Saved~ Dean x Reader

By fan-of-the-fandoms

414K 11.4K 3.8K


Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty two
Thirty Three
Thirty four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Epilogue pt2


9.9K 298 46
By fan-of-the-fandoms

Y/N's P.O.V

"Y/N I am truly sorry for what happened the last time we met." Cas said and I half smiled at him.
Dean had decided to call the angel, after explaining to me who Claire was and what relationship she had with them all.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologise. You were protecting your friends." He looked confused.

"I do have to apologise, Dean said so." I rolled my eyes and looked at Dean from across the room.

"Of course he did." I shook my head.

"You're worried about something?" He tilted his head slightly and I sighed.

"I've got a horrible gut feeling about going on this hunt. Something's telling me their going to get hurt." Castiel narrowed his eyes.

"I- I have the same feeling. Something doesn't feel right." I had an idea but it was a bad one.

"What if we go without them?" Cas looked at me curiously.
"You're an angel and I'm half demon. According to Sam, neither of us can actually be killed unless stabbed with an angel blade, or in my case, Sam's knife. If we go they can't get hurt."

"They won't like the idea and Dean definitely won't let it happen." Cas said and Dean walked over.

"We think there are 12 in the nest and we plan to head out in about an hour." I looked at Cas.

"Back to the bunker." I grabbed Dean's shoulder and sent us both back to the bunker kitchen.

"What? Y/N what are you doing? I have to help Claire!" Dean yelled and Cas appeared with Sam and Jody.

"What's going on?" Sam asked.

"Something bad is going to happen if you do this hunt." Cas said.

"We can both feel it an it's not worth the risk. We'll go back and save Claire. You three need to stay here." Dean looked pissed whereas Sam looked confused.

"I'm not just going to stay put! Claire is my daughter!" Jody yelled and Cas placed two fingers on her forehead.

"We're doing this to protect you." Cas put his hand on my shoulder and we were back in the motel.

"Dean is going to kill me." I picked up his car keys and we left the room, getting into the car.

"We can both teleport. Why are we driving?" I smiled at the angel.

"Because I want to drive her one or two more times before Dean slaughters me." Cas didn't argue and we began our journey to the nest.
I didn't park too close and we both got out and grabbed a machete each from the trunk.
Cas already had his angel blade, so I grabbed a knife just in case.

"Dean said 12, correct?" Cas asked and I nodded as we walked up to the abandoned hotel. Cliché, I know.
We tried to open the door but it was locked.

"I'm gonna kick it open." I said quietly. It was midday, so they should be asleep.
I kicked the door and luckily it opened, unluckily it made a loud noise.
"Looks so much easier in the movies."
Cas gave me a bitchface and we walked in. A vampire jumped out immediately.

"Y/N!" I beheaded it in one quick movement and we moved forward.

"Gross." I muttered under my breath.
Two more came at us and Castiel beheaded the one that came for him, but the one that came at me knocked me into the wall.

"Duck." I did as the angel said and he beheaded the vamp.

"Thanks." We walked towards the stairs and I pointed towards a doorway. Cas walked towards it whist I went upstairs.
A dark haired vampire ran down towards me and I teleported behind her and took her head off. I walked into a room where five of them were waiting.

"Ooh, someone's in trouble." The door slammed shut behind me and before I could figure out what was going on, one of them pinned me to the door.
The four male vampires behind her laughed and she licked my neck.

"You're not fully human? Are you?" She breathed and bit into my neck. I groaned in pain and pushed myself back into the door.
I managed to get my knife and thrust it up into her throat. She fell back in shock and I swung my machete, beheading the bitch.

"Half demon, actually." I stopped the bleeding in my neck, but couldn't heal it at the moment, too busy taking off their heads. I left the room and went into the next one, seeing cages against the walls.
Both girls and boys, tried to break free and I snapped my fingers breaking the locks.
"Where's Claire?" I asked, not seeing the girl. Dean showed me a picture of her before we sent them back to the bunker.

"Th-there is an-another room." A girl who couldn't have been older than 8 said quietly.
They were all kids and were being treated like livestock.

"Ok, Thanks sweetie." I smiled softly.
"You all need to stay here and I'll come back and get you out." I walked towards the door.

"Are you an angel?" A boy who looked about 11 asked and I almost laughed at the irony.

"Maybe." Lucifer was once an angel, right?
I found the next few rooms empty and I went to the one at the end of the hall. It was locked. I kicked it open and the dirty blonde girl's head shot up.

"Who are you?" She groaned.
Her hands were tied to a chain that was dangling from the ceiling and she was covered in cuts and bites.

"Complicated. Apparently Angel to some, demon to others." I lifted her off of the chains and carried her down the hall. Another vampire jumped out and I raised my hand, almost dropping the young hunter. The vampire flew backwards and crashed into the wall, unconscious.

"Y/N!" Cas yelled.

"I've got Claire and the kids!" Cas appeared next to me and I immediately noticed his bloody appearance. He took Claire from me.

"How many kids are there?" Cas asked and I looked at the door.

"5, Maybe 6? How are we going to get them all back to town?" Cas shook his head and the vamp began to wake up. I grabbed my machete and held it to his throat.
He bared his fangs at me.
"Why kids?"

"They're tastier than adults. They've got so much curiosity and imagination." He smirked and I glared at him and everything seemed to go darker.
"You-you're a demon." He said in shock.

"Correct. And you're a sick bastard." I pushed the blade forward and his head rolled off of his shoulders. Cas took Claire outside and I walked back into the room of kids.

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