Daniel Seavey // Written Mome...

By ella1walters

4.1K 105 23

Scarlett Jones. 17 years old with a passion for books and reading! Her brother throws a party. Crazy shit hap... More



212 6 2
By ella1walters

Daniels POV

I was partying with the boys outside.
"I need to use the toilet, I'll be back!" I yelled over the music to the boys. They all nod and I walk inside. There was a couple of people in the house either making out or just chilling. I look around for the bathroom and find it.

Once I'm done, I walk out turning the light off and shutting the door slightly. I start walking back outside when I bump into Kaylie. "Oh hey!" I say to her kindly. "Hey Daniel. You haven't seen Scarlett anywhere have you?" She asked. I perk my bottom lip out and shake my head. "Nope. Why?" I reply confused. "Well, I haven't seen her at all for about half an hour! I'm getting worried!" I could here the worry in her voice. She looked around. "Hey guys, seen Scarlett anywhere?" Autumn asked walking over to us. "We were just talking about her? We have no clue!" Kaylie replies.

Suddenly, a high pitch scream coming from upstairs startles us. He give each other worried looks and run upstairs to where the scream came from. Autumn opens the door and my mouth drops.

Liam was beating Scarlett! She had no clothes on besides her underwear and bra. I was fuming! Scarlett looked so terrified. Tears running drown her face. She was a mess. I bolt over to Liam, and tackle him to the ground getting him off Scarlett. I start yelling and cursing at Liam for doing this!

"Scarlett! Oh my god!" Autumn screams in fear. "What the fuck is going on in he-" Bradley's voice came echoing in the room. I stop beating Liam and look at Scarlett. Autumn and Kaylie were holding her. She passed out. I was so angry!

"Your little friend right here was beating YOUR sister! Who knows hat else he's done to her because she was half naked!" I explain angrily to Bradley who was just staring. "You what!" Bradley finally breaks his stare and looks at Liam with steam coming out his ears and face red weigh anger! I god off Liam as Bradley walks slowly towards him. I back away and go over to Scar. I grab a blanket that was on the end of her bed and cover her body.

Her face was pale with flashes of red on her cheeks. Her eyes were a mix of red, purple, and yellow. Her eyelashes were soaking wet from crying. The tear stains on her cheeks were dyed up. But even with all that, she was still breathtaking!

The truth is, I've had a crush on Scarlett since I first layed eyes on her! She always stood out to me! It was another reason for me to be mad at Liam for doing this!

"Dude, I didn't do anything. She forced me!" Liam stutters. "You fucking touched my sister!" Bradley snarled at Liam. "You think I touched that thing! Gross! Your sister tried coming on to me!" Liam replied obviously lying. "Oh. Okay." Bradley replied calmly.

I was confused. What the fuck is Bradley doing? Bradley held his hand out for Liam to help him off the floor. I was about to say something. But Liam grabbed his hand and was about to get up when Bradley punched him straight in the face. Everyone gasped and Liam fell to the ground holding his face. "If I ever see you near my sister again! I kill you!" Bradley says whispering the last part. Liam looks at him in fear. "Now get out of my house!" Bradley adds. Liam doesn't hesitate and rushes out.

Rebecca and Tayla came through the door with the rest of the boys. "Oh my god, what the hell happened?" Corbyn asked. "Move!" Bradley yelled getting to Scarlett. He held her in his arms carefully. "I need to get her to the hospital!" He explains, picking her up bridal style. "I'm coming!" I pronounce. I followed Bradley downstairs as he carried Scarlett. The party was still going on. I turn to the boys who were following us. "Shut the party off and stay here. Wait for us to get back. I'll text you if anything happens." I say to them. Not even letting them reply, I run out to Brad's car and he drives off quickly. I was in the back with Scarlett in my arms. Her face was flustered and her eyes were a still watery from crying. Her lips had cracks. She looked so weak and tired.

A tear slipped from my eye but I quickly wiped it away. I haven't even known this girl for long but- I love her! Damn!
I stroked her hair as her head was tucked in my chest. She was cold but so warm.

Bradley parked the car in the emergency lot. He ran out the car opening the door for me. He helped me get Scar out of the car. I put my right arm under her neck and my left arm under her knees. We ran in the emergency room. "I need help!" Brad yelled. Nurses came rushing out with a bed. "What happened to her?" A nurse asked. "She nearly got- umm- raped and then she just fainted. She hasn't woken up since!" Bradley explained. I could see the sadness in his face. Anger built up inside as her said the 'r' word. "Okay. I'm going to need you boys to say in the waiting room." The nurse said. They ran Scarlett don the long hire hall leaving me and Brad alone just watching her being wheeled away.

"Ugh, I should've killed Liam!" Bradley blurted our aa he paced around the room waiting. "No. I mean yes but no you can't kill him!" I replied. "He nearly raped my sister! I knew something was up. He always used to talk to her weirdly and sexually. Ugh, I could've stopped it!" Bradley started blaming himself, which wasn't good. "It's not your fault! You couldn't have stopped it. This is all Liam's fault. He did this. We just have to be there for Scarlett, okay! She wouldn't want you blaming yourself!" I replied. Brad sighed loudly and sat down next to me. "Thank you for being there before anything else happened. If it wasn't for you, she pilfer been- you know." He said looking down as he said the last part. "No problem man!"

To be continued.

Sorry its bad!?

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