Juliet Noble // Cody Martin

By 0804writer

43.6K 647 163

Juliet is going to school at Seven Seas High School. She's intelligent, pretty, and really shy. Juliet has ne... More

First Day
Looking and Working
Author Notes
Dance and Museum
Moseby's Birthday and Meeting the Parents
Garbage and Hannah Montana
Holiday Special (Part 1)
1 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 2)
Holiday Special (Part 3)
4 thousand views!!
Holiday Special (Part 4)
First Day, Again
Chief Martin
Beauty Pageant
when in rome
london (part 1)
london (part 2)

Harvard or Yale

2.5K 46 7
By 0804writer

Juliet's POV

I woke up and put my glasses on. I got out of bed and washed my face. Then I put a moisturizer on and brushed my hair. I got dressed and did my hair.

I grabbed my purse and went up to the deck. I saw Cody and walked over to him.

"Hey Cody."

"Hey Juliet, do you know who that is?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Harvard is my dream school, how do you know him?"

"My dad went to Harvard."

"Lucky, then why do want to go to Yale?"

"Because my mom went there."

"Wow, no wonder you're so smart."

"Thanks...I guess. I'll be right back."

I went over to him.

"Hi Mr. Cabot."

"Juliet so good to see you again, your father told me about your knee. How does that even happen?"

"It was an accident."

"Still applying to Yale."

"I am and your not going to be able to convince me not to."

Then Zack came over.

"Here is your prune madness...uh oh...I'm tripping. Oh if only someone had a towel." Zack said and Cody ran over

"Oh let me get that sir. That's a handsome cashmere so one should dab not rub." Cody said

"Thank you young man." Mr. Cabot said

"Not a problem Mr. Cabot, it's an honor to be serving a Harvard man."

"How do you know who my father is?" Olivia asked

"I'll handle this Olivia, how do you who I am?" Mr. Cabot asked

"He knows everything there is to know about Harvard, go on Cody tell him how many bricks there are in the Harvard yard." Zack said

"81,204, I went there last summer counted them. Going to Harvard is my life's dream." Cody said

"Harvard could use bright young men like you." Mr. Cabot said

"Thank you sir." Cody said

"And you." Mr. Cabot said to Zack

"I know ugh." Zack finished

"See Juliet your friend here has the right idea." Mr. Cabot said

"He has your idea. Not mine." I said politely

"I should be getting back to work. Good to meet you Mr. Cabot." Cody said leaving

"Nice seeing you again." I said and left.

I went to the empty kitchen. I've been baking a lot since I can't do any physical activity. I was going to make French macarons today. They take all day. I finally finished. I put them 2 small boxes.

I put both of them in my purse. They were peanut butter and jelly. I went to Woody and Cody's Cabin. I knocked on the door. Cody opened the door wearing a suit.

"May I ask why your in a suit?"

"I uh... I'm just trying suits on." He said

"Okay I'm here to drop macarons off for Woody. Is he here?"

"I'm here!" He said coming to the door

I opened my purse and took a box out.

"Here you go Woody. These are peanut butter and jelly macarons. Cody would you like a box?" I handed Woody the box and he opened them and tried them.

"Uh...sure." Cody said I took the other box out and gave it to him

"I didn't know you baked." Cody said

"I do, I usually didn't have time because I was doing something else but since I can't do any physical activity I have time." I said

"These are so good, hey Cody are you going to eat yours?" He asked

"I'll try one then you can have them." Cody said taking one out and handing it to Woody. He tried it .

"That's really good Juliet." Cody said

"Thanks, I better be going back to my cabin."

"Bye Juliet." Cody said and I left.

I went back to my cabin and went to bed.

~next day~

Juliet's POV

I woke up and got dressed. I put my shoes on and did my hair.

I got my purse and went to see Dr. Ryan.

"Juliet, how are you feeling?" De. Ryan asked


"Today we are going to do another x-ray to see how your healing."


I went and got another x-ray. I went back to the room I was in last time. Dr. Ryan came in.

"So in two weeks you'll come back and you'll be able to put minimal pressure on it but for now your still on the crutches."

"Okay, I've gotten used to it."

"See you in two weeks."

"Thanks Dr. Ryan." I said and I went back

I walked on the deck and heard Cody say

"She has to be home by 9:30."

"Who has to be home by 9:30?" I asked then he screamed

"Oh...no one."

"Okay then.... Mr. Cabot Hi again." I said

"Juliet, Cody where's Olivia?" He asked

"Cody didn't know you and Olivia were friends." I said

"She's Cody date." Mr. Cabot said

"Oh...then I should leave you to your date." I said walking away.

I walked to the kitchen. I can't believe Cody is dating Olivia. What am I saying of course he is. Anyway, today I was making meringue cookies. I love piping them and Mr. Moseby's Birthday is coming up too. I piped the ones for Mr. Moseby then I extra so I piped more. I baked them and once they were done cooking I let them cool. Then I packaged them. These are Mr. Moseby's.

These are the extra.

I put the boxes on the counter and went back out to the deck. Then I saw Olivia go in the hot tub in her clothes.

"Olivia!" I yelled

"Hi Juliet, you should come in." Olivia said

"No you should come out. Cody what happened?!" I asked

"Zack took her to some hypnotist show and this happened." Cody said

"I thought you were dating her." I said

"He was." Mr. Cabot said Cody screamed

"What is going on here?" He asked

"I'm not dating the brainy one." Olivia

"That would be me." Cody said

"I'm dating the hot bad boy." Olivia said

"Guilty as charge." Zack said

"Olivia you disobeyed me, why?" Mr. Cabot asked

"Because I felt like it. Daddy please stop telling me what to do and who to date and another thing I don't want to go to Harvard. I want to be a sponge diver." Olivia said falling back into the water

"Your never going to date my daughter again and you, you can forget about Harvard. When I'm done with you, you'll be lucky to get into clown college." Mr. Cabot said

"I don't like clown college." Cody said

Then Cody stuck his face in towels and cried. Zack talked to Mr. Cabot and I went over to Cody.

"Cody, there are other colleges." I said

"What's the one that sounds like the big fish?" Zack asked

"You mean Yale." Cody said

"Yeah, you can go to Yale with me." I said

"He's going to Yale." Zack said

"They have a particle accelerator." I said

"Yeah." Cody said

"Harvard used to have one but it broke." Mr. Cabot said

"That's because no one here knows how to factor negative isosmotic transition." Cody said

"Do you know how to do that?" Mr. Cabot asked

"Yes but I'm going to Yale."

Then we all walked away. I went to my cabin. Once I got there I took off my brace and put ice on it. After a while I couldn't feel my knee so I took the ice off and put my brace back on. I went to bed.

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