favorite toy.

I tell them I have to pack quick. I pack my clothes and some of Britt's in case I run into her. I see a photo of Britt and I kissing on our wedding day along with a photo of the day the twins were born.

I grab the photos quick and put them in my suitcase. I go to the twins room and check their bags to make sure they didn't just pack toys. When I make sure their fine I zip them up.

Elizabeth is holding her little pink bunny we got for her when she was born. Our other daughter Emma holds her purple bunny we got her when she was born.

I take a moment to look at how they look again in risk it's the last. Elizabeth has black hair like me but bright blue eyes like Britt her black hair is in little ponytails.

Emma has blonde hair like Britt but chocolate eyes like me and her blonde hair is in ponytails as well. I help them into the boat before getting our suitcases in and getting in myself.

He hurries away as the water grows a little. I gasp when on the road 5 blocks away from our house Britt's car is submerged in the water. "Britt.." I say under my breath.

"Mama?" I hear a little voice say. I look to see Elizabeth's big blue eyes looking at me with confusion and worry like Britt does sometimes. "Yes honey?" I ask her.

"Where's mommy?" She asks me. "I'm not sure honey." I say. Emma whines a little so I look at her. "It's ok Em and Liz" I say and hold them close.

We get to shelter and we hurry inside. A woman brings us to 3 available beds where we put our suitcases. "Excuse me" I ask a worker of the place.

"Yes ma'm?" The woman asks. "Have you seen my wife Brittany she has blonde hair, tall, bright blue eyes?" I ask. "Yes I think I have" She says and brings us to a separate room.

We go in to see medical beds with some sick or injured patients. I see towards the back a familiar girl laying a hospital bed. I go over but we gasp when we see Britt.

She has a tube in her nose to help her breath and some bandages on her arm but doesn't seem hurt otherwise. "Is she ok?" I ask. "Yes she is just sleeping" The woman says and leaves.

"Mommy" Elizabeth says and holds her hand and Emma does the same hand. I grab the opposite hand and hold it with both hands as best as I can.

I feel her squeeze my hand and it makes me look at her. "Britt honey?" I ask. She moves her head before opening her eyes and looking at me.

"San?" She says with confusion and happiness. "We're all here Britt." I say. "Mommy!" Both girls say happily. She looks at them and smiles a little.

"Hey Em, Hey Liz" She says. I help them up and they hug her and she hugs back. I set them down and hug her.

We stay at the shelter until it's safe before we return home and luckily there isn't too much damage so we can easily fix it up and replace the ruined furniture.

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