Violet Parr x Male Reader

By R350URC3

25K 177 83

Y/n is a young demon hunter who was recently gifted a neon sign of devil may cry. He just moved to metroville... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 5

2.2K 17 1
By R350URC3

??? POV:

Huff Huff

Running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I was chasing this odd looking demon roaming down the streets. It looks like he's avoiding crowded areas, slipping into the crampest of alleyways and over-shadowed areas. I knew I couldn't let it just slip away from my sight so I sped up my running pace.

"There's no point in hiding! I'll find and kill you eventually."

By keeping my sights focused on that demon, I have determined my plan of attack. I used the grappling hook from my prosthetic arm to make my way down safely. Sticking behind by the corner, I kept my distance from the demon as I slowly peeked over. The demon suddenly disappeared but that disturbing aura he gives of is still here. I walked towards the inside of the alleyway to investigate its disappearance.

???: " You should not have come here... Who am I kidding, hehe. Prey doesn't always come to its predator."

Behind me!

Quickly my Prosthetic Arm turned into a Gatling gun ready to make swift work on demon flesh.

???: "Now. Now. Let's not get too hasty. I need to savor up O U R meal.

The demon is carrying a coffin it seems. I tried forming a plan to face this troublesome demon although his words bugged me. Putting my mind to it, he used the word "our". Assuming that he is portraying demons around the vicinity but it doesn't seem anyone is close unless.... He is summoning them himself. That idea perked my movements as I started to rush the demons without any concern about what may happen to me.

???: " Too late..."

A violent aura is seeping out of the coffin as six other souls burst out of it. I backstepped due to the intimidation that was brought unto me.


"Seven Hells huh, you're gonna need more than that to beat me... "

All 7 of them still gathered up, my hand secretly transformed into a grenade launcher. Pulling my arm 90 degrees up, I released a high explosive shell. Blowing anything alive in the 5-meter radius of the blast.


"Stop pretending to be dead and fight me!"

Among the smoke, I can see a reddish glow within it. The intensity of the light is becoming more and more apparent symbolizing It coming closer.


Bursting out of the smoke are two Hell Wraths, running out to completely wipe me out with those two gigantic explosive sack they are carrying on their back. I took out an uzi with my left hand. Aiming to make sure I don't waste a single bullet, I shot twice consuming two of my bullets. Two explosions also occurred, symbolizing two of my bullets hitting right on target. Hell wraths successfully eliminated.

Hell Demons: "It's not going to be that easy."

"We'll see about that! I'll make easy work with you!"

The smoke finally cleared up
revealing the rest of the hell demons in my way although the Hell Gluttony is nowhere to be found. He's probably hiding somewhere close by to summon more Hell Demons.

Hell Demons: "Prey. Prey. Prey."

They all charged at me without any hesitation to kill. My arm took out the Gatling gun as I proceed to shoot afterward. I also used the harpoon as a melee weapon, piercing and sticking to the enemies. Grabbing the Small metal thread connected to the projectile, I swung around enemies stuck on the tip and proceeded to use it as a ball and chain.

???: "Uhhhh!!!"

That Sound!

Those moans coming from behind me shows that the hell sloth is nearby. Sloths for a reason, they teleport with the sound of their moans. It's coming closer the more time has passed in the battle. I retracted my harpoon back to me while I moved my arm swiftly to divert the direction of the harpoon. Missing my arm but hitting the Sloth from behind me.


Who's the pray now..."

The number of demons summoned doesn't seem to be going down which means the Hell Greed is summoning as fast as I kill. I decided to search for him as fast possible while demon count is still low. A thought raced through my mind as I try to find him inside the alleyway. The reason why he was going through alleyways was to scout for a safe place. A place to summon without any interference.

"Hell greed, Hell greed, Where are you..."

I asked myself as I continue to run through the alleyways with hordes of Hell Demons in my way. The demon count is significantly increasing as time passes. My life on the line and my intuition is my last resort, I came to a conclusion that the Hell Greed is not hidden in the alleyways but somewhere higher up.

"Think you can hide from me..."

With the flick of my wrist, I launched the harpoon towards the roof to pull myself up. The roof is quiet, not a lot of things going on compared to the Hell that is currently chasing after me.

"Now where is that little shit."

I ran across several rooftops until I saw a familiar figure. A demon that looks like it's carrying a coffin. It also looks like the source where the souls are coming from. I ran towards the source as fast as possible for me not to deal with more demons that I already had. Right behind me are Hell Lusts slowly catching up to me due to their unbelievable speed. I used my harpoon to pull me forward as I turned back to shoot them with my uzi. I was able to take some down and the others just dodged lead. Hitting them would be hard or so I thought. Letting them get closer is the only valid option I can choose due to their superior evasion from afar.

Lead them to a trap that they would not expect

The more of them got closer, I begin to doubt this plan of mine because of how stupid it actually sounds. As soon as I can feel their presence getting closer, I turned around and used the grenade launcher from my hands. Shooting the ground close to me, I was able to kill almost all Hell Lusts. Some are injured and the same could be said for me. My prosthetic arm took most of the damage, thankfully it can withstand things much much worst. I got back up from the roof floor and continued my pursuit of the Hell Greed.

Soon I am standing on the same roof as the Hell Greed.

Huff Huff

"You gave me quite the goose chase. From the alleyways to the roof, you demons really know how to hide."

I took no second to spare, I raised my uzi towards his head and shot him. This leaves me with a fixed number of demons to kill. I look back on my arm that looks beat up due to the explosion. It seems to be working fine and only suffering a bit of scratch here and there. While I was checking any further damages to my arm, the building started rumbling. To put it simply, something big is making the building shake. I looked in all 4 directions that the building lays flat on. I looked down and saw a ripple below my foot with that I hear an ominous ring of a bell.


The hell vanguard rose up from the nipple while I raised my prosthetic arm to protect myself although the Vanguard's Scythe sliced my Prosthetic arm. The arm fell off and the Hell vanguard laughs at my demise although I had one more trick with my arm. I grabbed my arm and shoved it in the Vanguards mouth, pressing a button. The arm blinked red light and it went faster until...

"BOOM! geheeheehee..."

HV: " Do you really think it will be that easy to take me down."

Behind the smoke, a massive scythe sliced through. This caused the smoke to disperse and disappear around the Hell Vanguard.


The Hell Vanguard looks untouched. Not a single scratch is on him nor it even looked like he took any damage, to begin with.


No way I am going to win this battle without any weapon. My only option is to run and buy myself time to get away. I looked down on the ground as I think of any other option than running away because running away from a battle really ticks me off. As this happens, the Hell Vanguard didn't each second pass by without him doing something. He raised his scythe getting ready to lay judgment on me. A second later, he attempts to slash me in half but due to my quick thinking, I was able to dodge in the nick of time.

"Yeah, I'm running!"

With the Uzi held in my hand, I ran in the opposite direction occasionally taking peaks behind me to shoot at whatever could buy me more time to escape. I decided to jump off the building until Hell Demons decided to block my way. I almost forgot that they were chasing after me before I found the Hell Greed. They already surrounded the building as they slowly climb up to slaughter me. Without any other weapon but an Uzi to protect me.

"Tsk. A single magazine left..."

I back away from the edge with little to no hope to cling on. Looking back, the Hell Vanguard is slowly catching up to me. I sit by the edge watching two major threats kill me.

"Damn... never knew this is how I'll go."

Looking back one more time, I saw the Hell Vanguard Scythes slashes towards my direction. Accepting my fate, I closed my eyes. Until... I heard the Hell Vanguard screaming as the sound of blades piercing through flesh.

???: "You ain't dying yet on my watch!"

A person wearing a violet trench coat was standing over the other edge of the building. He's shown to be aiming a gun towards the Hell Vanguard. His right arm seems to be glowing in the process resembling a spectral-ish presence.

"Who are you?"

???: "Ask later. For now get up and follow me!"

Him screaming at me immediately raised my morale. I got back up and ran towards the unknown person. He seems to be capable to take down such a big demon and the horde that will be arriving soon.

???: "Sit tight and Don't forget to take notes."

He leaves his post and approaches the Hell Vanguard. His gun remains aimed and his focus remains untouched. The demons finally arrived but the stranger moves without worry.

"OI! Watch out!"

As soon as a demon got close to him, his other arm seemed to grab it using what seems to be an enlarged blue transparent hand. He used the grabbed demon as a shield for incoming attacks. Before the letting demon die and disappear, he slammed the remaining life of the demon on the roof's surface to create shockwaves and trip the demons. He seems to not give a damn about anything apart from the Hell Vanguard. He is set to kill that Hell Vanguard before anything else.

???: "Your lackeys are weak so you'll pay the price"

He pulled the trigger and rained bullets on the Hell Vanguard. That's not all, every time he pulled the trigger, he summons four blades around him that assaults the target. In a matter of seconds, he was able to take down the Hell Vanguard with ease. The Hell Vanguard lies on the ground punctured by blades and riddled with bullet holes.

???: "As for the remaining demons..."

The demons are feeling afraid. Some of them ran and jumped of the building but the unknown stranger slaughtered majority. That arm of his is not normal nor even humane.

"You are not human are you?"

I ask myself that thinking that this could be a valuable asset to my company or a threat.

???: "Who knows I'm not even sure myself."

"Regardless, you saved my life, for that I'm grateful."

Y/n POV:

His voice was hoarse; I would assume it was running away from the demons.

???: "Hey kid..."


???: "What's yer name"

"Y/n L/n, yours?"

Gregory: "Gregory Van Fleet."

"Wait, Van Fleet, you mean the successful businessman."

Gregory: "The one and only..."

I reached my hand out as an offer to pull him up. He grabbed onto my hand as if he's a comrade that I've known in the battlefield. As soon as he stood up he pulled up his phone pressed a button. Both of us went down from the rooftop using the stairs. Lo and behold there was a hypercar before me. From what I know these kinds of cars cost you a leg and fortune.

Gregory: "I have a proposal for you. Will ya hear me out?"

"Sure Shoot..."

Gregory:"not here, follow me..."


He gestures towards the car. After that, he hops towards the driver side of the car and goes in. He buckled his seatbelt turns on the screen at the dashboard. A GPS shows up the estimated arrival was 50 minutes.

Gregory: "Buckle up kid. This car is about to go back to the fukin future!"


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