Accidentally In Love (Klance)

By SeireiHime

133 1 0

Everyone knew about altea's prince and his unfortunate curse. Many tried to break it with no such luck, so th... More

A Prince in Waiting
Hunk And Pidge
Onwards To Sendak
To Rescue A Prince

The Deal

19 0 0
By SeireiHime

"Pidge, keep your grubby hands to yourself and refrain from touchy every single thing you see. You don't know the side affects it can have on Olkarians." Hunk spoke impassively.

"Bro, you're overreacting, they're completely harmless."

"Oh yeah? Then explain the the weird rash on your left hand that's oozing weird purple gunk."


She lifted the hand in question, and making an awkward poker face. A silence followed as they waited for reaction, except for the Balmeran, he already knew the outcome. After all, he's been living with her all his life. Out of habit, Hunk's hands subconsciously placed themselves against his ears as a high pitched shriek echoed throughout the forest. Keith flattened his ears, grimacing, as did Slav.

"OHMYGOD, HUNK! IMMA DIE!!!" Pidge screamed, frantically waving her arm around like a lunatic.

"Katie, calm down and let me take a look at it."

"CHRIST—THIS IS THE END." His voice went unheard.

"KATIE!" He yelled, grabbing hold of her and shaking the girl by the shoulders. "Let me see."

"Here look!" She shoved her limb into his face.

He recoiled in disgust before promptly inspecting the hand carefully and gave a knowing laugh, "It's just you allergies acting up PIdge, remember you'll allergic to certain wildlife. Like juniberry, and from my suspicions, it was in fact a wee juniberry bush in bloom."

"You jerk! Why didn't you warn me? You know how I get when I come in contact with them!"

"I tried, but you didn't listen as you were too caught up in the 'essence of nature'." He answered, doing quoting marks with his index and middle finger.

"Whatever! Can you just give me my medicine!"

Keith and Slav just glanced at one another, peering over their shoulder for a brief moment before they continued to indulge in their own little conversation. They were discussing the details of Dabizaal's kingdom and what to expect. Of course, the yupper assured it's completely harmless and a bit bland but that didn't seem to sway the mamoran. He also mentioned they're a bit racist towards the mamorans, obviously they're like that with everyone however, they're were a bit harsh on their cousins. Even though there aren't many of Keith's kind, the pure galrans hated them with passion. Exhibit A: They're disgusting savages and incapable of adapting. Which wasn't true mind you, although everyone knew the real reason why they hated the mamorans. It's because they went against their Lord Zarkon's beliefs and had the audacity to rebel.

At first, everyone lived at peace, mamorans and galrans alike. But then someone decided to speak their minds, and knocked sense into the brain of many; the mamorans and some galra. Funny thing is, his mother met his father, Texas, through war. They were enemies at first, you know, he a mamoran and she a galra. They were constantly picking fights with one another, until suddenly it changed. They were battling it out when his dad was overwhelmed by her beauty and grace. He had said, "It was then that I knew I had fallen in love with your mother."

It was pretty cheesy and cliche, but that was how they met and deep down, Keith always found the story romantic. He refused to give his parents the satisfaction though. So he always played off by scrunching up his nose and saying that's so lame dad. Eventually during the aftermath of the war, they decided to settle down in a secluded area in the forest and had him. Even though, he's half galra, he mostly got his appearance from his father. The ears, eyes, the fangs, everything. On the bright side, he got his face shape and nose from his mom. That's gotta count for something right? Well whatever, point is, everyone is afraid of him and no one ever dares to get close to him because his cousins engraved the mindset that his kind are animals and have no sense of humanity to their slaves; which included almost every-know race in space and so that spread to their family and friends, and boom! Everyone avoids you like the plague and are constantly trying to hunt you.

Simply wonderful isn't it? Keith and Slav continue their discussion, the scientist occasionally asking for the siblings input on the matter. Their answers were like Slav's.Dabizaal wasn't all that threatening, just boring and racist cowards who act macho. They're mostly neutral to visitors, so it's all good. Only one problem, they have Keith, and that'll certainly attract unwanted attention. For now though, they're focusing on getting there and taking the Yupper's routes to arrive there safely. Just going the regular way is harmless but they don't want to hurt Slav'a feelings so. The group contentious on their way, the journey pretty laid back and to their surprise, they don't run into any trouble and before they know it, the group is walking though Dabizaal's forest, unaware of a pair of eyes following their every move.

"Looks like we didn't take that long, we're almost there!" Pidge chirped, clutching to her backpack straps.

"Yeah, we got here in only three days! That's pretty quick." Hunk chimed in, munching on his snack.

"Of course! I planned this route! Normally it takes a week but we cut it in half." Slav proudly puffed out his chest.

"Yeah, enough of the celebrating, let's just get to this Sendak guy so I can have my house back." Keith grumbled, walking a bit faster than the rest.

"What? Are you insane??" A voice cut through the air, the group jumped, startled and huddled together.

The mamoran was the first to react, and unsheathed his knife. "Who's there?!"

A silhouette stepped out into the light and they all gaped dumbly. It was a human!

"Uh sorry about that, the words slipped my mouth before I could stop them. I'm Shiro, and you guys are?" The boy laughed sheepishly, and waved.

The group gaped, Hunk was the first to snap out of his reverie and approached the boy, "Uh hi, I'm Hunk, this is my sister, Pidge, and our friends Keith and Slav."

Pidge waved, Slav bowed, and Keith just grunted as he put his weapon away. Shiro looked at the group curiously, and asked. "So, you're trying to get your property back from Sendak, is that it?"

"Yeah, asshole moved strangers into my peaceful abode and I didn't appreciate that." Keith hissed, arms crossed as he leaned against the tree.

"Well, can I go with you guys? I want to get my revenge if you don't mind."

Pidge, Hunk, and Slav perked up, simultaneously turned to Keith, expectantly.  He sighed, internally groaning. But the more the merrier right? Gives him even a better chance to get his property back.

"Alright fine, whatever, let's go." He said begrudgingly, and continued on his way on the gravel path leading to kingdom's walls. They all cheered, and welcomed Shiro with welcomed arms.


Within Altea's castle walls...

"Hang in there honey, we believe in you." King Alfor murmured, clasping his wife's hand in his.

It had been terrible, his queen had fallen ill only mere weeks ago and it was gradually worsening day by day. The doctor and alchemist's tried everything, from medicine to magic to spells to enchantments. None of it seemed to work though and the kingdom was losing hope. Except for royal family, who refused to give in and call it quits. King Alfor stayed by her side everyday, offering his support.

"Dear, I's a little too late for me." Queen Rosalyn mumbled quietly, giving a weak smile. "How unfortunate...I really wanted to see our son again..."

"Don't talk like that! You'll get better in no time, I know so..please darling.."

"Oh love, I'm so sorry..but you can't keep sugarcoating things..."

Alfor stayed quiet, his gaze averted to the tiled floor of their master bedroom. Princess Allura stood outside the door, frowning as angry tears slipped down her cheeks. It just wasn't fair! Why of all time did her kind and gentle mother have to die? What about Lance? If it weren't the stupid curse, he'd be right here with them, comforting her. If only someone had rescued him sooner! It was the stupid Prince's fault! He's taking way too long! The Altean beauty let out a frustrated groan, and ran to her room passing a concerned Coran.


She ignored him calling out to her, and kept running, liquid pearls never ending, ultimately meeting the floor.  She eventually reach her room and slammed the door open, launching herself on her bed and continuing her crying; sobs echoing within the bedroom walls. It wasn't fair! Life wasn't fair! Why did it have to be her family suffer the most? Why couldn't it be someone else! She clenched a fist, dainty fingers digging into her soft silk blankets. She sat up, hugging her pillow close to her chest.

"Oh little brother, if only you were here and not in that tower..if only you weren't cursed...we'd be together..." She sniffed, burying her face into the pillow.

If only...


Lance sat on his bed, writing in his diary; scribbling away, tongue sticking out. His ears twitched as he heard squeaking and perked up.

"Platt, Chulatt, Plachu, Chuchule, you're here!" He smiled, setting his book down and cupping his hands together as he lowered it to their height and they climbed on.

Lance had made friends with these space mice a few days back, he had been bored out of his mind when he caught movement in the corner of his eye. He had sat up immediately, thinking it was a knight or his prince but he was disappointed it wasn't neither; somewhat though. He eventually made friends with the mice and being in the tower made it a little less lonely. Ever since then they were kind enough to keep him company. He couldn't be more grateful. They listened to his troubles, and doubts. He asked, "You want a bath?"

He received happy chittering as they all jumped up and down in excitement. Lance just lightly laughed, and walked towards the little wooden tub he had to the side. He pulled his sleeves and slowly placed the creatures into the luke warm water and got some shampoo and began to scrub away. First off was Chulatt, the smallest of the mice. He probably was the baby. Then came Plachu, and then Platt and Chuchule. He hummed softly, and paid no attention to the sun going down in the horizon. Once the burning star had completely disappeared and the moon slowly rose, he was engulfed in gold glittering light that seemed like fairy dust and transformed into his other form. The mice just stared in awe, they already knew of this wretched transformation and weren't scared at all. Sure the first time they got spooked, but after learning it was still Lance, they were much more understanding and accepting. Lance sighed, and stared at the purple tine of his skin, his nails were a bit longer than normal. He frowned, ears flattening in disappointment, no matter how many times he changed into this thing, he could never get used to it.

He missed being Altean all together. He wanted to be normal for once, like the others. But no, he had to be cursed right when he was born. Why him? Why his family specifically? Why not someone else? He shook his head, slapping his cheeks. 'No don't think like that Lance. Things happen for a reason.'

On the good note, he was unique and unlike the other kids. At what cost though? The other side of his brain countered. He rolled his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair. There was no time for this petty argument with his mind, it made him seem crazy which he definitely was not; with a shrug of his shoulders, he went to his window, and watched the night sky. The stars winked at Lance from the endless arch of void-black beyond the moon's corona, looking like beacons of hope for all the lost souls in the planet, like himself. He still wished and prayed to be rescued soon though it less frequently, which he believed was major improvement. His ears flickered curiously, wondering when his Prince Charming would get here. It'd probably days or months, something he didn't mind as much. Sure he still was a bit miserable from having to wait all these years but he tried to be more positive. Having a brighter outlook on his situation helped to an extent it's better than nothing though, he'd take it.

Lance also noticed that it'd had been a long while since he heard Blue's roar. The last time he heard something from the beautiful yet deadly creature was about a week ago. He grew concerned but he came to the conclusion no one has made their appearance yet, anyway. Maybe the knights have given up? No that couldn't be it, there would be sighting of the them twice a week, sometimes several. But as of late, the has been none. It doesn't matter, someone was bound to appear. So Lance yawned, and headed off to bed. He slipped under the covers, and nuzzled up to his pillow as the mice curled up to his side.

"Goodnight guys, sleep tight." He mumbled sleepily to which he earned soft squeaks.


Keith and the co. arrived to the castle gate by the late afternoon the next morning, they had camped on the outskirts of the little village near the castle. Needless to say they got tons of curious stares their way but were left alone for most parent. Which he was extremely relieved for. So here they were, right outside the castle's gates and he could've sworn he could hear cheering coming from inside. Luckily the gates were open so they slowly walked through, keeping both an ear and an eye out.

"I don't guys, maybe this was a bad idea after all..." Hunk spoke, his voice shaking a bit; good ol' nervous boy.

"Nah, pull it together bro. Isn't this exciting?" Pidge countered, turning to Shiro, beaming; this caused him to lightly blush much to his dismay.

"We've gotten this far, there's no turning back now." Came Keith's answer as they walked in deeper, noticing several houses a lined perfectly.

A tiny village inside the castle? Strange. He shrugged though, and continued walking, it seemed eerily quite which unsettled the group. However they could spot a tunnel in the distance. As they neared, the cheering got louder and louder. They reached the entranced and proceeded to walk through the cobblestone tunnel. Eventually, after a few dobashes, they neared the end and walked into a..stadium of sorts. Hundreds upon hundreds galran surrounded the area, and the noise died down once they all took notice of their sudden visitors.

"What is that? Ugh, it's hideous!" A tall man with pointed ears, lilac skin color, mauve hair slicked back and an eye-patch on his right spoke. Keith assumed this was Sendak.

"That's not very nice." He turned to Slav then back at Sendak with a smirk, "It's just a yupper."

The group burst out into small giggles all except for Slav who looked absolutely mortified. Sendak looked at him deadpan, not faced by his cheeky remark.

"Indeed. Anyways! New plan, anyone who kills this mamoran scum and his little band of renegade aliens, will be announced champion. Have at him!"

Keith and the others blinked owlishly, backing away. The male looked around, noticing the several hostile glares he was receiving. "Can't we settle this like civilized galras?"

No answers were heard as they neared, the Holt siblings hiding behind Keith, as Slav slipped away behind the giant barrels, and Shiro stood to his right, teeth bared. "No? Alright then."

Keith unsheathed his knife and charged towards the first trio and stabbed them; non-fatally though, as he punched a galran who tried to get near His friends soon picked up on his plan. Hunk and Pidge, target the next group, as the Olkarian sat on her brother's shoulders and summoned her ko-naginata and slammed it against several knights, hitting them all with deadly precision as Hunk handled the stragglers. Shiro on the other hand used his prosthetic arm as his weapon and used similarly to sword, block each swing as he stabbed them all with an intent to kill. This was his revenge apparently. Slav knocked down the barrels which squished others. The crowd was going wild, cheering for the group, and Sendak watching carefully. After several dobashes, every last of the knights were either dead or knocked out cold on the floor.

The crowd grew more excited, yelling, hollering, whistling as they came out victorious. Sendak raised his hand, and everyone went silent. This could go perfectly to his advantage. "Citizens of Dabizaal, I present to you, your champions!"

They looked at Sendak as if he had lost his mind. "What?"

"Congratulations mamoran, you've won the honor of embarking on a great and noble quest."

"Quest? I'm already on a quest to get my house back!" He snarled, pointing his knife now a sword at Sendak.

"Your house?"

"Yeah my house where you dumped all those non-galrans!"

"I see." The tall man hummed. "Alright, how about we make a deal mamoran, go on this quest for me and I'll give you, your property back."

Keith looked skeptical, "Exactly the way it was?"

"Down to every nook and cranny."

"And the squatters?"

"As good as gone."

He turned to the group, and he received nods.

'Here goes nothing.' He asked, "What kinda of quest?"

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