Accidentally In Love (Klance)

By SeireiHime

133 1 0

Everyone knew about altea's prince and his unfortunate curse. Many tried to break it with no such luck, so th... More

A Prince in Waiting
Onwards To Sendak
The Deal
To Rescue A Prince

Hunk And Pidge

25 0 0
By SeireiHime

Keith was ready to blow his brains out, it seemed Slav wouldn't stop talking. For the majority of this troublesome trip, he spent time rambling about multiple realities and their chances of surviving their journey to Dabizaal; like sixty-something percent of dying, and some other random bullshit. But he couldn't really complain because the guy did volunteer to show him the way. Even if this insistent talking drove him up the wall, he had some decency to listen; crazy theories and all. Now he understood why those unwanted guests back at his house gave him pitiful looks. They've been on the road for a day and his patience was running thin. Keith was becoming impatient and it wasn't a good sign because that meant he'd lose his temper easily.

So here the two were heading to the nearby village that inhabited a little group of olkarians that seemed to be shipped from Olkarion to study the wildlife and other techy scientific issues here on Arus. And the yupper as usual spoke about alternate realities and stuff. He mentioned something about how in a far distant world, he was a paladin of Voltron and how he wasn't born galran. Of course this cause him to look at his companion disbelievingly but laughed at the absurdity. Him? A hero? As if! What a load of bullcrap. However the male decided to humor him. They were only a few dobashes away as several of the building's silhouettes slowly came into their view. Keith heaved a relieved sigh, and hastily increased his pace which went unnoticed by Slav. A little sign read welcome and he raised a curious brow, ears twitching.

'Seems harmless enough.'

Though the Olkarians had a reputation of being rather docile and non-hostile, the galran couldn't let his guard down. So luckily, he had brought his mother's dagger that she had given to him. It could transform in a sword whenever the wielder desired it so. He kept on his way, ignoring the talkative yupper and ultimately the two pair of eyes watching the duo in the distance. Keith looked around, keeping an eye at for any sign of a place to eat. He was hungry, and figured his companion was too. Too caught up in his own world, he subconsciously paid no mind to his surroundings, tuning out Slav's voice. Eventually he spotted something close to a pub and headed to it's direction. Good thing before he set off on this little adventure, the guests back home gave him a fair amount of money for him to spend. He entered with caution, yellow hues scavenging the area. Many olkarians were chatting animatedly, laughing and smiling. A sense of longing washed over him, recalling his childhood when his parents took him out to eat. He could easily recall his mother roll her eyes at his Father's childish antics.

He shook his head and continued on his way. He spotted a empty table near one of the building's window, and headed towards it; taking a seat, he scooped up the menu that lay upon the glistening marble tables. Slav taking the seat in front of him, and took a menu of his own. The two silently skimmed over, and Keith knew then what he wanted; a special of altean broth that was renown among his kind and loved by all. The irony of it all was that the broth had been one of his favorites as a child. Reason? Because it something made from his 'future husband's' people and he wanted to get a taste of what he'd make in the nearby future. He inwardly cringed, a magenta hue dusting his cheeks. He pinched the bridge of his nose, he was too innocent as a child. Now thinking back, he groaned. Why on earth did he go to the nearby wildlife and babble about marrying the altean prince? Imagining their wedding and all.

Now he could feel his face flush in embarrassment, frowning at nothing in particular. Too caught up in his mind, he didn't notice their waiter coming up to him and asking for the orders. He snapped out of his daze though, after several tries of Slav calling him out. He gave a rushed awkward apology that earned him a light laugh from the olkarian who assured him it was quite alright. They ordered their respective meals and waited.

The two pair of eyes, a set of curious brown and yellow hues watched them curiously.


"Hey, uh Pidge, I don't think this is such a good idea. Maybe we should just leave them alone." The one with pure yellow hues stammered, looking over at his friend.

"Hunk, he's the first mamoran we've seen in years. He could be the perfect study! Just imagine what we could accomplish with the information." The one called Pidge answered curtly, pushing up her round glasses that gave a little twinkle in the sunlight.

Hunk looked apprehensive, frowning. He was a young balmerman engineer who had the knack for science. He always was tinkering away in his workshop; crafting tool that benefits the olkari and their village. As a small child, his family had been enslaved to some really nasty galrans, his parents refused this life for him so they sent him away and into hiding before it was too late. Hunk watched in horror as his parents were shipped off to dabizaal. He spent most of his years wandering, and stealing scrap he could find to sell and earn the money to buy something to eat. After a while, he ran into the Holts, a family of four. That's where Pidge came into the picture. She was a mere age of six when they stumbled upon an eight year old Hunk. Immediately, her parents, Samuel and Collen adopted the boy much to her brother's, Matt, joy. Matt was Pidge's older brother, who was twelve at the time.

Ever since that fateful day, the two have been pratically glued to the hip; often getting caught up in shenanigans. But as of late, Pidge has been feeling a little adventurous as of late. I mean could you blame her? After years of studying the same wildlife year after year, you get bored. So when she spotted the mamoran, the young female olkarian perked up with interest. She ended up dragging her brother along for the ride. He was shy and anxious by nature, but after spending time with his sister, it toned down. just a itsy bit. Here they were stalking the two strangers in the village.

She wondered what their names were, besides it's not everyday you see a galran and yupper together. She was determined to find out more about the pair then the girl lead on, much to Hunk's dismay. The two watched as the duo finished their meal, and paid. They soon headed towards the exit and she jumped into a nearby bush, dragging her brother into hiding as well. The siblings peeked from their hiding spot, watching them go. They could faintly hear arguing, this only peaked her curiosity. Ever so quietly, she slipped out of the plant life, and followed, ignoring Hunk's pleas.

"Pidge! Pidge!" A quiet groan escaped his lips as he dragged a hand down his face.

Having no other choice but to chase after his troublesome sister, he broke off into a small jog.


"We are not sleeping in that motel, I'm certain there's a sixty-nine percent we might catch some horrible sickness. Look at it, it's so poorly kept." Slav ranted, hands going to his mouth.

Keith resisted the urge to stab the yupper right here and then. They had been searching for a decent place to spend the night but every available motel they stumbled upon, Slav would always come up with some ridiculous reasoning. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose again, and turned to his companion.

"We've been to every single one of these damned places, and none of them are safe enough?" He said through gritted teeth, the male was seething; close to snapping.

Hunk and Pidge who lingered in the background, glanced at one another. A knowing a smirk tugging at her lips. This was just the opportunity she was waiting for. Her brother cried.


Uh-oh, he was getting upset. Hunk rarely used her real name, so she knew that she was in deep trouble but couldn't bring herself to care. She was so, so close.

"Fellas, I think I have what you're looking for." She was moving her mouth before she knew it.

The pair turned to her, startled. Keith reacted first, pulling out his dagger. "What are you on about?"

Hunk let out a girlish shriek and hid behind Pidge.

"Whoa there, we mean you no harm. We were just passing by and couldn't help to overhear your conversation." She continued, raising her arms in surrender.

Keith eyed her warily before lowering his knife, and putting it away in it's holster. He then proceeded to cross his arms, "Yeah, my friend over there, is being really picky."

The way he emphasized on the word friend caught her attention, and begrudgingly Hunk's too. However, this was no time overthink.

"If you'd like, we have plenty of room back where we live, you're just looking to spend the night yes?"

This earned a grunt from the galran, frown in place; still a bit distrusting.

'Wow, he's happy ray of sunshine, ain't he?'  She thought, looking at the teen.

"Anyways you're free to head over to our place."

Slav perked up, clapping his hands turning to his grumpy companion. "Keith, we have a eighty-nine percent chance to get a good night's rest if we head to their place."

Said person raised a brow, so was his companion finally settling to place? Thank god. "Is that so?"

"Yes, I say we take them up to their offer."

"Alright, let's go."

Pidge did a victory dance inside her head, and motioned them to follow. "Just come with me fellas."


'Just another day in this boring ass tower.' Lance huffed, looking around his room.

Still looked the same, nothing has changed. His bookcase was off in the corner, his bed placed up against the wall. A drawer to his left, a few toys loitered around in the opposite corner of his bookshelf. He sat up, running a hand through his hair. The sky was turning a soft pink, the sun's rays becoming less prominent; a few fluffy clouds lazily scatter around. He gazed over at the horizon, becoming closer and closer as he walked towards the window.

Initially, when he first arrived to his new home—as his parents dubbed it—Lance was excited, this meant he was one step closer to getting rid of this dreadful curse. But as time passed, minutes turned into hours which became days, and ultimately converted into years, he was beginning to lose hope. He remembered that day clearly.

"Son, you are to wait here." His father, King Alfor told him

"Why?" a eight year old Prince Lance asked.

"Well to wait for your prince charming of course." His mother, Queen Rosalyn added with a smile.

"Prince Charming?"

"Yes, he's the one who'll rescue you from this tower and break you free from the curse too." His sister, Princess Allura, who was eleven, chirped.

"He will?" He perked up hopefully, jumping excitedly on the sole of his flats.

"Indeed, so be be patient ok? I promise he'll come to you soon enough, Lance." The king said with a smile, placing a hand on his head.

"I will! I can't wait! And then when he rescues me, we'll live happily ever after right?"

"Of course sweetie." The queen giggled, proceeding to cup his face and plant a chaste kiss on his temple. "We'll miss you."

Lance's happy deamnor faded, his smile falling fast. He frowned, lips quivering as newly found tears bubbling at the edge of his eyelids. "I-I'll miss you guys lots and lots!"

His family's faces broke into worried expression and they huddled around him bringing the young prince into a hug. He sobbed, sniffling as mucus slipped past his tiny button nose. Rosalyn was the first to part, as she grabbed a handkerchief from one of her pockets and wiped his nose.

"There, there, Lance." Her british accent evident as his name escaped her lips. "You're a brave boy, you'll pull through, I'm sure of it sweetheart. We'll make sure to send you gifts, and letters ok? We love you son."

Lance weakly nodded, desperately scrubbing away the tears, his frown now burned with determination. "I'll make you proud mama, you too papa and 'lura."

"I know you will, we love you Lance." His mother cooed, as she stood up, and left with her husband and daughter.

The family spared him one last glance before they simultaneously waved goodbye and disappeared through his door.

Lance sighed, playing with his stuffed blue dragon. He took noticed that his fingernails were now a lot longer, and his hand was no longer a rich tan but covered with navy blue fur.


It seemed he had transformed while he was having a flashback. A glimpse of his childhood, the beginning of the end. He peered up at his window, the sun has long since had set, and the sky was now pitch black; stars sprinkled over it, twinkling brightly. Another night has passed, and he was still stuck in his tower. He groaned, glaring up at his ceiling. It was hopeless, no one was coming at this rate. He was destined to stay like this forever, alone and ugly. Soft sniffles were heard, and a hand strayed over to his face. He was crying. Just great, just what he needed. He angrily threw his stuffed animal across the room and weeped; ears flickering gently.

'At this rate, I don't care who rescues me. Just someone...anybody...please save me...'

Unbeknowst to the prince, he prayer would soon be answered. He just had to wait a little longer.

Lance was his hardest to keep his eyes open after good vargas of crying, the roaring in the distance which once terrified him, eased him into a deep slumber; face stained with tears.

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