Juliet Noble // Cody Martin

By 0804writer

43.6K 647 163

Juliet is going to school at Seven Seas High School. She's intelligent, pretty, and really shy. Juliet has ne... More

First Day
Looking and Working
Author Notes
Dance and Museum
Harvard or Yale
Garbage and Hannah Montana
Holiday Special (Part 1)
1 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 2)
Holiday Special (Part 3)
4 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 4)
First Day, Again
Chief Martin
Beauty Pageant
when in rome
london (part 1)
london (part 2)

Moseby's Birthday and Meeting the Parents

2.3K 43 4
By 0804writer

Juliet's POV

I woke up and got dressed and did my hair. Today was Mr. Moseby's Birthday.

I grabbed my satchel, which I emptied and went to the kitchen. I put both boxes of the meringues in there and went to the lobby. I went up to Mr. Moseby at his desk.

"Happy Birthday!" I said

"Thank you Juliet."

"I made you something." I pulled the box out.


"Juliet thank you so much. I love it."

"You're welcome, I'll see you later." I said leaving

I walked on the deck and I saw Cody and Zack sitting at a table at who I think were there parents.

"Hi Cody, Hi Zack." I said

"Juliet, these are my parents." Cody said

"Hi Mr. And Miss. Martin." I said

"You're Juliet." Mr. Martin said

"I am, have they told you about me?" I asked

"You're the sweet girl Zack hit with an orange." Miss. Martin said

"I am. Actually I was looking for someone to give these to." I said getting the extra box out

"Would guys like them? They're meringues." I said

"Thank you Juliet." Miss. Martin said

"I see you guys around. I've intruded enough." I said and I left

I ended up at the dance studio. I saw people just doing whatever style on their own. I missed dancing. I would hopefully be dancing soon. I kept walking. I ended up looking out at the ocean. I breathed the fresh air it was nice. After a while my arms hurt. I went back to the deck and sat at the juice bar. I got a mango smoothie. I took out a notebook I left in there and started to write. I was sitting when all of a sudden a car ran into the juice bar right next to me. It scared the living daylights out of me. I made a line across my paper. Great. I didn't write much so I ripped the page out and put in the recycling bin. I looked to see Zack was the one who was driving. wait. Driving, we're on a boat. I saw a red mini car. Where does someone even find that?

"Zack!" I said

"Oh hi Juliet." Zack said

"Yeah, Hi."

"Juliet, are you okay?" Cody asked coming over to me

"I'm fine, are they?" I asked about Zack and Mr. Martin

"Yeah we're fine." Mr. Martin said

I realized my smoothie spilled and made a mess.

"Can you get me a towel?" I asked

"Sure." Cody said and got a towel

"Thanks." I said taking it and cleaning the mess up

"My Havens!" Mr. Moseby said coming over to the disaster

"Zack! Of course it was you." He said angrily at Zack sitting in the drivers seat. This is not a good Birthday.

"I got to take some of the blame for this. The car was my gift to the boys." Mr. Martin said

"For the record that's why I went with socks." Miss. Martin said

"Just what I need. I already had to deal with the famous married couple who was supposed to sing but decided to hop off at the last port." Mr. Moseby said

"What about a divorced couple no ones heard of?" Zack asked

"I'm not singing with her." Mr. Martin said

"I'll rip up the receipt for the things Zack's broke." Mr. Moseby said

Then there parents both start to sing. I got up and started to leave. I got some of the smoothie on my dress. I got back and changed.

I sat down at my desk and went to work. After a while I finally finished. I left my room and went to the deck. It was dark out and a performance was going on. I think it was Cody's parents. I looked like it was going badly. They were both on the floor. I turned around and went back to my room.  It was pretty late so I got changed and went to bed.

~next day~

I got up and got changed. Then I did my hair.

My hair was a mess from yesterday. I grabbed my purse and left. I went out on the deck. I saw Cody and Zack hugging their parents. Then they saw me and stopped.

"Hey Guys." I said

"Hey Juliet." Cody said

"Hi Cody, hi Zack."

"Sorry again about yesterday."

"It's fine just don't actually hit me."


They went to hangout with there parents since it was there last day and I went to the kitchen. I took out a cook book. I didn't know what to make but I was kind of hungry. I decided to make pasta; pasta primavera. I was almost done when I heard.

"I smell food." Woody said as he walked into the kitchen with Zack and Cody.

"Hey...Guys." I said finishing up

"Hey Juliet, whatcha making?" Woody asked

"Pasta Primavera, Do you want some?

"No I shouldn't....but yes." Woody said

"Okay." I said laughing a bit

I took the pan off the stove

Then I made 4 plates. One for each of us. We just talked about whatever. Woody finished his in like 10 minutes. Then Zack and they both left to go play in the arcade. Cody and I finished and started to clean up.

"You can go with Zack and Woody." I said

"It's fine."

We cleaned the dishes and pan up. Afterwards we left and went back to our cabins. I got back in my room and hopped onto my bed. I had a lot of fun at dinner. We talked and laughed and for the first things seemed normal and I didn't worry about what they were thinking about me or any of it. I got changed into pajamas and went to bed. I think tonight was probably the best night yet.

A/N: so so sorry is taken so long to update but I just got back to school and things have been kind of hectic. I hope I'll be able to update sometime next week. Please vote and comments, they really do motivates to update and work on it. Bye thanks for reading.

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