Sebastian Stan Imagines

By Aidanturnerimagines

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This book is for Sebastian Stan and all of his characters' imagines. Enjoy! More

IMAGINE: Bucky visiting you when you're sick
IMAGINE: Bucky getting jealous
IMAGINE: Bucky taking you to a dance
IMAGINE: Sebastian surprising you
IMAGINE: Sebastian and you having a baby
IMAGINE: Sebastian getting you a puppy
IMAGINE: Bucky taking you to the beach
IMAGINE: Bucky and Harley getting brainwashed and fighting each other
IMAGINE: Chase feeling guilty
IMAGINE: Sebastian getting jealous
IMAGINE: Bucky having a nightmare
IMAGINE: Continuously running into Sebastian
IMAGINE: Bucky and you escaping HYDRA
IMAGINE: Jefferson and you falling in love
IMAGINE: Bucky rescuing you from HYDRA

IMAGINE: Bucky and Steve comforting you

5.1K 81 18
By Aidanturnerimagines

You watch on the news as your two very best friends, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes, take down criminals throughout the city.

     "Again and again, we've seen these two men—these superhuman men—save us countless of times! And we couldn't be more grateful for them!" The reporter exclaims excitedly. You turn the TV off and toss the remote onto the couch. You sigh and rub your temples, trying to relieve the tension there.

     You've been best friends with Steve and Bucky for so long that you can't even remember a time in your life where they weren't there. Being with them is wonderful, but sometimes—more times than you'd like to admit—you become depressed being around them. You've always had a low opinion about yourself, but being around them makes it even worse. Steve and Bucky, of course, don't mean to make you feel this way—it's of your own doing. They're so good—always saving people, doing the right, being superheroes. And you're No powers, no anything. You're nothing special. You just feel like you should be doing more with your life. You feel like you should be making a difference like they are; but you're not. You can't. They're superheroes.

     "And I'm me." You whisper sadly.


You hear Steve and Bucky before you even seen them. They open the door to your house, both of them laughing. "Hey, Y/N!" Bucky exclaims, moving into the kitchen where you're making dinner for the three of you.

     "Hey, Buck." You smile.

     "Thanks for giving us the key, Y/N. Very handy instead of bothering you every time to unlock the front door." Steve says, jingling the house key.

     "Yeah, no problem." You wave away his comment. You hop onto the counter and look at them as they start grabbing plates and bowls out of your cabinet so they can set the table. You can't help but smile. You really do love them. More than you've ever loved any friends in your life. They're like your family.

     "So...I saw you guys on TV today."

     "Again?" Bucky groans.

     "I don't think I'll ever get used to be people saying they saw me on TV." Steve mutters, grabbing utensils from one of the drawers.

     "You're pretty much celebrities. Everyone loves you." You point out.

     "Yeah, but I don't like getting followed around like we're celebrities. We're just trying to do our jobs. Now we've got reporters, fans, and paparazzi just trying to get a glance at us. It's a little..." Steve trails off.

     "Overwhelming?" Bucky fills in.

     "I get that. I really do. But you should be grateful. You're doing what you love. You're saving the day. You're rescuing people. You're making a difference in this world." You insist, looking between them. You look down at the kitchen floor. "Not many people in this lifetime get a chance like that." You add softly.

     "Y/N?" Bucky asks with concern, putting a hand on your shoulder.

     "Y/N, what's wrong?" Steve asks worriedly, setting the utensils down and moving beside you.

     "Nothing." You shake your head, looking up at him.

     "Y/N, I know you and I know when you're lying. And you're lying now." Steve says, staring at you. You swallow and rub your arm.

     Bucky wraps an arm around your shoulders. "You know you can tell us anything." He tells you softly. You look at him and smile. He gently rubs your back, prodding you along.

"I-I just...I don't know. You're both so lucky. All I want in this life is to make a difference. I want to leave a legacy. But I'm just me. I'm not significant. I don't have superpowers. But you have the platform. You're saving people's lives. You're making a difference everywhere you go, no matter what you do. When you pass away, everyone will remember you and what you did for this earth. Your legacies will be remembered forever. You have forever changed this earth and its inhabitants. We will never be the same because of you. And that's what I want my life to be." You choke out.

     "Y/N, you don't have to have superpowers to make a difference. Strength doesn't lie in power. Strength lies in the things we do in our day-to-day lives. Your life is anything but insignificant. While you may think you're not making a difference, you are. In the way you act in your daily life, through your kindness and love to the people around you, you are creating a ripple effect on their life." Steve says, holding your hand.

     "I guess..." You trail off.

     "Y/N, what if one of the times you said hello to someone or opened the door for someone, they were having a really bad day? What if they weren't feeling noticed or loved by anyone until they met you? What if you noticed them and changed their life? What if your simple gesture changed their life? You don't need to be famous to change the world. You don't need to have superpowers to change the world. You don't need to be on TV to leave a legacy. You're already changing the world around you and you don't even know it. You wake up each morning with a heart full of love, courage, and kindness. Each day you give these things to the world, never asking for anything in return. You make it your duty to love everyone you meet and show them kindness even when everyone is telling you not to." Bucky tells you.

     "You're leaving your legacy, Y/N, and you're changing the world—as long as you continue to love people and be kind to them. While we're out stopping the bad guys on the street, you're making up for their slack and showing love and generosity to the world. That sounds very brave to me. Brave and honorable." Steve adds.

You look between Bucky and Steve who are staring at you with such love in their eyes, it makes your eyes fill with tears.

     "Hey, it's okay. Don't cry, Y/N." Steve says softly, gently hugging you.

     Bucky wraps his arms around Steve and you. "It's okay, Y/N. It's okay." Bucky whispers into your ear.

     "I love you both so much, I hope you know that. I'm so grateful and blessed to have you in my life." You tell them in a whisper.

     "We love you too, Y/N. We never want you to feel bad about yourself. We want you to know that you're special and unique and significant. You are so rare that there has never been and never will be anyone quite like you on earth. Think about that, Y/N. Billions and billions of people will live on this earth in all of its entirety and there will never be one like you. Ever. You were born to change the world and leave your legacy. Everyone was born to leave a legacy, but a lot of times, they don't. Either they think they can't because they're not good enough, they're not famous enough, or who knows what else. But it's not true. Each person was made with a purpose. Each person is here for a reason and they need to play their part. They need to fulfill their destinies and make their mark on the world, whether they're a celebrity or someone living so far from civilization that they don't even remember what people look like." Bucky says.

     You laugh softly. "I know that now." You whisper. You hold Steve's and Bucky's hands. "I am making my mark on the world. Even though what I'm doing may seem insignificant in the big picture, it's not. My love and my kind words are leaving their marks on people all around me and creating a ripple effect." You affirm.

     Steve smiles and squeezes your hand. "That's our girl." He murmurs.

     "Thank you both so much. Talking about this helped. It helped a lot. And I really appreciate it." You smile.

     Bucky kisses your head. "Anytime, Y/N." He smiles back.

     Steve hugs you once more.

     You clasps your hands together and hop off the counter. "Now who's hungry?"
[THE END] I hope you liked it!

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