Herobrine's Assistant, Book...

By dragonraiser

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An everyday girl has her life changed after encountering a popular lore that is feared by all. After getting... More

Chapter One: Herobrine
Chapter Two: Confusion
Chapter Three: Dinner
Chapter Four: Opportunities
Chapter Five: White Eyes
Chapter Six: Powers
Chapter Seven: Lores And Players
Chapter Nine: Diamonds
Chapter Ten: Entity 303
Chapter Eleven: Checkup
Chapter Twelve: The Nether
Chapter Thirteen: Netherbrine

Chapter Eight: Confessions

86 4 3
By dragonraiser

   "Ella there you are! I've been looking all over for you. Where have you been?"
I closed my eyes before James could see them all white. That way I could tell him the news slowly.
   "Hey James. What's up!" I said in a loud tone.
   "Uh, good. Why do you have your eyes closed?" He asked suspiciously.
   "Okay, Don't freak out, but I have something to show, and tell you," I answered.
   "Ella what did you do?" James glared.
   "Just please don't freak out okay? Keep and opened mind about this."
I slowly opened my eyes to show James the change, and then waited for a response. There was a short pause between us.
   "... you got contact lenses?" James guessed.
   "What? No! Don't you see a hint of glow? These aren't fake. Turns out that Herobrine isn't a myth. I've been spending time with him, and he offered me a job. I agreed and then he gave me powers. That's why my eyes are white!" James kept on staring at me. Then he started to chuckle.
   "Okay, very funny Ella. You actually almost had me there for a moment. Now come on the joke's over; let's go get a snack to eat."
James started walking to the nearest farm in the village to grab some potatoes.
   "James I'm not kidding around!" I yelled. "This is serious! I have a job now, and I need you to understand tha-."
   "Ella are you hear?" I was cut off by a voice coming from the hills. It was Herobrine, and just when I thought things couldn't get any more difficult. I turned to look at Herobrine. James looked next after seeing me turn. "I forgot to test one of your powers. Would you mind trying it out for a sec... ond."
James and Herobrine's eyes locked on to each other. Silence filled the air again. To break the tension I pushed James closer to where Herobrine was standing. Then I stood between them to introduce them to each other.
   "Eh, he, he. Um, James I would like you to meet Herobrine. My new boss. Herobrine, this is my cousin james. Great! Now you all know each other." I couldn't stop laughing nervously.
   "Ella who is this?" James asked.
   "Wha- James. I literally just said that his name was Herobrine."
   "No who is he really? You and I both know that Herobrine isn't real," James argued.
   "James despite how good of a liar I am I'm telling the truth! Herobrine is real, and he's standing write in front of you!" I shouted.
   "No he's not real! He's an old made up legend that was made to scare people, and died out long ago."
   "Excuse me?" Herobrine glared.
   "Oh jeez. Herobrine he didn't mean it Okay? Don't get mad." I excused.
   "I'm not mad," He proclaimed. "I just want to hear what he has to say."
Herobrine started walking towards James. James stepped back.
   "Whoa, hey, what's he doing?" James asked.
   "He's offended James, and he wants to know what else you want to say." I explained. "Didn't you hear him?"
   "Players can't understand lores Ella, remember" Herobrine reminded.
   "Oh, right," I answered.
   "Well I uh, um, well uh, Ella?" James tried to muster the courage to talk back, but all he could do was call me.
   "Okay that's it. Both of you break it up," I announced. "James if I showed you the powers that I have would you believe me?"
   "No because they're probably fake, and for all I know this man is some thief or stalker trying to trick you," James assumed.
   "Okay that's it," Herobrine said losing his patience. I tried to push against Herobrine's weight to stop him from getting any closer to James.
   "Herobrine, no. Calm down," I demanded. "Look, Let's just get this over with okay? Should we start by showing him my fireballs?"
   "Fine just hold on," Herobrine answered irritated.
He walked farther away from the village, and began placing cobblestone down.
   "What is he doing?" James asked me.
   "I'm making a cobblestone wall for Ella to fire at. Fireballs can't break cobblestone, or any stone for that matter," Herobrine answered.
   "He said it's for aiming at with the fireballs," I translated.
   "Oh alright, we'll definitely need it," James said sarcastically. I glared at how big of a moron he was.
   "Alright, all set," Herobrine said. "Ella you can start whenever you're ready."
   "Good," I answered.
Facing the wall of cobblestone, I aimed and fired a fireball straight towards it. James was speechless.
   "They seem to be larger than before," Herobrine noted. "Your body seems to be getting used to the powers fast."
We tested my teleportation next. Herobrine asked me to teleport to the hills and back. I teleported close to the hills, so I guess I was getting better. No luck with flying though. I just jumped really high. It was about the height of a tree, so that was cool.
   "Now let's test out that power I forgot," Herobrine said. "That power is lightning. It is very essential for a lore to use lightning. They use it to let go of extra energy, and or use it to warn others of their arrival. I want you to strike that sheep there."
He pointed to a sheep grazing to the right of the cobblestone wall. I aimed my hand at the sheep, which was the same way to fire a fireball, and watched lightning strike the sheep. The sheep died seconds later.
"Okay, glad to see that the lightning power is fully functional," Herobrine said.
I turned to look at james. He seemed to have a worried look on his face. "Well I should head back before it gets dark," Herobrine stated. "I don't want to be wasting my time decapitating zombies. I'll give your your first assignment tomorrow."
   "Sounds good," I answered." I'll see you then."With that done Herobrine teleported away. I walked over to James to see if he was okay. "Hey, you Alright?" I asked.
   "Ya I just... can't believe that all this happened in a week," James answered. "So you have a job now?"
   "Yup. Finally I'll have something to do while your gone again," I replied excitedly.
   "Uh ya. I think I'm going to stay here for a while now," James announced. "Uh hey can I ask why he never smiles, Or show's like any emotion whatsoever?"
   "Oh ya. I've never been able to figure that out myself," I answered scratching my head. "Can we go to bed now? It's been a long day."
   "Oh sure," he agreed. "Um Ella; you can always talk to me if things go south okay?"
   "I can?" I asked.
   "Of course," James replied.
After our conversation we headed back to our houses. I fell asleep as soon as I got on the bed after putting on some pyjamas.

I woke up in the middle of the night. Gasping, sweating and in shock I tried to remember everything from the nightmare that I just had.
Okay, so I was in the village. Uh, everything was on fire. The houses, the trees, the farms, everything. Um, I was standing on the path; fireball in my hand, and standing in front of me was... Herobrine?


Hi everyone. So I made a Announcement Book to give out really big announcements. If anyone is confused, they can ask me about it and I will update to book to put some light on the topic (if it isn't already there). Bye bye!

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